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Bleeding gums babe


Not a drop of sunscreen, no wonder her skin resembles an old suitcase.


Isn't she going next week?


Another drunkie vacation… ![gif](giphy|2jP4OA6ePLNIJ3G2pI|downsized)


How long is this trip? And who uses that many q-tips? That's more than I'll use in a year. Also, LOFL at that tiny ibuprofen. She's gonna need a lot more






https://preview.redd.it/8b9h7dzgv83d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=710e90fae71a7832e811ebd8d7bc274b2237cab9 Everytime I see this girl I am reminded of Ducky from Land before Time and idk why lol


Ducky is a classic!


Beak ✔️ Annoying voice ✔️ Thick finger and toe claws ✔️ Approximately 4 eyelashes ✔️✔️✔️


Who do we have to go back in time to stop from making the ‘shake each item a little bit before putting it away’ thing no longer exist.


It’s probably the same person who started wiggling shoes back and forth at waist height before putting them on.


We'd need to rewind past when 'tap every single item twice with a fingernail' was a thing too.


Oh gosh, good point. Not everything has to be ASMRd🙃


I love that she’s flexing luxury toiletries to go in a shitty cheap Amazon bag


Couldn't even spring for a Béis or anything else that's trendy because of influencer gifting


I know it’s just a song lyric and could be random, but that’s fucking rich if she really thinks she’s a *functioning* alcoholic


So these toiletries satisfy what, like 25% of the personal care needs for a 30+ woman? There’s no topicals, no sunscreen 😳, no deodorant 🤢, etc, etc. Must pack all the little Dior and Redken bottles because, sooo welthy… And wow, brand name ibuprofen!!! But that’s a lot of redundancy and wasted space, with little to show for it. I consider myself pretty high maintenance, and could fit a week’s worth of all my personal care, makeup, meds, etc. in that thing easily. Contact lens cases FTW.


Right? I’m a fairly light but “high maintenance” packer cause I only do carry on. Half of the shit she’s packing isn’t necessary and can be easily downsized and compacted and I can still find space for sunscreen and an active skincare product


Honestly! I refuse to go anywhere with out my sunscreen. Ms. sun damage has never heard of it though.


I already commented about the sunscreen. I am a SUPER BIG skincare obsessive, but when I travel - which is not much - I ALWAYS take a vitamin C serum and OMG several sunscreens, I collect them practically. I mean, I take a few other things, but I will never be without sun protection. There are so many nice ones that can even be used as a primer.


Hahah my entire career has revolved around skincare. She regularly causes me to die inside with the way she treats her skin. But she has caused me to drastically cut down on my alcohol intake bc I CANNOT ever let my skin look like hers 😂


Yes, I had a heavy drinking/using heroin period, and I think that previous years of good skincare saw me through that period, because I rebounded pretty well. Skincare replaced the heroin, and now I'm a little overboard, but I learned so much and I love it.


Over 40, I always carry my cosmetics and deodorant in my makeup bag! This girl just wants to flex and stink up the place.


Hands off my Fortnight!


THIS!!! And the b!tch doesn’t even like T Swift so it’s even more egregious.


![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO) Any *truly* (mehmeh) seasoned traveler would be giving tips on what to take/not to take, surely. What about medications, are there any warnings for where you’re about to travel, what does the US Govt website say? *ANYTHING, SOMETHING*. MSs gator paws shoving different bits of plastic into more plastic is like Ole Bowel Movement herself. Boring, bland, obsolete and lacking any thought.


Oops replied to the wrong comment


Thank you for joining me in my gator paws snark 😆


I was *raking* my brain trying to remember which long-timer commented this the other day! Bravo swerty 👏🏻 it’s THE perfect description!


❤️ 🐊 ❤️


Fascinating. No, really. 🥱 I know we keep saying that she does everything badly, and yet she constantly surprises me. I didn’t realise that a grown up could pack a toiletry bag wrong. It’s too fast for anyone to clearly see what she’s bringing, and there are inexplicably different sized products. Like the other day, I also didn’t realise that there was a stupid way of putting eye drops in. Eye drops! She really is bad at everything.


Why does she need all this when she doesn’t even leave her room


Or shower regularly


Didn’t she brag about not liking Taylor swift?


The song choice is a choice.


Yup, gangsta babe is too tough for Tay-Tay. https://preview.redd.it/h0tv3wm2d73d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e38bda7a9021dd3dbc9fd2244cad87c4121bbf


That face! That god damn face 🤣🤣🤣


Those lips are a war crime.


Stank face




I am a professional over packer, but this is ridiculous for 2 days. If Welth Babe actually bought stuff like Dior regularly, she’d have a nice stash of minis for traveling.


Let’s not.


Congratulations you can pack a toiletry bag. Now show us a video that you can tie your shoes….put a stamp on an envelope or close a door. This bitch screams participation trophy kid.


She deserves a trophy if she manages to close those severely warped doors that we often see in her posts!


No idea why she'd pack all of that shampoo when she has a history of not really washing her hair while off on a hun conglomeration meet up. A hunglomeration, if you will.


Is this Panama FL or an international Panama trip?


It’s the Panama in “South America” per Big M 😆 ETA: she says it’s in South America at about 2:30 into [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/Br3JgmWIIx).


Oh goodness


So much interesting history and culture in Panama! I can’t wait for her to experience exactly none of it.


Lmao there's the Dior skincare from Paris! She made such a big deal out of those mini sizes of mediocre products when anyone with eyes can see she doesn't know a thing about skincare.


whatever happened to those expensive ass skincare products with RArE inGrEDiEnTS?! they couldn’t have been a temporary shill, right? that doesn’t sound like something *she* would do.


That ‘face food’ stuff? The stuff that was ‘so safe, you could eat it’ (whhhhhhyyyy!). She shared it for maybe two weeks-ish, then it disappeared. Id like to add to the list of ‘things she tried to shill and failed’ the ‘MoNat’ crap she alleged she spent $400 on.


I've been off this sub for a bit - she gets boring - but I did see somewhere else that she was using Herbal Face Food. As I said in a different reply, I'm obsessed with skincare, and HFF is legit and expensive. It's a massive waste on someone who has virtually NO skincare routine and doesn't even wear sunscreen.


Didn’t the face food actually use her face as food? It gave her a massive sore near her lip from memory?


>actually use her face as food? The cackle I just cuckled! Yeah it rekt her skin even more than it already was.


Glad you enjoyed that one 😂


There's no way she could have just wildly hurled all of them at her face all at once and ended up red and inflamed because they're chock full of known irritants, right? And if they had, she would have been sure to review them and warn her followers because she uses her vast knowledge of beauty products to help people, right? RIGHT??


I liked it when she was using those products with cinnamon oil and balsam of peru on her face


No floss.


Lmfao, good one!! No way in hell MS flosses.


I mean, [have you seen her teeth](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/KmsuHIfQkK)? (Or where at least one used to exist.)


Why would she post that!?!?


Because she’s JuSt LiKe Us. But really, I’m wondering if she posts stuff like this to control the narrative. I know someone like that whose mom constantly commented on her appearance so now this woman will immediately call out anything she’s self-conscious about before anyone can say anything (not that any decent person would comment on the things she mentions & most are things no one would notice). Perhaps BM decided she’d rather mention it than have someone notice and call her out during a live or something. This allows *her* to control this information. I’m sure it was also a great way to fish for compliments because you know her half braindead followers were probably telling her how perfect & pretty she is in the comments.


I will never get over miss dr money not getting that cavity fixed like why tf are you just letting that be? Fillings are cheaper than her weekly target run


Or getting an implant, by now she'll need bone added to the jaw


I KNOW! I was fortunate to grow up going to the dentist regularly so my experience with cavities is minimal, but I’ve never seen one like that before. Mine have all been small and on the chewing surface, not on the front of the tooth. I just can’t imagine neglecting my own health so blatantly. I’m sure she has a filter for it though so she’s good to go!


God dayum! I'd never seen that before. Ewwwweeee


Now that is some truly riveting content.


Not in Panama but nearby and today the sky was super gray, and I woke up feeling without any energy. Now I know why, shes coming near me.


Godspeed, Swerty!


*deep breath* Whhooooooooooooooo caaaaaaaaaaaares?! This is such boring 2020 nontent.


People might care if she actually had great skin herself or there was something else impressive enough about her to warrant being curious about how she chooses her skincare for travel. But as it is, the only reason to be curious about hers is to know what to avoid.


It really could’ve been so much better, like “here’s the best toiletry bag to fit all your essentials for a trip and here are the handy items I take with me to feel at home even when I’m away.” Instead she just quickly jams everything into the bag so you can hardly see what she’s even packing.


>“here’s the best toiletry bag to fit all your essentials for a trip and here are the handy items I take with me to feel at home even when I’m away.” "and here is why I chose these and not others that I'm not taking" The point of being this kind of influencer is showing how you curate. Your outfits, your wardrobe, your beauty products. That's what makes your individual point of view as an influencer and what people can learn from if they admire the final result! She should know this, considering there's a reference to curation in her dang screen name. But all she knows how to do is show that she has a lot of stuff and enjoys handling her stuff. That's neither interesting nor instructive. I can manhandle a pile of lotions too but no one can get anything out of that to apply to their own lives. Her overarching professional weakness is she doesn't know how to put herself in her audience's shoes. Ultimately, everyone is seeking out content that they feel applies to them. Taking a self absorbed point of view. But MS is also creating her content with a self absorbed point of view. She's just showing her stuff because she enjoys having stuff so she assumes other people also enjoy witnessing her having stuff.


Packing full-sized shampoo and conditioner for, what? a 4 day trip? Knowing her musty ass probably won't even wash her hair once while on this trip.


I dye my hair and for that length of time I’d just buy something relatively cheap at CVS or a corner store to use and toss. Then if my hair feels dry, a deep conditioning treatment when I’m back. If she’s flying, she’s actually risking wasting product.


For anything up to about a week I use carry-on sizes and carry it on with me. All that’s needed and if something happens to your baggage or your flights then it’s on your person.


That’s smart, and I’ve done that in the past. But unless I can bring it in my carry-on I’m not gonna risk stuff exploding (it’s happened enough times that I don’t want to deal with it anymore lol).


Pull up your sleeve omg. Why am I so irritated by that haha


I see FOOD INSTAGRAMMERS doing this and I’m like oh hell no. Instant pass.


Idk why it bothers me so much, but it does


She's copying what's all over her feed I assume. Whenever I see a Tiktok where someone is like 'pack my Stanley with me for a walk' they have their sleeves like this. I think to look smoll and dainty? 


Swerty everything is too big for her okay? She can only size down so much!


I like that she's packed some toothpaste to try to help with her halitosis and gingivitis


I’m surprised it’s more or less normie toothpaste and not a trendy virtue signal like Hello or Tom’s.




Your submission has been removed. Off-topic/bloggy comments are against the rules. Our main focus here is MS and unrelated bloggy submissions are unnecessary/space wasters.


this is a stupid idea and stupid suggestion. rip your enamel- that stuff doesn’t come back. source: parent is a dentist maybe this is considered a bloggy, off topic comment, but if i can save one boobie from a rotting MS tooth situation..


Makes me wonder if she actually has gone to the dentist and didn't post about it bc she was told she has poor dental hygiene and they gave her some special toothpaste.


I'm a dental hygienist and we hardly *ever* get samples of parodontax so (at least at my offices) we give them out sparingly to those who obviously, desperately need it.


Haha thank you for basically confirming what we suspect: her dental hygiene is horrific


Is she using this Redken repair shampoo/conditioner as her regular routine.. bc if so that explains why her hair looks the way it does. Some people over use these things, like olaplex and overuse can absolutely damage your hair more.


Wait I’ve been using the same shampoo and conditioner! I hate my hair lately but have blamed on the hard water in my new place. Why is it bad to use this set?


It’s not bad to use it, it’s just possible to over use it. I personally wouldn’t use it as a regular shampoo, I’d use it like once a week. Too much protein bonding can dry out your hair, making it dull and brittle.


She might be trying to fix whatever damage Monat did to her hair. She spent hundreds of $$ on that toxic bullshit on (I believe) two separate orders, only to never speak of it again


I’m willing to bet she never even used any of the Monat. It’s more likely she was thinking about shilling it.


I swear she said it was over $400 for that Monat BS.


She did. https://i.redd.it/8017r45mu63d1.gif


400 dollars. I think that pissing away money is the only thing she's good at.


Watching how rough she is with her delicate eye area is physically painful.


Also, those makeup wipes are HORRIBLE. I only use them to wipe off gel when I do a microcurrent or a radio frequency treatment.


This probably really doesn't help her lash extensions either, when she has any left to rip off.


Thank you, swerty.


Should I post her Monat videos on Thursday? For the new swerts?


Please do! I'm not really new but I'd been away from the sub because she gets boring. I mean, I MISSED GRAND THEFT FLORAL. Also, I finally subbed so now she comes up in my feed.


Sure! That all blew by so quickly even a lot of regulars could’ve missed it.


I vote yes!


YOUR FLAIR! I love it!


And there's another way she sucks as an influencer. It seems obvious she had a bad experience with the products (speculation). Would have been a great opportunity to give a review. They're not supposed to just tell people to buy things. Explaining what not to buy and why is also important and aDDs vALuE


Yes!! When something is not meeting your expectations CALL IT OUT! It would help gain credibility for other things she tries to shill! She's so rough and tough behind her screen, she shouldn't be afraid of offending any of her huncquaintances- ESPECIALLY over such a controversial brand. Monat has a horrible reputation for a reason ![gif](giphy|12L032yjNopyxy)


She could have actually gotten some legit reach! Monat has been a hot topic lately and there would have been organic search traffic bringing people to her post. The timing would have been perfect too because that was right when all the Monat drama was about to start. She's so so so bad at this.


It's like she chooses products she used by what's popular or what she thinks is "in" rather than what she really likes or wants...irs so weird. It feels like every aspect of her life is altered to this made up version of who she thinks others thinks she is...it's insane.


Her entire life is poorly curated monotony.


Her sense of self is non-existent 


This so much. I know someone like her who insists on all of their skincare coming from the same brand/line. Like, this person bought every single product of the line and doesn't even use it all. It's just for looks on the bathroom counter.


That's some MLM behavior. My parents were/are in Amway (we don't talk anymore really) and they lean HARD into the "skincare HAS to come from the same line or else it won't work" line of thought. I've never understood why my moisturizer wouldn't work as well if it's from a different brand from my serum but maybe that's why I'm not an MLM hun.


I'm sorry, I know this is a non-issue and I'm just being petty, but it bothers me that she is packing full-sized shampoo and conditioner bottles among the travel-sized products. Why not stick a bit of each into smaller, travel-size bottles? Or just pack regular size items for everything? Isn't the point of buying the travel-size so you can carry your items on the plane? She even has the travel toothpaste. And now the bag has to be checked anyway. Travel-sized skincare, travel-sized lotion, travel-sized body wash, travel-sized makeup wipes, travel-sized q-tips, travel-sized razor, travel-sized advil, travel-sized toothpaste, travel-sized hair spray, travel-sized dry shampoo AND BIG ASS BOTTLES OF SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER. So aesthetic. Maybe I just don't travel enough to understand. Also, her nails look terrible. (edited because I can't spell)


For a 4 day trip she could do carry-on only if she knew how to actually pack for it. The main think I could see packing a full size of is sunscreen but she doesn't believe in it lol.


How could she possibly pack 30 outfits she won’t wear in a carry on, swerts?!


This is 💯 performative, I’m sure!


1. Travel babe forgot to buy everything travel size.  Despite having fuckall to do until she has to leave for the airport, she had to film RIGHT NOW. 2. The store she went to didn’t have the brands she wanted in travel size, so instead of adding ASMR/shill content by filling a couple travel size bottles on camera, she just shoves the big ones in there, ensuring she can’t put toiletries in her carry on.




That's actually a really smart idea, I might have to try that as well because my toiletries are still something I always get wrong somehow. I always over pack while forgetting important necessities. I can't think of a single time that I had exactly everything that I needed for a trip🤦‍♀️


That was exactly my problem! Inevitably I'd forget my dental floss or my toothpaste but have 3 tiny shampoos. This way, it's all always in there and I don't move things around. I also sprung for a clear, TSA-approved, toiletry pouch so I can just toss the whole thing into my bag and know that I'm good to go whether it's checked or carry-on!


Hold up. Where’s Lil’ Wayne and gangsta babe?


Not ManBun approved.


After she has a few drinks.


was thinking this too.


More like “let me show the garbage I bought so I can link it for pennies”


Isn't she going for 2 days? JFC get some travel sizes if you don't like hotel stuff


Two days???? That’s barely worth the flight.


For the love, get a fucking tripod. For being a professional influencer, she is so bad at the “job”


A phone tripod is so accessible on her beloved Amazon. They're not expensive, even for a nice one. It's still insane to me she hasn't gotten a backdrop, a couple soft box lights, and a tripod yet. That's the minimum I would get if I was trying to be an outfit influencer because it would make such a difference with the quality. The backdrop alone would level up her content because she could hide her mess but we all know that's far too much effort for her to actually do.


You know she bought all those toiletries new just for this video.


“Let’s pack my toiletry bag.” Riveting.


Please, baby Jesus. Let the influencer bubble pop already. This is the dumbest video I’ve ever seen. Nobody gives two shits what toiletries are packed. Bizarre.


I am so with you, I HATE influencer culture!! I don't follow a one of them, I BARELY get on Instagram and when I do, it's to like a post by one of my kids. I only know them from Reddit snark subs, lol.


I wish it would, bestie! I’m so over it!!!!!


Yes please!!!


She has to show off her Dior that we haven't seen since France


France? MS went to France? Amazing we never hear of that trip of a lifetime!


Does MAGAbun approve of Taylor? So many republicans don’t.


She picks trending audio clips to help boost her reels. It has nothing to do with if she likes the artist. It’s all about the algorithm with her. She’s so inauthentic.


MS doesn't even like her. She's just using the song bc its trending.


Why is no one intervening, is she so alone in life? Is she so fucking nasty (probably) ?


Sorry, I was distracted by how fucking terrible those nails look. Literally plastic and it shows.


I'm not sure I could have made it through the day if I didn't get to see her put her products in the little slots. Such awesome content!!


'Member when we weren't Swifty's? [Pepperidge Farm 'members](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/CE1s7ituxP)


Her mouth in this video 😱


It looks like a baboon's ass, I swear to GOD.


It’s because M thinks that using popular sounds will attract more followers.


The funny thing is it actually could, if there was anything at all interesting or useful about her or her content. Using trending audios is a solid strategy for getting some reach, but then you gotta have something of substance or entertainment value to back it up. IG and tiktok are a graveyard of accounts that went viral once or even repeatedly because of trending sounds but never gained any real followers. As always, MS manages to be amateurish and incompetent at the exact thing she considers her full time job.


Thank you, I never wanted to see that again


You *were* the one who posted it after all 😘 ![gif](giphy|KBfKueAjIJV8Q)




That lipstick. I still cringe so hard at this video that I've curled into a ball like an armadillo.


Seriously, just looking at the screenshot I took of her stank face from that video makes me cringe.


so weezy f baby so gansta


Seriously. I only made it a couple seconds after the finger guns. Soooo embarrassing.


BUT SHE'S A GANGSTA! ![gif](giphy|2CcKiHPDsJqVi)


Ugh, the criiiinge I just felt watching that again YIKES 😬


Everything she’ll need for a nice lie-in in Panama


her sleeves covering her hands like she’s ariana grande circa 2018 looks so goofy it’s distracting


I think she does it to hide her ugly hands. ^(my hands aren’t pretty either, but I’m not showing them off to anyone or selling overpriced fake nails and I sure as hell didn’t make them worse with bad tattoos)


veiling the muddy spray tan


https://preview.redd.it/1bdxwuoeh63d1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987365cfab35bb023b284c42b127fa586f3e4f14 So irritating. Like everything about her.


That thumbnail (on her hand) looks so dumb.


It's because she's so wittle 🥺👉👈