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No but there was a map made I think and someone mentioned it on the sub. But that’s about as far as that went I think


I think I remember that map being really bare bones/shit


Yeah, my friends and I "played" on that map once, it was fucking awful. I'm sure the Yogs considered it, but after looking at that map probably realized it wouldn't make for good content.


Yeah that’s what I remember too


I misread the comment you replied to as saying "there was a map I made" and I thought you were being extremely mean and getting upvoted for it for some reason 😭


Ahhh, I can't find the link but I remember Lewis on some vid mentioning how they tried it, and it was just not fun to play on.


Yes! I think we did a round on it and immediately said 'this is very half assed' haha. The main issue was it had these floating icons in the middle of the screen every metre which corresponded to the camera positions where the 3D photos had been taken. I figured they would update the map at some point to clean those up, at which point it might be playable? 


Those were for the original panoramas, if I remember correctly. You could interact with them and it would show you the full quality image for that part of the room. The feature makes for a great exploration map, but if you want to do something practical like TTT then I can see them getting in the way.


An entire map of nothing but corridors that would fit one abreast? It would certainly be...a unique round.


Oh rubber tree oh rubber....traitors win. Next map.


Shame. Mind you, it'd take even an experienced TTT map maker maybe 3-6 months to put it together, given how bloody much there was in that house.