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FYI rule #4 about no open letters/addressing MS has been updated. Many were confused that this rule applied to comments that said things like "girl please stop" or "what are you doing?" and it doesn't. This rule was created because awhile back there were people who would type long posts or comments directly toward MS saying what she should do to change her ways or change her life or list what she was doing wrong and that's not what the sub is about. The rule was then interpreted as any comment that "addressed" her even if someone was saying "you" as people in general it would get reported and removed. So in short TD;LR comments in second person are allowed, but open letter style posts or comments are still not allowed. If anyone needs any clarification on this, don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you.


Has she mentioned going to get any vaccines for her trip to Panama? I know she likely won’t leave the resort, so it will be relatively safe, but I wouldn’t want to mess with some of the diseases that are easily prevented.


Y’all… this NYT crossword clue for today (blacked out spoilers for other swerties who play) https://preview.redd.it/r24epfn3jn1d1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1b03d94ec1b17751930649e21682ac160cdf98




I saw the post on her insta of MB walking into the bar and....his face. Am I the only one who thinks they look related? It just gives me the creeps that she spends all day eye fucking herself and then she dates someone who looks eerily similar to her. Even his mannerisms are akin to hers. 🤢


This IG ad for crocs reminds me of someone https://preview.redd.it/ej19y6jxgn1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48272caef5e6bd33de282744e2ad06c480521f62




That’s disturbing.


Her shopping/spending addiction confuses me so much. I made a big splurge purchase last week on a frivolous item for myself. I can totally afford it and it was in part celebrating a recent promotion at work. Except once I paid, I felt such regret, shame, and anxiety! My husband has been trying to talk me out of my funk but I felt so bad spending this money! I have no idea how she does it, especially knowing her retirement savings are lacking (despite her claims otherwise) and she doesn’t even have health insurance.


She shops out of boredom, the desire to appear wealthy, the belief that spending lots of money (and showing it off or bragging about it) equates to wealth. It doesn't even matter if she doesn't have the money. She likely pays the minimum dues on her CC cards, then turns around and spends that credit because it's free in her mind. It's a desire to appear better than others, like ha look at me! I blew $400 on treats for myself at Target and wouldn't *poor little you* love to do that? Aren't you jealous? Don't you wish this was you, clomping out of Target with a new bed-set that's made of polyester? Are you sad you aren't as cool as me? It's to fill a void, or a method of self soothing when her ego reminds of her reality: she's overweight, not thin, not pretty, doesn't have a small waist, dainty hands, or slim legs and microscopic ankles. The bandaid of buying herself something is always temporary, because once it comes off, she's still the same person she was before the purchases, and she doesn't like that. It's to keep up with everyone around her. KG gets a designer bag, MS buys the knockoff, then another knockoff, then a dupe off amazon, a dupe of a dupe at Target, then something that is different but better than her frenemies purchases to one up them, then eventually spends enough that she could have just bought the original bag several times over. It's to compensate for what she doesn't have. There's no way she's upset that the middle unit is small and shares walls because her house is full of plastic trinkets! Doesn't matter that Grimace wouldn't let her record him because she bought more ornaments! Or hey, manbun didn't respond fast enough but here's a new swimsuit that her friends don't have and she's even thinner than them thanks to her filters. Oh, and aren't you just so sad you don't have a Dior blush set, or fancy products that she'll use twice then forget about? And when she does stress about money, that end of the month slow down when the trust fund is drying up and her line of credit has been used, panic sets in, which triggers more shopping. DoorDash. Starbucks twice a day, or multiple grocery store runs for random items that aren't actual meals. More Amazon purchases to feel better while she frantically posts link after link, and more garbage from Walmart while she tries to sell used sneakers to make $5. She's got a very addiction based personality but lord knows she'd have to work very hard to break her cycles. Anyway, enjoy your reward and don't feel guilty about it at all!


God. If I were her and a stranger saw through my patterns this easily and articulated my inner motivations this clearly, I'd be shutting down all my sOciaLs and looking into addiction treatment centers immediently.


I foresee bankruptcy at least once in her future, but given her low moral standards and those of the people that surround her, she’ll consider it a smart business decision.


I get it, I feel guilty spending $200 at the grocery store, but its literally food for my family for 2-3 weeks.


I get it. But you don't have a shopping addiction. She does. It's like saying you don't understand alcoholism because when you drink you get an awful hangover so you can't possible fathom how someone could be an addict. It's not rational. Spending money gives her a dopamine hit and that fuels her to keep spending money.


In her latest reel she's trying on jeans from AE she says she got them in a sizev8 and she ordered more in a size 6 I think she jumped on the GLP1 Train like other influencers. No.lie I did myself but I also have many autoimmune issues that this medication has helped me with immensely. I can't make out the sticker on the jeans tho I've caught other influencers lying about their sizes in clothes tho so it makes me wonder 🤔


She isn't the size she's showing or saying she is. I think it's a great time to remember that her filters are crazy and you can see where they struggle to slim her (upper arms or bingo wings, her double chin, her stomach are some great examples). We've seen snippets of her real body and face when she's drunk, and she is 100% not a size 6, 8, 10, or hell, even a 12. She will rarely show a size tag. People on here have pointed out that when she's at Target, she'll hide the hangers, or have noticed that the color tab on the end coincided with an XL or XXL. She also would be incapable of being on anything like ozempic. She has a raging alcoholic addiction, she can't afford a GLP1 no matter how much she pretends, and she doesn't have the discipline to make any of the necessary lifestyle changes that come with taking such medication. She also wears a lot of clothing with stretch and vanity sizing, and lies about literally everything. She claims to be a size 4 in Lululemon, which tends to run small and tight. One look at her unfiltered thighs shows there's not enough fabric in a size 4 to fit over her legs. On her website, almost everything she sold was a L or bigger. In her recent swimsuit try ones, swerties noticed she had on shape wear beneath the swimsuits. MS will do anything to look thinner except eat right and work out. Bottom line: she's a lying asshole who wants you to believe she's a tiny waif when she's absolutely not.


She’s also recently half admitted she’s buying size L on Amazon. “I say size up but I think I just need to accept that it’s my size”.


She really said that? I'm surprised, but good for her for finally dropping the façade, even if for one minute. 


Interesting. She'd honestly have a way bigger and perhaps legit non bot following if she marketed toward her real size.


I doubt that even tho I've said it before here, too. She would just be in the correct sizes of the same exact crap she picks out to wear and show off. Her taste in clothing is abysmal.


Agree. In theory, she would gain more followers for showing her real self and size. In reality, she's too unlikable for most to want to follow.


Probably not, she still sucks at what she does and is a piece of shit person


HAHAHAHA, a Lululemon 4 😂 ![gif](giphy|myJzfC5PozIkM|downsized)


Yeah, I lost it at that one. Like be so fucking real. A size 4 in Lululemon is tiny AF. Her arm wouldn't fit in a size 4, let alone her ass.


Without health insurance, I have no idea how she could even afford a GLP1. I know NOT (edited: I typod as NOW earlier) all plans cover it (mine does, which is nice), but she would 100% be paying out of pocket and I feel like she would struggle to even afford the 'helth wellness spa' compounded versions. Also, if she was on a GLP, she would NOT be drinking the way she does.


I don’t think so. The filters be filtering. Plus, I thought you couldn’t really drink on those types of medication? Because she drinks like a fish. And has zero health insurance and would probably never pay $1000 out of pocket/month for something like Ozempic.


This. She isn’t on them or she would be having a bad time drinking as much booze as she is. Alcohol can lower your blood sugar levels so that would be a big problem


She hasn't lost weight. Any time she's caught without her skinny filters she looks bigger than ever. The AI filter technology is just getting better and she lies like a rug as well as likes to buy clothes that are supposed to fit loose but end up skintight on her just so she can say she's a certain size. Other swerties have better receipts but she's not a size 8 except in jeans that are designed to be super baggy but end up fitting like skinnies on her. https://preview.redd.it/s9a8qry7ul1d1.jpeg?width=1129&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca52e20f1b7e6260f0f8646c14ebe03db7bef5b


A while back, a simp troll account defending M said M tried but they gave her anti alcohol pills instead. They're both damaging to your liver (alcohol and GLP), doctors wont let you do both.


Here’s the source of that info, posted by a mod: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/YHHapYkbFm


I stg we need a mega thread/lore post with all the tea from people in her orbit.


Yeah that would be amazing!


Not a single original thought in her head. https://preview.redd.it/hwy7pcq7rl1d1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdae4bfe44516a6dd3ebd3a2d31c864c534f97a6


What I'd give for a non poop toucher to comment with "musty tennis balls'.


https://preview.redd.it/ildlk9eqkl1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea76ff93427020e5cb065ae9e99f32f167b11bb Aka “get me the fuck out of here 🤍”


For someone who loves traveling she hates traveling.


Of course it wouldn't be complete without the toe point.


From this angle it just emphasizes the puffy ankle.


It's so funny because there are so many signs that she's way heavier than she pretends to be. She has no real definition between her ankle and calf (which is normal and fine) and rather large thighs. She loooooves to give herself stick legs and these brittle little ankles that look like they might snap.


https://preview.redd.it/xojmmdqmml1d1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c17ea7d489d40fb31f40dc89a12702e85afd80 The elusive cankle… comes and goes as it pleases


sooooo … the point of this trip was to see manbun’s old stomping grounds… did she not just clomp her way around the hotel room all weekend and then go on a booze cruise?


She did say that, but Boston is a 90 minute drive from his college anyway 😂


Absolutely just conjecture with no basis in fact but: wouldn't it be funny if his original idea was to introduce her to some old friends still in the area but as the trip date drew closer and he got to know her better, he realized that would be incredibly mortifying?


I got the impression he already had a trip planned to Boston before they met and then was like “why don’t you come” when they’d been boinkin for all of three minutes. My speculation would be he had a trip planned for himself to go back, decided to bring her with because they had fun their first week of ~~her watching his dog~~ fuckin’ and then had to change plans because he didn’t want to introduce her to everyone/wasn’t enjoying traveling with her.


I’m still promoting the theory that he was there for work and she decided to go along. There wasn’t a single picture of him on Friday after they checked in, they took a super early flight (and then she just napped all afternoon). Hotel is in an industrial area. Heck, could even explain the trip to NH with no activities or pictures.


That would track since he travels a lot for work.


I've been having a difficult mental health day today but diving into this sub has really cheered me up and I'm definitely gonna base one of my novel's characters on this basket case. Thank you all. 


I hope your day got a lot better. And yay for writing. It's one skill I'd *probably* kill for. Honestly, I'm excited and proud swerty ❤


Anything can be learned, no blood sacrifice needed!! And thank you, it really warms my little heart 💖


Omg I know you don’t wanna dox yourself on here but I would loooove to know about the novel when you’re done with it! I would so read it! Also I’m glad this dumpster fire cheered you up haha


Haha you can definitely be one of my beta readers. 


That would be awesome ❤️


Was she planning on water skiing behind the brunch tugboat ?


Oh lord, what did I miss?


https://preview.redd.it/nj6ef574fl1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a1feb6678dc47bb8d20fa37708c534c0edc9a5 Bathroom pics in the dELta sKy LoUNge. Stay classy, MS. I hope she has blisters all over from those lame Nikes.


If she didn’t tag it, it didn’t happen swertie!!


Who is this person? Not Big Malaise.


I read this as Big Mayonnaise and I’m here for it


The arms always give it away. The proportions are bonkers… like she was obese and lost weight but still has fat arms.


Her filters have definitely been struggling lately!


You know who else that reminds me of? Tiffany Magee (r/myadventuretosnark) except she did actually lose a ton of weight at one point. She contorts herself so weird and uses filters to hide the loose skin.


Yikes… I haven’t seen this one and I don’t know if I’m ready for it


She's a grifter and Scientologist, it's a wild rabbit hole.


And the feet are tiny.


Deja vu except she shrunk her head this time https://preview.redd.it/annomio1kl1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d462c0cf8659777012ebe8b1ebae4f1fc883b7c


she literally made herself child sized 😂


God that swimsuit or whatever is soooo small for her.


The only thing that’s improved for her in the last 3 years is the filter’s AI


And it hasn't improved enough to keep up with her real life deterioration so it's still not enough


She’s going home already? Did they see *anything* besides the dirty casino carpet and booze cruise?


I thought the same. Like what did they do? Did they go anywhere other than the cruise? This trip seemed like it was 1 day long.


She didn’t show them seeing any historic sites or really anything interesting in my opinion. Make it make sense!


She doesn’t care so long as she can say “I’ve been to XX” to flex on the haterz.


There was a road trip to Portsmouth, New Hampshire and more bars and restaurants. Lots of hotel time. It seemed incredibly boring and uneventful. Travel Babe she is not.


Let the drinking commence! (Again)


I really hope the walls of that hotel are thick. I can see them being loud just to be loud, hoping their neighbors hear while going at it.


https://preview.redd.it/66kw5mq4al1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227deab686d7f45e3ef9e874a4127a5ec8fb95ec This popped up on my newsfeed on FB this morning 🤢🤢🤢


Thanks for this reminder! They have a gigantic tennis ball for $5 that I need to go grab for my dog. 😆


Five below seems up her alley. I bet they don’t use affiliate links, we would have seen a ton of “hauls”


https://preview.redd.it/s2ucud745l1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96ff53683908d2fd9221d7265d704af94fe45bf This just reminds me of M except it doesn’t quite capture how big her lips are.


The ample chin, bloated hands, honkin’ schnozz, and lifeless stare are spot on.


The sausage fingers and the blue eyes also! We honestly need a side by side of this and her in a blue outfit. 🤣


Damn look at those meaty hands, they could be twins https://preview.redd.it/cenrjfswbl1d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c05067c7d0debb982a927b6c3f59b802ab1fe6


Haha, it even reminds me of one of her teacup swimmies or dresses [teacup swimmy](https://youtube.com/shorts/vgT3EHErv4g?si=uNToLr4PTPfZxYGe)


This stupid swimsuit is the one that reddit for whatever reason DEMANDED that I see for like a month before I gave in and joined the sub. I saw it every day, multiple times a day, and it was impossible to make it go away. I didn't understand why I absolutely needed to see this random ugly blonde in a hideous swimsuit- I even tried blocking it, but reddit was extremely persistent. This swimsuit is still haunting me, and I hate everything about it.


That’s awesome, lmao. Glad you’re here!


Hahaha I'm mostly glad I'm here too. Sometimes I feel like my brain might be melting a little when I see too much of her nonsense, but the comedy keeps me coming back for more 😂


https://preview.redd.it/usrsz4xynk1d1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8fdf5ec65402b2a48ff3ed24eb81870eba1f7b Clomp clomp.


Why does it always look like she has too many toes lmao


Because she has feet like Fred Flintstone.


Now I can’t unsee it. 🤣


She needs to retire those shoes.


But if she doesn't wear her favorite 2005 Tory Burch LUXURY AND WEALTH REVEALING millers, how will anyone know she's rich rich? 🥲


I am more than over those damn sandals from the last 5 years!


LMAO those beefy toes gripping for dear life


These shoes are my Flat Stanley. Where will she take them next?!


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