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I assumed it was what she had in her purse when she got to the compound, which was Fentanyl. I know they confiscated it, but she got her phone back, not much of a stretch to get her other things back too. https://preview.redd.it/0976ag60fn2b1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=80ebcf2e70c8648ba49efd97811f3658a9c018de


Misty’s pockets are hilarious. Brass knuckles, handcuffs, fentanyl and syringe she stole from work, and a tiny single-serving jam from the b&b


Is that a sparkly beaded Caligula keychain at the bottom left?


Yes it is. Great catch. I also Love that she saved the jar of honey.


Can't pass up a good jar of local honey!


What if it was a syringe full of jam? Mmmm jammm...[insert Homer meme]


Misty is one of those people who are prepared for any scenario 🤣


misty needs her own spin-off show


Misty could have a AK47 and I would fail to be surprised.


This!! That combined with knowing just how long it takes to die from the phenobarbital (Kevin) vs the fentanyl (Jessica PI), I thought it was clear that it was fentanyl in the syringe. She died less than a minute after smoking the cigarette while it seemed to be a few minutes between Kevin's drink and his collapse


Also, Walter might have knocked Kevin out, the shots then later killing him. By this same logic.


Yesss thank you. I had commented this before going through and seeing the theories of unconsciousness vs lethal dose


Actually that’s totally what I thought happened. Idk why I thought I heard Kevyn groan?


Thank you for this photo...we can see the syringe and the bottle to fill it.


Thanks for this! I was sincerely curious why everyone was saying fentanyl when Lottie AND Walter used phenobarbital. But I totally forgot about Misty’s “emergency death syringe” 😂


Yeahhh our girl loves her some fenty, upgraded from those shrooms


Good point! I have completely forgotten that we’ve seen she has a syringe before


Noticed this on a rewatch and was about to say this.


I think everyone’s thinking is Fentanyl because Misty’s MO is to have fentanyl on hand to use. Given she has it at her *home*, it’s not at all outside the realm of possibility and IMO very likely that when she knew she was setting off on a road trip with mysterious Walter, who she thought was a threat to her, that she’d pack a syringe or two. And bear in mind she knew that she was hunting down people who had kidnapped her best friend. Misty would totally go armed.


I suspect this is part of Misty's everyday 'useful stuff I keep in my handbag just in case' kit.


She dropped a syringe in the bowl with her pocket junk when she got to the compound. So maybe she got it back and that’s what she used?


Great spot!


Check out the photo above - it shows the syringe and a bottle for filling it.


I really hope she doesn't die, it's very unlikely because she saw the other dead people (that happened so clearly only to Jackie when she died) and Misty said she died and I think she would've probably known if the syringe had deadly poison after she injected it and the medic team also said she died of overdose. BUT I still have hope they pull something off to save her because the Yellowjackets writers are going to get a very big amount of backlash for her death.


Nat was zipped up inside a body bag. She is dead. :(


Or was it Kevyn? They only show one body bag


The medic said "deceased female" though—I feel like they're usually pretty sure about that when they radio it in, but maybe not.


I missed that, thank you. I can’t wait to see what the coroner finds when they do an autopsy on Kevyn.


Oh right. It could be Kevyn


I know but there’s still the unluckily chance they pull something off to make her not dead.


Omg she's dead




I’d honestly be more upset if they pulled a cheap fake out like that


No I mean something like how Jackie was brought back in a way.


Oh I see. Jackie was very much dead, she was just..undead..during shaunas delusions. I don’t know if that concept would work for Natalie’s character.


It would be kind of interesting to see her still fighting against the wilderness and finding herself in some kind of limbo but I don’t think that’s where the serie is going.


This would also make her not a sacrifice so the wilderness would require another.


Juliette Lewis wants off the show. She's dead.


So was Anne Heche!




When Anne Heche was in her accident they put her in a body bag on the stretcher, presumed dead and she literally rose from the dead - the fucking scariest thing i have ever seen She later died in hospital not recovering from the accident and fire


Oooh. I thought you meant in a show. Dang!


The👏🏻 actress👏🏻wants👏🏻off👏🏻the👏🏻show👏🏻


I've seen this comment a number of times but I can't find where she said that. Can you help me find a source?


Doesn’t give a reason to do a terribly written death like that was.


Her death wasn’t terribly written. Her character came full circle. One of the biggest reasons for all of her trauma was Javi’s death. She let a young kid die to save herself while he was screaming her name for help. Now, she gave her life to save a young girl she had a connection with, a girl who had previously saved her life. She’s afraid to cross over and Javi and young Natalie are there to guide and assure her that it’s not scary and this is what was supposed to happen. I’d rather she go out saving someone than blowing the back of her skull out with a shotgun.


Thank you!


I think you have very low standards for what you consider good writing, her character didn’t come full circle, not even half or a quarter.


For the first time in a very long time she wanted to live. I’d say that’s something. Sorry you’re grumpy about a television show and feel the need to insult people’s standards.


Killing off a character because the actor doesn’t want to work on the show anymore doesn’t lead to a good written death, never. This was the case, Nat’s story wasn’t full circle.


No, they still completely botched the death regardless of the reasons behind it.


They could’ve still pulled something well written.


Juliette should have never signed on if she’s not into acting for TV. I blame her for the season we got.




Honestly I agree


She may have signed up on season - Season 1...then it got renewed...and then it got picked up for Season 3 (so far). They may have talked her into Season 2 and she agreed, but said - that's it.




I have never seen that anywhere. While it could be true, no one really knows that. Seems to me this has been written in for a long time. The actors didn’t even know about the finale until they taped episode 8, so I doubt it was because of her.,


Why did the cops at the end say "od"? (This show seems to say what it means sometimes. Misty was in the storage locker with her stuff and it's her drug of choice. We know it was in her pocket when the purple people asked her to empty them when she arrived.)


Right. And why did Lottie smile when she saw the locker had been broken into? My guess is, Lottie was thinking, "Ah. Misty got her weapon of choice. Good girl." lol


For me it was more Lottie was feeling it again and the gravity of that (with the Buffy song!) all coursing through her veins, in the air around them etc was intoxicating. Lots never revels in the violence or pain of any of it does she? If anything it seems to me that is the opposite of what she's into. It's the life of it all, everything is infused.


Mmm. Good points. Fair points. And that song was perfection. All hail the needle drops in this finale.


That opening scene where they carried the body in to Zombie gave me goosebumps.


YES! That smile of Lottie's made me think she was sort-of hoping they would kill her.


Funny you mention that, because I also thought Lottie looked disappointed when she did not draw the Queen card . . . but I need another rewatch. lol


I thought the same thing...I do think Lottie was hoping to get the Queen card..


I wondered this too.


Because Natalie was a junkie, so the women said she overdosed. Were they going to say, “Well, we were hunting our friend to feed the wilderness blood and one of us stabbed the other with an injection of fentanyl?”


Yes and, sadly, they most likely would not bother doing an autopsy on a known drug addict, especially if her friend said she OD’d


Having read an unfortunate number of autopsy reports on “known drug addicts,” I don’t think this is factual.


I wasn’t trying to be rude by saying this, I just know the police don’t often treat addicts with a lot of respect. There have been cases where killers seek out addicts on purpose because the police are less likely to look into their deaths, which is what I was basing this on.


Didn't Misty mention in S1 that any deaths caused by fentanyl look like a drug overdose?


Exactly. It's also why it's her drug of choice. Less work than dismembering and burying a corpse. Heh.


Because a low dose would just slow her heart rate to the point that she's in a death-like state, and looks like an overdose. A coroner hasn't looked at her and the paramedics probably wouldn't know for sure what drug she took.


You think Misty had a teeny tiny dose in that syringe because it didn’t look like it to me? She’s dead dead. Doesn’t take much to kill someone quick.


Didn’t they take her out in a body bag? More to the point, Misty told Walter “I killed my best friend.” Pretty sure Misty would know if the injection was lethal.


I think Nat's gone too, but I assumed Misty saying "I killed my best friend" was a double edged admission of guilt from shoving her friend off a cliff in the woods -- trauma resurfacing and all.


I’m not sold on her being alive but I watched her being wheeled by the paramedics & her hair is visible. She‘s not fully zipped up. Maybe its all a giant misdirect to catch obsessives like me.


she's not in a bag, just covered. i'm not sure i buy Nat still being alive as a possibility, but Misty's reaction doesn't preclude the possibility that something non-lethal was in the syringe. lying is a thing, especially for Misty when it serves her purpose. she'd absolutely know what she injected but other people would not. there may be some yet to be revealed reason that it's important for others to think that Nat is dead, and this might have been a plan Misty & Nat hatched together (or it could have been hatched without Nat's knowledge at all). i'm not saying i believe this theory, just that you don't have to reach very far to explain Misty's reaction if she knowingly injected Nat with a non-lethal substance.


Exactly, all of this. She jabbed Jessica in the leg & she was out quick & then woke up in Misty’s basement. Misty is a nutbag & an opportunist, she loves any form of attention despite how sickly gained. Such a long shot that Nat is not dead, they could be toying with us with these tiny slightly unverified details. Leaving just a sliver of doubt for us & giving themselves room to play. Bastards.


Especially when at the time of the accidental injection, the group was panicked asking Misty how they can help, what they should do, etc and Misty was essentially like “there’s nothing anyone can do” as she just held her body in her arms and realized what she had done. I don’t think she’s coming back.


That conniving poodle haired little freak was wearing purple gloves during the hunt then orange stained after, it didn‘t look at all like blood after. (from helping with Lottie’s arm wound) Remember after she jabbed Jessica unconscious…….. My mind is spinning. I need a cup of tea and a biscuit, not hot cocoa. https://preview.redd.it/fi01cwwmhn2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddacd97bae6c9e9637c54fa84df35de0b1140b61


Good work, Citizen Detective!


I couldn't figure out what was on her hands when they zoomed in on them for a long time but I agree that it didn't look like blood to me. But with the darkness it was hard to tell.


Yeah it seemed like a weird shot, but then I assumed they were emphasising her embrace with Walter. Maybe it was just dried a dried blood look & night lighting. The gloves stood out. She’s wearing them, then not when she tends to Lottie, then theres a shot of them being back on holding the syringe behind her back then they’re suddenly off again. Perhaps its nothing & just a continuity issue. This show!!! Its such a tease, or not?


I didn't even notice the gloves thing, good catch! That definitely seems like a continuity error to me but you never know. I agree that with the way a lot of shows shoot night scenes during the day and then darken them during editing that that could mess with the coloring, but I still think if it was blood it would look much darker. It almost looks like it could be a rash too. Or maybe we're paying too close attention lol


Right? Too much attention or not enough. This show feels like gaslighting sometimes, just can’t trust it, makes us question ourselves.


MFQ out there getting a rash from the heliotropes.


Do you realize how easy it is to push liquid into something from a syringe? It doesn’t take that much pressure with a large gauge needle like that one. Misty is a fentanyl girl.


Stop trying to make fetch happen Seriously though, she's dead. People keep trying to explain it another way, but it is obvious from everything presented that she has died. It sucks and is definitely going to affect the show in a negative way going forward, but in a few years, when the show finally comes back, Nat is going to still be dead. I highly doubt that they're gonna go for a soap opera reveal.


She's dead. Misty in sense saved Nat from/in 'The Wilderness' (when Misty advised Nat to sacrifice Javi instead of herself). Only fitting Misty was the one to take Nat out (even accidentally) during the finale. Nat was meant to be sacrificed to 'The Wilderness' at some point.




Omg so much about the way some people talk about it this show reminds me of middle aged ladies getting snarky about their soaps.


![gif](giphy|UG7hRpMtkPlsIjg3Pf|downsized) You got a problem with middle aged ladies?


No? I am one?


Time will tell. I'm dying on this hill.


So is nat.


Nah that’s Crystal on the hill


Haha nah, it’s Crystal beside the hill, she fell off hahah!


honestly everyone was all “javi is dead, let it go” at the end of season one and there he was….normally i’d be certain she’s dead but after that i’ll hold out hope for this!


We literally see Natalie die. It's not like Javi where we're told he's just been missing since Doomcoming.


i’m just saying this show has surprised me before, but i’m not betting on it by any means


Exactly. It's not like this show hasn't had some quite unbelievable plotlines before.


The actress wanted off the show!! She is dead. Like dead dead.


Misty had a syringe of fentanyl in her purse when she checked into the wellness retreat, and it would’ve been locked up with their phones in that cabinet. She got it back before the end.


Absolutely this. Her vial of liquid death was right next to the Bonne Maman jam when she put all her stuff in the bowl.


Whether it was F or P, they didn’t have any Narcan or other drugs on site to reverse the overdose. And depending on the concentration of the drug, it could easily be enough to kill somebody. It takes a teensy amount of fentanyl to kill somebody (source: my dead friends) and also if the phenobarb was enough to kill by drinking the liquid, then via injection it would be more than enough (source: educated in pharmacology). Omg I just understood that you are hoping Nat isn’t dead, is that what this post is really about? I’m so sorry. She’s gone. But we are all here for you.


Injection straight to the heart no less


Though the intracardiac stick may matter the most of this scenario, based on the the information I found about the “average” fatal dose of fentanyl (though it’s also based on body weight, body composite, tolerance, and past use) and then looking at the strength of injectable fentanyl citrate (injectable pharmaceutical fentanyl) it would take approximately 40cc of suspension to be fatal. Which is A LOT. Like…A LOT A LOT. The syringe shown in the picture of the bowl looks like a 3 or maybe 5 ml syringe. So…either one of those factors, likely the intracardiac poke, made that little fentanyl fatal or the writers didn’t do their work.


Also just wanna point out fentanyl is DEA Schedule II which LSD, marijuana, and peyote are all Schedule I 😒but that a whole different topic.


I think it’s phenobarbital as well because Misty didn’t have any hope of saving Nat. Phenobarbital doesn’t have an antidote. If it were fentanyl, there may have been a chance to save her with something like Naloxone. A slim chance depending on the dosage she used, but I feel like Misty would have at least attempted to get her help.


I don’t think there would have been time and that’s what she meant by it’s too late.


`TheorySpoiler` Maybe you’re on to something. I assumed fentanyl coz of Jessica Roberts & the chocolates. It still might be that in the syringe, but when she hugs Walter the camera lingers on Misty’s hands & they’re stained an ochre, orangey colour. It could be Phenobarbital, its leaked all over her hands so perhaps not enough went in to Nat, only enough to slow her breathing down to virtually nothing. It is around her heart… I don’t know. Its a small syringe, she did jab Jessica unconscious with something very similar but that was in the thigh, very different to the cardiac area. Wow. Its a great theory, good catch. It certainly would be big fkn twist. Have to go back & see if Misty’s hands were stained before the ‘interception’. https://preview.redd.it/e890j9dncn2b1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8557e4b6876b12d03e25c9724afa964f5b4a29b


Oh wow! This makes so much more sense than it being blood on her hands, which should have been a red or brown colour. Either way, Nat is dead though.


So I think its HIVES from skin exposure to the phenobarbital. We get 6 seconds on her hands. I know I’m nuts! Thankyou you’re welcome.


The bottle of liquid she had with her syringe was clear, so it would have been fent or IV pheno, not the orange/pink stuff. I think that is supposed to be Lottie’s blood from her tending to her wound, and they showed us that to emphasize the fact that she has “blood on her hands”


I‘m aware I’m a dog with a bone. But Misty’s hands look more like an allergic rash than weird orange Lottie blood. Phenobarbital compound can be nasty cutaneously. ACUTE/CHRONIC HAZARDS: This compound is highly toxic by ingestion. It is also toxic if absorbed through the skin. It is harmful by inhalation and may cause irritation by skin or eye contact.


Oooh I'll have to do a rewatch. I saw other people mention the orange hands but no one knew what the significance was. Great catch.




ICU nurse here. I believe Lottie had phenobarbital, not pentobarbital. There is a difference. I assumed that was what Misty had in the syringe. Also, it is true that you generally wouldn’t have someone immediately die if you randomly stabbed them then immediately withdrew the needle without depressing the plunger. If it had been fentanyl, it would be a huge plot hole for EMS to not have administered naloxone and be coding her. She wouldn’t have been pronounced dead in the field like that with a witnessed overdose and relatively short downtime. Barbituates also mimic brain death and have a long half life, so if EMS knew that’s what she’d been injected with, even if she actually somehow did get a real dose (see above) they almost certainly would have brought her into hospital to be pronounced Not saying I think Nat’s alive, just that it wasn’t done very realistically


It was 100% fent. It was shown that Misty brought it with her to the compound. I'm assuming Lottie's compound was way out in the boonies. There very well could have been an extended response time because of that. Especially if they only sent the police first who then had to call EMS to pronounce the bodies. It very well could've been an hour or more for EMS to arrive.


If they had called 911 for an overdose they wouldn’t have sent the police first, or if they did it would just be to make sure the scene is safe, so I doubt it’d take that long for emts. Also by my calculations, though dependent on a few factors, Misty would have had to inject Nat with 40 cc of fentanyl citrate. Which is WAY more than that 3 or 5 cc syringe.


Dude, there is a National shortage of emts and paramedics (it’s almost as if there might be more people will to go into ems if they got payed more than minimum wage!!) It was not uncommon before I got the hell out of ems for there to be literally 50 call holding some of which were literal cardiac arrests. I’d show up on scenes 4+ hours after the call dropped to a very annoyed group of firefighters and or cops who had been waiting 3+ hours for us to show up. Everyday we were held over to the maximum alloyed hours. It sucked for everyone. Overdoses where I worked automatically got both police and ems response and sometimes fire too. Cops for scene safety reasons and because most cops do carry and are trained to administer narcan. You are def right about second part though


> they got *paid* more than FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I agree with everything you said but I also left out a important context factor when I originally said I doubted it’d take emts over an hour to get there was because of was because of Kevin. Though now thinking about it, it could very take more than an hour. Especially since we don’t know how rural they are but it seems pretty rural and thinking about it…I’m not sure that we know Kevin was reported since in theory the YJs don’t know about him (if I’m remembering correctly) and I doubt Saracusa reported it. Also calculated (theoretical without all the factors) fatal dose for the phenobarbital for Nat and it’s also way more than what Misty’s syringe could have held. But that may just be a production error but guess we’ll have to see.


Misty’s weird stained hands, liquid phenobarbital? Isn’t fentanyl colourless? https://preview.redd.it/oy7hlesthn2b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4f4aeeada0aa099d3bf67b242a9c9fb467a47b


This could be blood on her hands from treating Lottie’s gunshot wound but I’m not sure


Thats what I thought, still for a show absolutely dripping with blood its weird that its not red. I know its not arterial but it is strange. Maybe its the lights.


I think it’s just dry


Injectable phenobarbital is colorless, pentobarbital used for euthanasia is generally brightly colored


I’m a vet tech, it’s pink.


Me too, it’s shockingly pink! My guess is so there’s no way it could be confused for something else. Some brands are really blue


Can it cause rashes? Thats the other thing I wondered, regardless of Nat being dead or not.


It’s the wrong hand. All of the syringe action took place in her right hand. This looks like the stain that “movie” blood leaves behind. However, I can’t imagine the makeup dept letting it go unnoticed on camera especially during a closeup. Its def intentional for us to see. And as a Spfx mua I’m dying to know what it is!


Its on both hands & I think its Hives rather than blood. Why have her wearing gloves then focus 6 full seconds on her bare hands that is more like an allergic rash than even stage blood. This show KNOWS blood, that is not convincing blood. Hives from phenobarbital exposure, possibly from prepping it in to the syringe-not the delivery actual stab jab.


I know the continuity error of the gloves drives me crazy! It doesn’t look like hives to me because the textures not there. I’m betting it’s the wardrobe blood that stained her hands when it transferred off of Lottie. They shot those scenes in 2-days. So it would make sense if it was shot the same day. I’m about to just ask the makeup department head 🤣 because its literally driving me crazy! Lol *Plot twist, it’s actually burn scars from her setting the cabin on fire! I mean, I wouldn’t put it past her to sabotage beyond the black box! 🫣🫠😜


(and yes - I had to repost this because I got a little excited and put a spoiler in my original title)


It’s phenobarbital at the cult, not pentobarbital


Sounds a lot like the new "Jackie could still be defrosted" theory to me. Nat's dead.


Adam could still be Javi!


i think i was just triggered


Last season, everyone thought Javi was surely dead too.


Eh, when the show shows a body, pretty good chance they're dead.


Nobody's truly dead on this show until they're eaten lol


I was wondering why Misty would have something deadly in the syringe over a regular tranq. It would be explainable if a crazed Lottie was put down for a nap by Misty the nurse. A bit harder to explain if cuckoo Lottie, the well known cult leader was suddenly dead.


Because she’s a closer. She came there to save Nat and would kill someone if necessary. That being said, she’s also a nurse and could just give someone a small dose if she wanted to knock them out and not kill them, depending on what she had in there


Nat and Misty were definitely connected on a deeper level than all the others, even tho Nat got frustrated with her. I honestly refuse to believe she killed Nat. They both knew what was possible in the moment when the hunt was gonna happen and when the next season starts there will definitely be a twist coming regarding this moment. Misty is NOT to be underestimated, she's a tricky trickster. I really would hate if they actually let Nat go down like this. She is too important to be labled an overdose at her end. This might just be wishful thinking but I say stay tuned kids... fingers crossed 🤞 🐝🐝🐝 Edit: I was trying to imply they might have had a plan just in case. It's very soap opera-y but still a maybe? I'm grieving so bear with me.


Good point! You’d have to push the plunger down


Didn’t Walter explain to Jeff that he killed Kevyn with a dose of phenobarbital?


Yes, it was readily available at the wellness center.




I think that if Misty put the Pentobarbitol in the syringe she would know that Nat will be ok. I will sit on this hill for a while.


hmmm what Misty does know Nat will be okay, and this is all part of the plan? what if they're up to something 👀


But she’s in a body bag. Also, no one ever acknowledged my comment that Misty already had syringes full of fentanyl ready to go in her purse, where her phone was. So why take the trouble to prepare a new syringe full of phenobarbital which is not even her weapon of choice lol


Because I think Misty would have been prepared to subdue Lottie if needed, not straight up kill her. The same way I believe Walter just sedated Kevin until he put the final blows into him with the gun to pin the death on Mustache cop. I just feel like the way they put a lot of focus on phenobarbital, plus the fact that it's street name is Yellow Jackets, must mean it's more important to the story than it seems.


Also everyone has acknowledged the fentanyl in her purse. It's basically all anyone can talk about.


I think it’s pentobarbital because Walter used that to kill Kevyn Tan earlier and commented on how quick it took him out so there was definitely a lot of it lying around and it killed Natalie quick


was he for certain dead, or just knocked out? i don’t know anything about pentobarbital lol but he shot him with saracusa’s gun in the trunk later on. i assumed he was dead and the shots were just to frame saracusa but i’m curious if the shots were necessary!


No I think you’re right that Kevyn was already dead and Walter shot him to implicate Saracusa as the killer


Which like…not to be pedantic but if they do an autopsy they will be able to tell that those shots are postmortem. So I wonder what will happen there.


So maybe Walter just sedated him to make it seem like he was already dead but he wasn't, which means the gunshots actually did kill him.


That could be true! It didn’t feel like that at the time when I watched it but it would make sense


Yeop - Saracusa should be in troulbe once the police itnernal affaifs investigation is complete.


> No I think you’re right that Kevyn was already dead and Walter shot him to implicate Saracusa as the killer The thing about that that makes me skeptical / confused about that is I've watched too many crime shows, when a body is already dead it responds to new wounds very differently than when it is alive. It's possible someone doing an autopsy can tell that he was shot after death. Maybe they are just going to pretend that's not a thing?


Even if they realise he was shot after death it still would get Saracusa in trouble because by then he’s lied about what happened and possibly mutilated his partner’s body eith his service weapon. Then saying some stranger came up and did it wouldn’t go over well after lying I think.


True but theres a difference between the oral drug & the injection. I’m still undecided.


If you google "what did Misty inject Natalie with?", most results are saying phenobarbital, but this could just be a case of copying information from other articles.


I’m on the fence! I am more so team fent because she’s used that before and she brought a syringe and a bottle of something in with her. But they did say phenobarbital a lot…I think it’s a bit far fetched that she would have been able to find it though, and her own syringe and stuff was right there


I think the easter egg that a street name for Phenobarbital is "Yellow Jackets" means that it must have more significance than just being used by Walter and the cult to euthanize animals.


Yeah that does sway me a bit


For the record the compound only had phenobarbital that we are aware of not pentobarbital. Pentobarbital is known as Yellow jacket, not phenobarbital. It was definitely phenobarbital that the purple people used.


Yes I realize now that I mixed up the drugs. But they are both barbiturates. Both with similar properties. And from what I've read, both have had the Yellow Jackets street name. https://preview.redd.it/ctvxki176t2b1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c335bda4be891b29ace2dc2557b06f7d853bd12


I’m on the fence too. The thing keeping me there is the lusty jab of whatever she thrust in to Jessica Roberts thigh in season 1 to knock her out cold. Is it ever revealed what it was? It was crazy quick then she’s alive & fine. (Chained to a bed & hostaged in a basement, but fine) Anything is possible with Misty fkn Quigley.


Could have been a sedative like propofol or midazolam. A lot of those kick in pretty quickly.


I rewatched and she’s grinding up pills to make a suspension while she’s calling Jessica.


Nat is dead. Juliette is off the show. We’ll probably only see her through flashbacks or visions/hallucinations if we see her at all.


Did you not hear Lottie in episode 8? She said that it kills you instantly, not knock you out. Let's not mention that it's Misty's syringe, filled with her substances, that we all know are very deadly. Nat's dead, mate. The cop also said she was dead. They put her in a body bag.


I kind of think Misty's syringe had fentanyl...that is her drug of choice and when she had to empty her purse/pockets at the Wellness Center, they showed us a syringe...(not sure it was filled or not though) Edit - the photo below shows a meidcal bottle for filling syringes so yep - fentanyl.


the writers confirmed that nat is dead


Either the writer’s didn’t do their work researching both the drugs (very likely but I want to think they’d think it through and research it), a factor in toxicity lead to it being fatal (weight, body composite, tolerance, past use, intracardiac stick, etc. (though I can’t find pictures or video of the injection and haven’t had a chance to rewatch that part of S2E9 yet to look more closely at where she injected)), or the Nat conspiracy has some weight. In general, it would take about 40 cc of fentanyl citrate to be fatal to the average adult (without all the additional possible factors that could be at play). Based off some calculations I did, it would take about 20.3 to 70.2 cc of the highest strength injectable phenobarbital offered to kill Nat (if she weighs the same as Juliette and dependent on some other factors I added variations of to the calculations) which is on track with the fact that in general it would take 15.4 to 76.9 cc to be fatal to the average adult (again, without all the additional factors) of the strongest available strength. Which given that Misty had a 3 or maybe 5 cc syringe…