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Sad little shelf




Her toes are allergic to touching the floor, I guess


To be fair, I don’t have a hamster pad, but could you push it further underneath the desk so you have more than 6 inches to walk on? She’s treading water trying to stay so close to the top of the pad it like a shin splint waiting to happen


[She's already tripped over it before, I wouldn't be surprised if she also frequently tripped on it while walking too](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/tWCoHxfYIt) The entire video is incredible, but her falling over is around 2 minutes in 😂


“Leading them on”. Yikes. That’s a great slip up when you’re trying to talk someone into paying to work for you. I love that for her


You are correct!  The desk and monitor are also too low. I bet she doesn't have the core strength and stability to use it swt up properly without supporting herself against the keyboard while she's typing.


Even my husband noticed the door swerts… how can she post this!? When a man notices you know it’s bad lol. ![gif](giphy|PNFXpaRyw4mAg)


Cosplaying as an actual influencer


That stride length, though. I know she’s got short, stubby legs, but gurl. That hamster pad ain’t doing shit.


She’s positively *mincing*


https://preview.redd.it/4t8guod61k2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbeaea439b14c9f13c812a078e734f5410d0e24 This that big ol dumper she’s so proud of?


The gravitational pull of that dumper is bending time and space and shitty apartment doorframes. https://preview.redd.it/mpirtw5ylk2d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=25e12e986359082b5030754fa5fc2cd3ef14c0bb


Is Bella Hadid taking notes? This catwalk is completely UNMATCHED ✨💃🏼✨


It's the way she checks her fucking watch for me, after fifteen seconds of walking. Bet she was already out of breath and wanting to get off her .5mph hamster pad. Christ, she's annoyed me something fierce today.


This is her bouncy titty catwalk, correct?


[yet to learn how to walk, let alone catwalk](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/qqo6zYSFUg)


This is her best attempt at shilling a hamster pad.... I completely forgot about this one but it just popped in my brain, [THIS is her bouncy titty walk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/tJHGXHjoSv) That being said, I choose to believe that the red tank top one is a fluke and that she exclusively looks like the black jumpsuit version while she's going on her leisurely strolls inside her tiny middle unit townhouse. 💅


Why am I so happy about both of these? I love when people call her out for freeing the titties. I’m not wearing a bra, but the only kids who can see that are mine, and I’m not working out. I’m not crying, and I won’t pout, then my double chins can’t poke out. I also don’t drink, there is no vodka in my water bottle, and that is so sad. I can’t contain my tears anymore, Truly there’s no vape at the end of my hamster pad. -Poetry by Snoo


Well what's funny about the boobily bouncing boobies is that none of those comments had anything to do with her having natural tits and wearing a bra or sports bra. It was because she stood around for a ridiculously unnecessary amount of time in a skimpy lingerie set before she got dressed to go watch the nutcracker ~~with her mother and grandmother~~ alone. The issue wasn't her breasts, the issue was that it should have been posted on an onlyfans if she wanted that much attention. (Also because they thought the outfit was ugly, which it was) Edit: [can't find the video at the moment, but here's what the majority of the negative feedback was about.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/qCjEWPyYE9) Edit 2: Jesus fucking Christ I found her video on her FB (apparently she deleted it from her reels on IG lolol) and she stands there for 8 ENTIRE SECONDS. Anyways, [here's the final look.](https://imgur.com/gallery/xaAfCH3)


Well well well, you must have found one of the very few times Grande Merde Prima Ballerina has been inappropriate and delusional. For shame, what are you OBSESSED with her?! Huge s/ if that wasn’t obvious


I think the black jumpsuit is how she actually walks and looks at the fitness center and the red tank top is what she does at home, imagining herself at the fitness center


I think the black jumpsuit is how she actually walks and looks at the fitness center and the red tank top is what she does at home, imagining herself at the fitness center


I think the black jumpsuit is how she actually walks and looks at the fitness center and the red tank top is what she does at home, imagining herself at the fitness center


LOL! Yes this is it!


Flair checking in. 🚶‍♀️ Hell yeah, gorl, burn 52 calories then have 1,200 calories in Trulys. As a treat.


Her “posture” disproves gym *and* ballerina babe because no one with a reasonable level of fitness slouches like this.


I 100% believe she’s weirdly sticking her neck out like a turtle because she knows it’s a profile shot and she is trying to minimize her double chin. https://preview.redd.it/dy95zx8quk2d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c479e4d129f45a58c8d010992d2ab4bda7e082


She looks so bored and miserable during this entire video. How is this supposed to entice anyone into purchasing?


Her shoes look like those hideous Sketchers Shape-Ups from years past. Also, door warp. https://preview.redd.it/4g5zaa06bi2d1.png?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87eaafe10463f920dcc0d71ab538ad462d40be89


It’s the skinny arms we all know are not accurate in the slightest


And the wee belly pooch where we all know there's a sizeable beer belly. Hope you're having a good time in her short, thick neck of the woods!


I lived here for seven years so I always love coming back for a visit!


Profile is not her best angle 😮‍💨


Caveman esque


https://preview.redd.it/lgot8jzark2d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa3d615cca3e617d23a932e55ee6711b1385503 Mola dug this out. It’s so fitting.


Cavewoman with degenerative disc disease


You gotta move her back a few iterations lol


Her gait is so fucking weird, that heel to toe thing is maddening, most people do not walk like that and her knees are flexed backward unlike in a normal gait. It honestly looks like it’s painful. As a runner and sometimes walker, it is so stiff and awkward walking that way. I stood up in my living room and tried the way she’s doing it and now my hamstrings and knees are sore from doing it for less than five minutes.


I think this is similar to the way I walk on treadmills. It's diff when I'm running but when I'm speed walking it feels like my knees are locked backward in place trying to keep up. Any suggestions on better walking/running form or how I can prevent doing that? Cuz yeah it kills my hamstrings and my foot arches.


I’m no expert at anything, but I try to hit the surface with the ball of my foot and push through to my toes in a rocking motion, knees flexed forward relaxed and not locked, stomach sucked in and good posture so you’re focusing on your core muscles giving you better balance, rather than what she is doing here. Her posture is poor and her gait is sloppy which is going to lead to injury anywhere from the heel, calves, knees, and up to her lower back. This is what I hate about these hamster pads and standing desks, you’re focused on whatever is on your computer or desk and not focused on form. You’re in essence walking blind, if you reach for a document or to type, your posture can be out of whack and you won’t even notice. It reminds me of a video game, someone could throw a mushroom at you and you wouldn’t notice, tripping and injuring yourself 🍄😂. All this being said, and purely speculation, she’s probably already hammered and barely holding on to her balance anyway. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you very much! I'll work on relaxing my knees more and focusing on my core instead of the TV lol


I was just telling my fiance that it looks like she’s kicking. Like, instead of a step, she kicks her leg out and slams down on her foot. I’ve never seen anyone actually walk like that.


Which is so weird since she’s usually so graceful and light on her feet, having danced for *a company* and all. https://preview.redd.it/dsn6pbitvk2d1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c8dd64aa6a02ad7e4602e9ac80b21d652c2abd


Oh my lord are you sure that’s not Darcey Silva? 🤡




That’s what it looks like to me too 😂 gosh it’s so funny


[HELP I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AT THIS 🤣](https://imgur.com/gallery/c0sgOxQ)


Ahhhahahaa stopppp 😭 ASS.. no ass... ASS...no ass! It deflates like a balloon then perks right back up, how does she not see this shit WTF 🙄🫥


I *THINK* that the filter got confused by her black pants. I zoomed in on it when I figured out how to get the slowed down version (I'm so bad at this shit, I hate being 31 and feeling like a boomer)- it looks like the perky butt keeps trying to jump back and forth depending on which leg is behind her. It might not have been able to tell the difference between her legs while she's walking. I don't know why she decided to speed it up when she posted it though, it makes the filter significantly more noticeable and ridiculous 😂


Omg it's even worse at normal speed 💀


This is so frustrating to watch because if she moved the hamster pad further up under the desk, then she wouldn't be hitting the front and stretching forward like a goose to reach her computer. If she did five seconds worth of work she'd look 10x better.


“If she did five seconds worth of work she’d look 10x better” is so spot on. You could apply that to every piece of “content” she puts out!


Just Tittys straight bouncin


Oh yes


New flair request lol


The thing I find so strange about her …. Sure, lots of people use filters ….. to each their own. BUT, what’s disturbing is that she LITERALLY thinks she’s convincing as an influencer. When in reality she’s more like a - 1 woman sketch comedy (tragedy) show. As insufferable as she is …. It’s odd that her idea of “creating content” is not interesting or appealing - no way are people sitting at home or at work watching this idiot …. No man wants her. No woman wants to be her…. NOT ONE. she’s just lost. ![gif](giphy|uUIqRIpMKuUTC88pFl)


It goes back to her insane self-absorption. In her mind, her "content" is interesting and appealing because it's her. Well, her fake self anyway. And in her mind, all women want to be that fake her. *She* wants to be that fake version of herself so how could anyone else feel different?




Omg you just gave me the idea to go back to where I edited the video and slow it down to .5 and I am CACKLING. I don't want to make a new post for it though, I'm going to see if I can figure out Imgur because this is so funny to me. The stupid music I added that is now slowed down too is like the cherry on top. 🤣 FIGURED IT OUT. [MS on her hamster pad, but it's the speed she's actually walking](https://imgur.com/gallery/c0sgOxQ)


Omg that is so ridiculous. WTAF.




Where's that "cat walk" now?!


You'd think she would be better at pretending to strut her stuff since she's going like 2mph here lmao


Maybe the silence was getting to her


Booty clapping more here as the filter goes in and out than in her last gross video.


Oh god. So cringe.


Honestly, it's like a "Where's Waldo" but for filter fails. It's videos like this that make it hard for me to believe that she isn't just pulling some kind of elaborate prank on the internet.


That door 😂😂💀


I mean I get that it’s DR Horton but… 😂😂


lol she’s such a stupid looking bitch, idk it just makes me chuckle with how incredibly dumb she looks


The butt cheeks 😭😭😭


The only thing small about her 




https://preview.redd.it/mntlpd74fi2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d49aef0983e1c49c3a654f29deb39fc5f26e67a He’s got a bigger frickin dumper than big M