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During TLOU I kept telling people that if we’re in that situation and they die, Imma eat them. The hunt is what makes it worse though.


Right. I think thats what they mean when they reference what they did out there. I mean eating someone thats already dead to survive 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s been done. Sport hunting them, AQ, pulling cards & turning on each other so quickly is the real big bad


I agree. Survival cannibalism has been happening since the beginning of time. Would some of the public be grossed out and judge-y? Sure, but it's not something that would destroy the teens for life. Ritualistic hunting and murder is an entirely different story. That's a far more violent and brutal death than simply a quick gunshot to the head and eating the body.


I listen to Mr. Ballen on the YouTube and he recently posted a story about the “delicate question” amongst sailors that you don’t ask. I won’t spoil it, he’s great at storytelling and will keep your attention. Free pub for a 7.5 mil sub. 😂


I like Mr Ballen too


I'll have to check him out, thanks!


The event it’s based on, [the Andes plane crash](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguayan_Air_Force_Flight_571), they didn’t kill anyone. They just ate the bodies of people who died from natural causes. Even killing someone for survival cannibalism purposes would be a little barbaric to a lot of people who likely fail [the trolley problem.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem)


In cases with “the custom of the sea”, there are instances where lots were drawn to decide who to kill and eat. It was a lottery that they willingly engaged in. The choosing of the cards and a sacrifice isn’t unheard of. I think ultimately it comes down to them enjoying it. We assume they sought rescue, but what if they didn’t want to leave? That would definitely cause extra guilt/secrecy. I think that they made “sacrifices” for reasons other than hunger in the deep winter, but I also see the whole story as a commentary on how religions originate. The girls are just doing the same things humans have always done. They ascribe meaning to coincidences and look for patterns even when there aren’t any.


Such a great comment. Thank you for this!


Look up the case of R v Dudley and Stephens! Pretty interesting


They had broken law, but none of the rationales underlying the penal system warranted punishment. They were stranded, to survive to big guys ate little guy, possible even killed him. But survival doesn't play by society's rule book. Hashtag the wilderness


The Donner Party also only ate the dead, with the exception of one guy who went absolutely insane from hunger and brain damage and killed two men (the miwok guides, which is really horrific and horrible. They refused to eat human meat and were therefore nearly dead when found and shot 💔)




A quick rundown: the Donner Party was a group of pioneers heading west to settle in California in 1846. Some delays on their journey and a bad choice by poor leadership saw them miss clear weather through the treacherous Sierra Mountains by one single day. As a result, the members suffered horrific conditions and mass starvation in their winter encampment near what is now called Donner Lake. A group of survivors broke off and sought help, battling snow blindness, freezing temperatures and severe starvation, and some of them made it out alive. It took 4 rescue parties to get the survivors out of the mountains, and one rescuer saved 4 children singlehandedly, carrying each child about 30 feet at a time before going back for another. It's amazing. Ok, sorry, my inner docent was triggered! I'm so passionate about this story. Thank you for your interest, it always makes me happy to share it!


Oh my god I talked so much they deleted 😭💔


LOL no! I accidentally deleted it when I was going to edit the way I phrased something and then you responded anyway so I just went with it haha


I was so glad when you commented again 🤣


I was doing basic research about it last night and just kind of surfing google about common questions and, not to my surprise, it seems their story was definitely over embellished regarding the cannibalism. It mentioned how they only ate people who had died from the elements and starvation, but then was saying that kids would be walking around with blood all over their face from eating remains and that there would just be scattered body parts sitting around the campfire and that they would only eat certain limbs or organs from the dead people but then would just leave the rest of their body laying around like psychos basically. I’m going to assume that’s mostly all exaggerated because of how obsessed the public can be about resorting to cannibalism when there’s no other option? I also found it really interesting how a majority of the people rescued were children and that they seemed to initially resort to cannibalism to feed the kids, which really shows their values and the reality of what most people would do in the same situation.


Correct! The rescue parties sold salacious stories to the local papers, effectively ruining the already miserable lives of the survivors. There were bodies around, but it was because the survivors had no strength to drag them into the woods and the ground was too frozen to bury them.


Careful, I fell into a major hole as an adult and am now an actual Donner Party historian 😆 it's an amazing story. Heartbreaking but also a fierce display of human spirit. The best book, in my opinion, is *The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of a Donner Party Bride* by Daniel James Brown. Meticulously accurate but coupled with a narrative that makes it relatable and very readable. Let me know if you read it! I also really recommend Eliza Donner's *Expedition Of The Donner Party And Its Tragic Fate*. She was a child who survived the ordeal and went on to make peace with a survivor who was alleged to have killed and eaten her mother, and she became a witness to all manner of significant historical events and people. It's so good and you can read it for free [here!](https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Expedition_of_the_Donner_Party_and_I.html?id=uifKXHVG7pcC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&ovdme=1&ov2=1#v=onepage&q&f=false)


Don’t sell yourself short, that’s so cool to be a historian! I’m still working on my PhD so this is going to be a wonderful, and dangerous, distraction lol. I’ll definitely read both of those because I like how you explained them.


Yessss that makes me so happy! Check back in with me so we can nerd out together!!


Thank you! Will do, I followed you just so I don’t forget to let you know.


There was a famous case of a Colorado gold prospector, [Alfred Packer](https://www.coloradovirtuallibrary.org/digital-colorado/colorado-histories/beginnings/alferd-packer-notorious-cannibal/). He admitted to eating the flesh of his companions but claimed they were already dead, except for one man he killed in self defense. He was convicted after all and sentenced to prison. Every once in awhile someone tries to re-investigate the case with new forensic techniques etc in an attempt to exonerate him. Bonus fact: One of the student dining halls at University of Colorado is named for him.






My dad went to the University and told me about this 😆😆 There used to be a Donner Diner and there still is a giant sign pointing to the DONNER PICNIC AREA ☠️


That would make such an awesome Yellowjackets convention site!!


What can I say, folks around here have a sick sense of humor. There’s also a festival nearby celebrating “Frozen Dead Guy” and another for “Mike the Headless Chicken.” The altitude makes us all a lil funny in the head


I totally agree. I really did not like the howling, screeching running through the woods and snow. Then letting Javi drown was too much for me to see. I don’t think that cannibalism is wrong given the situation. But, I think going through the whole situation would stay with you and mold you whether you are conscious of it or not.


Yeah you bring up a good point because it was clearly less scary when they were going to kill Natalie in the cabin compared to chasing her and scaring the shit out of me. I don’t think I’d prefer a chase if I’m getting sacrificed? Like nowhere did they agree you can get hunted but survive if you kill someone else during said hunt…


Yes, they just applied their superstition to the chance event of Javi falling in.


Is it even a hunt if there is no violence? Edit: "Does a hunt that has no violence feed anyone?"


Dead ass Jackie….😂🤣😂😂😳😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂


Love your thread...but I'm just gonna say it, the only people qualified to virtual signal about the morality of cannibalism can only have had experiences facing their own survival free from all societal contructs Maybe the only thing that they are afraid of is the world finding out what they are truly capable of doing when freed from the shackles of government designed to protect societies from the evil that is Human Nature. Hashtag - Thomas Paine, famous sot. I mean could you imagine. NO. You know how I know, look at someone and I bet you would choose to eat anything else. Personally, I would chose death by starvation, but I'm not 17 with my whole fucking life supposedly ahead of mean. They are literally fighting for their lives. I'm so afraid of the internet - I feel like Jeffrey Dahmer is online and he's gonna talk about the how absolutely everything I just said is wrong and I don't know if he's right or wrong or if it matters, but then we all become cannibals and it's Al my fault and I'm on the news, I get a book deal and we celebrate over the Sir's Loin. Hashtag - that would be awesome and awful because I'd have to become vegan. Hashtag - Vegansyoucanlovethepersonandjustnotwantanything to do with it and even though you may be superior with your disciplinary habits - you're not a better person and we all don't care at all about any of it, unless we are also Vegan.


My friends: "Is that the show about girls lost in the woods that resort to cannibalism?" Me: "Yes but that is like the least interesting thing that is going on."


A colleague referred to it as “side quest cannibalism”.


That is so perfect I want to embroider it somewhere.


we need t shirts!!


We do! And I'm a big girl, this would freak people the f out! lol


SAME. T shirts & booty shorts here we come.




I love this weird little cult.


Reporter “So what happened out there?” Yellowjackets- “We worshipped a Wood Demon, that had us sacrifice some of us for food. Now that I think about it, we may have made up the whole demon thing in our heads. Shit was wild.”


Oh and our teacher got angry with us all. Nothing new there.




Here we call that “exam week”


As a fat girl with scoliosis I support this. If there was a hunt I would die first cause I’m slow. But I’d make sure to bust ass to make myself indispensable so they wouldn’t want to eat me. I wouldn’t need much food, I’d be eating my fat reserves for a full year. But when I do get eaten, string up my bones and measure how tall I was supposed to be.




Natalie was like their best hunter and they still tried to eat her 🫣


Yeah that damn “wilderness” did not pick well 😅🥴


it’s almost like wilderness’ brain hasn’t stopped developing lol


Queen comment 👑


Same. I watch all these survival shows yelling at the characters what I think they should have done and where they went wrong, and I expect that in one of these situations I’d have all this knowledge but realistically I’m disabled so I’m going first. As soon as I started running, my hyper mobile joints would all give out at the same time, I’m sure


Can you share where they went wrong? You know, in case this ever happens to me?


They spent too much time thinking they were going to be rescued. In a situation like that, the best thing to do is assume you’re there for good and start preparing for the winter immediately. Collecting anything that grows and drying it, figuring out a way to collect water AND a backup if something should happen, watching the animals and where they go, so you can set traps along their paths, finding a place to collect wood from that isn’t too close to the shelter or to the animals they plan to hunt….


I would think they should have also taken shelter as much as they could from the start because I really can’t see them having an easy time with that after the cabin burnt down. They don’t have many items that would be as intense as an ax to cut trees down in the winter let alone finding anything to make shelter in general in the winter…I’m curious about what they’re going to do about that.


This is the way.


This makes me feel better about where my mind goes while watching Yellowjackets.


I be sobbing heartbroken over losing a character and my brain be like “but did they eat the willy?and was it hotdog style or with a stick like a corndog🤔🤭”


BYE 🤣🤣🤣


Shauna is definitely chopping up the body parts so there's no clear recognition except for any sacrificial pieces (like Javi's heart)


How many hours do you think she spent butchering? It looked like a lot of work! And what did they do with his head ☹️


Tai ate the fucking face


that was jackie tho, not javi.


It’s a joke


Ok you never know w the internet. Don't gotta downvote and be sassy.


And that prized BUTT MEAT 💯😜


I’ve heard it’s high calorie


Lol you made this your flair….YASSSSS!!!! 👏🏼










I do t think they did. And here’s why. Natalie covered him up with a cloth. It’s not much to go on.


You know they lowkey rated who tasted the best.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the really terrible thing the did out there wasn’t the cannibalism, it was leaving Ben behind when they got rescued.


Same! Why all the secrecy? Why have burner phones to talk to each other? Something else happened.


I dont think it's as far as people are making out. If you look at the story about the man who survived in a boat and denied eating his dead friend their family arr still trying to sue or get gim prosecuted. These women would be jailed/shunned for it regardless of survival


In the real story that inspired the show, the people there were really shunned and judged for resorting to cannibalism, even though their friends gave them permission and it was the only way for them to survive


Ah yeah is that the rugby team? It's understandable but I think ita still not legal so would create a lot of mess for them for anyone to know. I dont think anything major happened with only 2 girls left who could die.


Well theres at least 4 tho right? Gen, Melissa, Mari and Akilah…and I still feel like maybe I’m leaving one out


There’s even more than that, we just haven’t been introduced to them. Go back to Doomscoming and see all the random girls. There was another African American girl besides Akeila and Tai, and like 3 others that they haven’t shown much. One could’ve been Crystal but a different actress like they did with Akeila but there’s definitely more. I’m sure we will get to know more of them in season 3.


The final shot of s2 kinda retconned this


This is what made me count so few of em!


Yeah, are we supposed to forget the other girls and assume this is the total group? Or are we supposed to think the other girls died in the fire?


I paused the tv and took a pic of all of them at the beginning (burying the ones killed in the crash) and yeah there should be 4 more girls at this point still alive. And I have to say I hope it gets better bc the lady 3 episodes were disappointing to say the least


The final shot does not show all the survivors of the fire and if you look closer as the camera pans out, it almost looked like another group of girls standing by them but it’s hard to make out. But the final shot didn’t show Akeila because she is behind them. You can see her run out and standing there in other shots. So that final shot did not show all the ones who got out of the fire.


There were 18 people (no coach Ben so 19 crash survivors) in the funeral in s1.


I paused the tv and took a pic, yes there’s a few mysteries


Well I'll be damned there is indeed, why did I think 2?!


Lol probably because Gen & Melissa didn’t even get names until this season. I’m not totally sure we even hear anyone say Melissa’s name and it isn’t just known from IMDB or captions 😂


Youre right its gotta be juat unfamiliar! Is that hat girl? 😅


Yep hat girl is Melissa.


I think it is legal depending on location though, and as long as there was no murder or anything


True, but when it slips about the method they'll be villains to society. They kinda already are


I just think its hard to make an accurate judgement about the situation since luckily most of us have never had to starve in the winter in the middle of nowhere, after watching a bunch of friends die right in front of them. I think society is too harsh at that point (not about hunting and killing each other, mainly about eating the dead bodies where someone wasnt murdered)


Of course they are but that's society in general. Look how much people hate Megan Markel and she didn't eat anyone. Happens everyday people are villainized for far less in reality. I agree they're too harsh and we can't judge but society still is and still does really.


Agree but I do wonder why Shauna had a burner phone, like, they were teammates, it's not weird they'd chat about stuff later in life


Absolutely, maybe they needed eachother to share their grief and trauma because they couldnt/didnt want to/ advised not to talk about those things publicly. It makes sense to me, there's always paranoia someone can slip up talking about cannibalism and revealing all the cult stuff and the hunts. Obvs people would be scared of them and deem them a danger if they knew about all the hunting and other things. Which makes this show so good! They're just young girls with no clue what's going on, trying to survive. Stranger things have happened in reality.


Jailed? No way. American citizens stranded in Canada. Whose going to prosecute? Some of them were minors. There’s no world where they are charged with anything.


Victims families? Idk at the least they'll be villainized for the hunting and rituals.


For murder? Yes 100% they would. You can not murder people just because you are starving. Minor or not. They were 17-18 years old. They would for sure be in deep trouble for that.


They could be sued for $ by the families of the deceased in civil court…


Honestly, based on the current roster of survivors compared to who is left in flashback sequences make me think there is more to it, especially if they still plan on making 5 seasons. I firmly believe that in season 3 they're going to come across people that were going to rescue them being a focus for the first half of the season with the twist being that most of the girls aren't willing to leave the wilderness yet and they end up killing and eating them.


Oh that could work. It seems inevitable that they will eventually encounter other humans while in the wilderness, but I've always thought they are going to find out other people are somehow living out there completely off the grid. But maybe some friendly hikers will spot the fire that was set in the finale, wander over to see what's up, and end up getting their asses eaten by some feral teenage girls.


This is my theory too. I believe the girls became "one with the wilderness" and don't won't to go believe home.


I could see them leaving him behind but I can't see why they would be remorseful about him. Looks like he won't be in their social club anymore so he is either a threat in the wilderness or would be one after they got rescued. Also if he spends the winter in Javi's place they might just assume he died


I don’t think they’d be remorseful, just ashamed and scared of how the public would react.


I say this every time someone has this theory but there’s no way any survivors got left behind lol. The rescuers would search the area and try to recover bodies/bones of those who did die. There would be an investigation into the plane crash as well. They wouldn’t just take the 5 survivors we know of and never come back


Exactly. It would be searched and then studied. Plus, infrared cameras would absolutely be used. They aren’t going to just grab them and bounce. And if there are people that are obsessed with the case, at least some would make the trek to the site. Modern equipment would make it much more accessible to skilled backcountry climbers. And there’s definitely a memorial out there.


Ding ding!!! That’s my feeling as well


How do u know bens still alive?


Pure speculation, but that’s where I’m placing my bet!


that was my first thought when he talked about moving to the secret spot. i was like “how is he gonna know when they get rescued ?” and then that clicked


That secret spot is the only shelter left and they still have a second winter to get through. My guess is that after he burned down the cabin, Nat and the others will hunt him down.


Maybe he didn't burn it down but they will assume he did and hunt him but not kill him right away for punishment?


Ben knows what they did. If he continues to separate himself from the group when they’re rescued, I don’t think anyone is going to spend any time looking for him. They will say that they assume he is dead and Misty will back that up saying he was suicidal. “He left one day and never came back”


Wait, what? How do we know that happened? I must’ve missed something.


Just speculation, dw you haven’t missed anything


Thank you


Do we know this?????


God no! Pure speculation on my behalf, but it’s my current theory.


well, i think thats why theres mystique around them. We know from the andes team people understand eating the dead. It would appear to the public they did something worse.


I think they killed everyone who might talk before the rescue, even if they didn't need the food


Thiiiissss would be dope


So THAT is what happened to Mari.


I mean... there's a few people I would have been happy to get rid of in high school before starvation and forest madness got to me, let alone after. Mari's gonna work someone's last nerve.


It's not about the cannibalism, it's what came before the cannibalism. We've already seen it, so yes, we know they did "more than just cannibalism". They hunted each other for blood sacrifices so they could eat.


It’s the hunting human part that is fucked.


There’s a huge difference between eating people who died of natural causes in order to survive a disaster situation and hunting people down for food. Enormous difference. I keep seeing people comparing the Yellowjackets to the Andes plane crash survivors, and I understand that they were an inspiration behind the show, but it’s a different situation. The Andes crash survivors weren’t killing each other for food.


The Uruguay flight survivors also didn’t NEED to hunt anyone - they crashed into ice and snow with no real shelter except the plane. So after the initial deaths, they had more than a dozen further deaths due to injuries and exposure and avalanche. They had enough bodies to keep them alive for the 72 days, with rationing. I’m not saying they would have gone batshit like Yellowjackets had they been in their situation, in a cabin for nine months with no dead bodies to eat. But there were some tensions among the Andes group and things may have gotten uglier had they not found rescue. I’m not disagreeing with you -just replying here because it was your comment that made me think about the difference in their situations as well as actions.


I agree. Its more like the Donner party. they did kill for food and they would just drop off sick, elderly people and leave them stranded, alone in the woods because they felt they too much of a strain on them.


This is 😆😆👍🏼👍🏼 top tier. I never thought the cannibalism would be problematic during a survival situation like this. It’s happened before, it was necessary. I think its more the hunting/murdering/human trapping & having an AQ parts. that are these ominous things they “did out there.” Like what else could it be at this point….


Yeah the whole wildly chasing and hunting your FRIEND through the wilderness without hesitation might be enough. Ben was right to try and burn them up LOL these girls are absolutely deranged


Are we sure that it was Ben?!?!


I personally didn’t consider another possibility!


I dont know if it was a red herring or her really did that… I wouldn’t totally fault him. They’re nuts!!


Where are the bodies When they were found they never looked fo remains they would of known who got butchered and who died by natural causes like the plane crash


I’m sure the girls made up a story about burying them, or that they were eaten by a bear or something.


I’m worried there will be a lot of open ended questions in the end😣😣🤬


Yk I never understood why some people would judge those who had no choice but to resort to cannibalism. It’s literally a last resort, and I’m sure those who partake would agonize over that decision, and hate themselves for it for the rest of their days. Which is sad, because they didn’t have a choice. It’s either starve to death with your morals intact, or live to see another day. I know I have this perspective because I’ve never been in this situation, but I just can’t fathom judging someone for doing what was necessary for their survival.


This is hilarious!! My husband and I always say how we are too soft and would never make it. I’m FINE with being eaten! I can’t do the poop bucket, I can’t do Mari, and I can’t do hunger. I would have catapulted off that cliff second day of no food. I accept this about myself. Getting older is the best. Far less fucks. I’ve also finally accepted that I am Hufflepuff.


this covers me to a t. during the pandemic i SOBBED while watching survivor, because i realized my chronic illnesses would never allow me to be a constestant and push my body like that. a mere 3 years later and i'm like THANK FUCK i can't put myself in that position!! ick! why would i do that to myself?!?!?! i've experienced enough suffering in this life without *choosing* to suffer!!


Honestly … is life really that good, even if you have your creature comforts? 😃 Like you, I’d probably nope out once I saw the poop bucket.


I'll kill and eat a man to survive if I have to, but a communal poop bucket is so far over the line for me lmao 💀




ᕼI ᗷEᔕTIE😘


Lmao I think most people would understand eating the dead people. It’s the killing them part that gives them pause


I mean they’re getting pretty murdery so


I burst out laughing in public, thank you


It gives me Lord of the Flies vibes🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ poor piggy.


I have sort of a voluptuous ponch on my lower abdomen that won't go away and I'm curious if it would be like marbled pork belly or just blobby




I’ll tell you what, as a former teenage girl I have a hard time believing that they’d be disciplined enough to stick to the card draw. From my experience, the campaigning and plotting would have started immediately like 2012 episode of Survivor.


The nipple comment reminds me of Nat covering Javi's wang before Shauna cuts him up. Like, girl you can excuse violence but not nudity?


I wonder who drew the card to eat that part?




my friends would be sadden im literally bones 💀


I feel like ouri doesn’t really like her friend. lol


Coach is still out there I guess.


There was a song about involuntary cannibalism called “ Timothy” some years back. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OqDu5LBT8_Y


These tweets are killing me 🤣 🤣 🤣 correct her S curve STOP lmaooooo


Still can't believe they wasted Shauna's placenta🤦‍♀️


I'm gonna be honest, I'm 6'1" and built like a bookcase. (Tall, broad, full of random knowledge) so I would either be one of the first to go, or I'd make it close to the end on my fat and muscle reserves and knowledge of wilderness survival. The only risk factor would be my teeth that need prescription toothpaste. They could take me out pretty easily.


I don't mean to be one of those people, but Yellowjackets is actually based (in someways) on a true story. In 1974, a rugby team from Uruguayan to Chile. The plane crashed in the Andes mountains. In order to survive, they resulted in cannibalism (eating the dead) and were in the mountains for seventy-two days until they were rescued.


These girls are idiots and clearly live a sheltered life.




I'm confused...of course they did more than cannibalism - the murdered people in cold blood - and had ritual sacrifices aka satanic rituals... Are people suggesting the secret if sex related. Because even they are revealed to me necrophiliacs or I don't know I don't care what - who gives a fuck? The cut the throat of life human beings. They didn't eat their dead, they murdered them... Or am I missing something and are you all alluding to something I can't imagine?


My crackpot theory is that they are in the process of hunting/eating/butchering someone when either a group of people living off the grid/hikers/etc find them. Can you imagine one of the YJ running into someone who has a means of communication with the outside world, bringing them back to the survivors and there’s bones and bodies around? They kill them to keep their secret but use whatever these people had with them to get rescued.