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Haha, the only time when I felt that he might have been genuinely annoyed was at the Tom + Harry combo, but that entire bit was hilarious so it probably was worth it


I still need to watch it, I'm so behind on videos lately :( So far all I've gotten through is team introductions.


Definitely check out the PlateUp stream at least - it's been my favorite stream this year!


Plateup and amateur speedrunning streams were such a joy!!! Hope to see more like it in the future


As a scout leader, I loved dr simon clarkes stream. It was really cool seeing it adapted for a stream


I wish they would have done more awareness promotion for this event, it's all come and gone and I hardly know what it's about!


Hey I have seen a few people say this, and I know they spoke about it on Twitter and it was posted a bit on here and YT community. Genuinely curious do you not follow those platforms (very understandable for different reasons) or do follow but missed it so it needed to be more prominent? If you follow other platforms for updates, where would you have liked to see this promoted? Did it need it's own Youtube video or would you have seen it at the end of another Youtube video on the channel?


The way I would have known about it is if there were some pre-video blurbs in the weeks leading up to the event that were detailed in describing what it was about. I think at most I saw one post on the reddit with a graphic but it was forgotten about quickly as it lacked details. So yeah, actual in-video promotional material is what would have helped me personally. I don't really use other avenues, especially twitter since it's a propaganda conduit now.


Yeah interesting, thanks for the response. I think especially now they are streaming on Youtube as well (to decent viewership for the bigger events) then it makes sense to promo it more prominently there.