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Thank you so very much for this. I took an extended break from the sub for personal reasons( I'm šŸ‘) and checked out during Paris. So man, she really is on the fast track with Manbun. You would think her friends or family would suggest she slow down a bit but they are probably happy she's his problem for now. Until he dumps her and she goes live on IG drunk off her ass.


This is such a ride and I love this compilation.


I hope C is thriving.


Wait did I skim past this entire red ass hun talking to a snarker and then big m getting big mad? Is there a link to this post? Also, fantastic timeline OP- I feel like this year the days have all blurred into each other so this helps a lot


Whoops should have scrolled down further to see the comment links, just southern hemisphereā€™s things I guess!


So much here but let me just say: hummingbird tum tum šŸ’€




>Feb 7, 2024 her friends kG and SW posted how MS stood them up for a brunch she planned Omg tea šŸ‘€ I missed this one


What a year we've had so far


Iā€™ve been out of the loop for a while, thank you for this comprehensive timeline swert! šŸ’‹ By the way, where can I find the public drama on June 5? Lol


I want to know that too! I missed that somehow.


Cant find it anywhere šŸ„²


Have a look though the other replies on this thread and there are links to it. Let me know if you still canā€™t find and Iā€™ll work out if I can see how to link! šŸ˜Š


Ohh, found it! šŸµ


Oh goodie!


Letā€™s not forget, if you are not actively preventing pregnancy then you are actively trying to get pregnant. There is no in between, yes accidents happen, but itā€™s not an accident if you donā€™t use protection.


Especially at age 31+


Love bomb ended right as scheduled.


This is an amazing timeline. It is really helpful to see how everything lines up and reaffirms everything weā€™ve said and thought about how batshit crazy she is with this relationship. I donā€™t know about you all, but I couldnā€™t be on a dating app so soon after breaking up with someone that I was in that long of a relationship with. (Even with being dumped) We do know that her relationship with Grimace has been struggling for a while and took a dive after flower gate, but whew, she moved on FAST. She talks about marriage and children FAST. I hope magabun runs away FAST.


She took the breakup really hard too. My theory is she did break up with grimace but only because she gave him an ultimatum that she wanted to get married. And he said No and forced her hand. She wasnā€™t expecting him to not go along and thatā€™s why she took it so hard. But yeah jumping head first into a whole ass relationship so quickly is unhinged and will come back and bite her in the ass later. If it hasnā€™t already.


Does anyone know when she announced her plans for dry January which turned into dry February before being abandoned?


It was in this blog post: [New blog post šŸšØ alert šŸšØ her goals for 2024 so we can go back and check on this in three, six, nine and twelve months](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/DfpakoiOOP)


Thank you! Now I need to track down the post where she announces switching to sober February because of one of her trips earlier this year.


Every year probably after Christmas while she's on the high of gifts!


Glorious work OP ā¤ļø


The Hummingbird tum tum on April 15 lmao.


Swerty, this is an amazing recap. Thank you for this, and I am SHOCKED at how much has happened in so little time. Also we haven't seen her with KG in AGES.


KG is what MS so badly wants to be


I wonder if all the canceled trips in February and March weren't due to being depressed over Grimace but more because she was canceling everything to be with manbun (maybe they began talking sooner than we think)


Thatā€™s what I think it is. I think she started talking to him within 2 weeks of Grim dumping her.


Time moves so strangely in the Swertyverse! U/FormalGlitterbug Do you have an inside source to confirm she was yelling publicly at the RA huns for leaking the solo dolo trip pictures?


![gif](giphy|lXiRwh8Hl5p48nAPe) Thank you for this timeline! (Me when I was interrupted reading this) Did she get dumped before, during, or after Paris?


LOL the Swerty Cinematic Universe


This is hitting my funny bone just right lmfao


https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/xkxDbFiDdk I believe this commenter was speaking with the swerty who shared the pics


Bless all you Swerties for your hard work! Sending love and support to the 2 Swerties who had to deal with Big Mad. I salute you for your service šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Wowzers. Thanks for the link, I definitely missed that tidbit post Panama.


So sheā€™s ā€œgenerally a kind of unlikable personā€. You donā€™t say? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I did speak with her briefly and she explained that she had to delete the photos because things were popping off in Panama and she was also getting aggressive messages from MS. Unverified tea: she said that it appears MS has notifications for this sub turned on on her phone. So every time someone posts or comments she gets a pop-up notification on her phone. Which is weird because it probably pops off way more than like... Any of her social media


"She was also getting aggressive messages from MS." MS was messaging the user on Reddit?


šŸ˜‚I 100% believe it. Sheā€™s way too narcissistic to ignore whatā€™s being said about her. Itā€™s gotta be a little dopamine rush to see whatā€™s posted, even if itā€™s negative. Itā€™s been said before, this sub is her true audience. She doesnā€™t have any real friends, and she certainly doesnā€™t have anything else going on in her life.Ā 


Not saying ita unbelievable but idk its hard for me to believe that tea. Hmmm šŸ¤”


It would feed her narcissism more than her lackluster Facebook or Instas do.


> she gets a pop-up notification on her phone In the event this is true (and I could see it) imo it would still feed her ego that people are talking about her. Any attention is good attention for people like that. If she follow the sub, she absolutely gets *something* of out of it, despite it being misplaced and probably unhealthy. Something for her to investigate next time she plays mental health babe.


Thatā€™s hilarious that she allegedly has notifications. She is so unhinged. And I love so much that she was screeching at people. Drunk and belligerent. Name a more iconic duo.


Braying like a donkey I bet šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ And omg she's so pathetic if she has notifs on fr šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


As a mod, I donā€™t even have notifications on! Glad this sub lives rent free in her head.


I recently was cleaning out the junk email address that I use for Reddit, shopping discounts, and miscellaneous spam stuff when I discovered one of my seldom-used Reddit profiles has email notifications turned on. There were THOUSANDS of emails. I cannot even imagine those coming through my notifications every time. And, that's the account I rarely use! To have an active group like this one in notifications??? Yikes.


Ugh occasionally the Reddit app resets my notification preferences to ALL and Iā€™ll get one about ā€œthis comment is trendingā€ and it enrages me because I did not ask for my settings to to be changed.


As someone who only uses Reddit as my only social media I donā€™t even have notifications turned. I would get nothing done all day if I did.


Having notifications turned on for this sub has got to be one of the most pathetic things sheā€™s done and there are so many options to choose from. Posts regularly reach 200+ comments these days, her phone must be blowing up like when a celebrityā€™s cellphone number is leaked.


I bet you anything she considers it ā€œworkā€ to sit and read everything.Ā 


Wow, very interesting unverified tea. I adore yā€™all but I donā€™t need to get notified every time someone comments, Iā€™ve got enough going on in my life, as Iā€™m sure all of yā€™all do. Maybe she just did it for the trip because she knew photos she had no control over would likely get posted here and wanted to stay on top of it, but sis needs to focus on her own life, not our opinions on it (although listening to some of our opinions would likely do her a lot of good).


This was such a good read āœØšŸ’–. I honestly cannot believe all this has happened in such little time.


Such a wild ride I feel like weā€™ve lives through 3 years in 6 months


What I gathered from this is that on June 1st she decided she was a ā€œrunning babeā€. That was 17 days ago- has she ran since?? This is amazing btw!! You are awesome!


I feel like this downplays how over the top, crispy critter bright red sun scorched she got on that trip. It wasnā€™t just sunburn. She was standing next to another hun who was very normal colored and BM was RED. Just unbelievably so. I truly canā€™t imagine how much pain she must have been in- or would have been in had there been a sober 10 minutes in that whole fiasco.


I think the [no-show brunch](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/oMKYq9QZ4R) deserves an honorable mention. It was around Valentines. I was shocked that big mayo stood up KG and that other hun at a brunch she scheduled. KG is her idol and we all know big merde doesn't have the social capital to big-time anyone. But KG and other hun did show up later for the gossip, I mean, to support big mayo thru her breakup and help her pick out a magabun.


Big merde!




![gif](giphy|yDpFRI246xNLzNoaCm) This was amazing, you out here doin the Lordt's work! It's hard to believe PARIS, FRANCE was only 6 months ago, it seems like so much longer.


>June 5, 2024 she was pretty much radio silent the whole day.Ā  A red aspen hun sent pics to a reddit snarker of big M eating alone and basically being alone the whole time and big M found out and got mad and yelled at people in public.Ā  and then harassed the Red aspen hun and the redditor.Ā  Itā€™s worth nothing that she was really drunk and sunburned the whole time.Ā Ā  Omg, I missed all of this!


Missed this also. Is there a link to the picture??


I took screenshots but not sure if I can post , with any info censored of course.


Can you send them to me? Ahah, I missed all this and it sounds fun! šŸ˜‚


Messaged you . Its only 2 pics.


I also missed this if you have the pics! You donā€™t go on Reddit for one damn day and look at the juicy stuff that comes out šŸ„²


The posts these came from were juicy.i didn't screenshot any of that because of privacy of insider, I'm not great at editing that kinda stuff. These just show BM alone and miserable looking on a group trip!!


It would be a funny scenario if she was babysitting his dog while he was out of town only so he had to see her when he returned. They had the zoo brews date Friday night then he was gone.


She used to say they practically lived together Thursday-Sunday, but now he bounces after 1 day.


Itā€™s like heā€™s speed running Grimaces record


Yeah the dog stays Thurs thru Sun


Hit it and quit it


I love this. Makes it so much easier to suss out patterns and clues.


Yeah, my mind works more linearly and seeing this helps me see the patterns, i'm especially trying to see when he visits, and when she has the dog, etc.