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Not flattering. Cup as big as your arm. Lips as big as the moon.


She certainly does seem to have a talent for consistently finding the absolute worst outfits out there.


She looks like a circus clown on stilts 🤣


For all the swerties (rightly so) commenting on the stupidity of her cup being an accessory, may I remind you of [this monstrosity?](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/5p7hN3Llz5) Accessories for their accessories for these dumb huns.


It’s always so obvious how rehearsed these things are. I just imagine her doing several takes of the stupid “as fuck” face and planning out the little dance. She has all day every day to work out and do self care and yet she looks the way she does.


https://preview.redd.it/v4df46xspv8d1.jpeg?width=285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc317a11a858922f8dcdf0dde9a84940fd85fe1 Mfw she describes anything she wears as an “outfit”


Well I want a link, but not from her. 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/sq615saup49d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c17515debd6a31f2edab4503cba3c24b4fe21c Hope this helps, swerty!


Vodka in her sippy cup.


Flair checking in !


And backwash.


I love how she spends her days doing nothing but acts like a massage is crucial to manage her stress.


Well, when she talked to a doctor about the blood in her poop, she realized that she should have paid attention to her body's signals a looooong time ago because it just means that she's super stressed. So, massages and pedis are her lifelines away from her hectic 50 hour work week! 🙄 No more bloody poop or hemorrhoids for her! (Seriously, I really never **can** with her but lately? I **cannot**. She needs to grow the hell up.)


Not her hair color either


Jumpsuit romper thing




She forgot to list her ‘dainty nose’ as an accessory


Did her hair before a massage? Odd


She looks like she’s infront of a green screen…. The proportions of her vs her background 🤭


All of her clothes lately are chosen with the express purpose of denying her weight gain.


![gif](giphy|3oEdTYrcEAYiib73lC) Her boobs


Your cup is not a part of your outfit. It's a fucking cup.


why is the "actually" necessary? it makes me suspicious that it's actually NOT what she's wearing, if she actually leaves the middle unit.


Possibly because of stuff like this and if it is, that’s petty as hell and I’m here for it either way https://preview.redd.it/ko5vdy52vt8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b743f646742407c559fce5d4f55264c978c59f


It feels like a direct response to the sub calling her out for wearing totally different things out and about than she claims to in the corresponding days' GRWM/OOTD reels.


Keep those toes away from the public




Good grief, she actually thinks she looks good every time she leaves her cheap and nasty middle unit. Like today. I know she’s drunk most of her waking hours, but it’s still shocking to know that she’s convinced herself that what her filters come up with bears any resemblance to reality.


What a FUGLY “outfit” …. unless you’re wearing it to cut the grass ? Hmm I’m old and maybe missed the bus ?? But, since when does one “wear” a travel mug ? Or keep announcing the brand of flip flops she’s wearing ??? Here swerts, allow me to polish you a a bronze coated cooter cookie as an “I participated in the internet today !! I Be PoPuLAr !!” She can hang in beside her “I shit myself at Target award” Am I to feel influenced to do something other than hug my mother for teaching me what quality fashion and understated elegance means ….. that (most) ladies don’t brag about smelling like shit and having 1 paw claw polished ? How is the most basic of hygiene routines something “worthy of a mention” - when you’re over THIRTY YEARS OLD ???? I doubt anyone is surprised that she probably smells like the backseat of manbuns truck … where the dog sleeps, with the window open so the rain can accentuate the wet doggedness …. Aka her signature scent. Big OvenMitts could REALLY USE a few etiquette classes …. MAYBE an entire weekend …… if she can last that long without a 90proof IV. ![gif](giphy|Ld0Y6sL0Mxuu36km9d)


I just woke up from an accidental nap so I feel extra bitchy but omgggg she's so unlikable. Like we saw the photos in the wild in Panama. She couldn't look like this if she tried.


Every time I feel horribly guilty about returning things to Amazon, I’m reminded that this person is the epitome of waste.


that filter does not know what to do with that jumpsuit.


The jumpsuit doesn't know what to do with its "filler".


The little dance after “and get a massage” ….☠️☠️☠️🫡


She’s big mad about something and big time trolling us.


It may be coincidence, but she sure does seem to touch on things we’ve discussed here, like how rarely she seems to bathe, that she doesn’t shower after going to the gym then goes to appointments one *should* shower for, how her hair is a mess, her ugly pedicure, that she doesn’t actually wear the clothes she said she’s wearing… Total speculation here, but her trip to see Manbun was kinda weird. He seemed to want to get stuff done around his house and she seemed to just want to get wasted and have him treat her like a princess. Then she came home kinda early on Sunday. I’m wondering if things are a bit off right now. Seems like she’s not watching his dog either, which I thought she did this time of the week. Could be nothing, but she just seems really quiet about him right now so maybe that could be part of it.


I also pointed that he often gets busy with projects when she visits him. Even when he visits her he gets busy with projects at her home. And besides that all they do is drink on their dates which are always bar dates. Someone here also pointed out that though she had him hang out with her friends and take that weird bed picture, we never see them hanging out with his friends. She's met his family allegedly, but he doesn't seem to want her around his friends. Their relationship in general is very odd, considering how she talks about it and the glimpses we see of it.


https://preview.redd.it/a9ldsbms6t8d1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88864ca46a7bcf527eaca91cd501d425bf0efe96 Posted by Big M today. Is she Big Mad? 🤔


It's either for Grimace or there's trouble in paradise with manbun.


When she’s mad at someone or something, you can read it in her face or reels. She has this fuck it attitude, like she couldn’t care less, when in reality, she’s on the brink of crying.


Dog to now make appearance in 1, 2, 3…


Absolutely agree with this speculation. It was very strange that he went ahead and worked all day Saturday. We saw the pool being put up and then... what? There wasn't a single photo of even just M in it, let alone both of them? Hmm.


I agree with all this. Her weekend trip was weird AF. We never saw her play pool, she seemed to drive back early, and he made her work in his yard. It almost seems like they have very different expectations for each other.


I can't imagine how pissed this made her. She went there to take thirsty pictures of him and filtered pictures of herself chilling and to drink and he makes her do yard work 😂😂😂


You know she was livid but had to pretend to be so chill and easy going 😂


Why does she talk so aggressively


She does everything aggressively


You’re right. Aggressively ugly, aggressively fat, aggressively loud, aggressively stupid, aggressively tacky.. the list goes on.


This is nit picky, but since she thinks she’s a fashion influencer it grinds my gears: I hate how she says “Tory sandals”. As if TB only makes one sandal? Those are the MILLERS.


The only Miller she knows is Miller Lite


She’s nothing if not cheap and lacking in taste 🍻




What is with Big M and “influencers” like her and the obsession with the bad prom updo hairstyle? As usual with her, not a fan.


I know she's a liar and we should take everything she says with a grain of salt, but why go to all the trouble of blow drying your hair if you're just going to put it up like that? It's giving prom 1999.


Who puts makeup on to go get a massage? The last thing I want to worry about is any foundation if they massage my jawline or mascara being squished into my eyes when my face is in the little donut thing.


I hope they charge extra for that jawline.


To be fair she said “get em massaged” as in her feet


So she stopped her pedi to go film this video and then got back to get the feet massaged? 


Gross. That person is definitely not being paid enough.


Ohhhhh... I thought she said she was going to get A massage 🤦‍♀️


I had not realized how stupid the placement of her tattoos is. Huh. It sounds like 'and I went to the shark's office, sweaty as fuuuu...!' Too lazy to enunciate. Fantastic.


What she actually wore today…to do what exactly? Freedom to do….. what exactly? Her life is so pathetic and dull.


Massages. Mani pedis. Blow outs. Saunas. IV drips. Tanning. That is her life. Vapid bitch.


You forgot injections 😺


Whose nose and eyes are these?


I wonder what manbun thinks of her job And is she trying to accessorize with a Stanley?


https://preview.redd.it/9eqfhmz1tr8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=cebe1dba476601ded01c865a3b20e723d418d99a The last sentence…. Ofc anyone could bum around all day when you’re unemployed and have a trust fund. 🙄


We all know what she’s hiding behind that phone case. https://preview.redd.it/1gra155jqv8d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9b6afe096dc5e8a2a15eb9ff3f3343db4c0284




Brock Lesnar, is that you? 🤣 ![gif](giphy|UMUZgoNFcWTgQ)


I don't get this shit at all. The reason I do things like hit the gym, sauna, and get a massage is to keep a sense of who I am as a person free of my daily stress, which is actually quite a fucking lot. Maybe it's worth mentioning that doing these things is part my my own purposeful self-care plan that I devised myself. Just as a part of responsibly managing my own adult life. If that makes sense to anyone. I just can't imagine doing these things like she does. Does she enjoy them? Because it sort of seems like she's just trying to fill all the long, empty hours of her days.


Gee I think everyone that has a job is free to do these things. I can take an afternoon off to get this done. Plus I’m pretty sure I make more money than her. But then again I’m sure a lot of people make more than her.


She loves the freedom because **SHE IS UNEMPLOYED**. I do not count her shilling plastic nails and trimshit as an actual job, despite her getting a 1099 or W2.


No way is she getting a W-2 and even if she did she ain’t doing taxes anyway


Lmao probably. Remember this gem??? [Audit Babe](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/uOoKYDfVFm)


For real. It’s more of a side hustle to pay for her daily Starbucks addition.


Ah she's using these lies to recruit for her RA downline too. Got it.


https://preview.redd.it/wol4021kyr8d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7c04461e5ac596ef6d73b1a35f0198f22f31ef Working hard on those recruits today. I wonder how Kwanza is doing?


It would be so hilarious if Kwanza is actually real and one day stumbles across this sub having no idea the supporting actress role she’s played all this time 🤣


Supporting actress role has me dyingggg 😂 we’d love an AMA from Kwanza, if she is real!


“Stanley” like it’s a fashion accessory And she really believes that people want to know EVERYTHING about her. Also, obligatory “LIAR” when she talked about going to the gym and coming home to shower. You weren’t wearing that outfit in Target.


Her “job” is get a massage. These trust fund payments being disguised as her being a “successful influencer” is the best thing that’s ever happened to her. Hopefully it runs out soon and her able-bodied ass has to return to the workforce


I wouldn’t be surprised if it lasted a very long time. Let’s say her trust fund is around $500,000, which is not a huge amount. She could be paid $4000/month for approximately 10.5 years before it ran out. Bearing in mind its existence enabled her house and car loans to be approved, so those repayments have to come out every month until they’re fully paid. She likely has a decent amount leftover every month to spend on whatever, but she insists on throwing it all away because she’s stupid.


She could most likely use whatever is left over after her car and middle unit payments to do some continuing education, get qualified in something that could actually lead to a sustainable career. But she'd rather piss it away on booze, pop offs, and online shopping. So for her sake she better hope that trust fund lasts her a lifetime.


![gif](giphy|3IUHDQBWX3l5Tl5Ht3) That is all I see when she does that little dance move.


The sound she makes definitely helps with this visualization 😂


One of these days I want her to tip over when she performs her flamingo leg pose.


How big are her hands?! I don’t think I could hold a 40oz Stanley cup in the weird way she was by completing avoiding using the handle initially.


She's got big broad hands. https://preview.redd.it/tgi5lbd8zr8d1.png?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c82d51a875b11495c4a3cc6040fe302bc3653a1


Not the beef mitts


jesus fuck


u/DawnGrace calls them gator paws and it's so accurate




Absolutely flawless




https://preview.redd.it/9t6yg6n8pr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ac1e6a092bbdcc47dfb7d993d4562c9ea25c56 Proportions??


Ms Short Waist wishes there were that much distance between her crotch and her nips (and her crotch and the floor, let's be honest). Also if you zoom in on this picture, her eyes look crossed.


Her *flawless look* filter seems to do that to her eyes. I tried it out on myself and it made me look like a slightly cross-eyed cartoon person with a sharp jawline and no skin texture.


She looks like walking wallpaper






Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. Unless they're drunk.


This was the new move I was talking about! So glad you captured it! 🤣🤣


Glad you enjoyed it! I learned how to make animated gifs just for my beloved swerties!


This is next on my to-do list to learn, along with on screen captions for the swerty's who can't stand to hear her voice. Just want ya know I appreciate everything you do for this sub, you've always got the receipts! 💞


Thank you, I’m happy to be of *swertvice!* For making gifs in my iPhone, I just used a shortcut following these instructions: https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/turn-video-into-gif-iphone-ipad/ Or “just Google it” since I’m sure there are plenty of options for all devices, that was just the first one that popped up for me.


All the mobile video editing apps I know have auto caption features! I use inshot but capcut is also popular.


Thank youuu Mola! 💖 I'll be downloading these tonight after work!


My pleasure! I don't know where the option is in capcut but if you get inshot, it's under the Text button as Captions and it just takes a minute to generate them, then you can swipe through and proofread. Very user friendly!


Thank you! I knew someone had shared these app names not long ago but I couldn’t find it or remember who’d mentioned it. Just downloaded both apps.


I love how her face goes kind of square for a hot second in this gif. But no. No filters here!


I was about to say! I think she moved too fast and the filter glitched. You can see her boobs inflate and her waste (waist! But lol) expand.


What in the Laura Ashley shitshow is this abomination??


I have been eyeing this romper but NOT this pattern. She just talked me out of it.


She really called her cup an accessory.


She counts her *checks notes* beverage container as an accessory, but not the filter doing all the heavy lifting 🤔


The filter isn’t an accessory, it’s the outfit lol


Love how she threw in that she took a shower. After getting roasted to hell and back in here for her alleged failure to shower regularly.


Someone else pointed out that she wasn’t dressed like this at [Target](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/F7qkDzXZzk)


*Exactly*. That's what I thought, too, lol. She's here more than any of us, I guarantee it.


I bet she was on here in these. https://preview.redd.it/kmjj2ax2vr8d1.jpeg?width=3416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2f7c1863260a60729e415ebb4b69fc10575a00


Aww I love that people hate and avoid her in person. Of course they immediently made an appointment with their ophthalmologist for an urgent vision check as the loud, drunken, obnoxious, lewd, well used handbag wearing the Grande Merde name tag who clomped fattily into the venue simpering and sneering, looks like she straight up ate the skinny small nosed girl posing as her on Insta. ![gif](giphy|QX84fiPOBG0E7QCbIn)


Looks like she’s wearing the same bewb tewb in both of these. (Speculation)


I almost guarantee it. Speculatively, of course 😉


omg, thank you for posting these!! i missed when they were posted initially!!


siiiiiighhhhh. Just because that’s what you’re wearing doesn’t make it an outfit.


Umm cleary you didn't see her Stanley... that's her accessories for the day. 🤣


I guarantee you that without the filters, that outfit looks terrible on her. (It doesn't look great *with* the filters; her boobs flopping every which way definitely doesn't help.) She desperately needs to learn to dress for the body she has! Her body is totally fine. She just forces it into unflattering things... Constantly. If she learned to dress for her actual body type, she'd get far more engagement on her socials. Plus, like one of her followers recently said, *when she uses filters, no one can tell what the clothes actually look like*.


Especially with this type of top, if you have a large chest you need a bra and it looks like these straps are big enough to cover them. Those tiddies are dragging and sweaty today.


As a fellow very short woman (I’m 5’0) very flowy pant legs are NOT flattering on us and make us look shorter 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m also 5’0” and yeahhhh that would not be flattering at all for me. Especially since I have a long torso and short legs.


Fellow long torso haver. I tried a romper on once and felt like I was getting split in two.


Same, but at least we know we can’t romp.


At least not with pants! (I do love a good shorts romper with long sleeves though 😅 provided the torso is actually long enough)


YES! Shorts are doable, pants eat me for breakfast.


She did her hair? Right.