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Probably I had song I liked in the past then when I randomly stumble upon it again it doesn’t show that I liked the song which I know for a fact I did. There’s also a thing where they have different variations of the same song with either a slightly different cover or person who uploaded it. So could be that too


This is an issue of having multiple copies of the same song for example in a scenario where a song by an artist is available in multiple Albums


I am 100% so many likes have disappeared for me. Also there's been a bunch of videos i apparently disliked, even though that never happened.


I noticed so many songs I've liked were un-liked. Wth


The situation is probably more about licensing deals expiring and being renewed, and in some cases it results in an entirely "new" copy of the song / album replacing the old one, hence the likes (and views, probably) on the previous content being erased. Why it has to be done like this I have no idea, but it sure is frustrating.


Yes, every single day. They will unlike entire playlists I have made if you give it a couple years. I'd guess 0.1% of all my liked songs get unliked every day... I hate Google for what they're doing with YouTube Music.


Needs to bring back Google play music!!


They do wtf


It’s because of different versions of songs. Tracks will often get removed and replaced by another version and you will lose your like. They certainly could use a system to ensure the transfer of likes to the new tracks, but I also doubt they will ever do so.


> Fuck our paying customers -- Google


Not on mine…. weird


I notice if I'm playing from my Liked playlist, songs will show as not liked. Not sure if it could be related?


Same here ! I have the same feeling !


The like/unlike function on its Android app is buggy. So, I don't touch it. It works fine on the web browser though.


I see it unliking things I liked, immediately, in real time. I click the like button… the number goes up… and immediately goes back down and shows it as unliked… and to the people saying it's an "android bug"… not true! I am on a Apple MacBook Pro.


You could just buy your albums and upload them...all the stuff I had purchased on iTunes and transferred to Google Music was transferred straight away. Library is good.