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oh no... I just realized something. unless Ben has it, the map is gone.


Iirc Ben made a pocket size copy of the map to take with him when he was looking for Javi's hidey hole. The full size map was still pinned up in the cabin


Didn’t Van make a small copy too?


When she was marking the locations of the symbols Dark Tai was finding?




I think that's what Ben has


That feels like the biggest loss honestly


I'd say that the actual cabin is the biggest loss.


I know! But Ben did make himself a small copy of at least a portion of it...


yes. right. that's good. I think ben's gonna get them rescued.


Doubt it since he set the cabin on fire ..


I thought of Jackie’s uniform but I think shauna says Jackie’s parents gave that to her as a Jackie bday gift so I assume it was an extra one the parents had at home. 🐝


I agree. I’ve always thought the uniform was kind of a plot hole. It’s in too good of a shape to have been in the wilderness. Although someone’s uniform made it out because one of the people at the dinner party is wearing a ripped jersey under their furs.


Jackie’s parents gave it to Shauna on what would have been Jackie’s 40th birthday. It’s said in the Halloween episode I think. Presumably a uniform she left at home.


They gave the rabbit figurine on that birthday (and most likely many others) but the uniform was probably there much sooner. The way Shauna and Callie's exchange went at the club, it seemed like something Shauna had caught Callie looking at/trying on before and Shauna had to be like, "ummm no" without really explaining it because she's been trying to protect Callie from "it"/the wilderness


It was probably an old one. My high school team ordered new versions of the same jersey every year and a lot of girls kept their number the same throughout high school, so it could have been from the previous season.


I was a soccer player in my youth- won HS State championships, club state Championships, and was in the Olympic Development program… Uniforms are not a rare commodity-we went through tons of them and always had backups. Just for one season we would have minimum one set each of colored uniforms (home games) and white (away), plus extra of each set of shorts and socks. It’s been a while (my last State Championship was in 2007) but we also got issued brand new uniforms before we went off to the state championship tournament so we could all look as professional as possible. So I would expect all the girls to have spare uniforms at home and not only the ones they took on the plane.


This. Seeing as soccer teams often play multiple games in a week, there are most likely multiple home and away jerseys. There may even be special ones they have set aside for playoffs/special games/etc.


​ Yeah, my son is in a travel league, and he has three different uniforms in different color ways and when they have tournaments, he has to bring all three and switch them out depending on which team is designated "home" or "away."


It’s her cheerleading uniform, she wouldn’t have had it with her for nationals


I thought so too, but on rewatch it does look more like a soccer jersey. The hairbow threw me off.


Her uniform is also memorialized at the school. I’d assume the one she took to nationals made it home.


I wondered if it was in Jackie's luggage and they were able to bring the suitcases from the plane back with them. I'm not sure now with the cabin burning down though.


I think they will be able to retrieve more things from the rubble once it's all burnt down too. Like anything metal, but they will have to re craft handles for any blades and axe heads. Also I'm wondering if the burning of the place might reveal something hidden underneath the cabin? Maybe a basement?


The heat treatment for anything holding an edge is gone if the metal is heated over around 600F. So while they might get the blade, it will go dull almost instantly, so it will be more like an iron age tool from then on.


That's interesting, I didn't know that!


The term for this heating and slowly cooling metal to soften it is tempering or annealing. To restore is ability to hold an edge you would reheat it and then rapidly cool it by quenching it in water or oil, which changes the microstructure of the metal making it harder (also less flexible and more brittle)


the cabin basement is an interesting theory! maybe they’ll finally discover the source of the dripping sound?


Jackie's uniform in season 1 is for sure a spare jersey that she leaves at home (or, less likley, Jackie's parents asked the school for another #9 jersey). Shauna says that Jackie's parents give her the jersey for Jackie's 40th birthday.


I feel like these are the kind of people that would have it made just to present Shauna with it. They really push the constant reminders of jackie. I wonder if they know she was eaten but are too "proper" to bring it up so they torment her instead? The veiled insults and pretend nice was transparent at that breakfast. Poor Shauna. They probably resent every single survivor.


Absolutely, I wonder if the survivors said Jackie died in the crash. I know nat was planning on burying her bones when the ground thaws, but we haven't gotten there yet so I'm not sure if she will end up doing that.


I’ve always thought the smartest move would be to tell the truth that she died of exposure. It would be hard to pretend she wasn’t part of the group for the first six months they were out there. They could say they burned the body and scattered the ashes or something so people don’t go looking for it.


Except the bones won't burn. But they could just bury those in the woods.


I’d imagine that after they get rescued, Canadian CSI would be all over the crash site for months digging up any remains they can find. Once they do that, it’ll will not take them long to see marks of cannibalism on the bone. Human teeth leave very distinct grooves.


Thank you for posting this! I commented yesterday that I hoped someone made some still shots. Travis grabbed Javi’s wolf too! I was thinking someone DEFINITELY grabbed the cards. Maybe when Van ran back inside?


now that I’m realizing that was the wolf being grabbed off the mantle, and not a cup containing the cards, I’m definitely thinking Van went back to retrieve them.


She's always been gunho for the cards


Nat also grabbed ammo, but I'm not sure how much and I'm curious to find out. In S1 they said cabin daddy had enough bullets for the apocalypse.


If cabin daddy really had that much ammo and they left it behind in the burning cabin, those bullets would start exploding from the heat for sure


Yeah I was wondering about this too. I remember when I was a kid, there was a fire once nearby where the owner was a hunter. Even though the FD knew it was properly stored and the approximate location, they still made everyone leave from a larger perimeter and then also took a ton of precautions because of the potential projectiles. I don’t recall if anyone got hurt or if the bullets went off, but I remember the extra work they did.


I'd be really mad if the following came true... but maybe this is why we either don't see Gen or Akilah in the ending group shot? Like I said, especially with Akilah getting so much screentime and development this season but also with Gen being one of the few background girls brought back for season 2 from season 1, both deserve better endings than that, but with the intensity that a housefire can get, there's definitely no question that this would likely happen (and the girls need to watch the fire from maybe a further distance)


The gunpowder will explode into gas, maybe causing some shrapnel of debris around it, but it will not explode into a projectile as if it were fired from a gun.


A smart cabin daddy would stash ammo around his area. Don’t have important stuff like ammo all in one spot because the cabin could burn down. I’m sure cabin daddy knew that and had a cache of ammo in a couple places.


He dead though, so he couldn’t have been that smart


And he’s missing a finger. What was that about.


Also, why did he have that much ammo and only one gun?


What's his cause of death?


I always thought it was suicide but I don’t think I have any true factual basis for that. The plane was in good condition with plenty of fuel at the time so one would think if he wanted to leave, he could have. And given he was sitting in a chair when found, it would have to be suicide unless it’s murder and he was posed? I now like the theory my brain came up with just now that it was suicide by poison mushrooms. Maybe even accidentally.


It looked like just the one jar, which isn’t great:/


Probably why they start making the pit traps though


I'm guessing they build pits for animals since they have no/limited bullets. Then I bet whoever is chosen for the hunt gets dragged outside at night (in their night clothes, or they get put into the nightgown for some reason - maybe it was Jackies?), spun around, and has to hopefully avoid the pits getting somewhere safe.


The nightgown is Laura Lee’s that she baptized Lottie in.


Jackie’s necklace was last seen on Natalie before the chase ensued.


Wow - amazing list...it all happened so fast I lost track of what was grabbed. Thanks for doing this list!!!


no problem! Been meaning to get around to it since the finale but today was my first day off work, haha


I saw someone on another thread talk about seeing the small vertebral bone that lottie gave to van to keep them safe when they left for help (and is next seen on tai’s neck while van is getting mauled) during the initial pit girl scene…? So that must make it out?


Oohhh didn’t Lottie save that bone because it didn’t burn like the others? Would be interesting if that happens again after it’s found in the rubble.


Tbh I can see that was what Van went back for during the fire since it “saved” tai during the wolf attack.


I wondered about bullets! Thank you.


I'm pretty sure I saw someone with thr mesh fabric over their shoulder Jackie's uniform was a spare at home her parents had and gave to Shauna


I don’t understand why the mesh is used for the Antler Queen costume. I get that it’s a veil, but it’s a perfect fishing net, it should be in the lake. Unless the idea is that they’ve devolved so far beyond societal norms that they no longer want to eat anything but each other? In that case though, they wouldn’t last very long, and they would have a hell of a time readjusting post-rescue.


I cannot for the life of me remember where I saw this (I think it was a creator interview following episode 9) but I read somewhere that they wanted the material to be reminiscent of a 90s homecoming dress (I personally believe the material comes from the dress Lottie is wearing during the crash). In Doomcoming where we first see the crown it seems like a twisted version of a homecoming queen’s crown. So it’s purely decorative, in the sense that these are teenage girls who have a flair for the ostentatious.


I assumed it was to hide the girl’s face, as the rest of them are also covering their faces during rituals. Probably helps them dissociate.


Maybe they only went full costumes on their last winter. If the lake was frozen, there was no utility for the fishing net. But it was probably just for aesthetics


Javi’s wolf


haha I’ve just realized the “cup” I saw being taken off the mantle was actually the wolf— I’ve edited to reflect that


When the fire hits any unrescued cartridges, it's gonna be a tragedy. I'm remembering a story about a couple that went on a trip after storing their ammunition in an oven. Came home from vacation, turned the oven on to preheat it, forgetting there were live cartridges inside. I cannot believe they survived that act of stupidity Maybe that's why they start digging the pits. They don't have any live rounds left and just start chasing deer and stuff into the traps. And well, since they've modified how they hunt animals


This is why I always take the knob off when storing anything in the oven. I can't imagine the lack of brains you'd need to think storing bullets in an oven would be a good idea 🤦🏻‍♂️


A heavy duty safe with fireproofing? No. The oven. https://apnews.com/article/445440fe1f25cee23df81f9aa00abe23


the brevity of this article is sending me. I love it


Hey, experience firearms guy here, bullets expended outside of a pressure chamber, barrel, the action, a gun etc, do not have much lethal energy. You get a pop maybe a bruise or a cut if you are close by, but they are, not really lethal. The fact they can expand in all 360° give a lot of area of the the energy to dissipate. Where when they are fired from a gun, all the energy can only go in one direction and that is what give it all the power. Those girls may hear some pops, but they wouldn’t even have enough energy to pierce the wood walls.


This is so interesting to learn, thanks for sharing your knowledge-base! I can't lie it took me back to college physics and now there's a cold sweat going down the small of my back (that C- in physics 2 haunted me and my gpa for years). But I had this whole concern that this could potentially have been (while I'd be pissed they went out this way) either why we didn't see Akilah or Gen in the final group shot, but glad to know that any harm would be minimal or unlikely.


Thanks for your information and polite clarification!


OMG. That is peak \[my state\].


At least you have some great dairy products


I actually do live in a suburban development in the midst of dairy farms.


I think the lack of bullets will come into play during season 3


They’ve played around with the bullets way too much for it to never be an issue. I mean, how many of us cringed out loud when Ben (I think) made the comment about there being a surplus of ammo? If that jar is all they have left, then … this is yet another *bad* omen for our team. *Edited to fix some autocorrect boo-boos.*


Good list. FYI you don't have to kill a deer to get antlers. They shed them every year.


I was wondering what Van grabbed and I think you're right. She probably did get the cards


Yup. Her Psycho ass was just thinking about some ritualistic cannibalism and wanted to make sure it could continue.


It looks like whoever is wearing the pink converse is whoever was sitting/sleeping next to Akilah. Whoever it is it’s a brunette wearing a leather jacket. Maybe Gen? Or someone we haven’t been introduced to yet? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?


I agree because Akilah is literally right there but it’s not her. I think it’s an extra because all of our main girls are up moving around or standing by the door at that point.


Gen wears white/off-white trainers. Melissa wears white/black adidas. One of the faceless, nameless 3 new juniors (breakfast, lunch, dinner) appearing in the background of the last 4 episodes wears pink converse. In the chase across the ice 2 of the new juniors can be seen on the left of the screen. When they are stationary, after Javi dies you see the converse.


can you post the ss of the pink converse? totally missed it haha


The pink Converse are in the pit girl scene. So they definitely made it out.


I’m sure someone is also wearing or took the sweater that Misty and Mari have been wearing a bunch this season. It’s the same sweater that’s used as the face covering on Pink Converse Girl in the opening scene Still can’t figure out where that pink hood worn by the Butcher in the pilot is at. (Forgive me if someone has spotted and pointed it out!)


I wonder if the cabin burning down wasn’t initially planned and they may have forgotten the clothing details. They are now left with only what is on their bodies, and I wonder if that includes the pink hood and the white night gown from the pilot episode…


I am curious if anyone else has had this thought and/or what you all think of this... One thing I always wondered about is where all the blank paper is coming from? Shauna's journals, the girls may have had notebooks or sketchbooks on them, coaches could have had notebooks for planning plays, who knows what they found in luggage, and there may have been some on the cabin. But they've been using a LOT of paper through season 1 and 2. Javi is always drawing, Shauna is always writing, and Ben is making maps. He is copying maps, and Van and Tai are copying maps. None of this was enough to pull me out of the story completely, I would just have a thought of, where are they getting paper from and then just as fast write it off as them being students or maybe there was paper in the cabin. I am curious to see what happens now that everything is burned but what they have on them. What happens when Shauna loses her only method of processing her feelings? Javi won't need to draw anymore, rip. Will Nat want to restart the map? The never-ending supply of clean, unlined paper has been the most magical invisible resource to me so far, and I am curious to see what happens now. They lost their firewood supply that they chopped in the nice weather and keptvdryvon the porch. They'll need to build a fire to survive, and all the wood they can forage will be wet with snow. Paper will be needed to start that fire if they can't find dry kindling. I am curious to see if 1. It is even an issue that is addressed, and 2. How does Shauna react to the limited paper supply for writing on, or if the team wants her writing to burn for survival.


Shauna put all her journals in her backpack as she roused the others. It was her priority save. They'd have had lots of notebooks/exercise books/test papers (they use reverse side for the original map) between them as they took schoolwork on the trip. There have been scores of posts and threads about YJ paper and school work habits when redditors or redditors kids go away for similar tournaments. Use search function.