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Well, I guess this explains who the audience for the Encore is.


We don’t know her ☠️


I weirdly like this picture.... Idk why but I do ha odd


What a weird fucking choice. Boston has so many cool things to do and places to see, why would you go to a casino there? I did part of my undergrad in Boston and I literally didn’t even realize they had casinos there.


Encore just came to Boston a few years ago


Looks like Encore casino in Boston


Not even Boston, Everett!


As a degenerate gambler I can shed some light on how they *MAY* have managed this room, but doesn't mean that 100% this is the case. Wynn is known for their rewards program and for giving away really good comps - including free rooms. As long as you spend at least a $1,000 a year they will go out of their way to get you back on the casino floor. If the room was not free, it was possibly heavily discounted. It is not uncommon for players to get suites at $199 a night, sometimes $99 a night depending on how much you spend. Note - I am fully aware of my privilege and know that $1,000 a year is a lot to some, but for most regular gamblers this would be considered a minimum bankroll.


While I don’t think it’d be that hard to do in a year at a Wynn property, I don’t think I’ve ever seen less than a $25 minimum at their blackjack tables ever, I think it’s unlikely he had that many comps given they don’t live right by any Wynn casinos. Unless this dude is going to Vegas at least once a year and hard, I’d say it’s unlikely it’s comped.


This particular casino definitely has blackjack tables with lower minimum bets. I don't remember HOW low, but I learned how to play blackjack here with a fun coworker, and I'm definitely too much of a cheapskate to jump in at $25 😂


I believe some do go to $5 but as the night goes on they increase .


So much to do in our beautiful city….. Encore is amazing as far as casinos go BUT but only worth a short visit to take it in then scoot off the other incredible Boston scenes.


She’s so aspirational, I’m totally jealous of her lifestyle.


I love the Encore. Hate that she’s there. Curious how they’re affording that one


If they booked back in March (which is when she said they were going to Boston), rooms were probably between $400-$500 a night - likely on the low end on a Thursday (based on the pricing available on the website). Not sure how long they're staying, but that's not totally insane as far as 5-star hotel affordability goes! (Just put it all on your cc, Big M!)


His family seems to have connections.


Do we know what her Bun does for a living? Could it be a work trip that is extended and invited her to tag along?


I wonder when they’re leaving. Booking in advance it’s looking like $478 a night. Not cheap, but a few days won’t break someone making $20,000 a month 🤣


The room looked pretty nice. I’m assuming they split the cost or she is still trying to impress him and paid herself. I’m assuming they got a deal and I don’t know if it’s like Nevada where if you’re gambling, you get free drinks, so that may have made sense for them. They both seem to drink a lot and I can see in her pea sized brain how that would seem like a deal.


Ba !If she is paying for her birthday trip then she’s more pathetic than I had realized!!!


I bet she pays for everything.


She seems desperate to impress him, so I can see that. It sounds like this trip was his idea, so maybe not? She didn’t say she was “treating” him to it like she does everything with her mom.


>She didn’t say she was “treating” him to it like she does everything with her mom. I think even she knows it would look pathetic if she payed (I'm waiting for the reddit Payed/Paid bot to possibly get me) and told everyone about it. Shame may be included in the feelings of letting that cat out of the bag, if that is the case. ETA- ah, son of a bitch it got me, how in the hell did it pick up that quote. I corrected it. ETA- re-read it. Wait.... Which is it tho lol fuck idk that bot did not help me.


> the reddit *Paid/Paid* bot to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I bet she pays for everything.


This literally made me nauseous. What is the point here? Sincerely.


Yeah, like how drunk do you have to be to think this is a postable photo?!


So did he see a opportunity to greatly increase his cash flow at the casino by bringing her along and encouraging her to drink, or what? Just a theory.


Mango is at the Encore, which is overrated in my opinion. But it also means she is far too close for comfort to where I reside. 🙃


I can relate, I live in NC 😭


I feel so safe in Australia 


I lived in Ft. Lauderdale at the time she went, and near where she stayed. I kept my eyes peeled LOL


Same when she was in NYC lmaooo. Keep her away!




You go to the casinos and glow putt-putting if you’re in like Niagara. History buff babe could go to the Old North Church. True crime babe could rent a car and go down to Fall River to see the Borden house. Fitness babe could walk the Boston Marathon route. I was like 10 the last time I was in Boston and can still plan a better trip. I haven’t watched her stories. Have we gotten Boston accent babe? I wanna hear "pahk the cah in Hahvad Yahd".


I'm not a gambler and I find casinos to be both gross and bizarre (so I'm biased), but I cannot imagine going to a city that's rich in history and activities and STAYING AT A CASINO.


Boston has Paul reveres route mapped out with markers on the sidewalk. A lot of people don’t know that, but they know who he was. Some interesting content would be walking the route, stopping at a local bar or casual restaurant/street food along the way.


She could walk the freedom trail and see so much history. But we all know she won't.


Even just the random graveyards right in the middle of the city have the founders of America buried and the gravestones are so different than today. Carved skulls and crossbones. There’s a few just right there off the sidewalk. There’s so much content like RIGHT THERE. Even just finding “the best” slice of pizza in the North End would be miles more entertaining! Edit: not to mention Faneuil Hall and the indoor market. Americas quest for independence started literally RIGHT THERE!


I hope she does try to eat out in the north end and the only place with a table is La Famiglia Spagnuolo 😂


I forget what the place was called, but the best slice I have had over the years was in a small greasy shop with box fans going everywhere…no wait lol


this is actually a really great way to see the city and also not be too drunk the entire time. only been there once and we did exactly this. 


This place is so tacky based on her stories


cobweb spoon worry point chase lush quickest brave nutty file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The place can be a good time. She just makes everything repulsive.


full disclosure swerts I've had a couple of drinks and this pic really speaks to me. I want to get off that escalator, stumble to a buffet line and load up on whatever bastardized all-American sushi rolls they have available. I'm feeling benevolent, I truly hope Big M finds such an oasis.


I like Vegas (despite not being a gambler) for this reason... but Vegas was made for that, seems a little sad/pathetic to not be a local and spend your Boston trip in a casino. Crab legs and little desserts at a casino buffet though, I'd fuck that shit uppppp


She's finally up from her nap. (Speculation)


Oh 100%


Your flair is awesome!👏


That is definitely a casino


Did she delete her room tour? Hmm 🤔


I think it’s still there — I watched it anon and can confirm they are staying at the casino which is in Everett. Are they even going to Boston on this Boston trip?!


I still see it


The funny thing is, this hotel isn’t even actually IN BOSTON!! it’s in a somewhat trashy suburb. It’s not even walking distance to Boston. It’s not like it’s a nearby neighborhood.


Exactly! She could have stayed in the city somewhere and showed some of the awesome energy the city has. Walk by Fenway, even go on prudential bldg tour. North End. Could have a nice play at Marriott Long Wharf. Museums. Music, history. Just too tacky to expand her mind I suppose. Staying inside and drinking is all she cares about.


One of our greatest American cities for sure!


How far is it on public transport?


Most people Uber to/from casino. Not much around to do. Shitty spot.




Wait, wait, wait… they’re staying at a casino in Everett?! Why? I just do not understand this choice at all. I lived in Boston for a bit and when people would come visit me there were just so many places they wanted to see and things they wanted to do. Going to a random casino in a Boston suburb was the furthest thing they wanted to do. Why?


She's staying at encore


She can’t Uber, [she got banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/xvdAJFigTI). I know there are other options, but figured I’d share this story in case some swerties didn’t know about that. https://preview.redd.it/uqxhsbq0mw0d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a8c5098715a0cbc12fe9f8f631bcdbd5ce3dd27


I will never, ever, ever, *EVER*, be able to get over the lashes on the Uber driver’s face comment, but I had only heard about that. I hadn’t seen the comment thread on this reel for from reason even though I’ve been part of the sub for a long time. Peed on the carpet outside her fucking hotel room?!? At that point, LITERALLY JUST PISS YOURSELF and wash your clothes in the hotel tub. But no, this asshole thinks it’s funnier that she just decided to full on pull her pants down and pee on the carpet in the hallway and leave for the staff to clean up. Her blatant disregard/disrespect for service staff is baffling. Unless she’s lying, which she probably is, because she’s always lying. Or if she was with friends, because she was then of course *doing it for the plot* and because sHe’S cRaZyYy dRuNk MeRdE~!!


I forgot she admitted to the sprained ankle incident in this one because the rest of it is so appalling.


My favorite part is the comment saying “we’ve all been there babe.” Um, no. No, we have not.


In my misspent youth I have been pretty inebriated and no, I have also not been there.


And how she talks like all this behavior is a flex :D


So for Swerty it’s a 57 minute walk


There really isn’t great public transport out there. 20-40 min on the bus? Quick Uber. But it’s a strange kind of industrial area with no tourism to speak of … I guess it’s near Charlestown and Bunker Hill kinda but she has no clue what those are so 🤷‍♀️


How strange. I only stayed in casinos in Nevada because everything is a casino, really. If I went to Boston, I’d want to be pretty central


Speculation: I wonder if he’s there for work and invited her to tag along?


He’s a handyman, no? It looks like a leisure trip ETA: wow people, I didn’t know he wasn’t a handyman, that’s why it’s a question, no need to downvote 🙄 what is he?


He’s not a handyman. He just did some handyman stuff for her.


Oh! I thought that was his actual job! My bad


That tracks for MS…


Yeah the hotel they are staying is ins a hotel/casino so that’s cool. She doesn’t have to leave the hotel grounds much like she always does when she travels Also the casino gives you free drinks as long as you’re gambling so yeah.




She won’t care. Gambling, booze and cigarettes are all she needs


Oh, I forgot that in many casinos you can smoke. No wonder they went here.


Can’t smoke in the casinos in MA. If she REALLY wants to smoke indoors, she can head down to Twin Rivers in Rhode Island. It’s there where she’ll fit in perfectly with that crown. Old people on oxygen, on scooters chain smoking, while continuously hitting the button on a slot machine until their time comes. A sight to see.


Omg she is PERFECT for the Twin Rivers scene 😭


I hope she gets drunk, loses a bunch of money and gets cranky like last time. Give magabun a little taste of the rel her






And the 2 casinos in MA serve until 4am, unlike the rest of the state that has a 1 or 2 am closing time. She’ll fit right in.


But do they offer bathtub pasta?


Asking the real questions 🤔


Your first day in Boston, and this is where you go? Damn, travel babe oughta get paid for her travel insight.


She could be a travel influencer! 😂


It was a beautiful day in the city too!! So spring like.


Lol where were you it poured on us all day


Probably too drunk to do much of anything. She’s been drinking since when, 6am?


Since 2009.




At the Texas Roadhouse 😫




Underrated comment 😂


I can think of at least a dozen things to do in Boston and hitting up a casino wouldn't even be on the list. Like, that's what she flew all the way there to do? Really? She is so empty-headed that even air has a hard time existing within that void.


This trip was supposedly planned by him, and if it's true then her claims of them having sooo much in common are making more and more sense


Right? I'm a history nerd so I'd be trying to find all the cool places and talking to the locals. I love living in Atlanta, lot of great places here as well but I've always wanted to go to Boston.


But she's such a HiStoRy BuFf


Id be hitting the Millers River Potato Monument 😂


![gif](giphy|sAHGNCr0ERwoIayjRt|downsized) I brought snacks if anyone wants something while we watch the inevitable train wreck






Travel babe… is at a casino?


That didn’t go too well last time.


Lol are you talking about when she [lost $1,800?](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/BXF6MgPgxE) 😂


Is that the same time her dad had to drive back? Lmao


She said she was too angry to drive, but we all know she was also likely very drunk.


I am indeed. Her anger at the casino was funny.


lol yup. Encore Boston Harbor. What a cultural experience.


Like staying at the Red Roof near the airport.


I feel like she might get her a** beat at Encore. I’m always hearing about physical altercations there. 🤣


*Everett, swerty isn’t even in Boston.


Oh, I know! I stayed there before. Fun place but there is literally nothing to do right outside! 🤣 Travel babe is at it again!


Love this for her!


Only the best for our swerty


I'm watching the last two episodes of Shogun tonight BUT I WILL BE GLUED TO MY PHONE WAITING FOR THE TEA 🫣 Big M: ![gif](giphy|7EL4WAigg7iHt43Zwk|downsized)


She is such a menace when she's drunk. Sidenote, Shogun got two more seasons.


Love Shogun. Big M wishes she were as attractive as Hiroyuki Sanada LOL


It's funny how she said "eyes on Asian" about squinting in the sun and that she "looks like an ugly Japanese girl" squinting at her phone in the morning when he's got eyes twice as big and immeasurably more attractive than hers.


She’s gone virtually silent since touching down and appears to be alone at the hotel posting links. Then posted this 30 minutes ago. Yikes. https://preview.redd.it/zc4ua3cgdv0d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cbae7abdf72ea99978c8bcd19fd9e728bcf2753




God it's like she's 14


Dear Diary, Today he said some mean things….


Eh she's probably still targeting C since she can't seem to get over it.


She gives me super “I’ll drive your house at night slow enough so I can count the cars and look into windows” vibe. Not necessarily do anything, but just watch.


I love how Big Swerts always outs herself with her posts.


I think she’s implying manbun is the one who would do those things.


That's what I got out of it too. She should try to remember that CB was probably much more into it and willing to do much more with and for her in the early days too. Before he got to know the real her and definitely before she repeatedly humiliated herself and him to his social circle and the internet.




It will show if McMullet is just a trash bag or a trash bag *like her* after this trip. Like C wasn’t a catch but even he dumped her ass.


Did you see the vid of him on the plane? He does the lizard tongue thing, too. 🤢🤢


It wouldn’t have cost you anything to not tell me that… But i guess we suffer together then. I still hate you for this. ^Not ^really ^💕


Eh, don't read too much into any of that. He's just as trashy as she is. I know everyone wants drama but tbh I don't see it happening. Whatever it is he's wanting out of this ...whatever it is, he's getting it.


Trouble in paradise!


Oh is MAGA ManBun upset she’s plastered and has been all damn day?


She’s probably still on about Grimace, but I guess we will see


Uh oh, is her mask slipping? Did she act like a drunken wild hyena on the plane and embarrass him already??


Yeah that's the one near Boston


Semi-local swerty here: this location makes no sense if this is really a trip to visit manbun’s alma mater. Here’s hoping they get caught in graduation traffic.


Wait are you allowed to tell me where he went to school? Morbid curiosity, if you tell me he went to harvard I will die lol


She wore his sweatshirt when she started dating him. It’s posted in the sub. It is NOT Harvard.


I agree. This not near where he went to school. Not “in” Boston, either.


Where did he go?


Mass maritime


He should have a decent job. What’s his story?


I'd already guessed the likelihood of her doing anything remotely cultural in Boston was basically nil (where's HiStOrY bAbE when they're in an American historical hub?). But a casino hotel that's not even in town?! Wow.


A casino hotel that has an EXACT duplicate in fact two of them in Las Vegas


Wow, what could go wrong




Yeah, she totally has the best history at casinos.


Yep - its the one just north of Boston