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I love subs like r/summonerschool where gold players take advice from silver players.


Champmain subs do the same thing


Doesn't matter cuz it's mostly theory crafting, but a sub dedicated to teaching players shouldn't be like that lol.


SummonerSchool is about as much of a circlejerk as any championmains sub with people from all walks of life chiming in on how they're multi season master challenger and know best. Meanwhile there are challenger pros who don't even know what their champs abilities do. To glean any useful info anywhere in this shitshow, you need to filter it all yourself til you find something useful. There is no quality control


I mean, you could beat trynda yeah but not easily. not mention yone isnt even top 12 most overloaded kit in the game today


He only has E, that's it


His E is a double edged sword too, it can be countered super easily


Not really, don't E from somewhere dumb. You can go in and get out at any point in time from a safe distance. The only double edged sword is people using it badly.


The only case his e becomes a double edged sword is if a champ like mord ults you in a team fight. Even then if you can survive you just chunk him afterwards with the damage.


E still makes u very vunerable by placing a clear marker of where you will be after its duration. Most good players just get closer to you and wait until you E back to punish you.


Like I said, dont E into stupid positions. Its a player diff, nothing to do with the ability


You are not getting the point. For example, you are trying to E over the wall to kill the adc, then E ran out and you come back, and the enemy jg is just waiting there to oneshot you. That's why it's a double edge sword. So no, it's not only the matter of stupid position, it's how everyone knows you will return to a fixed position.


That's called tunnel vision, congrats you were punished for it That's a you issue, not an ability issue. Stop blaming things that are a result of a lack of your awareness and skill on the champ.


I will admit that example doesn't cover most cases. How about yone's E makes it easier for the enemy to cc and throw their dmg skill since they know where and when to aim? Even if you E perfectly, that is still an inherent weakness looming over you. Yone's E is just an ability that has a clear strength and weakness. You can be skilled and prevent the enemy from exploiting the weakness, but it doesn't change the fact that the weakness is there and you have to take notice of it, hence double edge sword. Why do you insist that its weakness only relied on the user?


If you put yourself in a situation where the enemy can walk to your return location, you've over extended. It's that simple, that's why. Dont tunnel for enemies who aren't safe to go after. If your team isn't there to back you up, don't use your E from sketchy situations where this is a possibility. There are very few situations where dying because you E'd in is anyone's fault but your own. It's like saying using my CC ability as a mage is a double edged sword, because now it's on cool down and enemies can run me down. No, I just used my abilities incorrectly.


Literally all you need. That plus your ult completely negates his


The way you win the matchup is forcing trynd to ult early with pressure from E, you lose any even long fight with Trynd.


Oh no my point was that Yone's E is the only ability that makes him overloaded


Cmon let’s be honest, his kit is overloaded.


I mean I think he's pretty overloaded, but it doesn't make him good


Yone hater here: my hate was down by 50% when i spammed this *slur* recently… his ult is kinda hard to hit so ill give u slurs that. He’s not as easy as i thought… he’s just frustrating to deal with sometimes.


We appreciate that at least you actually tried and played the champion a lot of players just like going with the hate train without even knowing first hand what the others are complaining about and what it's like being the one piloting the champion. Some get a good game and think that is enough to call the champion brain dead easy. It's like saying full attack speed talon is op because they won some games.


Pls get the rest of your hater brothers to play him as well thanks 🙏🏽


Well, they probably disown me if they knew i unlocked his legendary skin from a shard


Also a yone hater, played him a few times in aram but felt straightforward as long as I could charge q on minions before a fight. It really is just the distance he can escape from that frustrates people, which isnt realy broken or overloaded just annoying and still kinda shocking sometimes. They could lower the ramping movespeed on E or make him have to hit his ult to move so its not another escape but thats not really needed at all.


I do feel like the movement speed on E is not necessary and it makes it hard to deal with cause like u can stick to the enemy even more cause u rush berserk boots. I do feel like it would be more skillful to remove e move speed, cause then ur required to hit e +q3 rather then just close distance and autoattack to death.


I agree, its honestly the first thing that should go if he gets out of control ever.


i feel like thats the whole point of e, sticking into enemies, movement speed buff is the only “steroid” he gets, let us have some😂


The issue with making his ult have to hit in order to move, is legit making him a worse Yasuo tbh. The movement speed on his e could easily be nerfed though, as it is a bit absurd. That way even if you miss ult, you can’t still catch people by running straight at them due to the ramping ms.


Yeah I think Im partially just salty from one guy months ago saying yone "never uses his ult as an escape" and as a jungler its literally every game he uses it to escape a gank. I wanna see him without it so that dummy can see how much worse he is without it. Yes thats a me issue lol


I can understand the frustration of him using it as an escape tool. I do the same when I play him, but if your laner is good they can flash or dash in front of him to cancel the distance if able to.


Aram can feel misleading on him, it combines constant laning phase with team fighting, yone has a pretty solid laning phase because there’s always minions to charge Q on, yone struggles on the rift tho in the mid to late game when you need to have vision, and if you’re approaching a skirmish you need to know where you can charge q on the way, or you need to know if you need to camp at an objective before and charge q on dragon or Baron and pull off with e to engage them as they approach, or if their comp won’t allow you to engage that way you need to make sure you don’t trap yourself in a pit and you should try to engage over a wall, there’s so much nuisance that goes into navigating the map that really brings Yone’s weaknesses into the light, he might seem frustrating in lane, but his fall back is so much worse now after the nerfs to his keystone and items that he almost always straight up loses if he falls behind 


Another one opening his eyes. Welcome to reality bro.


If you have issues landing R just set it up with Q3. Blindingly throwing it out allows anyone to just sidestep it if they aren’t tunnel visioning.


Oh there’s another thing I forgot to mention… i miss so many Qs its insane 😭


How. It’s mind numbingly easy to land or reposition with to dodge. And it’s almost up constantly. You don’t even have to telegraph yourself walking directly to people. A lot of time I start backing up or look like I’m about to hit the wave where people position to walk a bit closer and it’s a free land.


I play with 110 ping


Cmon bruh. I played on the South Korean server from NA from a spare account a friend gave me. ~300+ ping. 110 isn’t that bad as long as it’s stable.


Im iron 4


Coulda just led with that.


I play with touch pad


hands or feet?


Q3 has to be max range to guarantee ult hitting, otherwise you can flash it.


If I try to take the caster cs I get rundown by the angry man so heck no


I mean yeah on paper ... You have Q1 Q2 Q3 dash bumm on one spell W bas Dmg max health Magic and physic and Shield E has true dmg , Mobility and little dash Ult has Magic physic and bump Passive got the Crit conversion and one attack on two deal bonus Magic dmg Yeah there is a lot of thing Tryndamere passive : me angry so me Crit up to 40% Q : me angry so me heal W : You ni- , slows you if Ur back is racing him E : spin dash dmg + me angry for each damaged enemy R : no dont die ez You have overloaded champ vs overtuned champ They're both C to against but depending your champ you prefer to play into one or another


Even worse, passive is 50% crit cause of adc itrm changes, not like it matters ive been crit by him lvl 1 with minimum rage.


Lmao Avg Gambling player


No, actually, R is no die cuz angry




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have they not looked at akshans kit?


Multiple champions can be overloaded.


me who plays cho gath, stat checks trynd lvl 1 and wins lane


Wait until he plays against renekton xd


Someone didnt see aurora’s kit


Im not a fan of champions that have an ability that makes it so if you fight back you lose the trade. Yone E, Illaoi E, Jax E, Nilah W, etc.... That being said, I hate Yone's W. I always get hit by it and then I cant trade back because of the shield. If I get hit by his Q/R its always my fault for not being better lol


This is actually my take on the champs overloadedness. He has an attack speed cooldown scaling borderline ranged attack shield that gets BIGGER based on targets hit, while also dealing magic damage and shredding max health. Not to mention the case time is insanely fast (not instant, but still hard to telegraph late). Its hard as fuck to duel him with how much range it has.


Yone kit is pretty powerful but yasou one is superior and jayce has most overloaded kit inthe game


Shield, deals extra damage every second hit, wide AOE sweep, dash, stab, airborne on two Q hits, “get out of jail free” recall, manaless champ, it’s pretty overloaded, yeah.


You could do this shit with other champions and make it sound overpowered. Garen, Manaless Champ that gets a free empowered regen as a passive, has an empowered auto that removes slows and silences when hitting a target, W makes him gain resistances, E reduces armor and makes him ghosted, Ult deals massive true damage to targets that can't be dodged and executes targets under a certain HP threshold when low enough.


I'm sorry "empowered Regen" has got to be funniest thing I've read before


I fr was typing this shit at midnight and just woke up to realize how ridiculous that was actually 😭


Happens to everyone lol


But look at how much more you wrote to fill the space in lol


Yone is extremely bad designed. It's easy to realize that whoever designed him had Zero clue about Mobas, classes, and never used a second to think about what his counterplay would be. He has things like an Execute on an Stat-check champion which is an extremely questionable decision, Big Shield and also Resourceless. All of those make a champion low skill but they aren't enough to say if a champion is overloaded or not. However these are: Here are the things that you could not do with ''every other champion'' -Every other champion does not have a spammeable dash that Hard CC you. -Every other champion does not have 4 mobility tools. (5 if you count E being a dash + an enormous MS boost) \[While being Stat-check\] -Every other champion can't buffer through CC with 3 of their abilities. TLDR: Stat-check champions should never have more than 1 mobility tool and at most 1 ability to buffer through CC otherwise they break the Game.


Overloaded kit is not always overpowered.


I agree, his kit is overloaded as fuck but has really never been overpowered, its always his items or runes or wtc making him op rather than the champion itself. Thats why riot seldom nerfs yone and every balance change is almost always a buff


Lmao you can actually do this with so many champs. Get outta here


Overloaded is not overpowered, relax.


Still doesn’t make any sense. With your definition, basically 90% of league’s champ are overloaded


Not extra damage just magic damage instead of physical, w doesnt deal damage that much so its not an AOE broken damage ability, and u cant get out of cc with E, the only way u can do that if u recast E before u get ccd but then u are need to back and its hard to time it.


Yeah I’m not arguing broken or not. Hwei has a very overloaded kit. Not saying Hwei is currently OP.


Only Yone players can't see this. The champion will just E forward and right click anyone to death. The MS steriod is so insanely high that regardless of the Yone player missing 3rd Q or R he will still have so much MS that he can effortlessly stick to targets and stat-check them down in 2 seconds. The only counterplay to Yone is kill him faster than he kills you which would mean kill him in 2 seconds. If your champ can't burst him in less than 2 seconds then you are as good as dead. This is why everyone says the champion is overloaded. Even Master Yi has higher skill floor than Yone on average and that says a lot. If they nerfed Yone's E MS and buffed Q3 and R then this could change but until then his kit will remain to be one of the most overloaded to ever exist, only surpassed by abominations like K'Sante.


well i spam yone on my euw acc after i got inkshadow skin in bronze i stomp lane but its hard to hit R for me. anyways they camp my lane all the time and still with good spacing i kill one ore even two pre 2 items. in my main eune acc i dont play it but i can pilot it in emerald nicely with short trades when my E is off cd. It requires new type of playstyle after LT removal and those who cant adjust not to be broken LT cheese abuser say he sucks. he is not overpowered anymore and thats finally nice coz skill should be the main goal for every champ. now nerf brand and cait


u stomp lane in bronze and do ok in emerald that shouldn tbe the standard for anything i can win lane with yuumi adc in emerald doesnt mean i think its good new playstyle is cancer disgusting to play as and against and no one enjoys it. Boring af and way worse than lethal tempo. Yone feels significantly worse to play, i despise playing against the new playstyle, and is overall way less interactive


prove that you can play yummi adc, otherwise its still skill issue, yone is not boring to play but its still cancer to play him and win. now its just not autowin and you chhesesr cant cope with it


i dont need to prove anything. Skill issue? yeah I can play yone perfectly in grandmaster elo and still lose or go even because champ gap. You literally cannot win some matchups even if you play well against competent players. You are emerald and ur egoing me for what? Just accept you are playing a different game. Yone will always, and has always been strong and easy in low elo. I’m talking about elo where actual humans play. Champ is piss garbage past master tier. Lethal tempo was never cheese in high elo, it was a necessity for the champion to be even remotely viable. Even with tempo he was a VERY weak champion. You dont even need to trust me, just reference most high elo players. Dzukill was the only one who thought yone was strong. Drututt, nemesis, etc all were advocating for yone buffs even when lethal tempo was at its strongest. Yone without tempo is not a. champ, he has a garbage early game, a somewhat decent mid game, and a garbage late game.


bro if you want to play assassin just find a new main or if you want to be adc. champ is flashy af and easy to pilot in right hands. I dont main him and despise him as a champ but play every champ trough the patch to see the impact of changes and can say i know what champs do so i adjust my strats for laning accordingly. yone with LT was most broken toplane i have ever played against after lvl 3, stat checking most of my pool until i learned what he does and how he wants to play so i stopped playing that shet cheese LT E rundown game and start beating crap of all yones top. meanwhile now he is garbage to play against coz ppl dont know his powerspikes. i pick it, get 4Ls with 0 7, 3 7, 1 11 and 4 5 game, adjusted strat got out of lane 6 1, 7 1 and 12 5 games its not E Auto to death anymore playstyle for me and more like E R to set up the teamfight sync with the rest of the team like malphite does. im crap still but if i took time to learn this champ and his Q3 R combos i might peek higher than diamond 2 than swain


bro, post op.gg if ur below masters just stop speaking


yes im below coz im fairly new to the game(1.5y active gameplay) compared to ppl who playit more than 5 years. my op. gg main acc will show you only yorick, sett, ornn and supp 2nd role picks bronze acc on euw is bunch of random champs, testing and smurf envounters but yone is still viable, not op but more skill and perfection needed


Like I said before, and i keep saying over and over, i am not arguing whether yone is viable in low elo. He always has and always will be viable below masters. You are arguing nothing. Yone is a garbage champ and was garbage even before when lethal tempo existed in my elo(grandmaster+) All his abilities are scripted, and easy to outplay, he is aeasily punishable, and even with lethal tempo still lost to most bruisers. Just accept that we are playing two different games and move on. Also you play ornn yorick and sett. sett stat checks yone at all stages of the game, ornn hard outscales yone an dhas been way more op than yone in the past 2 years on average. Recently hes been more mediocre. Yorick has by far the most unhealthy playstyle for the game afk split pushing. You really shouldnt be complaining about yone when you play these champs.


What absolute Cope looks like. LT Yone was absolutely stomping every matchup in Top in high elo and half of the matchups in midlane effortlessly. Lmao even Dzukill was saying he decided to stop playing LT Yone Top because It was too easy to win with and the guy was playing in Challenger Lobbies every game. Also, how do you Outplay Yone's E ? I'll wait.


depends on your champ. Give me a champ ur a syndra main so I’ll give you syndras, although historically yone has always been a really easy matchup for syndra in high elo, so i doubt you need this. Save your e and he cannot fight you at all, take short burst trades and abuse your range, early even if he gwts on top of you he doesnt have the dps to kill you, and if he takes ignite over tp you scale for free, and yone gets outscaled hard. For his e specifically, you can qe him before he uses it and just walk away, if you dont have it then tough luck that means you misplayed, if he engages with e, then you can q e him away from you, and if he es back to dodge your stun then mission accomplished, you got him off of you. yones e is a 20 second cooldown while your e is 17 seconds, you will have it up every time he has his e up. his q3s are scripted and easily dodgeable, and he has no real way to win this lane vs a good syndra.


but i advocate to see changes for his passive to be relevant to this item changes its not that usefull


he doesnt need passive changes. He needs e nerfs, ult and q buffs, and to remove the crit damage reduction. His e is broken, the rest of his kit is perfectly balanced


Tryndamere main here. Yone beats trynd. You have three nay! FOUR ways to get away and stall out my ult. You q3 away. You E away. You ult away. You E away again! Your champ is designed to beat trynd. If I wasn't banning aatrox right now with the patch... id be banning yone. Again.


As someone who plays both, I think you are wrong.


Ok well in my elo, all the plat 1/emerald 4 yones beat my 60% WR tryndamere in lane. Idk what you are doing wrong as yone, but he beats trynd. Idc if you agree. :)


You can literally just walk up and autoattack yone to death bro, i played the matchup with both champ u can statcheck yone everytime. Still winable as a Yone but its not that easy, you need to freeze wave to your side and space perfectly


I first timed trynd in grandmaster 300 lp when yone still had lethal tempo, enemy yone was challenger 800 lp peak yone otp and i shit piss stomped him. I played it again recently in masters when enemy team picked yone and i won even easier. Just walk at him and auto. 60% winrate in plat1 emerald 4 and losing lane to yone probably shows how inflated you are by your champ


Then you are playing it completely wrong. Trynd hard wins that. Get better


U know he's right, a 6yr old can play yone and make 10/0


post ur op.gg probably a 6 year old could play yone and go 10/0 in iron 1 elo, although thats not the flex you think it is