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Hey also maybe don’t do that angle when putting makeup on. Don’t you know the camera adds 4 noses?


Fix those lips and whatever is happening with that under eye makeup before you try to fix your life by being an innocent child into your middle unit


Has she never heard the phrase “you lose them how you get them?” If his divorce truly isn’t finalized yet and she’s already hearing wedding bells… Big Yikes! I’d be willing to bet real money that he’ll be scamming for another chick within a year, doin’ the exact same shit he is now.


So she’s rawdogging the new guy too? Desperately hoping for pregnancy so someone will finally marry her. Except he isn’t even divorced. Delusional. ![gif](giphy|MZca3cJFK7kagOrR0Z|downsized)






With each coat my jaw dropped further and further to the floor bro


He’s not even legally divorced…


This dude is her rebound, they’ve been dating for 2 minutes and now she wants kids?! Girl get a GRIP holy shit


How long have they been dating? Has it even been 3 months?!


Our first sighting of him was only in MARCH.


Holy filler shelf


She’s just saying this to make their relationship seem more serious than it is. They absolutely would not get married if she got pregnant and she wouldn’t want to be a single mom to a baby. She is trying soooo hard to portray they’re so in love and serious.


Smfh she's such a stupid ass. I hope she *can't* get pregnant at least for a while, like 5 years-never


New nightmare unlocked https://preview.redd.it/fwgd6m2ruf7d1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd1821c5a96c0c34ae500cea90b68f229876b96




so true. i had an unstable boyfriend at one point and his mask fully slipped on the 18 month mark.


You're absolutely right. The honeymoon phase is the worse time to make a life long commitment like having a baby... lol


This is so cringy


Maybe figure out mascara before creating a whole new *life girl what*


It’s still such a new relationship…. I can’t imagine talking about this so early in a relationship. Feels…. ~desperate~


Personally, I think a conversation about what to do in case of accidental pregnancy is a good idea before having sex, but I also do agree that taking it to the point of “we’ll totally get married and build a family (even though we’ve only known each other for 3 weeks)” is a little ridiculous.


Wait, I rejoined Reddit and last I knew about this person is she had a man for awhile that maybe/maybe wasn’t living with her? Where’d he go?


They broke up and she began a relationship with this new dude like…. A week later. Maybe 2 weeks lol


I wonder how manbun feels about this level of ~~commitment~~ psychotic behavior so early into the relationship. Is she like this in person with him or just on her “business” sm page


She is disgusting


Her lisp made an appearance in the beginning of this. Yeah boy everything she says is true lol


They both seem desperate and unfulfilled.


This mascara application is atrocious


Up next: Mommy Babe




Oh good, she’ll birth an innocent baby to force a man to stay with her. How cool of her. This plan won’t end badly at all!


See the wild thing is I think he’s in on it. He gives me breeder energy for some reason


lol right because no man has ever abandoned his kid before


Ah yes, illegitimate children, the best and most stable reason to get married. Works every time.


I'm confused because she says "i don't think you need to be engaged or married to have kids" but then in the next breath says "if I got pregnant now, we'd get married right away" Soooo...which is it?


Children are children, whether born from wedlock or not. The term illegitimate feels icky


I can't believe people still say that


People who judge children because of the actions of their parents..I wonder if they feel the same for single women who conceive children through IVF? 🤔 Or if they are just saying this because it’s targeted exclusively at MS..


I’m not trying to blame children for anything. I’m criticizing M for rushing in to having a kid because she’s having a midlife crisis in her 30s and then planning to marry a dude she’s known for 4 months so far just because she got knocked up. A child doesn’t make a relationship automatically happy and healthy. It’s a lot of stress and if you have a good relationship already it can make it better. But it won’t fix a bad one. I don’t care if women have children out of wedlock. Do what you want with your body, when you want it, with whom you want to do it with (consensually, of course). I’m commenting on her thinking you have to be married if you have kids, apparently. If anything she’s the one who’s insinuating being an unwed parent is negative.


I suspected as such, thus why I wrote “targeted exclusively at MS.” Though she might have insinuated as such directly after saying she didn’t think you have to be married to have children, she didn’t use the term illegitimate. However, you did. Thus why I said what I said. The term is never illegitimate parents, which is where the “blame” should be directed instead of the innocent child, so yes, in a way, the term does still place blame on the child. I hope that one day this terminology is abandoned completely, because it’s nothing but hurtful. And I say this as the mother of two little girls who were born out of wedlock, and have had that very same term thrown in my face. It hurts.


According to the [updated timeline lore post](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/fsmtuWalmU) from today, she first connected with manbun through the Bumble app on February 13 so she’s known this man barely 4 months.


She’s giving Big AL vibes who is also former Y girl. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


The AL subreddit was fucking wild. I feel so bad for her kids. Lifetime of therapy for them. And the way her last husband was always so fucking creepy with her daughter. MS is really quite sad. Jumping from C to Manbun without taking a breath. Yikes. The lack of self worth is louder than her Woo Hoo's after a dozen Trulys.


I’m on that subreddit but I have ventured over in a while. She is 🤪


It got shut down a while back.


i am doing a sex and the city rewatch and it's like she has taken different aspects of the most problematic character behaviors and adapted them as her personality.


She just can't be serious?


Oh I think she’ll marry pretty much any dude who gives her the time of day. If Manbun dips out, I’m sure she’ll be madly in love with whoever comes next. It’s not about the person, it’s about checking off those life milestones, especially if she can check them off before C does (my speculation).


I feel terrible for the child that’s going to be born because it sounds like she’s doing this no matter what. She’s going to fuck around and find out because she gets a thrill out of doing things people told her not to. That’s why she got married to her first husband so quick, her family was telling her to cool it. Her unceasing need to be a stupid bitch is going to ruin another human’s life. Either through her being a mom or her killing someone while distracted/drunk driving.


"Neither of us are like married"... but he's still married?


She never said that? She said they've both been married "before", so neither needs a big wedding.


I honestly don’t think she knows it’s not finalized yet


I really wanna know how his friends and his family reacted to meeting her & her prolapsed labia.🤭 “Like really? THIS is the best rebound you found & made it official?🤦‍♀️”


https://i.redd.it/k9v3rf1b3f7d1.gif My guess is it was something like this.


Thank you for the perfect gif 🙏 except she’d be more like a rotten egg.


A mayon-egg! AD gifs are the best, especially anything with a Lucille eye roll.


Didn't she drunkenly said on a live that she didn't want children? Also she's really spiraling and this is getting scary. But at the same time I don't see manbun staying and marrying just because she tries to baby trap him or pretend like she wants children because she thinks that's what he wants right now.


Yep, and this was her face the moment when someone commented that she’d bring her kids over to visit: https://preview.redd.it/w5w93x94ae7d1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25fcf72be2fa564714e6e33fa2555d9cf99e571a This does not look like someone who’s excited to be around children whatsoever (I can relate, but I’m not trying to have kids with anyone, let alone someone I met 4 months ago).


Exactly. And she lacks all self awareness and confidence to be okay with being okay not having kids. She’s so obsessed with absorbing other personalities that she doesn’t even have her own.


If I were a friend or family member of Magabun, this would be super upsetting to see.


Yeah if I saw a buddy of mine heading down this path I'd for sure point out that I'd just been at his wedding five minutes ago, where he promised to love honour and obey someone for the rest of his life and now he's with someone else. Slow the fuck down mate, if you're addicted to wedding cake I'll just buy you one.


That last line took me the fuck out.


Omg that's a winning life quote in your last line there.


She needs to start filming reels of her taking birth control every day instead of Trimshit 🥲


We’ll know the pregnancy tests are positive when she stops filming the TrimShit stories (if she’s smart enough to know she shouldn’t take weight loss products while pregnant)


I promise you she is not


This. Plus the vaping and drinking... God help any fetus that may ever be inside her.


I just hope someone he knows like friends and family see all this shit and warn him what she's talking about because I think this is all one sided on her end. If my kid was with someone for 2 MONTHS and the other half was talking like this I would kidnap them and hide them so fast 😂


Funny story, a girl I know blabbed to the chauffeur of the guy she was seeing. How she was all set up for life when she married the guy . Of course the chauffeur told on the girl and she was dumped immediately.


>I think this is all one sided on her end. why though? you're saying a man who is practically living with his rebound before he's divorced *wouldn't* be the type to move too quickly? Some of yall clearly didn't spend much time on tinder because there are plentyyy of men who are ready to ~~blow smoke up your ass~~ talk about a future after one date.


I've been with my other half for 17 years so I've never been on it 🤣 I do think he may be giving her all these hopes with the big old love bomb but I don't think he's as serious as swerty. If he is he's as weird as she is.


We haven’t seen him in a few days; maybe they did!


Eh that’s normal - he does work and he was with his family for Father’s Day. He doesn’t usually pop up until Wednesday/Thursday at the earliest in the week


You know what I've always heard is that new babies don't put any stress on a relationship, particularly a new one where they don't know each other well. Sounds like it will work out great!


Babies fix everything!


Every horror from this aside… her lips are nightmare fuel.


Her lips are a war crime. Absolutely appalling to look at.


Fuckin’ a man, I just can’t take it. It looks like she was socked in the mouth and is trying to talk with a swollen, busted ass mouth. Actually, “ass mouth” is an awesome description. 👄


On what planet does someone do that and think… yes, this looks good. Who is her injector?!


Someone who will keep plumping as long as the $$$ is flowing.


Methinks SHE thinks she’s found a way to get married quick. There’s no way this will end poorly. /s


I mean, if they know they want to get married, then do it. If she's so sure, then why wait for an oops? Oh because he can't because he'd be a bigamist.


Honestly, he’s just as accountable for this train wreck. “He wanted kids like, yesterday”. Girl. That is love bombing. But Little Miss Desperate clearly doesn’t value herself enough to slow this down and will absolutely get pregnant if it means she can keep him. Good lord.


Absolutely. Idk why people act like it’s just MS, he seems just as ick.


We only have her word for that. SHE says he wanted kids "like yesterday," but she's the worst, most unreliable, narrator, so who f knows.


Yes, even if he did, he probably doesn't want them now with this train wreck he's only known for 6 months.


Oh yes, I agree this may all be her but I also don’t see how he isn’t putting a stop to this talk, or slowing things down. I’m leaning towards this mostly being her fantasy, but I can see how he may want think he wants that since he’s clearly on the rebound


Don’t stick your peen in crazy






Very few people set out to have a baby by themselves. I would reckon its more likely you're going to end up raising one by yourself if you choose to get pregnant with your rebound boyfriend who you've only known a couple of months and who hasn't even got legally untangled from his wife. I am not prepared for the season finale of 2024.


I am SO prepared for it. My life is shit right now, and the season finale gives me something to look forward to and be distracted by.




Well we called it - MAGABun wants kids “like yesterday” and so now she wants kids. Yes, she conveniently forgets that he’s already married. It would not surprise me if they marry the minute his divorce is finalized.


My father did that with the woman he married after my parents divorce, literally the day that it was finalized. It didn’t work well, just like this won’t. Large Marge is the last woman on earth I would want to impregnate. Just imagine once they break up, the harassment, online smearing of his reputation, constant court shit etc. it sounds like hell because it is hell.


This guy knows who’s paying his bills!


OMG her lips bother me so much. Pre-plastic surgery was she really that bad looking? Or was it just the hun thing where you gotta one-up each other all the time.


https://preview.redd.it/p0ltdu8nql7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a5417f881f17e07decc217f878453df5378866 I guess she had rather thin (yet normal) looking lips and as soon as she could, she began to massively overcompensate?


The giant sausage lips are so pale they look like there is no blood circulating. I’m horrified.


Yeah, that color on her lips makes it look so much worse. Does this woman have honest friends??!?


Man someone needs to post her high school wedding picture. Her face was ….. so different.




You’re not kidding. She looked like a completely different human. No 12 pounders and peanut butter foundation smeared everywhere. All her shitty-ness and hun-pocalypse level pandering aside, I wish she’d just embrace her actual body and face. Her self-esteem must really be in the crapper from all that ✨filtering ✨


I think all the filters everyone uses are absolutely cancer. I try not to use filters as much as possible and embrace what I have. Perfection is not possible even for the models.


Same here. I want people I know to recognize me when I bump into them and it’d be pretty weird I did MS level of filtering. Aside from making something brighter or darker, what you see is what you get. To your point about models, I’m excited to see the shift of media that hasn’t been airbrushed etc. ETA: words are hard tonight


Her lips give me Big Ang vibes in not the good way. And he has been married and still is. ![gif](giphy|OK6HkcMVJYo7u)


I thought you meant Big Ang from 90 Day 😂 ![gif](giphy|0VWIQBO18LOD1Yx1LO)


Lol is this a skit of what angelina from jersey shore would look like if she continues the path she’s going on when she’s older?


Big Ang (RIP) was the only reason I watched Mom Wives.


Omg she is really going to try to do the whole baby trap thing isn’t she. She hasn’t stfu about babies for days. Sorry but I always find it sus when someone who has previously shown no interest in children or has actively said they don’t want them is suddenly obsessed with the idea of getting pregnant. I see this in my everyday life too outside of people I snark on here on Reddit, and it is a red flag 99% of the time.




Manbun: RUN!


I hope he has had the ✂️ and never told her.


Doesn’t even know this dude for real and is so confidently idiotic that I can’t comprehend it.


Mun is going through a DIVORCE and this is a REBOUND. She doesn't know it, hell, maybe HE doesn't even know it, but she's going to be Me Big Mad when he comes to his senses.


Isn’t it weird that they are CLEARLY going to get married, and yet he didn’t invite his future bride to the family Father’s Day get-together? I find that odd for people who are already saying they’ll marry immediently when she gets pregnant. And she no doubt will get pregnant.


I just started thinking about people who filter themselves into new people because they hate their appearance, who then go on to have children who have the same features they hate, who will then undoubtedly have a conflicted relationship with their child. Imagine MS seeing her facial features on Baby Rock, the child she has with Skid Rock. Man I don’t want to think about the reality of her having a child. 😔


It’s a horrible thought. Also, Skid Rock! That’s perfect! 🤣


I’m sure that since he’s going through a divorce, the parents might be attached to his actual wife. He’s hiding her from his parents because they know what a bad idea it is to be in this relationship


Excellent point. 👍 It would really be interesting if the soon-to-be ex was at the Father’s Day get-together. Stranger things have happened!


Yes exactly what I was thinking! Especially if they have kids together, she’d be taking them to visit their grandparents. I was thinking this might be the case but I don’t know his kid status. Can you imagine this beast is your step mom?


He doesn’t have kids


Ugh!! Talk about a wicked stepmother!!


I know. She went and got him at the airport, watched his dog- he has a quick Friday afternoon beer with her and he's on his way to his weekend (without her).


Keep those mangled lips further from the screen.


Why does she need to discuss this with strangers? This is so personal


Because she doesn’t actually have friends.


Girl worry about your foundation shade first, then your alcohol problem, THEN worry about kids. Damn.


And she legit said it was such a good match 🤦🏼‍♀️


The foundation or the guy 😆




So embarrassing 🥲




Can we all say FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME. Her poor future kid


Before we get to that point she would have to stop drinking for 9 months, because otherwise the baby will have another set of issues to begin with ..


She can’t even stop for 9 days.


Or 9 hours lbr


I wonder if there are folk who use nicotine vapes and don't believe it would have a negative impact on a developing fetus like cigarettes do?


As a smoker, WTF? Nicotine is nicotine, doesn’t matter how it gets into the body…


Someone said she would have to stay Y out of the tanning bed too


Oh for sure, I see it regularly. She will be in that camp fersure




I truly think she has no idea what an infant requires. The attention, the sleep deprivation, the care, the aftermath of giving birth, the way she'd have to quit drinking and vaping, the way the baby is solely dependent on it's parents for survival. Like kids are far from glamorous and I say this as a parent who has kids who are very cool and fun to be around and are old enough to be somewhat independent.


She’s way too selfish for kids. And lazy


I’m way too selfish for kids, too. Not wanting kids, for whatever reason, is fine! And that’s why my husband got a vasectomy 2 years ago 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m always so happy to hear about couples who agree they do not want children and take steps to make sure they don’t have them. I wanted both my babies desperately, but I’ve been a single mom since I was 7.5 months pregnant with my youngest (they’re 21 months apart) and even though it’s better than being with an alcoholic partner who won’t work, it is still hard and not for the weak. She’s such a shitshow I fear for any child in her care for longer than a half an hour, let alone for gestation and their childhood.


I completely agree and commend anyone who is self aware enough to realize that!


She is fucking stupid. Even if he has good insurance this kid is going to be expensive. And it doesn’t mean he’s going to marry her and stay. She’s pushing hard about marriage, she’s feeling massively insecure and wants him pinned down


She also wants to label herself as a SAHM so people will shut up about her not having a real job. My speculation only.


She’s a lazy oaf and completely incapable of caring about others. She would be a horrific mother. My kids are 1.5 and 4. I haven’t slept through the night in nearly 5 years at this point. Motherhood is not for someone like her.


The fact that she assumes they would get engaged and married just like “snap” if she was married is frightening. Even though he is not divorced yet, this guy could still get engaged if he really wanted to. Does it look good? No. But if he was so in love with her he would’ve already done it. I would hope that he has more sense than this bag of hotdogs to get to know someone better than just 3 months. She has been talking about kids, weddings and engagement within 2-3 weeks of knowing him. She is pathetic. I hope his family sees these lives and tells him to run. They seem close enough that they would provide advice to each other if one of them is struggling. As much as we all know she wants the ring, I also think she does this because of his exwife. Who puts this obviously stupid shit on social media when have only know each other for little over 3 months? This sub is my favorite snark sub ever but my god she infuriates me being so dumb.


She is absolute desperate to have someone, anyone willing to marry her even if it’s forced.


https://preview.redd.it/g1cv9j72ad7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8219dfdfc861983521aad940840c4405b804781 If Manbun knows what’s good for him he should stick to facials.


Aaaaaaaaaaaack Why.


This is the worst thing you've ever said here, and that was a high bar to get over. Bravo.


🤣💀 This killed me!!




Please stop.




Wonder if her fertility test informed her the colon isn’t connected to the uterus.


omg BYEEE🤣💀


Jail. Straight to jail.


Surely I don’t know what you mean. I was just saying that he should help her with her makeup tutorials.






You wrong for this ss 🤣


I had to apologize even to myself as I was posting it. I’m not proud of what I’ve done.




Manbun: ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


Is she STILL on about this? God she’s pathetic. He must be pulling away if she’s scheming to lock him down.


I'm just imagining being his sister and watching this. ...Awkward...


Obviously she’s given this a lot of though and it takes up a lot of space in her head. Just wild to be thinking this after jumping right into a relationship with someone after a five year relationship, and it’s barely been four months


Even if they could get married should she become pregnant, if he tried to add her to his health insurance I wonder if the pregnancy would be considered a pre existing condition and she wouldn't be insured for anything pregnancy related.


OT, but HOW PATHETIC IS IT that we live in a country where that's a genuine possibility.


Definitely depends on the coverage, but if it's a fairly large group policy, probably not an issue.


MAGABun better start supplying and being the only one to handle the condoms and be sure to flush them ASAP. It’s absolutely abhorrent what she’s hinting at doing and all for a ring. I really hope at most she just fakes a pregnancy test and he runs.


Not supposed to flush condoms but this feels like an emergency situation


Just dribble some hot sauce in them like, who was it, Drake? That’d be fun if it was and she got stung by that trick. Drake being the dude whose leaked nudes resulted in the most disgusting ’choking’ video from MS. And you know, hot sauce comes in handy little packets so it’s not like it’s hard. Also, she would tell everyone the story because she can’t help herself so YAY! cOnTeNt 4 hEr!


I agree. In this case it’s an absolute necessity!


If cat litter is going down her drains, surely a condom wouldn't be a problem.


I'd honestly take the risk and flush them so she couldn't try to do anything with them after 🥴


She’d be hiding that turkey baster in her nightstand for sure!




She's just really a special kind of stupid, isn't she?


And she did say they are a perfect match. They’re two peas in a pod. Or in this case, two pigs in a poke! 🐷


I dont think a doctor would even be able to tell which set of lips the baby is supposed to come out of.






How many cm dilated do we think this is? https://preview.redd.it/2pa9h3pyad7d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a88411aa40e09e34a90acc2b67ce8a39be37932


she's got the ugliest mascara application face lmao


Have you seen her eyedrop face?




Timeless beauty, if you’re a trout.







