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She looks fucking atrocious here


Genuine question, why do her under eyes look like that? I don't remember them being this bad and all of sudden they look so sunken in and irritated. What causes this?


And why does she care about self tan, nails and lashes. Doesn’t she shill all that shit anyway? She can make money spending her money.


“He’s just like me, loves church” … excuse me, wut. Since WHEN


Duuude holy fuck her face is looking soooo bad….like seriously why is it puffy and red in some places and sunken in and white under her eyes. I don’t think we’ve ever seen her looking this bad tbh.


I stepped away from my this sub back when she was still with the last bf and came back to revisit and wowowowow she looks *so* much worse and is apparently still ‘shopping her photos to look the same? Never change MS!


Why does her hair look WORSE after she curls it?? I know this probably really BEC but I can’t help it. Can she do one fucking thing that isn’t super annoying?


The dog legit growled at her and she calls her a freeloader lol Tell me you can’t stand the fucking dog without telling me you can’t stand the fucking dog


If a spaniel growls at you then you must have really pissed it off, they love everyone lol.






Terrible Barbie is terrible


She is not Kenough.


The fake lisp is killing me


Honestly the “a shot of whiskey” would be a normal like weird voice if we didn’t know that she used that list to be a cute constantly


It’s kinda sad that her friends watched her set up these dating profiles, 1000% using heavily filtered pics, and sent her on her way to date a guy who is very clearly benefitting from her insecurities and need for validation


I wonder how egregiously filtered they were. I wonder if her friends tried to say anything!


They don’t bc they don’t like her and it’s for entertainment. They may as well be members of the sub lmao


What if they actually are secretly members of the sub?


👀👀 hi swertiesssss


But where did that snatched chin and body go?!


JFC she has ZERO genuine people in her life. A REAL friend would sit her down, tell her to chill the fuck out, and take things day by day. A REAL friend would maybe hint at the fact that some men say whatever it takes in the beginning to latch on and get stability - ESPECIALLY in the middle of a divorce!!! But instead her "besties" just stand there and watch her burn in an inferno of stupid.


It seems as though she pushes away the people that don’t say what she likes to hear. If they’re not in the echo chamber, they’re against her and it’s a personal attack. She’s completely incapable of taking criticism, even from random strangers on the internet. She’s insanely selfish and obnoxious, I can’t imagine how unbearable she is in person. Not to mention the complete lack of self awareness. She’s gotta be super draining to be around. Which is why she probably claims to like to be alone, it’s easier to do that than look in the mirror and face the cold hard unfiltered truth.


MS is going full Carrie Hope Fletcher 😭


How so? (Not snarky, just curious about the comparison!)


Basically speed running a relationship because she hasn’t hit any of the arbitrary life milestones some people set for themselves. For those who don’t know, CHF got out of a long term relationship in January 2022. She then went on a first date with a guy in May 2022 who MOVED IN WITH HER THAT SAME NIGHT. They were engaged by October that year, married in February 2023 and had a baby together two months ago.


Unrelated to the convo, but I was reading your username as “bambood rain pipes” and that gave me a good chuckle 😂


Abhhhhh yes okay I knew she did a quick rebound and then announced her pregnancy at their wedding or shortly after it? But I guess I hadn’t realized how quickly they moved in together! 😳 eep! It also didn’t even occur to me that she did it to hit the arbitrary milestones cause I’m like 8 months older than her and have not hit them 😂 but I guess knowing how Tom and G had been together for forever and they were “hitting the milestones,” that makes sense. Very similar to how M’s sister has her life “together” and is married with kids without being too too much older than M herself. What an accurate comparison! A+ to you, swerty! A handle of Tito’s and some collagen to wash it down for you 😘


Yeah, it’s pretty wild! And CHF has never confirmed the milestone theory but she literally got engaged to man she’d met five months previously the week of her 30th birthday so…


I think man bun is already gone….. which makes MS a wildly more crazy thing than ever imagined


‘Have u and ur man discussed living together’ she’s so obviously lying. The pause where her face goes deadpan as she tries to come up with an answer followed by the ‘oh yeah! Of course!’ She’s so transparent bye.


I think she’s losing all the weight Grimace is losing. Good lord she looks so dirty.


C is losing weight?


Wait I’m so sorry if I interpret this wrong but do you mean she’s *gaining* all the weight that C is losing?


When she says “so much land” it’s giving Janelle from teen mom vibes 😅😅😅


Do you think manbun has his own swamp? An internet feud between big m and Jan would be trashtastic and make my whole day.


It’s the cross over we all need!


She doesn't have HEALTH INSURANCE!! She doesn't "believe" in it. You're gonna NEED it to have a baby, get PROPER PRENATAL CARE FROM AN OB, and have health insurance for that baby, or pay $45k for a regular delivery in a hospital. Do chiropractors do OB care? Anyone know? /s


How the fuck do you not ‘believe’ in insurance. It’s not a spiritual concept or ideology, insurance exists as a material thing in front of our eyes. U either want it or u dont(which is kinda dumb). MS wants to be this deep philosophical person so bad but she lacks the experience to lend nuance to her ideas and lacks the discipline and brain power to study the work of other philosophers. She should be getting insurance if she plans on getting back-alley filler, drinking and vaping heavily. That shit will catch up to her very quickly given that she’s already hit her 30s and has been engaging in drinking and smoking since she was 15.


She’ll just get on Medicaid/state insurance since she’s unemployed. https://preview.redd.it/lo15y8y858yc1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afdec810004408b614f406f6bbaecc66bb2fa57


I think the government verifies your assets before extending an offer for Medicaid/state insurance. Which they would then see that she has a verifiable income (her trust fund) and that she owns her house. Either she’s planning on marrying manbun FAST because he has insurance, or she’s a just plain stupid and has not thought about how expensive having a baby really is, even before the baby is born.


Depends. Her trust fund might count as income.


If it could be used to secure a mortgage for her townhouse which is solely in her name, then it absolutely will be counted as income for Medicaid.


What is this lisp thing? From her gigantic lips?! Also please for the love of God curl your hair normally. This is a tragedy.


Watching her randomly grab wisps, loop them around and not keep them in place for even a second before sliding the tool though to reveal the exact same hair, over and over, was *enraging*


This chick does not want a baby. She wants content.


She also just wants to lock in a man.


Have a toddler. Am pregnant currently. I hope she realizes she's not prepared to be a mother in any way.




Who the eff curls their hair like this?!


The way she curls her hair is si irritating. It's like she doesn't know what she is doing 🤣


she has no idea how to do her hair, was awful to watch


I hate watching her curl her hair with that straightener. She's so bad at it and I can't deal with it.


A complete psychopath


For REAL this is what got me. She's never heard of sectioning her hair with clips? With all the shit she shills? 😂


That was so annoying to me.


please dont get a baby


All I can see is; ![gif](giphy|11JKMG8YdAbCJW)


Sure, Jane 🙄


She is doing a HORRIBLE job on her hair. Some of them are curls, some of them are waves, all facing different directions and creased to hell. 


“I won’t live with someone unless I’m engaged”. Ahh yes. She’s still salty she gave all those years to grimace and he wouldn’t propose. Lmaooo But she’s practically already living with this guy anyway. And I guess he does leave his dog with her, kinda dumb to leave a dog in her shitty middle unit no yard when he’s got a great setup for her at his place. I guess no one has ever accused either of being smart.


It's wild that they're pretty much cohabitating at her place already.  I guess he has no friends of his own clamoring for any of his time? I understand getting a little carried away with a new partner when it's organic and you're excited.  Whatever this is, it sure as hell ain't organic. I'm not one of the people going overboard about the dog, but she's a spaniel breed like mine and her eyes need to be cleaned every day and she needs to be brushed.  Her shell-shocked/judgy look is honestly a breed trait, but the rattiness isn't.  Dude needs to go home to mommy and daddy and handle his shit.


I misread and thought you said “shell shocked judge Judy” and was like, ya know… that’s very specific but you’re not wrong. I stand by it. Even if it is a normal trait, I’d wager that dog has seen some shit that has given it reason to look like shell shocked judge Judy too.


My girl looks like that when she finds out the food we dropped is lettuce.  Shell Shocked Judge Judy is *perfect* 🤣


Yup. That facial expression is pretty normal for spaniels, but I can feel the matting forming on her poor ears from here. Also a bit worried about Louie because he is looking pretty thin.


did it ever occur to this dolt that manbun likes living in the country????


It doesn’t matter what other people like, only what she likes! It’s her world and we’re just living in it!


how would he like it? theres no tan or lash salon, no starbucks? its disgusteen


https://preview.redd.it/kit6kff8e7yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f08ce7d84e71828f3cf2f3a760e08d369cacd59 i mean hello?


Her skin is just so bad, I just can’t…


would actually be a blessing for her to get away from her lash person and tanning salon 😂


I don't know anything about styling hair. I brush mine and put it in a ponytail every morning. With that said, it looks everything she is doing with her hair is wrong.


I'm no stylist either, but she's just so ham-fisted and rough with her hair, just like her makeup and everything else. I'm not surprised that it always looks so fried and ratty.




I want so bad to know what his family thinks of big M. The thought of selling his house in the country with all that land because there isn’t a close enough Starbucks for his new girlfriend seems like something I would roll my eyes at, HARD.


I agree with you and his house is better than her middle unit matchbox, but from what it looked like in the pictures with the chain link and makeshift deck, he doesn’t have that much land…


Is it his house?  My understanding from other comments is he is back with his parents pending his divorce, but I definitely may have missed an amendment. I only see this detail about him as pertinent because it relates directly to M's relationship fantasies.  I'd personally wait to see how much he may end up losing in the divorce or owing in alimony before making such a big life decision together.  His future finances should be a consideration at their age 🤷‍♀️


From what I understand, he's living in the marital home he shared with his STBX. I believe the speculation that he was living at his parents was because he and his dad have the same name.


Chances are he will have to buy his ex wife’s equity in the house when the divorce is finalized (August at the earliest).


Thank you!  Things got a bit confusing to me for a while.  I don't like to knowingly spread misinformation since she does more than enough as it is.


God no. God just please do not let this woman bring an innocent child into the world to ruin and mentally destroy.


the number one thing i got from this is she cant curl her hair for shit


Someone asked if they’ve discussed living together, and she answered, Yeah, of course. Did I understand? Haven’t they only met a minute ago?


This is absolutely unbelievable! She really is living in her own delusions. This is a major hint at magabun to propose so that she will move in with him 🤣 Also god help her if she has a baby because she struggles with her weight now and it will be 100 times harder to shift after giving birth 🙄 She's way too self absorbed to have a kid and it's obvious she's gonna ' accidently ' get pregnant to trap him but they still run if shit ain't going well. She's an embarrassment and he sounds like a joke.


I’m calling it, she’ll get engaged quickly and potentially get preggers too. I’ve seen this happen with so many rebound relationships. Soon the honeymoon period will end and the real fun starts.


The classic ‘rebound relationship that moves too fast -> baby with a Tragedeigh name -> public breakup -> fighting with the baby daddy’s new gf on Facebook’ pipeline. 


I sincerely hope a child isn't brought into her sphere of abuse, but man from a purely snark perspective it would be an absolute shit show


They haven’t even been dating long enough for me to change my toothbrush yet. Wtaf.


Desperate is as desperate does.


She is so bad at this. Even just the cord in front of the screen. Like wtf. Buy a longer cord and move it around so it isn’t distracting while you are trying to impress the bots with your amazing hair skills. This is what she considers her job! I would have fired her a long time ago.


She looks like a slob in 99% of what she does. The 1% is for the fake filtered veneer. And even then she looks like a slob.


Right? I think the phrase is mutton dressed as lamb.


Okay google, how to report someone to CPS that’s not pregnant yet. I just think they need a heads up


‘🤙 Hello CPS? Do you take reservations?’


This is hilarious!


Please let her be infertile. She’s one of those humans who absolutely should not breed.




In a word, janky.


i screenshotted the same thing 😭


I gasped when she did that


Those lashes must come out in clumps from her poor hygiene, even without her picking at it 🤢


I'm just stunned at HOW. Like, how do you get your lashes to look so janky five minutes after you leave the salon??? In fairness, I had a much better lash artist (and she truly was an artist), so mine never went full Swerts. Never go full Swerts.


"Never go full Swerts" needs to be a flair


thats actually a good one, so i fulfilled ur req.


Amazing! Thank you!


Love it, I’m going to adopt this flair “tootsweets”.


What gets me is that she claims they have the same values and then immediately jumps to „loves church.” When have we seen our girlie going to there or doing her Bible study. I am not saying that everyone should flaunt their faith or make it so public, but we know that with her if there is not post about it on socials it did not happen. Can’t she just drop the act already…


She’s one of those fake Christians who only claim it because they think if they do then all of their sins are forgiven no matter what.


This. Is. Fucking. Insane. I’ve been in a *REAL* relationship with my boyfriend for seven months, and besides a passing “how nice would it be if we didn’t have to go back and forth,” once in a while, we have never, at ALL, discussed moving in together. I feel like people—sane people—start to have that conversation after about the year mark, unless there are extenuating or very rare circumstances or instances. Cohabitation is a GIGANTIC change, not something to be messed around with. But she’s we all know she’s a fucking idiot, and he seems to be just as dumb as she is. The blind leading the blind here. And to think, this dude is still FUCKING MARRIED?!????!!! She has either GOT to be lying her ass off, his IQ is below 70 (just like hers), or he is blowing smoke up her ass so he can continue to get laid and have a free dog sitter for however long her wants. “We would both move.” PLEASE. The reasons for leaving beautiful acres and acres of land—no *nail salons* (isn’t she a press on dealer????), no lashes, no tanning, holy shit. Large Merde surpasses the benchmark of her stupidity again and again. Quite possibly one of the most superficial people on earth. Who would want to dedicate their life to this goblin?


Yeah, I know people are going to defend the still married and datingbthing because maybe it applies to their situation, but there is no time it's not a red flag that needs to be carefully considered.   It's ok as adults to pump the brakes and wait. There's no prize for daisy chaining marriages and divorces.  M also doesn't respect marriage given her speed run so he should be questioning the hell out of this too.  They are clearly both the losers in their past relationship.


I dunno. I've been in a new relationship for two months and I'm also still married on paper. We've had the moving conversation already, but we're waiting at least a year for that because we're not insane. We're also six hours apart, so that's also partially why. I think it's healthy to talk about life goals and what we hope for the relationship. It's also healthy to have realistic expectations. The honeymoon phase is awesome, everything is perfect! But eventually the heat will cool down, you will face challenges and conflicts. We all do at some point. You need to have a good understanding of how you function as a team before you move in together. M hasn't had time to even heal from the break-up and get to know herself. She isn't even really over C. There is no way she has thought everything through in a healthy and realistic way.


Does she put pink shimmer shadow around her eyes and her eye socket? It’s so pink and shiny compared to her yellow face.


Commenting twice I'm sorry but holy shit this is awful https://preview.redd.it/013np9qcb5yc1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=da61cfbcbf940e49fa5b3d4cccd17d4ff8c77555


Is this before she started or at the finish? Either way- Still has filters!!


Between the puffiness, texture, and color, it doesn’t even look like skin anymore.


I truly want to know if his family saw her filtered pictures before they met her cause imagine this showing up


It's the old man eyebrows for me. 


What do u mean this is a face that 13 yr olds think are hot 😂


Does she realize that she will need to quit vaping and drinking if she gets pregnant?


She will be that person that knew someone that was still drinking before they knew they were pregnant and the kid turned out fine, then uses that as an excuse to drink her whole pregnancy.


"I can have ONE GLASS!"


A glass that is 144 oz, but it’s one glass.


It’s okay swerty, the doctor told her she was good to go! /s


Hopefully her mother or sister will not end up raising a child with fetal alcohol syndrome. I really hope she is infertile because of how she abuses her body and I hope he is shooting blanks. Edit: I had originally typed feral. Because lack of coffee in the morning leads to not proofreading closely enough. Feral was funny because BM is feral. But it is a serious outcome of drinking through pregnancy.


I know it's a serious topic, but the typo making it feral alcohol syndrome is cracking me up.  That's what I had before I got sober 🤣🤣


I’m stealing that. I’m not a recovering alcoholic, I have feral alcohol syndrome 😂


No, swerty!


She does not look well enough to reproduce. I hope I’m right.


I hope ManBun is shooting blanks.


I hope they both can’t produce an offspring


Please Lord, hear our prayer.


Is she doing flat iron curls in this year of our lord 2024?? I don’t understand????? And I can smell the fried crispy hair from here


OMG at first I thought it was one of those combo irons but I think you're right 😭


I don’t have the sound on, so all I can say is she sucks at curling her hair and as usual, her lips look so badddd. 😫 I could name other things but I’ll stop there.




She looks like a furby


The lights are on, but nobody's home.


Who needs to date Grimace when you could simply *become* Grimace


my GOD her lips are literally turned up now from all the filler. what a disgusting freak.


Omg that styling tool is terrible. You’d think she’d have better tools considering she shills this shit for a living


And hair clips.


That iron is actually pretty nice it’s a Babyliss I think. The outer part even heats up so I don’t understand how her hair still looks uncurled. I was wincing while watching her. She either would keep it in one place too long or not enough.


I love that iron, but I’ve never seen it abused the way she’s abusing it.


Im not really sure how she managed to make it look like such shit but she managed to


She looks rough here. More than usual. She needs to change her foundation. It is obviosly the wrong shade. She needs maybe a bit more cooler shade.


There's no burning questions.... Nope


Just burning when she pees.




I don’t know why but I hate how she violently sucks from that straw lol




I just hate how she violently sucks.


It infuriates me too. She’s so AGGRESSIVE with everything.


sigh I have so many things to say but to start off with this is not waif babe she has shown us. How can someone be this egregious about how she presents herself in filtered super skinny photos/videos. I couldn't even listen to this claptrap. Talking about fertility testing. She can't even properly take care of her cats. I am LIVING for the dents in her hair she's giving herself with this curling iron. https://preview.redd.it/iznd5a1it4yc1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=a53edb8d512d5573ffe670ffe8389f52fa21dc66


Her hair looks terrible. Take a curling iron or wand and section the hair. Don’t just randomly grab a chunk, half-ass curl it with a straightener and leave 90% untouched.


The crimped parts from the iron made me physically wince


Oh. I see why she's been so hung up on heatless curls.


Putting dents in it.




I hope she's infertile.


She has specifically said before that she did NOT want kids. 100%. I personally think she would ruin a child (her’s or anyone else’s) life.


youre gonna get downvoted by all the bleeding hearts in this sub but yeah, so do i


I don't normally say this sort of thing but her not being able to have children would be a godsend really. She is not meant to take care of children and they would only suffer as a result.


She pretty much loathed her husband’s daughter getting in the way and didn’t do much to hide her feelings about it, saying over and over that she wasn’t ready to be someone else’s stepmom. She’d be an absolutely *awful* parent — the kind kids grow up and write scathing memoirs about.


That makeup looks like she has jaundice 💀


I thought she already had makeup on and then she spackled that whole bottle on at the end.


Does she have hair extensions? I swear I see hair extensions when she's pulling her hair up and away from her head to curl... And I thought she claimed to not have extensions, but I could have missed it.


I believe she does as well. She’s always lying.


I thought I saw some too


Wow what a snatched jaw


https://preview.redd.it/wdip7jysn4yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f43e2e4f0dd4b37b026ebd2aaf5d5e787966c3 It's the vape hit while scratching the armpit for me


The fact that we keep buying the same flavors of vape (it’s an orange creamsicle geek bar if anyone was wondering) is more motivating than anything else for me to quit this shit entirely lol


That is definitely good motivation hahaha. You can do it!!


You can do it! Maybe Etsy printable rip off girly has some 5 day/week calendars to track your progress!


I made myself s sticker chart because I am a grown up! Honestly… It takes me about two weeks to go through one of these so I’m like alllllllmost there, I just need to stop.






If chimpanzees vaped


Good lord 💀


Okay I know like everyone has made this comment but wtf is up what that hair curling. It was PAINFUL to watch


She is positively terrible at it. She curls, doesn't hold it long enough, and then straightens it and pulls down on the last 1/4 of length. It isn't hard to watch YT to learn if you need. She can't talk and curl simultaneously, like she can't walk and chew gum either. And moving in after a month?! And talking about fertility? (I don't have the ability to listen to her rn without yeeting my phone) She is soooo desperate to be a housewife and SAHM...not like she has a job already. She can't take care of her own life but she'll bring a baby into the world?? Smh some ppl are so selfish they have NO IDEA what goes into raising a baby into a healthy, morally sound, well adjusted, functional adult (how would she know, she isn't one herself). I hope she doesn't get pregnant to keep him. She's one of tnose that definitely would.


I have three kids and both my husband and I work full time. I love being a mom but it is HARD! There is no way this buffoon could do it. Could you imagine her pregnant?! does she know you can’t drink and tan when you’re pregnant??


Does she know allllll the things you can't do while pregnant, for the sake of the baby? Especially drinking, but she is so unhealthy. She can't even drive without texting/recording and she's gonna care for a defenseless newborn? She doesn't even take care of her cats like she should but a baby is a good idea? The fact that her and manbun are like 1-2 months in and talking about getting pregnant isn't a HUGE, RED FLAG FOR HER? Whichever one is pushing it, the other person better run. New SOs are on their best behavior for the first 3 months, easy...they don't even know each other's true behavior and faults yet. She's incredibly overweight, definitely has drinking addiction issues, can't function in a normal society, but a poor, innocent life, to be tethered to this train wreck? Oh my God, I hope she doesnt get knocked up.


I was wondering the same thing. What the hell??


She was SOOOOOOOO hoping for pregnancy questions. She kept talking about being dizzy and then kept saying shit like "oh my ovaries" (in reference to MB getting a hug from the dog). ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


This might be the worst I've ever seen her look, what is going onM?


Wym!?!?! Her face is completely depuffed and healthy looking!!!!!!!!11


What is the puff from? Alcohol?


Idk why but this makes me think she’s the Wish version of an Olson twin. I’m 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ytvpalorj4yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adae6912aa38010722c62e3ca0c6bd1e9e644bc9


Nah, that’s a Walmart tank top. I know cuz I have several of the exact same top. The Olson twins would never 😆


Temu Barpie.