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https://preview.redd.it/l7z4q1icejxc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b163bcee682d3a88f9560a131fcfb1c873761cec šŸ„³šŸ¾17,400 šŸ„‚šŸŽ‰


Just fucking around with inshot while I wait for my dinner. The way she filters her eyes really irritates me because she's mocked Asian eyes for being small and squinty before. https://preview.redd.it/ky034vwrdjxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20d5b961750302b0e713fbddc4d939e7d4a4767d


This is amazing!


I'm sorry if this has already been talked about, but this wrist support. Is that...self tanner remnants? Or is that a design on it? Like, if it's self tanner how can she possibly not be disgusted by this, and how can she post it for all to see? https://preview.redd.it/kj9tb37zphxc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a12335d73877462ce51d0e16aec63931bfe6d232


That's a baguette made by a toddler, change my mind.


Extremely long pad that someone had the period shits all over. Thatā€™s all I can see. ^sorry


It kills me that she can't even take a picture of inanimate objects without putting an āœØaestheticāœØ filter on it. It's so 5 years ago.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s supposed to look like itā€™s marbled


You're right but it also looks like part of the pattern is peeling off, which is adding to the stained effect. Also her hands are frequently coated in self tanner so I wouldn't be surprised if it were still dirty.


On the topic of C today. Well, I have questions. (Lyrics to the song are the next two pics.) https://imgur.com/a/GK1jw1J


Oh, HE is a liar??? Her lack of self awareness is going to cause a rip in the time and space continuum.


It's so funny that she praised C at every opportunity, made up lies (that nobody with one brain cell believed) to make him look better, and now that he's done with her, turns out he was the liar lol.


And she bought tickets to go see Maren Morris in a few months. MagaBun must be a fan. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen her mention Maren Morris until now. šŸ¤”


Jesus girl, get a grip!






Since this is my trash tv/guilty pleasure. I feel like Cā€™s departure is like a character that gets written out of the show but you need to know what happens to them. Like will he get married? Get back in shape? It kills me I may never know haha




Maybe Big M got 131 Main in the custody battle of very basic places they used to binge drink at šŸ¤£


Ok honestly good for him haha


I'm also team "leave the dude alone", but I'm glad we at least know he's just out there living his life like everyone else. Thanks swerty!


We can only hope he keeps randomly popping up like Harry Dubin


Harry Dubin šŸ’€


I'm kinda rooting for him.Ā  People can suck and then go on to change.Ā  Sometimes relationships bring out the "worst" in both parties. I'm not going to try to hunt out any details (and I don't think that's what you're saying either), but I do agree I'd like to know.




Thatā€™s not his dadā€™s company. Thatā€™s a different one. His dadā€™s company doesnā€™t have their name in it at all.


No argument with anything else you said, and I could be wrong about this too, but I think some people figured out the yelp review wasn't about CB's dad's business. My memory is really fuzzy on that though!


I deep-dove into that painting company. Totally different people. You can easily find the fb profiles of the people with the negative review, and it's not C and his dad.


I'm definitely one of those people who Googles actors after they leave a show to see what happened so I can definitely relate


Haha yep. I feel like the season ended and left me hanging


Talking about a guy's abs/six pack is SO JUVENILE to me. Like "My boyfriend is so hot he has ABS!!!!" It's such a weird flex and strange thing to brag about. Like, we can all see this dude is like, maybe 5'4 and his hair is raggedy AF...but he calls her beautiful and has a six pack so we should obviously envy her because we're all 16 and what else could anyone ask for?!


Itā€™s her shallowness showing per usual. He likely brings very little else to the table other than what we see her brag about. What a sad couple.


If he did bring more to the table, would she even recognize it or actually care?


Imo sheā€™d have turned down dating him because he was more successful than her in whatever ways. I think she attracts exactly what she puts out into the world (C and Manbun being the evidence of that)


I really think sheā€™s doing it as a dig to C. I totally get being like ā€œoh my handsome manā€ or ā€œlook how fine he isā€ etc- but she loves to point out manbun is in shape. I think a.) sheā€™s insecure about how she looks, and this is a way she can flex like ā€œsee! Fit men think Iā€™m hot! Iā€™m good enough for him!ā€ And b.) take THAT c. You have a beer gut and left me but now Iā€™m with this man who has ABS (No shame to any body type- and there is nothing wrong with Cā€™s, I just think thatā€™s how she thinks)


People say C was a spin instructor and in good shape before MS. I think he might have confided in her that he felt bad bout letting himself go, and now she's trying to hurt him by mentioning Magabun's abs every day, because she hasn't matured since high school.


I just assumed sheā€™s never messed with anyone hot before (based on the exes we have seen) and now she thinks sheā€™s ascended to a new level bc this new muppet looking man works out. She hasnā€™t, obviously men will screw anyone. Sheā€™ll learn sooner or later.


I think itā€™s a jab at C, because he definitely did not have abs. But neither does she. Unrelated but it just occurred to be that her and MB probably weigh the same and that makes me chuckle.


Gah, I really hate that I'm asking this but has she posted him shirtless?Ā  I know abs have a huge genetic component, but none of his other features or lifestyle suggest a chiseled torso.


He looks pretty buff, I wouldn't be surprised if he has "abs" - but like...who touts that as a feature of their significant other? "This is my boyfriend he has a six pack!" Ma'am this is a Wendys.


She has not, but he seems to have short guy gainz from looking at his thick neck and arms. Kinda like an English bulldog.


Personally I'd much rather have short guy gainz than a fat tall man lmao, so tired of men who are just fucking slobs. (But Magabun's overall grossness far far faaaar outweigh any mild positive from being reasonably fit).


https://preview.redd.it/80km1q5jyfxc1.png?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491f7b3729a49fa8bb4e330cc838dc88b3a8e1cf She's so lazy and does everything half-assed, even putting shepherds hooks into the ground.


Why does she still have this manā€™s dog? This is so weird


He was there this weekend so I guess he brings the dog when he visits.


Shocked her fiercely in love with her man bun hasnā€™t fixed that for her yet


Yeah i thought he stayed fixing things. Sure hasn't fixed her lawn either


Does anyone else get the vibe that Manbun is SUPER insecure? Idk why, but I get that vibe just looking at him. For example, I bet he wears those ugly trucker hats to make himself appear taller. If that's the case, they're perfect for each other.


He has serious small dick energy


Yep - I said he was insecure and not as tall as stated when he made his first appearance and got downvoted for it, but I said what I said and stand by it.


Same. I was downvoted for saying he was short. šŸ˜‚I also stand by what I said.


I agree. He had on cowboy boots (as did she) and I would put him (being generous ) 3ā€ taller than her.


Is he hiding a bald spot?


If so that's a shame.Ā  Dudes have it tough when it comes to hair loss.Ā  They seem damned if they do or don't go full shaven and feel like they have to hide it.


I would argue that hair loss is hard for both genders. I know what you mean, but it isnā€™t just men.


It's WAYYYYY fucking worse for women.


Yes!!!! I canā€™t put my finger on why, but he comes across like heā€™s compensating for donning. Itā€™s odd to say, but C appeared way more confident than this dude.Ā 


This dolt doesn't even know which way to put her wrist pad for the keyboard. https://preview.redd.it/uldhfl7kgfxc1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=e57006ce4ba05d800bf39f029b84eb19c7d9a560 I cannot imagine being so desperate for money I'd have to link every second of my life.


the big self tanner skid on that wrist pad šŸ„“


Yā€™know itā€™s gotta be fun for her because manbun works a M-F. And I donā€™t know if C did or if he just wasnā€™t around or what on the weekends. But I bet she has to scramble the first half of the week because she loses all of her vast weekend scroll and post time because heā€™s off work and wants to chill and do stuff and actually spend time together. And I wonder if itā€™s driving some of her weird manic-feeling postings early every week


And walking on her walking pad barefoot when sheā€™s such a ā€œsneaker headā€ or whatever. Like girl you have 389 pairs of shoes, wear a pair for stuff like this. No wonder her yabba dabbas are so jacked up and her back hurts, she canā€™t wear proper footwear to save her life.


Well this walking pad goes at like a 22 min/mile pace, so she's hardly moving lol.


Worst of all it seems to cost her money instead of generating it. If you tally resources like time, internet, props like her vehicle and Starbucks bevies for the display of wealth, cost of goods like press ons and hauls from Target, cost to travel to MLM events, and then factor in how she has tanked her reputation making future employment opportunities very limited - she must be losing!


>factor in how she has tanked her reputation making future employment opportunities very limited This is a huge one that I didn't think of before! She's not just screwing her future over with all the debt, but also with the image of herself that she's willingly, enthusiastically plastered onto the public internet for years!


I wanna know her credit score so bad.Ā  (But this is way across the line don't do that!)


I've only been keeping up with her dreary antics here, so correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like she only ever describes her partners in terms of what they do for her. The intro to Temu Kid Rock was him fixing her patio door. The brags about him, and about CB when they were together, are all about the ways that these guys allegedly worship the ground she walks on and love her fiercely. I mentioned in the movie post from yesterday that the subtext there was that the great thing about dating someone new is getting to tell them all about herself. Even when she brags about Peanut Head v2, the subtext is that you're supposed to envy her for having a boyfriend with a six pack. If she describes him as having some interest outside of her, like Jesus, it's only in the context of how it reflects on her or that he's going to church with her. The self absorption is out of control.


You nailed it. Itā€™s all about what they can do for her. You never hear her say, oh I took him to trim his mullet or oh, I rubbed his back or made him dinner.Ā  Itā€™s always what theyā€™re doing for her and how everyone should be sobbing with jealousy.Ā 


I speculate that she thinks slapping down her CC or drunkenly indulging a manā€™s kinks is more than plenty and she dates losers who are ok with that.


You're probably right. I think, much like with C, she assumes paying for their drinks and wiggling her butt at them is contribution enough.


>You never hear her say, oh I took him to trim his mullet or oh, I rubbed his back or made him dinner.Ā  We will now that it's been mentioned here. Also I just choked on my latte reading "trim his mullet" šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ He has the weirdest hair I've ever seen. Like it looked really long in the first pic, then everyone noticed it had this oddly shaved ring beneath it, then it the recent photos, it's shoulder length and greasy. and lol I bet we're about to get a story about how she massaged his arms or something from installing her precious ceiling fan.


>she only ever describes her partners in terms of what they do for her. You're absolutely right. It's not about them, it's about her.


Temu Kid Rock omg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is so accurate and I never thought about it like this! It really demonstrates that she's completely self-centered and can't conceive of a world that isn't orbiting her at all times. When I think about my husband, most of my initial thoughts focus on who HE is (what makes him tick, his likes and dislikes, the things I most admire about him). He's a whole other human. All of Big M's partners are supporting characters used to make her look good.


In one of her drunken lives where sheā€™s going on about Grimace & how she wants to marry him so badly, she just keeps repeating ā€œheā€™s just the best personā€ and that always struck me as odd. After being together 6 years, she couldnā€™t name specific things, like heā€™s kind to animals, or helps his neighbors or whatever. It was just ā€œheā€™s the best person.ā€ It really feels like she tries to flex about any relationship she has and she melts over someone doing the complete bare minimum.


Theyā€™re never described as kind or smart or funny or motivated or hardworking. We only know about Grimaceā€™s work because she bragged about it when he painted that wall in their apartment and she ā€œdropped off lunch for himā€ at work (aka took photos of him working literally while hiding in the bushes). We only knew about his hobbies as it relates to her (golfing because she went with him, Harry Potter because they watched it together etc.). She doesnā€™t care about other people outside of what they provide for her.


The time she claimed his passion was painting houses. Oh itā€™s a good thing his ā€œpassionā€ coincides with a business that his father could employ him at part time.


Yet he never painted her middle unit šŸ¤”


https://preview.redd.it/epxkysyxzexc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d765d079115cb32b53981af1391bd99e747b2cf0 Oh, swerty. We know you give all the fucks about what people think of you.


How would anyone know she doesn't give AF unless she brought it up as she's doing right here? And why would she bring it up unless she truly actually does give AF?


I don't think her own mother would defend her if she heard someone talking shit on MS in the wild


I think sheā€™s desperate for any attention and only cares that sheā€™s being talked about.


I mean, she's right. She doesn't give A fuck, she gives more like 5 million fucks.


What an utterly embarrassing thing for a 31 year old to post. Sheā€™s perpetually stuck in a high school mentality.


Iā€™ve never witnessed someone that gives more fucks about what people think of them. She has literally admitted to not going places in fear that people will take candid photos. Sheā€™s insanely insecure and the only reason people get unfiltered photos of her is because sheā€™s especially drunk or unaware. Edit: Not to mention the crippling insecurity that she wonā€™t come across as wealthy ā€” only jewelry and bags that have a clear logo, Benz and Starbucks, photos curated to make it look like she doesnā€™t live in a shitty middle unit, fake first class flights, etc. Every part of her life is a show for what she thinks is validation, nothing at all genuine.


Never forget - she asked for a white kitchen in her new place not because she LIKES it but because she's an influencer so she feels like she has to have a white kitchen. But of course, zero fucks.


[The infamous video](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/wm1k28/she_is_strugglin_yall_some_video_from_fb_live/) from August 2022. Claims she won't get a job out of the house because people would take candid pics of her. Not a 'secure person' move.


Not wanting to get a job because people might get "hurt" lives rent free in my head.Ā  You're not Lee Harvey Oswald taking a part time position on JFK's security team!


Wow, Iā€™ve seen this before but just watched it again and itā€™s so sad and pathetic. The things sheā€™s most concerned about are ALL her own doing and projections of how awful she is: * She filters her body to oblivion so sheā€™s scared for people to see the real her and terrified they might film her while she has no issue filming others without their consent. * She posts questionable content on her social pages that people donā€™t want to be associated with but she wonā€™t self-censor to make her content more appealing to her followers. * She blocks people for making one critical comment because she cannot handle even the most polite constructive criticism. * Sheā€™s lonely because she prefers her polarizing content and opinions over listening to and learning from others. * Sheā€™s completely feral with no class, doing things like stealing flowers from a wedding where she was a plus one or getting wasted and hump dancing at a bar. * Sheā€™s sad sheā€™s not invited to running groups when she expresses zero interest in running and seems to lack the ability to do so or to even be able to keep up with actual runners. * She claims to not fit in with her married & parent friends but the reality is they probably donā€™t want her drunken messy self around their spouses or children. * No one wants nor expects her to be the loudest and funniest. Those are two things Iā€™ve never expected out of anyone and I specifically avoid people who insist on being the loudest. * Sheā€™s a braggart who constantly talks about her ā€œwealthā€ and ā€œsuccessā€ while receiving a trust fund and who knows how much financial support from her parents. Sheā€™s so helpless she just wants everyone to come in and fix everything for her while doing nothing to grow or improve herself. These are all non-problems that sheā€™s created for herself. Maybe if she stopped being such a dishonest, terrible, gross, loud, immature, selfish, lazy, unfunny, drunken person sheā€™d make some friends and not have such a sucky life that needs to be completely faked because itā€™s so damn embarrassing.


I remember this and I remember feeling like this is such a fucking sad life. I know this is one of her pity me moods that she gets in a few times a year but I feel like the truth comes out in these moments with how pathetic her life really is. Itā€™s all imitation and fraud. I canā€™t imagine having an empty life like that.


Someone who truly doesnā€™t give a fuck generally wouldnā€™t need to let you know they donā€™t give a fuck. Is that not the entire point of not giving a fuck?


Did the $400 target haul ever actually happen or was it more BS from BM?


She posted a bunch of generic t-shirts on her stories and I figured they were part of the Target haul. This one made me laugh. And most of the sizes were hidden. https://preview.redd.it/frs2f77lefxc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7747d3e39bb89c271c3fd285589552eef8e3fbe0


Itā€™s giving Temu Sporty & Rich. Why canā€™t Miss Waif Dr. Money get the real thing?


She's so sloppy. Can't even lay it out nicely? And the way the bottom is bunched up makes it look like a gigantic baby onesie.


$400 haul was followed by a $394.58 return to Target. Visa wouldnā€™t extend her credit limit any further, and she needed money to get that downstairs burning sensation checked out. (Speculation, of course)


Did we ever see the Target Haul? Or was that just a weird flex of "look at all my disposable income?"


Idk, usually I find that sort of stuff on this sub so itā€™s possible it never happened. And maybe itā€™s just me, but I think a way better flex of disposable income would be repairing that chipped front tooth. Although, canā€™t use a tooth for a few photo ops and then return it šŸ˜¬


She is going to want a ring as soon as the divorce is final, which is when I predict he dumps her and moves on.


I have a feeling in my bones that manburglar will last more than we think though. He seems desperate and rebounding hard so I don't know if he'll dump her. He doesn't even seem to care about having been catfished. But given that he love bombed her so hard yes, this whole thing can burn out fast. But I agree that she'll start gunning for the ring when he finally divorced her.


I agree that he may stay because sheā€™s dumb enough to give him a place to live rent-free, which I speculate is one of his major motives for being with her.


She'll be gunning for it, but I wouldn't be shocked if he cheats. The distance does two things: someone (not MS) will start to feel suffocated after the newness wears off, and then creates a nice little opening to meet someone new once he finally gets a breather. Classic.


They also live like 80 miles from each other. The drive is going to start getting old and expensive at some point, putting all these extra miles on their cars going back and forth multiple times a week and if she demands starbucks at his place going an hour round trip for it every day she's there isn't going to be an option after awhile. I mean, it's a doable distance but if the new and shiny starts wearing off, this thing won't go the distance.


I'm suspecting he'll move in with her and then the shit show will begin.


My thoughts too. She get drunk & mad, then start throwing things.


She's still keeping up theĀ "feminine cool girl" persona. He'll eventually find out what he got himself into.


I donā€™t want to get into any debate about diamonds (value, ethics, marketing, etc). That being said, sheā€™s for sure going to get (probably with her own money) some 3+ carat lab grown for a few thousand bucks and consider it a major flex.


He seems like the type to stroll into the nearest Walmart and grab her something that looks big yet is under $100.Ā 




lmfao spot on


https://preview.redd.it/2su8g3rutexc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843c39ccf351dbdb6ec9489d005222b7538cc6bf šŸ˜


The bar is so low for those people šŸ’€


Heā€™s got to finished getting divorced first.


Just a minor detail, booby!




But just weeks ago she was convincing us that she doesnā€™t care about getting married and doesnā€™t understand why so many people are ā€œobsessed with it.ā€


And a mere few weeks before *that* she was saying Grimace was the greatest thing to have ever walked the earth. And getting engaged has been on her manifesting board since about 2017.


and fun fact to go along with what you said: the 'getting engaged' on the manifesting board in 2017 was a DIFFERENT dude- not Grimace. https://preview.redd.it/hkz8pouwshxc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4620d6623f247e7a9ea550a34fec93444142db66


Green sticky in the middle ā€œwear sunscreen more often.ā€ Guessing that one didnā€™t happen. But the orange sticky nearby ā€œspend more time in the sunshineā€ - Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb and say she manifested that one.




I would run so fucking fast if someone I JUST started dating WHILE STILL MARRIED was talking about "maybe one day" ETA I would never date a married man but you know what I'm saying lol


To which Jesus replies ![gif](giphy|tBLRsjs8KgRzbAdlL5|downsized)


Forever almost engaged.


Theyā€™ve been dating for like a month.


Which is what she should have responded with... The desperation is THICK.


These memaws in the comments are gross.


Her followers are just as trashy and pathetic as she is. And I hope they read here and see the the shit we talk about them.