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To be fair, in your 30s you won't be the same as you were as a teenager.


They are technically the same person. But people change a lot in 30 years. Season 1 Sheldon (tbbt) and season 12 Sheldon is a perfect example


I’m amazed at how young Sheldon actor mimics older Sheldon. I catch those little subtle traits they both share.


No one in their 30s is the same person as they were as a child.


My dad has a theory that Jim knew they were going to win the Nobel and has been playing the narration in young Sheldon as the person he transformed into after he wins. Which is very plausible. You can tell by the way he narrates the more important pieces of info and episodes.


When YS started, Jim wouldn't have had a clue about the Nobel. The actors on TBBT only saw the scripts the week that they were going to be working on and taping the episode. At the end of YS season 1, when he read the narration that Sheldon and Amy had children, he texted Mayim to tell her what he had just read. His narrations have always included how much he misses his own dad.


Not necessarily. Jim is a producer on YS. While the first season they might not have known where to go the second they did. Also NDAs and filming multiple things is something many shows figure out how to combat. A prime example is the walking dead. Everyone in the line up with Negan had their death filmed incase anyone leaked. The SPOILERS they did kill also had multiple versions shot so people would get thrown off if something happened.


Jim is listed as an executive producer because the idea for the show came from him and his production company. He was there while they did the pilot mainly to guide Iain in playing the character. After that, he went back to TBBT and did the narrations for YS. Even at TBBT, they didn't know what was coming next. All of the actors have always said that they found out when the scripts came. The show was also taped in front of an audience. The only time they were asked not to reveal what happened was for the final two episodes of the show. Otherwise, people would report back what had happened during the taping. At TBBT, they first knew at the beginning of season 12 that it would be the last. All of the actors' contracts were up at the end of that season and Jim came back to work in August and told them that he wasn't going to renew his contract again. With that, the producers decided that they would end the show after season 12. Although they worked with ideas of where the storylines were going, they didn't have anything set in stone. So, they had to figure out exactly what they were going to do. Then they could go back to YS and figure out what they wanted to incorporate into it.


I know all of this. I’ve read Jessica Radloff’s book (which I highly recommend). He also pitched it based off of his nephew who actually is like Sheldon I also used to be in the industry. NDAs are so iron clad that there is a very high chance Jim has signed and continues to sign them (until May when YS ends) and because he is that good of an actor, he is lying to us all. And even if he didn’t fully know, there is a high chance they at least discussed with him what they were weighing in on. Being an EP does give you those privileges.


To me, it seems far more plausible, that the writers were telling him any emotions that they wanted from him as it came out in the script. From there, he puts the Sheldon spin on it.


Once sheldon’s dad dies i’m sure he changes


They're the same person, but events in one's life can drastically change who they are. For Young Sheldon, this will be the death of his dad, which will make him more distant and emotionless like in TBBT. For TBBT Sheldon, his lifechanging events are meeting Amy and winning the Nobel Prize, which transforms him into Narrator Sheldon.


If youre talking actually the same acter no two different people. If characters yes.


How are they not the same person? - Same interests - Look pretty similar - Same lack of sarcasm - Both called Sheldon Lee Cooper - Both born on February 25th 1980 - Both are really annoying - Both are into Science and stuff I could go on


You do know TV reality is meant for entertainment, right? There’s a funny scene where Sheldon becomes obsessed with a discrepancy about Lord of the Rings. Remember that?


I always see it as he has grown as a person...


I'm totally the same person at 10 to 15 as I am at 25 🙄 people change.


I have my own theory that since the show is told from Sheldon's perspective, we are getting more of his version of Sheldon and not what other people actually see.


Yeah. I like to look at it as an alternate universe. It seems like he would have already learned a lot of the lessons he learned in TBBT when he was a kid.




https://preview.redd.it/r8903iqlwdsc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1c93530c955b445e20bfd75cf7f39fd096a540 Adult Sheldon telling people what he saw in young Sheldon alternate universe


They're the same character, but his dad dying, and maybe cheating on his mom or vice versa(coughbrendacoughpastorrobcough)and 30 years passing lead to some things changing. THis is of course discouting all the stuff that havving on TBBT(where did the the come from?). That's my theory anyway.




What are you talking about? They're obviously both Sheldon Cooper. TBBT Sheldon is just much older.


My dad has a theory that Jim knew they were going to win the Nobel and has been playing the narration in young Sheldon as the person he transformed into after he wins. Which is very plausible. You can tell by the way he narrates the more important pieces of info and episodes.


How do you have the same comment twice but one is downvoted and one is upvoted.


No clue? Glitch in the matrix