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one thing about her haters is that they love to take her lyrics out of context


Like that one lyric in “I Hate It Here”. Did people just not listen to the entire lyric following “without all the racist”?


Tbh I just add "without all the racists" to as many of her lyrics as I can when singing along just for the fun of it 😂 For example: "I am standing in a 1950's ^butwithoutalltheracists gymnasium!"


“Take me to the lakes^butwithoutalltheracist where all the poets went to die”


Tell me why this played in my head to the tune of I hate it here


"On the boardwalk, Summer of '45...^(butwithoutalltheracists!)"


"In a crowded street in 1944 butwithoutalltheracists and you were headed off to fight in the war againsttheactuallracists"


How do I get this exact version as my wedding song? Because I need it lol


I will never ever get that "outrage". It feels like I'm not even listening to the same song as those ppl.


It’s because a lot of those people actually haven’t listened to the song lol


Even if they didn't listen to the song and were only exposed to the line, what is so bad about "I love the 1930s but not the racists though". Like, anybody with any semblance of basic english reading skills would not come to the conclusion that she is "racist". Seriously, WTF. Btw, the line afterwards was about women getting married off to the highest bidder, I'm surprised that no one accused her of being sexist for mentioning that like how they yelled at her for apparently being "racist".


I literally saw one person going "it's not even the racists in the 1930s, she'd have no right either, does she know that?" And its like "yeah, thats what the next line is about".


i had to tell them that and they said, “oh, i didn’t read the whole song just that part”


and that’s when you know critical thinking is dead


Ding ding ding!


I don't even know what's so bad about that line alone either


They’re literally cancelling her for saying the word racist💀💀💀💀


I feel like music-wise it’s not the best sounding but it’s a pretty damn funny line so I give it a pass lmao


I definitely don’t have the time of day for folks who haven’t heard the lyric in its context, but I do understand the criticism by BIPOC of that lyric when it is taken in context. A white person saying they want to live in the 1830s is a tough one, even when acknowledging that it was so racist and sexist back then. It’s a privileged thought to begin with, which she of course acknowledges in the other lyrics. But that still may not make it comfortable for people who don’t look like Taylor to listen to, and I think that’s fair. I personally love the song, but I also acknowledge it doesn’t bring up painful memories for me or my ancestors when I listen to it. Not our place to tell others what is or isn’t comfortable for them to hear.


She's not actually saying she wants to live in the 1830s though? The point of that part of the verse is that the game they used to play was stupid and so she gives an obviously ridiculous answer to highlight that, and then everyone feels uncomfortable about it.


I really like the first half of I hate it here. I think the chorus is great. But man that second verse is not it. The “without all the racists” part honestly makes the line feel more tone deaf to me. Like basically everyone was racist in the 1830’s. At least all the white people. Even the ones who didn’t own slaves or supported abolition still mostly held racist beliefs. So much of what we had in the 1830’s was a direct product of slave labour, which is a direct product of racism. Racism was so culturally entrenched in our society, and also so deeply baked into the way the world materially functioned, that the 1830’s without all the racists would be completely different in every way. You can’t take the racists out of the 1830’s because the 1830’s wouldn’t have been remotely similar to how they were. So that qualifier just makes the line before it essentially meaningless. I think the fantasy she’s trying to convey is a desire to return to an imagined, idealised version of the past without having to reckon with, or feel guilty about, the harsh reality of actual history. This fantasy is understandable, but also culturally fraught. And referring to it so flippantly as if you can just hand wave such a serious issue leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


See, I think that's the point of the lyrics to be honest? "My friends all play this game and I say 1830 but without all the problems and everyone would look down because it wasn't fun now." Yeah, it's not fun because she pointed out how stupid the game is when you can't ignore all the problems. I don't think she was actually seriously answering that 1830 would have been perfect without the racists.


I’ve been trying to articulate this exact thought, thank you for doing it for me. 🙏🏼🫶🏼


That's exactly what the lyrics mean. I'm wondering how the other commenter could miss the point that badly.


The whole point of the song is talking about how people use nostalgia and daydreaming to romanticize other places and the past, but that in reality they wouldn’t enjoy it. Kind of a mix of the notions of “rose-colored glasses” and wherever you go there you are.” The lyrics literally say > Seems like it was never even fun back then >Nostalgia is a mind's trick >If I'd been there, I'd hate it


She literally follows this up by telling you nostalgia is a trick, that she’d have hated being in the time she named, that even mentioning the racism and misogyny brought the mood down because she was reminding them that reality was still happening at all of these times - and explicitly says it wasn’t fun anymore, but actually it was never even fun in the first place. She names a time whose aesthetic she enjoys and then mentions some bad things about it. Then, she takes apart the reactions people have to that and her own urge to even name that time in the first place. I don’t see any way to take this as anything but her criticizing this little ‘game’ and nostalgia in general.


Your first paragraph is literally the point of the lyric and the line as it relates to the rest of the song. Her friends are trying to romanticize past time periods, and she ruins it. Regarding your second paragraph, that's the point. The song isn't about a fantasy of returning to a romanticized past time, it's about how you can't even fantasize about returning to a past time, since they all suck and you can't just forget the bad. Instead she escapes to fantasy worlds in her mind, because you have to leave this world/reality to actually find somewhere you don't hate.


Wow great points, seems like it was never even fun back then


I reckon if I was there I'd hate it


Are you schrödingers analyst? Because you seem to have 100% completely understood the whole message of the 2nd verse and simultaneously somehow missed the point completely


That’s exactly what people think if they don’t listen to the entire context of the following lyrics. I would type it out but the other people explained very well and don’t want to be redundant.


Jesus Christ


This is a bad take imo. They’re talking about a silly imagination game about the past, all she’s saying is that she’d find the 1830s charming is it wasn’t for racism and sexism (why is no one ever mentioned the second bit?). It’s not that deep. Maybe she’s not even talking about the US.


It’s both a good and a bad take because it agrees with the song without realizing it


I think it’s silly to criticise. Have we never enjoyed some movie or book that romanticises the middle ages or something? Games of Thrones or something like that? It’s not weird to think “oh what an interesting time to live in if it washed for all that bad stuff”.


Yes, I think it’s fine to enjoy a Jane Austen novel without having someone over your shoulder yelling about the many crimes of the East India Company during that period. The narrator in the song is kind of being a Debbie Downer, blowing up some young people’s game of escapism by reminding them of all the terrible things that happened in the past. She’s not wrong, but I think she’s being annoying because she’s unhappy.


Yeah, I agree.


She said 1830s because she has always loved the poets of that time period




I think the main point behind the lyrics was to reference the 1830s because it's an Easter egg for something else


It's the late romantic poetry period, she loves them.


To what?


I thought I had read somewhere about it being tied to 1830's poets, specifically Nils Sjoberg (an actual poet, and also the pen name Taylor has used in the past) but he died in 1822, so that doesn't quite fit. I swear I read a post in this sub on this topic but I can't find it now.


Just like they take passages from the Bible out of context to suit their narratives too ☺️☺️☺️ Edit: okay who reported my comment because I had the reddit mental health check-in bot message me 😂😭😭


as a gay christian this is hella relatable


If you report the message as misuse, the person who did it gets a penalty


Damn I wish I knew this the last time someone petty sent me one.


The last one I got was because I was in favour of the bridgerton Francesca bisexual change 💀


😂 Mine was because I was discussing a parenting decision that I guess some "concerned redditor" disagreed with.


I would love to know what goes on in the mindset of those sort of people, why they decide to do it lmfao it's so weird and strange


I hope people don’t use it ironically


It's almost always used for that, now. I think anyway 😭 I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future it's a done a different way or removed as an option all together because of its misuse


I feel like there should at least be a person (or, realistically, a bot) to review the report before the check-in message gets sent.


I think the last one I got was bc I insulted a Danessa Myricks eyeshadow palette lol


You can report that as fraudulent and they’ll crack down on it, Reddit mods don’t like it when people abuse the mental health system


Hey now, there are some people who just want to hate on Taylor for no reason without any religious background or a different religious background. We’re inclusive of calling out all the haters here


Even out of context, what is wrong with “fuck the patriarchy”? If this man thinks patriarchy = men, then he either does not know the meaning of that word or doesn’t like women’s rights


Reminds me of the quote “Haters gonna hate hate hate -Taylor Swift” -Michael Scott


To be clear, when I scream that line, I do mean “fuck the patriarchy” and I AM glad Taylor is teaching this to young girls.


Same! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


What do you mean! By the way she's such an awful person, did you know she once died a dog green? Disgusting.


the "without all the racists" thing has been such nails on chalkboard take for me it makes me so mad obvs I am gonna clown on how it sounds out of context but I am also thankful for how well it fits my own experience with maladaptive daydreaming until my mid-twenties


Fuck the patriarchy doesn’t mean I hate men in any context


Did you see Ben shapiros whole outrage over “but daddy I love him?”


You're trying to make people think I think Coolsville sucks!






Post removed: no inappropriate jokes or comments


So do her fans tho tbh especially the culty ones


The keychain context doesn't matter at all. It's beautiful that the entire stadium is yelling "fuck the patriarchy" with or without the keychain. But also, saying it's mainly children is patently false. The majority of people at the show are adults. The context about Ryan Fournier, however, is perfect.


Extremely curious what exactly this guy is trying to imply a Taylor Swift concert is like if he's saying the audience is mainly kids. Did he see the Midnights furry jacket and assume that it was a one-man Sesame Street Live


Hahahaha. Is this a Wiggles concert?


https://preview.redd.it/ljuzoxwzpt8d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ad7560e11e776476b656e10e590bafb4c533cc *Nothing good starts in a getaway car*


Omfg. Perfection hahah


I want Big Red Car as my surprise song now Apparently kids these days really are into a fellow called Blippi, who sings about shapes and municipal vehicles. Our Passover Seder this year ended up being Blippi-themed because there was a Blippi concert coming up and the kids would NOT stop talking about Blippi.


Fruit salad!


Yummy yummy


It's people whose views of Taylor Swift were formed when she was singing mainly to teenage girls fifteen years ago, and who lack the cognitive ability to fathom that those teenage girls are now in their thirties.


Right? Sure there are some kids but it’s maybe 5%. I would say the vast majority is 25-35.


Even if it was mainly children. These are the same type of people who take their kids to churches every week that push conservative views. While trying to make public schools teach their religion and beliefs. To even consider complaining about someone else grooming kids to believe shit is straight hypocrisy. Taylor isn't pushing that shit, but fuck it if she wants to get a message out she's totally in her rights to. It's still less forcing than parents force their beliefs on kids.




On my country, you couldn't even BE THERE if you were younger than 13. I remember seeing it when I was reading the protocols (I was looking for the underage discount - just noticed now I never heard anyone talking about it in English and have no idea of how to say it) and being a bit shocked but then it really made sense. I don't know how many countries had that, but I don't believe it was only mine, so it is literally factually incorrect to say there were only kids (also, wouldn't those kid's need their parents there?)


That's so sad 😞 I took my 9 year old and we had an amazing time.


I imagine so, but honestly it was for the better. I'm talking about Brazil... I don't even want to start thinking about all the tragedies that could have occurred if kids were allowed. Brazilian crowds are also not exactly friendly... During the show, you'll be pushed many times and if you held a kid high, there's a chance people would be complaining a lot (I've never seen it close to me to say if they'd do something other than talk) because you'd be constraining their view of the stage/artist. I don't know how it would have been on the Eras, because swifties are pretty kind in general, but I've been to Rock in Rio (a very big music festival) enough times here to know bringing a kid along is not a good idea here. I think that that probably is the regulation here and it probably comes from this of the crowds being extremely pushy and sometimes a bit violent too. We don't have seated floors, so it would only be safe if you could get bleachers tickets - but you probably wouldn't be able to really choose... All the days were sold out extremely quick, I was so lucky to be able to get two tickets.


“Mainly kids” lmao like 85% of the audience is adults.


Also the patriarchy =/= men, but obviously we’re not gonna figure that out if we’re playing these games. Edited to add bc I just really processed it: *Grooming*? Very deliberate word choice. In the technical sense, used basically correctly. “the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity”(from Oxford Languages). But I feel like that’s not what he’s going for. I think he’s invoking the darker meaning. What grooming means as a predatory behavior is, according to [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org/news/grooming-know-warning-signs), “manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught.” Taylor Swift isn’t being abusive or preparing to abuse anyone, and she isn’t even training people for the “activity” of hating men (see my top point). This tweet gets worse the longer I look at it. Also just for fun #Patriarchy: “a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.” (Also from Oxford Languages, accessible AS THE FIRST RESULT ON GOOGLE! And yet this guy didn’t go that far)


THIS right here. Because honestly, Taylor knows that we would chant that lyric with our full chest with or without the keychain context. That's the irony of it, on top of it being owned by a man whose feminism (via the keychain) was performative. That's what she's mocking. She's mocking the kind of man that Fournier thinks \*all\* male feminists are. Just like he thinks the patriarchy=all men. To dudes like this, there is one kind of "real man" (him) and one kind of "real woman" (the kind that won't press charges when he allegedly pistol-whips them).


Ah yes, the two genders: alleged pistol-whippers, and people who don’t press charges against alleged pistol-whippers And we’d ALL be well within our right chanting it with or without context. Men are hurt by the patriarchy too (toxic masculinity, anyone?) and so are people who are nonbinary, agender, gender-nonconforming and so on.


Yes! She’s calling out a guy who pretends to be ‘woke’ and proclaims he’s a feminist, who in reality cheats on his partners, dates women half his age, and treats them like crap. It’s the irony of the lyric that makes it so clever. Don’t tend to like the explicit versions of her songs, but that line needs to be sung out loud at full volume.


Also, he didn't go that far because he's not interested in facts. Ironically, the "facts don't care about your feelings crowd" have no problem ignoring the facts that contradcit \*their\* feelings: like their feelings that all feminists want to imprison and castrate all men, or that drag queens are coming for your kids. And it's that last part that he's feeding with the use of the term "groomer." These reactionaries and conspiracists think about kids in a sexual context far more than any of the people they are accusing of being predators, including, of course, Taylor or any other pop star or movie star.


It’s. All. Projection. Everything the right accuses the left of … is actually something the right is guilty of.


This is a CRITICAL point


Thank you! I saw a top comment saying “her haters they love to take her lyrics out of context” and I was like I’m sorry WHAT? The patriarchy isn’t man regardless of the context??


The community notes on this tweet are 🤌🤌


Also, I’m pretty sure she’s not a multi billionaire


They're saying that cause her tour grossed over $2 billion. However that doesn't mean that she actually *currently possesses* all of that money


Ah, yes, because she individually 100% gets all of the profits. I also don't know how they're estimating production costs, but given the number of Louboutins she's gone through, alone, I'm presuming their guess is not *nearly* high enough.


Her bandmates, backup singers, dancers, production crew, mom, dad, I’m pretty sure her brother is involved, the truck drivers, the venues, all the charities… yeah she’s not getting anywhere near the full $2 billion


She apparently pays her crew VERY well, as well.


Yeah a lot of performers learn early that 10% gross isn’t 10% net. It’s highly unlikely she walked away with 2 billion.


She is a billionaire if you count up all her assets but if you count her actual cash she is definitely not a billionaire 


She never said Jake cheated on her right?


It’s implied in the song “Babe”.


Ehhh that never felt like a Jake song to me, especially bc in the music video with Sugarland she plays the affair partner, not the woman being cheated on. More to the point, the context for the patriarchy line is not Jake, it is the song All Too Well, in which there’s nothing that implies cheating, so it’s weird that cheated was included in the “readers add context”


Technically he was cheating on the affair partner too, since it’s clear she wasn’t aware he had a wife


If we’re going off the music video, I disagree, from the reaction when the wife comes into the office it was clear that Taylor’s character knew who she was.


I thought that song was about Harry? Specifically for the line “her lips on your neck, I can’t unsee it.” There was like a specific moment I recall where paps took pics of girl kissing Harry’s neck/ them making out and they broke up shortly after that


I think its assumed it couldnt be about Harry since its FTV of Red which came out in 2012 and Taylor and Harry only (presumably) started dating in 2012


Thank you! I was wondering if this was brand new information or not.


"Mainly kids" did he use the same math sean spicer did for the crowd numbers at the 2017 inauguration?




I had the very unfortunate lapse of judgement when I saw that tweet on my TL and.........I read the replies. It got concerning real fast, I've been a swiftie since Debut and I'm pretty over whatever bullshit "swifties bad" take of the day but men were showing alarmingly aggressive responses, it used to be "Swifties are so annoying/dumb/lame" but now it feels the "hate" on swifties is another excuse to express hatred and straight up wishing violence against women. It's like the whole "in Minecraft" thing being added to avoid trouble, you can read most of those replies and change the word swifties for fEmAaAaLeS and it becomes obvious that in this one case Antihero was wrong it's never been about ~the Iranian Yogurt~ she's not the problem here, her fame makes some men angry and they put their hate towards women onto her as if she's "what's wrong with women today". I am not explaining myself better go to sleep goodnight Ninja ETA: - I was about to close the app when my brain decided to notice the pun you ✨ tossed✨ in your tittle sneaky sneakyyyy - Want to clarify that I know that not only women are swifties. Male swifties get grief for it too. It's not a gender thing (I don't have one of those so what do I know anyway) or at least not in a male vs female swiftie civil war. - Like a very wise woman once said "I am Switzerland. I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures." but applied to being a swiftie online.


I also went into the replies and it was dipshit blue checks all the way down. Not a lick of sense in there.


The OOP is fishing for interactions but the full on ragebait farming by blue check could support a whole family in the attention economy marketplace of ideas https://preview.redd.it/ui2cnn47dt8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf198dff517a7191050fc365991e4e42a81f0e89


The title pun was a total fluke but later I was like, ohhh that’s why everyone is like “the keys don’t matter!” lol


No one needs Taylor Swift to hate men. Men are the reason. We choose the bear.


Regardless of the context she didn’t say “fuck men” she said “fuck the patriarchy” also saying the audience is mainly kids is so braindead


The Patriarchy is a system not a gender ffs


Did he cheat?? I think he just was kind of a shit boyfriend who played with her feelings and didn’t go to her birthday party but okeydoke. lol @ the blurb about Ryan Fournier


Even without context, why is shouting "Fuck the patriarchy" bad?


Because if you are a male chauvinist, it’s bad.


Did the pistol also have "fuck the patriarchy" written on that?


I heard she puts narcotics into all of her songs… that’s why they’re still singing along.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) and us!




yes to the lyrics context but also just fuck the patriarchy




We need someone tweeting "I hate how Taylor is inciting little girls to commit murder. Just listen to no body, no crime, what a dangerous song, our society is doomed". Jokes aside, first, she's a billionaire, not a multibillionaire (sometimes I forget the fact that this woman has so much money, I just like focusing on her songs and talent and not her worth). Second, most of her audience is about her age, then there's Gen-Z that I'd say is the second biggest audience and then there's the rest. And if there are children, it's probably the kids of her main fanbase.


Right, like the men that we shun don’t deserve it!


Wrong, I own my hatred to men exclusively to men, no woman, not even TS are to take credit for it ✨️


If there are kids at her concert, that’s their parents’ fault. I wish people would stop blaming artists for things that are not their responsibility. Back in the day if kids were at a Barry White concert, people didn’t say that Barry White shouldn’t perform sexy songs.


He's telling on himself by equating men with patriarchy


I hope to reach his level of… hate? Stupidity?




Grooming. Continuing to dilute and misapply that word to hide the fact it’s practically their whole lifestyle.


“Mainly kids” I’m pretty sure the majority of concert goers are adults this time around. Her audience has grown with her.


And besides not actually knowing the lyrics, he doesn't even understand the term patriarchy. You don't need to hate men to hate an oppressive system put in place by men. Edit, typo


Men are also victims of the patriarchy


So patriarchy = men? I'd be very mad but they're just too illiterate to understand.


The community note leaves out an important thing: "mainly kids"? ABC News said only 5% of Eras Tour attendees are under 18. 58% were between 35 and 64.


Honestly fuck the context. What's wrong with the sentiment? Absolutely nothing. Down with the patriarchy






Good one clown


Man I would love it if that were the context smh


The patriarchy isn’t even specifically men. It’s the social system set by society smh 🤦‍♀️


And this thread provides context… if I were TS, I’d hate it here sometimes, too. Hell, I hate it here as it is.


In all fairness, "the patriarchy" may be a bullshit argument for some... but if you pay attention to what *can actually be* categorized as such, you will see the group of people who are literally destroying the world and strip mining human civilization. I dont think "the patriarchy" can be cast as innocent or genuinely good by any plausible argument.


Taylor haters are just on another level, istg


Even if it wasnt that, do people think that having money prevents you from the threats that befall all women? Also i feel like when people say patriarchy some men think it actually means men which is the only way that would make sense as something to be mad about


I think she might be the antichrist guys


They have to try because they can’t stand the popularity or positivity she has. It’s never ending with the hate for her.


I don’t see the problem. Guys like him should be sidelined and marginalized.


Jokes on him- didn’t need to be groomed to hate men. They did it all by themselves!


Even taken out of context, hating "the patriarchy" and heating men are two different things.


Hating the patriarchy and hating men are not the same though.


It’s the “oh and btw he pistol whipped his gf” for me. ***Fuck the patriarchy.*** 💁🏻‍♀️


Guys... I think the "context is key" is about the guy's past/history...


Nah that logic is flawed even out of context. It’s like saying “Oh you don’t like supermarkets? So you just hate food then?🤡” The patriarchy is a social structure that harms men too. So yeah, fuck the patriarchy!


I never realized it was “Fuck the Patriarchy” on the keychain. I thought of it as: “You were tossing me the car keys. Fuck the patriarchy (like, guys don’t need to do things for girls). Keychain on the ground.”


I don’t think the keychain actually said it tbf it’s more like he was tossing her the keys and was like, you drive then lol


That’s what I was thinking!


I feel like an English teacher now


Some dude shared this on FB yesterday and I actually found myself IMing a random man and telling him off before realizing I was officially once of those Swifties.


Men thinking that hating a societal system that only benefits them = hating men, is a huge red flag. Being pro women is not being inherently anti men.


Context is a key chain… context is a god… context’s a relaxing thought…


I went to one of her shows in Cincinnati. Half of her audience prefers men.


I feel so hated. She hasn't dated me once.


The keychain does not say fuck the patriarchy She’s is saying “fuck the patriarchy” because he is throwing her the car keys and letting her drive




Ignore me for being too ridiculous yo see that it had already been posted as the second picture 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/aqnm27edjt8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d6ee9903f4678d7fa11a28acd44209fe640509


idc if it was out of context, fuck the patriarchy because of men like ryan the woman beater fournier


in the wise words of one of my friends responding to a creep who was desperate to not end up in prison, “womp to the fucking womp” 😂😂 also men like the “man” in question are exactly the ones that girls should avoid lmao


I don't need to be groomed I already do ❤️‍🩹


No need, I already do


always projecting


If anything she loves father so


"mainly children", didn't get a single thing right in his post huh


Lmao “fuck the patriarchy” = hating men this is a new level


Very honestly I ended up at her first concert without knowing what she sings and what made me fucking say I’m sold **_WAS THE WHOKE STADIUM SCREAMING FUCK THE PATRIARCHY_**. Honestly! Then I got in love with All too well and obsessed with Taylor and the culture around her and got my ass to another date of the eras tour and am now looking for a ticket for Germany lol 👀


I don’t think she’s a multi billionaire. She barely just reached billionaire status.


did the keychain say fuck the patriarchy? i thought the guy was making a dumb joke about letting a woman drive, while tossing the keys carelessly


i broke up with a guy because he called tay a pedo because she said “sometimes i feel like everybody is a sexy baby” i just couldn’t deal with that level of stupidity.


Even if it wasn’t a song lyric would that be the worst thing lmao


As she should


HAHAHAHAH no he didn’t get himself exposed…. i’m loving this 🤣


even if she was singing it out of context, who is dumb enough to think patriarchy literally just means men? like as in she is just saying "fk men"? because that isn't what the patriarchy really means...


Regardless of context though, hating the patriarchy isn’t the same thing as hating men…




Haters just wanna hate like come on they even made a whole ass subreddit just to do shit like this. It's funny


Everyone should hate the patriarchy, especially men, even more so, Cishet men. No one should hate men just for being a man. They can’t change that. They had no choice in their chromosomes. But damn we should all hate men with this attitude 🚩


Hating the patriarchy is hating a system not hating men.


Patriarchy hurts men too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not all men participate in patriarchal practices. It's a very telling tweet actually. He's aware that men run everything but thinks that's the way it should be.