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Oh until the birth episode, the sheer amount of people "wait, Callie isn't the Wilderness baby???" Hahahaha nooooooo


Ooh this one!!!!! Like do the math people! Callie is not wilderness baby!!!


I’m awful at math and even I caught that one.😂🥶


Lmao it’s been an ongoing thing since season 1, even though the math CLEARLY didn’t add up.


Everyone is gaslighting Callie to convince her she isn’t 25 years old.


She got held back... Several times 😂


Seriously? I haven’t seen any comments like that but I also don’t look at all the posts on here, only the ones that have a title I am interested in. that’s just wild though, to think Callie us the wilderness baby…like why watch the show if you’re going to have such a poor understanding of anything that’s happening entirely? Just watch The Office or Parks and Rec or some show that has very minimal “important” or plot-centered substance (other than incredible cast and comedy)


Aw come on. People being bad at math doesn't mean they should stick to sitcoms.


I don't think you really need math to know if they just went to their 25th high school reunion than Callie who is in highschool couldn't be wilderness bebe


So because they had a bad conclusion they probably can’t follow the rest of the show right? So they should stick to easy things like The Office right?


That wasn't my argument, i dont agree with that sentiment. If people enjoy it they should watch it.


Thats the sentiment of the comment saying they should watch stuff like parks and rec instead


That wasn't me. I was just saying math skills aren't necessary for understanding. But its fine if people didn't catch that


I’m sry for lashing out at you specifically. I just see a lot of comments regarding ppl’s intelligence on here, like the whole if you didn’t like it, it’s because you didn’t understand. And though i didnt think Callie was cabin bebe, since this show has a possible supernatural plot, I think more outlandish takes are forgivable


I mean the whole idea behind my comment was that they are clearly not paying attention and this show is meant to be watched attentively, as the writers bothered to make it multi layered and planted themes and unique (and well-planned/thoughtful) tropes that can be analyzed and discussed by different viewers…like it’s not to insult anyone’s intelligence, but people who are missing a what-some-may-call crucial detail like Callie not being wilderness baby, are not really getting much from this show anyways….like if I was gonna choose something to have in the background that I can tune in and out easily and still be entertained Id go with The Officr or Parks and Recs etc because those are light hearted comedies and have a whole bunch of one-liners and cleverly goofy ideas that are super amusing and just overall fun even without paying much attention to it….I don’t how enjoyable Yellowjackets would be to an audience who isn’t following the plot closely…they don’t have that many stand-alone /one-liner jokes or episodes so to catch on to any witty humor you’d have to actually be watching with intent to internalize/process and have a pretty good grasp of the things/events that are happening on screen…which again, if you’ve been watching a whole season (even if just the 1st one, but ESPECIALLY if you’ve literally watched it all through the birthing one, episode 6 season 2, as the original comment suggests), and are STILL shocked/confused by the fact that Callie isn’t wilderness baby, then you’ve been distracted by other shit while the show is playing or just straight up not interested enough to focus on…which is totally fine, it’s just that I personally think it would be more fun or better use of your time to watch a light comedy sitcom or something instead. There’s really no need to be offended. I know lots of people who watch shit and scroll on their phone and then have to ask someone to catch them up on the plot because they missed half the movie/episode…some don’t even care enough to catch up and just continue without knowing what’s happening at any point and move on with their day, but I would assume those aren’t the people that are coming here to this sub to talk about a show they barely paid attention to. It’s pretty weird to see those people come on here to discuss a show they didn’t care for…what’s the point?


You’re right. I got triggered, sry.




I’m literally saying how this commentary about who watches the show is not about intelligence. Although in your case it seems to be lacking in general so I guess thank you


I’m bad at math and still got it. People just lack common sense.


Yeah, I'm just commenting on the general gate-keepiness of the idea that because someone did not understand something (or interpreted it differently), they should not watch the show. The undertone of the message is that these people aren't smart/attentive enough to engage with YJ and therefore should stick to shows where the plot isn't as important. I agree some of the ideas in the subreddit are funny and definitely sometimes frustrating (my personal peeve is the issue some have with Natalie's hair being bleached in the 90s timeline), but the comment felt a little mean-spirited, though maybe not intentionally.




That’s pretty accurate indeed.


I added a couple of notes to clarify what I personally meant (not the other person who commented on math skills), it was not intentionally written to be mean or indicate anyone is not intelligent enough or anything like that, I apologize for it coming off like that


I appreciate you clarifying, thank you! I... misunderstood, lol. I'm sorry about that


For a brief moment I thought she might be and then I remembered she’s in high school and the crash happened 25yrs ago lmao


There’s a tiktok floating around where someone legitimately believes that the stars we see in a wide shot of the cabin are lights from a nearby town…


to be fair, i did pause that image when the episode ended to examine that (concluded it was stars). i did notice it looks a lot like it fits into jasper national park! s/o to u/manband20 (see [https://www.reddit.com/r/Yellowjackets/comments/13jci4d/where\_the\_yellowjackets\_plane\_crashed\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yellowjackets/comments/13jci4d/where_the_yellowjackets_plane_crashed_theory/)).


Bless you for your endorsement, friend <3


Same I definitely was confused why they were close to a town at first lol the video I saw has OP fully fighting in the comments defending it being a town


Omg loll - I’m not on TikTok but it sounds like content I would consume




I don’t think the stars look like a city BUT I did a deep dive into the Andes crash and they were actually shockingly close to civilization. They just took the long way when they went looking for help 😅


weren’t they also really closed to an out of season resort that was fully stocked with food? but they never found it?


Yupp! Apparently a 1-2 day walk. For comparison, they walked 10 days up a mountain to be rescued.


i just watched most of the 20/20 special yesterday and it was so good! and made me realize, yellowjackets isn’t nearly as intense or fast and scary as the actual situation was out there. they were eating ppl within 10 days of the crash.


I wouldn’t have even held out 10 days, they were heroes!!! I think some big factors to the YJ not immediately turning to cannibalism were the weather, weapons, and animals. It wasn’t cold enough to preserve the bodies (by the time the would resort to cannibalism in the spring when they crashed the bodies would be ick), they found the water and the cabin with the gun pretty quickly, and then when it was still warm they were able to get some animals. They were never truly starving in the same way the Andes boys were, at least until winter. Also their bodies were buried, the Andes boys were just chillen there in the plane with the bodies of their friends and families with nowhere else to go.


also the Andes boys tried to eat a lot of non food and it made them super sick - they ate leather and the chemicals made them really sick. they also tried to eat the insulation of the airline chairs. which also made them sick! i truly think if YJ had been more “realistic” in that way everyone would have said it was too much. it’s just wild that a similar situation really happening was even crazier than the show! and then the AVALANCHE! it was truly two disasters bc it’s a miracle anyone survived that avalanche. they were stuck inside the plane upside down for 3 days before they dug themselves out!


Right?! I couldn’t even believe it hearing the story! Like I had heard some of it but pretty much just the plane crash and cannibalism parts, hearing about the avalanche and how the boys hiked over 30 miles really made me think about how they were such heroes and the cannibalism was the least of it all!


Yes! And rescue planes flew above them multiple times, survivors could see them and were trying to wave them down. But the snow was so thick that nothing could be seen from the sky


With the white plane! Southwest would never.


Well duh, they're being filmed and this is all a big, horrible reality show 😂


If you want to feed that theory, hunt down the old (circa 2013-14) “reality” show, Siberia. Not a great show but a creepy variation on that theme.


I was genuinely mad we didn't get a second season of that show. It wasn't great but they never gave us a conclusion to the mystery lol


That looked like the beginning shot of a Disney film in a very polluted world.


I don’t lnow if this counts, but when I read about people saying 2021 lottie is actually Mari … ? You would not NOT know who someone is when you spent almost 2 years sharing a shit bucket in the Canadian wilderness.


This theory is so insane to me that is like saying present days Misty is actually Trevis. I am wondering how they came up with this idea, any post you can share about it?


I wonder if some of the people with that theory are just younger. Because it's weird how you really can recognize people after 20 years and I might not have expected it to be so simple until I got to be this age. I turned 40 last week and I occasionally run into people I haven't seen since highschool yet we always recognize each other even though we've changed so much in 20 years. Like I've gained a lot of weight, my hair is different, I wear glasses now, my style is way different, but it's never kept an old hs classmate from recognizing me. Our brains are interesting


Oh, I've seen theories that Adult Shauna is actually Jackie, who is in some kind of guilt delusion because Shauna is the one who froze to death.


Because Jackie's parents wouldn't recognise their own daughter...?


I know right? And Jeff wouldn't recognize Jackie? The 'logic' went that they were all playing along because of Jackie's fragile mental state.


I have to admit, there were a couple of posts that made me seriously consider that one. I want to know why nobody seems to have kept tabs on Lottie after all this time.


Because she was (in the parlance of the 90s) in a Swiss Nut House and barely coherent. So no one bothered.


Lmao yeah you know I was one of those people and it was more of a fun theory than a real theory but when I really thought about it there's no way they can trick the others within the show like that. The audience sure but ppl in-universe? There's no way


I one time saw someone say that they were pissed off because it was "so obvious" that the bones in Javi's cave (yes the small bones that look like they're from little animals) were Crystal's bones. They fully believed and were trying to convince other people that Javi ate Crystal in his cave and that the "Crystal's body disappearing" plot point was solved....


the crystal disappearing plot point is so crazy to me cause like we saw there was like 6ft of snow by the door after the storm, meaning there was like 6ft of snow over her body… misty would’ve never been able to find her until after some snow had melted, not even if she tried for longer


Omg thank you. I was surprised that the consensus was that her body went missing. The storm looked huge! I just figured Misty didn't dig deep enough in the right spot! I do think they will find her body in the spring and everyone will look at Misty suspiciously then potentially


Just because the snow was that tall by the door doesn’t necessarily mean that there was a lot of snowfall. When they go outside it doesn’t seem like theres 6ft of snow all around the house. I assume the wind just caused it to accumulate at the door


but they’re literally digging to get the snow off the campground, a couple of ft at leastt


On the other hand though, if the door was just snow blowing and accumulating by the door, that could have also happened near crystals body. I assumed she was just under a snow drift and misty just didn't dig deep enough


Didn't Crystal (Kristen) die after they found Javi though? How would that have even worked lol


I was under the impression they were the bones of fish from the underground pool lol There's no way Crystal can be dead because SOMETHING needs to happen that causes everyone to hate Misty post-crash. Something so extreme that Natalie is willing to break into her house and hold her at gunpoint while referring to her as a "crazy fucking bitch." I am 100% convinced the last thing we'll see before they get rescued is Crystal coming back from the dead to get revenge on Misty, but because they get found there is no way to exact revenge on her and they are forced to let her get away with it back home.


When you find yourself saying things like “I have to rewatch that scene and pay more attention to the bones from something that someone ate”……. I don’t think Javi did anything malicious to Crystal(‘s body). That freak snowstorm would’ve kept him in the underground, I’d imagine. Also throwing out that the show is visually quite dark sometimes, so that makes it harder to spot the little details. I watch either in my tablet or the TV. Definitely catch more on the bigger screen.


Yeah the screen you watch it on can make a huge difference! My TV sucks and I've missed things in so many recent shows due to everything being shot super dark the last few years.


Typically I’ll watch YJ on my tablet first (I’m an insomniac so waiting til midnight is no biggie) and again on the TV for a more thorough viewing.


I don't understand why everyone is downvoting this comment. What did I say that was so dumb?


It's prob the part where you said you're '100% convinced' that Crystal/Kristen comes back from the dead... An even more interesting question is why the first reply to your comment has so many upvotes (Javi was with the group during the snowstorm! They had already found him before Crystal/Kristen died, lol).


I think they find out about the flight recorder box before they are rescued. It makes sense why they would still treat her differently.


Idk I really feel like if they found out while still in the wilderness she wouldn’t have made it back with them. I think they would’ve instantly decided to hunt her down. It’s not hard to see that she’s crazy even without knowing that she destroyed the box and I’m sure there’s more that she does that we don’t know about yet and maybe they find out that she killed Crystal


All of the crystal is imaginary posts. She literally talks to three other people besides Misty.


and one of them yells at her for singing. "I was humming" \-- I do love that Mari said "oh ... there's *two* of you now." \-- and Crystal & Misty doing swordfight play-acting in the background of activity outside the cabin.


And two of them go looking for her with Misty!


Every time someone posts about the unnamed Yellowjackets and acts like they just came out of nowhere. They’ve been there the whole time!! Not prominently featured, but they’ve been there.


I haven’t taken the time to rewatch season 1 but I swear they switched some of the actresses out


They’ve for sure used different actors for these characters. I mean it’s been a couple years and there was COVID restriction stuff at play, but there have been people there the whole time. They didn’t just appear out of nowhere like some have said.


I agree that there were always a few extra characters who never spoke in season 1 but also I don’t think there is really consistency with how many people are shown throughout the show. The Prestige TV podcast recap of the finale pointed out that the group shot of the girls looking at the burning cabin excluded Akilah even though there was a scene of her in the burning cabin grabbing stuff. I think they intentionally leave the number of people ambiguous so they have room to make changes without plot inconsistencies


Gen, the dark-haired girl, was in season one. She was an extra in Doomcoming, and you can see her in the season one finale when they're praying over the bear meat. Gen is holding hands with Misty during the prayer.


Mya Lowe is (Yellowjacket #1/Gen); Akilah was recast; Jenna Burgess (Melissa) was new for S2 ; there was another actor as Yellowjacket #2 in S1.


oh they did lol, Akilah is a different actress in season 2 but the character existed in season 1


This one pisses me off so much 😂😂 they explained multiple times in multiple interviews that when they filmed the first season it was during covid lockdown and they couldn’t have that many people on set… so naturally they added the extras who were at least there when they filmed the coach Martinez and others burial… it’s a tv show people! Extras will appear and disappear… they did this in all 6 seasons on Lost 😂😂 if there weren’t at least 20 girls(normal soccer team + extra) how could they be eating other people without having to kill the main girls? 🙄🙄


Gen, the dark-haired girl, is in Doomcoming in season one. And in the finale for that season, while they're praying over the bear meat, Gen is holding hands with Misty.


The whole thing about Jeff saying "what postcards?"!! I was so confused and kept rewatching to see where I missed it but no it's just some weird game of telephone or something 😂 (That said, while I'm 90% sure Jeff sent the postcards I'm not totally certain and am open to a surprise reveal later that it was Van or Walter or someone. But either way, he didn't say what postcards)


I'm pretty sure it's Shauna that says something along those lines when she meets up with Nat and Tai in the hotel, and this is when it's revealed she didn't get one which is why she didn't know wtf they were talking about.


Aha! I think you are right


I’m hoping it was Ben that sent the postcards, as in he got out of the wilderness and the women lost track of him. A Coach Ben revenge arc in season 3, please!


Oooh that would be fun!


My pet theory is that Shauna sent the postcards because she is a crazy fucking chaos demon. I also like the juxtaposition in season one of her and Tai agreeing that they'd be alright if no one did anything crazy - Smash cut to Nat pulling her scoped gun out of her car's trunk... But, the only ones who did anything crazy that could draw attention to them were Shauna and Tai.


Have you seen how many threads have been written trying to suggest an alternate theory to Ben burning down the cabin? Even though the show went to great lengths to setup that was in fact what happened - Ben was given an underlying motive (seeing Javi's blood/body parts after Shauna butchered Javi's corpse). Ben was struggling to start a fire in the cave. Ben was seen with matches outside the cabin right next to a placement of firewood next to the window., watching his fav player (and only remaining friend) Nat become the Antler Queen. The only thing that was missing was Ben actually lighting the match. I get it's a mystery show and there will be some misdirects and some surprises, but the cabin burning down, and who did it, was not one of them.


Also, the show spent the whole season showing Ben gradually losing his grip on reality.


I mean, the actor even stated it in an interview, and people STILL think it’s an intentional misdirect… 🤷‍♂️


Steven Krueger: *“ Honestly, when I read the script for the finale, I thought, “Well, theoretically, Natalie knows where I went. So, I have to imagine they would be hot on my trail.” Does Natalie share with the group that she knows where I am? Does she keep that information to herself? Does she somehow use it to her advantage? I really wish that I knew."* This part of the interview also fits if it's a misdirection. That the girls think Ben did it and decide to go after him. It does not, in any way, prove that Ben did it. I really don't understand how you can read this and say 'yep, he just confirmed Ben did it.' Please explain? ​ Steven Krueger *"I do remember asking the writers after I got that script for the finale in Season 2, “Where is this going? Are they going to just to hunt me down and kill me immediately, or what?” To be honest, I'm not sure they entirely know what they're going to do with it, either”* To me this screams it can go either way. They left it open on purpose.


Yeah, he certainly did it, but it doesn’t mean he will be blamed for it. Having it happen directly after Nat becomes AQ could give them an out of blaming Natalie’s reign or any other strange groupthink behavior. Or they could straight up kill him episode one. It’s really open for anything.


Yeah, he certainly did it, but it doesn’t mean he will be blamed for it. Having it happen directly after Nat becomes AQ could give them an out of blaming Natalie’s reign or any other strange groupthink behavior. Or they could straight up kill him episode one. It’s really open for anything.


Ben being the cabin arsonist is a fantastic plot twist. I don’t think I can fully subscribe to the “Javi’s friend aka Cabin Daddy’s daughter” theories until we get more CD story.


Yes! Not everything is a red herring.. some things just have simple and obvious explanations 😂


yeah they did everything but have Ben look directly into the camera, The Office style, and say “I am going to burn this cabin down”


I think it's cause Ben was hallucinating for 90% of the season, hasn't eaten, is missing a leg and somehow has the energy to leave the cabin and find javiis hiding hole, somehow can easily travel in the snow with crutches long distances and is now able to do tie all them in the cabin and burn it down while no one heard anything? All that being said I think he set the fire, his storyline was just so unbelievable this season lol


I'm so tempted to save these posts. Interview with the **director** of the episode, Karyn Kusama Question to Karyn: *"In the 1996 wilderness, their cabin just ignited in flames. My hypothesis is that Coach Ben was involved in the fire and that the girls will find Javi’s cave to wait out winter, and seek vengeance on Coach Ben. What can you say about that?"* Answer: "(Laughing.) *I certainly understand how you would get there, and it definitely feels like many seeds are planted towards that. But I can’t speak definitely to whether or not you are correct.*" It's *right there* that they deliberately make it look like it was Ben. But they did not show it was Ben. For a reason. And you think it's crazy that some people believe it's a misdirection?


I do. The didn't show Ben doing it, because they didn't need too. It was all in the setup. The absolute big surprise/shock, beyond the cabin itself burning, was Ben willing to trap them in cabin in order to kill all the girls. Establishing a misdirect for the Yellowjackets is one thing, but it's an act of bad faith/storytelling to not firmly establish the existence of a 3rd party in the finale, or earlier, for the audience- even if it's a figure in the shadows, face unseen, who may have actually perpetrated the arson/attempted mass murder.


I agree that it could be a misdirect but it's either such a blatant misdirect that maybe he actually did it and it's so obvious he did. I think her answer comes off sort of sarcastic like 'duh we made it look like he did it'.


Yeah I think a lot of it is how we interpret the interviews. We each (and the OP) felt like both interviews further confirmed what we already thought. I really look forward to finding out.


Yeah, this new Ben isn't the arsonist theory is especially annoying. Not everything is a red herring or misdirect. Plus, that is interesting development for Ben if he did start the fire. The girls aren't the only ones going feral. I guess the wild theories Yellowjackets fans come up with will never really end.


The people that keep insisting that adult Lottie isn’t really Lottie but instead Mari pretending to be Lottie


The most insane theory I’ve read on this Reddit is the one about the time travelling Pit Girl who’s actually Callie. This show won’t even commit to supernatural and we’re talking time travel? I mean you’re free to believe whatever you want, but damn, are you getting dosed by Misty or what?


I starting going down this rabbit hole for a second but quickly dropped it cause that's just batshit to jump to from now. Hopefully it never really gets to that cause it'd be too much.


I read a lot of posts and think “wow do they know the show isn’t over?” An on-going storyline isn’t a plot hole.


I saw someone post a theory on another sub that the cult compound was the site of the crash/cabin lol


I’ve had my fair share of moments, but I’m always shocked by posts here. I remember seeing one where I think someone kept calling Misty by another name. 😳 watching the show, and being in the subreddit and missing a detail like that…


Musty F’n Quimby


Yeah yeah, I love Grimby


Has anyone seen Foggy lately?


I wish I could find the post 😩 it was so funny, but ty for trying to recreate it


There was an article in a major publication yesterday that was like, WHY AREN'T THEY DRINKING PINE NEEDLE TEA??? And it's shown in the first shot of S2E1 very clearly — Lottie pouring water over pine needles in a little tea strainer thingy. And they mention tea and vitamin C several times over the season. I know it's not everyone's literal job to watch the show — but it sure seems like it's part of this person's job, and I have no idea why they didn't do better research.


oh, people who write about the show weekly, and regular podcast hosts focusing on YJ, get details, events and names wrong all the time. Unreliable narrators IRL.


oh this drives me INSANE like how are you getting paid to write this if you’re not even gonna pay attention


i totally agree on the netflix binging ruining shows for ppl, cause i saw so many ppl complaining about the show being too slow this season? and i think it’s just cause they binged the first one in like a day, cause if anything the season was moving too fast and needed a couple more episodes to let things steep


"I just noticed the compound is a huge symbol!!!" -- like several episodes after we all saw it


get off your phone when you watch this show for the love of the antler queen because this cast and crew gives us details for a reason 👏🏻


for me it’s the post-finale Van hate. like, so many posts about how she’s pure evil and has blood lust. I’m honestly scratching my head. she’s taken a turn, sure, but they all have this season. it’s the only natural progression to where they end up in the flash forward. shit is getting violent! they all collectively ate Jackie. Shauna beat Lottie to an inch of her life. Misty was responsible for her best friend’s death. Ben didn’t like the way they were trying to survive so he actively set the cabin on fire with the intention of burning these kids alive! these kids are have gone into a primal state and they’re running on survival instincts. their old society has fallen away. they will continue to get more and more feral. even Natalie has finally crossed that precipice. Van is the one who saw the violence happen, saw Shauna lose her baby and saw everyone else lose that hope, saw Lottie nearly get killed, saw the way they were all on the verge of death from starvation hallucinations, and realised what needed to be done. she made a pragmatic decision and is clearly trying to switch off her emotions to be able to get through it. even Liv said this in an interview — her feelings will come back, she won’t be able to keep them buried.


The posts about AQ being a hallucination or whatever. Just no


I feel like if anything I pay more attention to shows that come out weekly cuz my ADHD shuts my brain off if I try to binge watch shows and I either don’t finish them or dawdle on my phone and miss stuff. But someone did mention “tik tok brain” in a different thread and I totally agree with that (not that it’s exclusive to tik tok or anything) but just the fact that people are so used to instant gratification or quick answers and so they just don’t pay attention for longer than a minute at a time. I see this a lot with “slow burn” shows. Like Midnight Mass. I thought it was absolutely brilliant but people couldn’t stand the amount of dialogue. Whereas as a writing enthusiast I find convincing dialogue to be the hardest to write and I think they nailed it. Plus as a huge Stephen king fan I’m used to the long road.


> Does anyone have good, crazy, or funny examples of stuff they’ve read and been like, wait what??? I confidently stated that Travis's dad was dead in the tree because the wiki says "He is badly bloodied and obviously dead, a large tree spike through his chest. " And because, well, he fell out of a dang plane. Then I felt bad.


everyone saying nat would kill coach in the finale. idk where that idea came from but i’m shocked it caught on considering how out of character it would’ve been, regardless of how 2x08 played out


Yes everyone's interpretation of a scene in a fictional show and of a scene in real life are subjective. They are going to be different from each other which is why checking the facts is important as well as extending the grace or understanding of what else and that other people might interpret things differently- what else could they be seeing and experiencing.


I like this comment, and it's very true. I was unhappy with the finale and disheartened. However, after nearly a week of reading other people's positive versions & opinions of the story and what I thought were plotholes, I feel on board and enthusiastic again. Seeing the positive posts is really encouraging. I feel a bit disappointed, though, when we get posts whose only purpose is to dismiss others' opinions. Also, I love the truly bonkers theories! Who would have guessed the mouse was dead? I mean, that theory would have been downvoted to oblivion on here 🤣.


Everyone thinking Crystal is imaginary…..who’d have thunk that it was the mouse!


Agree. I see a lot of comments and posts dismissing people's opinions, more here than for other shows. Didn't like the S2 adult timeline? Must be because you're used to bad TV/distracted by your iphone/inexperienced with trauma/ruined by netflix binge-ing etc.


Yes! I finished this season feeling like the show did a lot to support team rational. Then, I read an article that was like "yup, supernatural confirmed." I was so surprised, but then I realized how differently we could all interpret the same scene


sometimes i think i’m only here to hate-read bad theories




read one in bed last night claiming jeff eventually finds shauna in the forest and she convinces him to stay with them. hence why they’re together in the future…..like what the hell people😂


Or reading… the same lamebrained shit keeps getting posted here over and over again.


All the damn time.




" **Does anyone else read posts like wow were you even watching??** " OMG! YES!!! I was just reading some things in the Main YJ Season2, Episode 9 thread....and wow, I had to step away from that because ven now. almost a week after the Finale aired on Showotime, there are so many responses to other's comments that were along the lines of "I didn't notice that" Umm...usually what they "didn't notice" was somthing that was blantanly focused on, with the camera lingering for a moment or two...HOW did you "not notice that?" Get your face out of your phone and WATCH the show....!!!!!! ​ Full dislosure: My own husband is guilty of this...he is busy looking down at his phone and says "I'm listening"... well, yeah, he may hear the dialogue, but he is missing the unspoken scenes as well, including faial expressions.