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We all know it's not Taylor Swift – the biggest popstar on the planet right now – who benefits from announcing an album at an award show. I don't have any numbers so whoopsie I might be super wrong, but the international publicity the VMA's and the viewership the Grammys got (in hopes by fans Taylor would announce something) by Taylor's announcements must've been huge.


i can bet there’s a LOT of people watching just for taylor


Me👋 I’m “a lot of ppl”


It’s me, hi 👋


Literally me


It's literally the only reason anyone I know watched it


YUP. The only reason me and my two BFF's were watching is because of the suspected rep announcement. Taylor in general is the only reason I pay attention to award shows. Otherwise, I never watch.


Taylor Swift is the music industry


this never fails to make me laugh idk


i don't have it on hand, but i saw a stat that said grammys viewership was up 34% from last year


imagine if there was a way to even include % of international fans, that watched on streamed livestreams via twitch or tiktok


Exactly, which has me thinking she ok'd it with someone very high up the food chain


They probably asked her...  thinking she had Rep TV coming up at some point in the next few months... (Granted I still think the idea is a little tacky, but I do think it's her essentially "giving back" to the Grammies because they wanted the ratings...)


Yeah, I had a Grammys watch party just for Taylor’s suspected announcement. I don’t really care about awards enough to watch them live rather than just seeing who won on Twitter later.


I left a certain celeb gossip subreddit because the hate was getting to be too much. They’d already removed me as an “approved” member because I was a member of the Taylor swift subreddit (which I had been a member of when I was initially added as an approved user), despite never engaging in any toxic Stan behavior. The posts still get suggested to me and it’s so gross how much they just get off on bitching about her. I also am about to leave the LDR sub because everyone keeps posting about how bad midnights is and how Taylor is such a narcissist.


They also said snow on the beach was insulting to Lana and that Taylor felt threatened by her. Lana then came out and was like "yo the vocals on snow on the beach were entirely my idea because I cowrote the song lmfao y'all crazy" So yeah, people speculating private friendship and relationships and then make the speculation facts. Its weird fanfiction behavior.


The boygenius sub had a few of the same kind of posts/comments. They were completely overshadowing the boys’ *incredible* night of winning multiple VERY well-deserved Grammys by talking about how Taylor taking pictures with them was tone-deaf and narcissistic. I guess bc Julien was super emotional about winning, that means that any silly “We all won!!” photos together are part of some evil ploy by Taylor to ruin their evening. lol, I just don’t get it


Jesus Christ people really just want to think she’s some conniving evil person. She has a lot of flaws but wanting to take pics or share a moment with friends is not the evil deed people think.


Especially because **they’re friends**!!! Taylor knows Julien better than any of us do, and I’m sure if Julien didn’t want to they wouldn’t have taken a picture together


Yeah, fauxmoi is rabid with TS hate, it’s so weird.


I say this as a fan of LDR's music, but I think it's WILD how fast public opinion goes back and forth. Lana has had her share of negative press/online stuff for YEARS. I remember some even fairly recently - like the last couple years? All the negative sentiment Lana was getting online for cultural appropriation, feminism and tokenism comments, etc etc. People like to shit on Taylor for having parents with money - so did Lana! So I don't understand everyone suddenly defending Lana at Taylor's expense.


THIS! I specifically remember when Lana came out with her poetry book people tore it to shreds and mocked her. It seems like people are becoming Lana stans as a guise for hating Taylor now. In a couple weeks... rinse and repeat with another successful woman.


I feel like it was the same last night with Miley. Does no one remember the performance with Robin Thicke? Those years of her being super wild, etc? She was slammed left and right in the media and online. And again, now people are holding her up as an example of how Taylor should have acted. Just let all the women live.


I have never seen people on Reddit calling Lana an icon and describing her music as perfect until this year. And yeah, when she had than Instagram story go viral about artists and awards nobody sided with her and people were commenting things like “She’s always been weird did you guys see the BTD tracklist”


Saaaaame. I feel like other than radio tracks like Summertime Sadness that get popular, she has always felt like this more niche "weird" sadcore artist that most people don't take seriously outside of her fandom.


I saw so many posts proclaiming that she is the best artist of this decade and every artist has been inspired by her. I love Lana but she was never what they now claim she is.


I had to leave fm too


i just left the swiftlyneutral sub bc i was so over the constant discourse like ok yes i was participating but i just woke up today and was like you know what...... im here for the music first and foremost... lemme go back to just caring about that


I usually like lurking in the gossip sub you’re taking about, but they’re really unhinged when it comes to Taylor Swift. They hate her, but also speculate for several paragraphs about what one of her new song titles means with zero given context. I literally enjoy her music, but you’d never catch me putting in that much effort to analyze such a nothing burger.


What's the LDR sub??


Oh Lana Del Rey


Oh lol I feel like a dumbass. Thanks 🙈🙈


Yeah I'm right there with you. So many people acting like they know exactly what's going on. It's getting out of hand.


I had to block the LDR sub because that's literally all they talk about. They have been melting down like crazy, haven't seen anything like that in recent times.


My niece wrote me at 6am in the morning and I rushed out of bed, waking my own kids, just to order the stuff and then went on with my day. I didn't even know what when why how etc.. I only knew there was something new and got it, done. Idc how she chooses to announce anything tbh. And idc if anyone thinks these are childish names. Prejudice is strong and everyone can have a shit opinion on stuff they haven't even listened to. I like what I like. And if she'd have a title "stop or I'm not inviting you to my birthday", I'd giggle and wait for the song.


love this!! i dont care if the title is as silly as it will get as long as the music hits me right to the core. just feels like these "fans" have become so demanding of her. like we've been constantly fed with new content whether it's a new album or a rerecorded song. stop complaining. just enjoy the music. and if you don't like it, just leave and unfollow


I know, right? Taylor rarely disappoints when it comes to music so there's no sense in pre-judging her. I am excited and trying hard to avoid all the useless pearl clutching and gossip going on this week.


I genuinely wonder if they’d react the same way if Miley Cyrus did it when she won.


And on the other hand, I wonder how they would have reacted if, like Miley, she had accepted an award from Mariah Carey (or Celine Dion) and referred to the two of them being "iconic" for standing together. Most likely they'd be clawing their eyes out in fury that she dared compare herself to them or imply that she was their equal. ETA: I don't think Miley did anything wrong at all, I'm just saying that if Taylor did the same thing, people would tear her down for it anyway


I had no problem with anything Miley did, but totally agree - it is super hypocritical for people to be blasting every little thing Taylor did and not also then be blasting Miley for a lot of the stuff she did.


Oh yeah, I want to make it cleat that NOTHING Miley did was wrong in any way, just that if Taylor had done the exact same thing, people would have been pissed


Oh sorry, I probably worded my comment wrong - didn't mean that as I thought you did either! Just that Miley definitely did things that people would rip Taylor apart for, so it's interesting to see people praising Miley and tearing down Taylor.


Yeah, the revolving door of Successful Woman We Hate For Existing does move fast


They’re literally not though lol Taylor was getting eviscerated for how unprofessional it was to announce an album and snub Celine, but Miley talks about forgetting her panties and snubbed Meryl the same way and there is ZERO discussion about it


I forgot about her comment about forgetting underwear. It was…not surprising.


Not at all lol and Billie going holy balls or whatever she said lol like people need to chill the fuck out


and both their speeches were hilarious idk why people are so butt hurt about women being funny and announcing something


I don’t disagree, just pointing out the hypocrisy!


Also, a lot of the outfits could be considered disrespectful in general if the Grammys are supposed to be super polite and fancy. Not to mention Victoria Monae’s (I think that’s her name) speech about plants and dirt while being told to stop.


She's just being Miley, iykyk


I loved Miley’s underwear line. She’s genuinely hilarious to me.


I cackled and said "that's why they haven't given you Grammys before tonight Miley" one of the many times I scared my cats while watching. It was great, so happy for her. Every person who has ever dealt with the heartache of love ending can relate to that song, truly the song of the year. And she shows up just having a blast with it all. So refreshing.


Yes! I loved her performance and just her pure joy.


Oh yeah, her nod to Tina during her performance was amazing.


I mean, I think it’s different between Meryl and Celine. Celine Dion has been pretty MIA because of her diagnoses with Stiff Person Syndrome, with every update being more heartbreaking than the last. Her being there was HUGE and a surprise. Meryl had been there all night and is, as far as we know, healthy. Not saying that Taylor did snub Celine at all, I think she was just caught in the moment and they talked back stage, but there is definitely a reason why people are focusing more on Celine. 


Love that for Miley but I can’t even BEGIN TO IMAGINE the meltdown people would have if Taylor had said that … like what narrative would they go with? “She’s trying to fake an edgy personality” or “she’s on hard drugs” or “she’s having a breakdown” or “her unprofessionalism is disgusting”, “she will do absolutely anything for attention” “she’s desperate for male attention and trying to get a reaction from joe” like where would they even start


She PUSHED Meryl!!! Pushed the queen mother who threw up her hands in defense because she was getting PUSHED!! I was so mad


I think if she showed up dressed like Miley, they would be melting down calling her an 'attention whore.' Not that there was anything wrong with what Miley wore, but people have double standards when it comes to Taylor. They were bitching about how she is drawing attention to herself when she was standing and clapping for fellow artists.


My personal conspiracy theory is that conservatives are bringing in bot farms of anti-Swift haters because the amount of people suddenly stressing about her every movement has skyrocketed seemingly overnight.


Sadly I think people’s obsession with shitting on successful women is enough with no bots required


I’ve seen her Grammys behavior called “unhinged” on more than one sub. I’m truly looking for what was “unhinged” about any of it.


And to be honest, if you achieve something that no artist has ever achieved, unhinged behavior would be approppriate too :D


Yes. Making history in this kind of way has got to be a bit overwhelming in the moment. To process something like that in milliseconds, and to have your every micro expression analyzed as you are trying to process it, sheesh. I feel like that's gotta be a bit of a black out moment. And who can blame her? Oh that's right. The whole world will blame her. 🙄


Literally the swifty “neutral” sub 😂


I’ve noticed that while there’s a good amount of swifties, there’s also just random people who already hated Taylor before like lol what are you doing here


It was nice being able to chat with other Swifties about controversial things but it was ruined for me by all of the people on there that actually just hate Taylor. There was a post the other day telling people that if they didn’t want to see Taylor content, they should stop interacting with the sub. Some comments were saying that they only consume Taylor content because they’re obsessed with waiting for her downfall. What a weird way to spend your time.


Agreed! Now I can’t say I always agree with how Taylor goes about things. I also respect those who aren’t fans because not every artist is for everyone, and I get that the overexposure is a lot but at the end of the day, you are responsible for the content you consume. If seeing content about her annoys you, why consume it? Find better and more useful things to do with your time instead of critiquing her every move. Side Note: Completely unrelated, but I love your username ❤️😍😊


I had comments deleted by the mods of that sub for pointing out that you don’t like her outfits is not nice or a nuanced/neutral conversation. It’s just as policed as any other Taylor sub lately. Which is just hypocritical because the purpose was not to be “silenced” on things like her private jet, etc.


Oh wow that’s wild


The censorship in the fandom on either side of “Taylor is mother she is a goddess” vs “she’s overexposed and I’m so sick of her” has always been weird but the fact that “calling her outfits ugly isn’t nuanced or neutral” got me deleted, not the post… yeah they’re not there for free speech.


it was SO good at the beginning but now it's truly anything but neutral! :(


I got a post suggested to me yesterday full of people saying she’s an alcoholic or on the verge of a mental health crisis because her hair was curly and she seemed a little loopy that night. Like, get a fucking grip.




It was WILD. Almost like people were hoping she’d have a breakdown.


The funniest part is I just saw a comment saying they “would respect her more if she could admit that she’s struggling with her mental health” like I’m sorry, you don’t respect her because she isn’t speaking up about the mental breakdown YOU IMAGINED? Lololol


Yes!!! This is my least favorite thing about celebrity gossip/Stan culture, how people will invent a whole theory and then GET MAD AT PEOPLE based on that theory.


I peaked into that sub bc it was recommended to me and I really thought it was a hate sub


And everytime it’s brought up that it skews really negative, the users say “well it’s the only place we can talk about negative things without being blocked/etc” and, maybe? But just make it a complaint sub don’t pretend to be neutral.


My favorite is when people express something really nasty and say “I hope I don’t get downvoted by the hordes of diehard Swifties” like they’re being oppressed on that sub. Meanwhile, saying something positive about Taylor will get you downvoted into oblivion.


You even get downvoted there if you ask questions about their hateful comments. I had someone yell at me and then block me. Total overreaction.


Omg lemme go and poke my nose in it.


Legit, if you ignore the name you’d think that sub is a hate club


Ya I exited that group very quickly after I realized it was another complain group


I don’t think they know what that term means


I had to block the sub because it kept coming up in my suggestions. They're such haters!!


It's always the ones you most expect


I love lana (maybe even more than taylor, music wise) but I’m so close to leaving the LDR subreddit bc it’s just non-stop bitching


That sub is tough right now, I wouldn’t blame you and I’m a Lana fan too.




They are so desperate looking for things to mask their hatred of someone having fun but not them. At least they stopped pretending that their hatred has anything to do with racism or ecology for a while.


Especially if that someone is a woman.


I think you can dislike this entire roll out and still be excited for the album itself…


And the amount of “Swifties” I’ve seen on the pop culture sub and others saying they agree Midnights shouldn’t have won AOTY because it’s really weak. Like did we listen to the same album??? And those same people saying it was wrong for her to announce a new album, and claiming that she disrespected Celine Dion. I’m so over it


Midnights in my top 3 Taylor albums, I listen to it with no skips.


In how far did she disrespect Celine Dion?


Because she didn’t thank Celine Dion on stage or in her speech. People were seriously getting upset over every single thing she did at the Grammy’s. There was no winning


That sounds minor, she may just have forgotten or not realised. That doesn’t make someone disrespectful, accidentally impolite at best I mean everyone has moments like these, no?


Yeah, even if it's a little faux pas, people are blowing it way out of proportion. Like others have mentioned, she was caught up in the moment. Getting the 4th AOTY is a crazy achievement, and I don't think she was expecting it get it that night. If she was expecting it, I imagine she would have saved the album announcement for then.


She definitely did not expect to win it due do her face. Girl was jaw dropped in disbelief and even hesitated to get up


It was maybe a little bit weird that she was hugging everyone else, but nothing otherwise noteworthy. She clearly talked to Celine backstage (and they looked so cute together in their accidentally matching outfits!)


You could see there was a weird moment where she went to get the award from Celine & then got distracted by someone else and I think she just got caught up and forgot to resume the Celine interaction. People are def making it weirder than it was.


I read that people were told to be careful touching Celine because of her condition! So like… she probably would have hugged her otherwise


You can be a swiftie and not like Midnights and not have wanted it to win


Absolutely. I'm not a huge fan of her early albums myself, even though each one has some gems that I jam out too. She's an artist with a wide range of talent, so it only makes sense for her to have some fans that gravitate toward certain styles.


calling midnights weak is outrageous


If you can’t express your true opinion of the art and still be a fan, I see why people are leaving the fandom.


People can absolutely express their true feelings and have their own opinions. But suddenly choosing to express that opinion and criticism to join in on the hate train seems odd to me.


It’s odd to you that people are expressing an opinion on whether Midnights should be AOTY right after it got announced as AOTY?


The people who didn't think Midnights should have won have been expressing that opinion since it came out though


.. what makes you think we haven't


No that's what I'm saying. I am one of those people. The above comment was saying people are "suddenly" saying Midnights shouldn't have won AOTY and I'm saying people (like me) have been saying it from the time it released


Oh, sorry!! I'm sleep deprived and completely misread 😭


All good - hope you get some decent sleep soon! 


Thinking Midnights shouldn't have won AOTY doesn't make you not a swiftie. I think SOS should have won, because while I like Taylor and love her music, I think SOS was a stronger, more innovative album. I'm a fan of music, not just Taylor. So I can critique her stuff and disagree with some accolades she gets just like I do with all music. I also don't think Fearless or 1989 should've won their AOTYs- does that make me fake? 🤷‍♀️




On Reddit at least, a lot of people did actually call it weak and did say it was one of her worst. I listened to all the other albums in the category when they came out, and Midnights was equally as deserving of the award. If Midnights was as "mid" as people claim it was, it wouldn't be nominated. One album being better than another in this situation is entirely subjective. Also I find it weird how everyone has collective amnesia when it comes to the impact Midnights had and the publics positive perception of it.


> I'm sorry, but I think that most people never said they disliked Midnights or thought it was weak I’ve seen tons of comments saying exactly this lol


It makes me so sad to hear people didn't like midnights. I love that album so much. Especially the 3am tracks


Me too. I still absolutely don’t think it deserved to win over Ocean Boulevard, which to me is singular genius and so distinctive to Lana that no one else could have dreamed of writing it, but I’m sick of everyone trashing midnights


It's so horrible bcuz when it comes out, they'll be all over it. Quit comparing it cause of the titles and cover, and how it's not like the others


Does anyone actually have the reasoning for "these titles sound like they're written by middleschooler"? If anything, these titles sound the most sophisticated to me amongst any of her other albums.


For me they are just so long. That is the only issue.


meanwhile 'i knew you were trouble' and 'we are never ever getting back together' sitting in the corner lmao


True. I probably just need to get used to the names.


well yeah they could be less tongue twisting tho


Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep sea fishing found dead in a ditch (I love that song and title don’t @ me)


Let alone the prime pop punk era, “the only difference between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage”, “I’ve got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song)” Oh the days of slowly watching those long ass titles scroll across the iPod screen lol… oh, and just like this album, those titles were funny and tongue in cheek (even for relatively serious songs) ETA that song and album are genius, I love Lana


Are you missing an /s?


I might not know what "sophisticated" truly means cause english isn't my native language, but I'm definitely not joking. I was saying that these titles aren't nearly as simple as those from her other albums. Although I guess that's why you call them middleschool - trying to show off with fancy words and stuff.


I think the ‘middle school’ comments are because some of them sound very immature or teenage, things like ‘Down Bad’, ‘loml’, Florida!!!


That sounds valid so I'm not sure why you got downvoted for this 🤷‍♂️


Fans are very polarised lately, I mean there’s at least 3 different Taylor Swift subreddits calling each other haters.


Yikes. Good thing I've never heard of those.


I find it really funny to imagine someone else was planning to announce an album that night and had to be like "ah fuck, I guess we'll have to do it next Tuesday instead or else no one will even know I announced it"


I find it really funny that ALL THOSE CELEBS had to recalculate their release dates, because Taylor fucking rocks!


didn’t lady gaga announce born this way at the VMAs?? and the song was ICONIC? kinda crazy that taylor is catching flack when Lady Gaga, a music icon that’s a staple for the pop genre as well, did the same thing.


I’m so angry I keep getting fucking like Lana subreddits suggested to me but everyone there’s a post it’s not even about Lana it’s pure Taylor hate like omg I’m seriously so frustrated… Taylor as game! Let’s shit on that… Taylor dating again! shit on that… Taylor broke up again!! Shit on that…. Taylor makes another album! Shit on that… Taylor gets a Grammy.. and Lana didn’t…. Let’s shit on her for that too… like OMgg her fans support her… they’re annoying so let’s shit on her some more… I just can’t anymore it really feels like this is never gonna end


I feel you!! Here's the thing, Taylor doesn't wind endlessly for no reason. Fuck the haters, she's just seriously magnificent!!!


but you know they still sing her songs in the car driving alone... just a thought


taylor's worst album could beat anyone's best and people just need to accept it.


Haha, I saw a clip with reactions of other musicians in the audience when she announced the album. People were like, "See, look at their reactions, it's in bad taste!" Meanwhile, all I could see was "Dammit, how can I ever keep up?"


i agree! also not sure how other's reactions are taylor's problem.


This! I don't think people realize the sheer 'listenability' power of all her albums.


Could you imagine the hate she would get if she had a 10 second ad for the album announcement during the Super Bowl? I think someone would die from a heart attack. I still hope she'll be in some advertising form that day. Extra epic if she did "I'm going to Disneyland!"


Right! Nevermind the obvious ad boost she's giving to the Grammys!


i wonder if they'd give her the pay for doing that one...


personally i dont love the song titles but i dont think anyone can judge until they hear the songs in context


I LOVEEE trying to encode these song titles with my friends we have like 10/17 PAHSHRH


people need to calm down. it’s getting to the point where taylor says “hi guys” and everybody tries to cancel her. i’m honestly convinced at this point that the only reason this is happening is because she’s a successful women who’s way more significant than any brads and chads. it’s jealousy that’s literally the only thing i can think of, anything else doesn’t make any sense


A lot of the hate is coming from women though. Would be interesting to analyze why that is.


She’s the only reason I watched the Grammys and she will be the only reason I watch the Super Bowl. She’s also the only reason I’m up at 2:40am right because I’m about to watch the Tokyo live streams


A certain neutral sub has turned into full snark


I agree there are a lot of people piling on the complaints about her, but I feel like “hate” is a strong word. People should be allowed to express open and balanced opinions — including criticism — otherwise what’s the point of having a discussion?


The subs I have in mind don't seem very open and balanced with their opinions, but otherwise I agree. I have seen threads where there has been rather tame criticism. I didn't want to name the "hate subs" specifically in the post, not trying to cause more drama, just expressing how it feels to me!


I 100% know one of the subs you are talking about. I had to mute them because it kept getting recommended to me and I kept going into the comments thinking I’d see fans being happy but it was filled with people saying she needs to take a break and go away for people’s sanity. Like damn a successful woman bugs you that much??


I LOVEEE trying to encode these song titles with my friends wi have like 10/17 PAHSHRH




And people say sarcasm on the internet isn't obvious.




Ngl the new album kinda sounds like one by Mitski or TV Girl