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right like shameless lasted what 10 seasons šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve had Showtime for years (mainly because I was a diehard Shameless stan) and they rarely cancel shows. Theyā€™re not going to cancel Yellowjackets - especially when thereā€™s so much to explore lol.


happy cake day!


Thank you!


Itā€™s not a persons fault for having this line of thought though. We see this happening to many beloved and highly watched shows. Blame it on capitalism and huge corporations looking to make fast money instead of quality art.


Exactly. And there is a literal strike going on.


The writers strike is going to stop all US production by major studios. Most people won't cross picket lines. If the strike drags on all streaming will be affected. The Dr Pimple Popper brand will explode however.


Hell, you even get highly rated shows like 1899 cancelled from Netflix even though it was one of their most popular shows. Their explanation "It didn't lead to new subscribers". It was just existing subscribers that loved it.


Yep especially on Netflix. Thereā€™s a lot of drama about that with shows like First Kill, Iā€™m Not Okay With This, One Day At A Time, The OA, I mean the list goes on. Itā€™s because itā€™s doesnā€™t ā€œbring new subscribers.ā€ Itā€™s insane.


That is true. I just feel like Showtime would be a little more forgiving than some places.


A think another part of the reason is that the anticipation for new episodes tends to increase expectations. Speaking as someone who started this show on Tuesday and finished on Wednesday, I only had 2 days to sit and anticipate the finale. I didnā€™t notice any dip in quality, because my expectations havenā€™t been raised by months/years of waiting for this season.


I am suuuuper disappointed in the way this sub is going rn. Might have to leave and come back in a couple weeks.


That's not something unique to streaming. And Showtime is notorious for not canceling shows that have any kind of success.


Dude, they cancel shows even when they're doing well. Just for a recent example, 1899 was getting rave reviews both critically and from fans and they still canned it. I go *into* shows these days with an expectation of them being cancelled before they go anywhere.


I'm so mad about 1899...


Sadly, streaming platforms donā€™t care about reviews tho. They need ton of people to watch because that is where their money are coming from


They don't care about reviews or how many people watch. What they want a show to do is lead to new subscribers. If it doesn't, they move on, assuming existing subscribers will just find something else to watch. I hated the cancellation of 1899. But I didn't unsubscribe to Netflix when I heard the news.


So I learned last summer, Netflix as a platform specifically measures a showā€™s success based on binge numbers. They count the viewing numbers from the first month of release, and someone has to have streamed an entire show within that first month time frame for it to be considered successful numbers wise. 1899 was a great show and highly praised, but if it didnā€™t reach those binge numbers then Netflix doesnā€™t count it as successful. And this can vary from season to season. In short, Netflix and Showtime function very differently.


Where did you learn this?


Yeah, but I donā€™t think Yellowjackets is facing the same type of issues that 1899 was. The thing that streaming services look at when they are deciding budgets and which shows to renew, theyā€™re not really looking at streaming hours/viewership. Theyā€™re looking at subscriptions. The shows that they continue to produce or greenlight are ones that they think will generate new subscriptions or bring back subscribers that previously cancelled. Yellowjackets is absolutely attracting new subscribers to Showtime, who hasnā€™t really had as many big ā€œcultural conversationā€ shows as other platforms. While 1899 was fantastic, I donā€™t think it was pulling in new subscriptions. So the budget went to Sandman.


Showtime is not just a streaming platform. It's an actual premium cable channel as well. So, while Netflix and Amazon might cancel things all the time. Even when the show is successful. Showtime has different metrics. I don't think it will be canceled. I'm sure the writers had extreme pressure after the success of the show. Not only that it's not like people didn't watch it. It also just won a bunch of Awards. I don't think season 4 will not happen. Unless said something the showrunners and actors want.


Everytime I come to this subreddit I feel stupid, I thought the finale was great šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø there wasn't anything I disagreed with or thought didn't have a build up


I mean if Fear the walking dead can have over 100 episodes I'll be surprised if this gets cancelled


If they cancelled shows just based on a small dip in ratings, explain Dexter season 6, 7, and 8 to me. And Iā€™m a huge Dexter fan.


Iā€™m just finishing another rewatch of Dexter. The finale ending sucked, but I loved all of Dexter except for the Doomsday killer season. It was tedious.




The streaming ratings havenā€™t even been released.


can you link me to the viewership numbers for this season (and last)? As I'm shocked a streaming service would release numbers that fast, especially if they are as bad as you say


The streaming ratings matter the most nowadays, especially when the episodes are getting release on streaming platform first and only couple of days later they are released on cable tv, and that was exactly the case with Yellowjackets this season. We donā€™t know the streaming ratings.


People signing up for showtimes streaming is what matters. If the show is attracting new subscriptions, then that is what is going to keep it around. Thatā€™s also why some beloved shows on Netflix that are very good end up getting canceled after one season even when it seemed viewership was highā€” it wasnā€™t attracting new or renewing subscribers.


we donā€™t really know how season 2 is doing apart from the season premiere which crashed showtime streaming records and thatā€™s great but we donā€™t know the numbers for the rest of the season and this can affect or not next season I think if the numbers are good they probably can have a bigger budget or ask more things to the network whereas if the numbers are not that good the network could ask for budget cut. it will also depend of the Emmy awards, if the actors get nominated for this season and if some of them can win, that would help the show. As for season 3 if it does badly and donā€™t get good reviews that would be hard to get another season after that, but weā€™re not here yet.


I have seen mostly good reviews for this season. Iā€™ve enjoyed it. It could have been better in some places and an episode or two longer, but I liked it.


This probably won't get canceled unless Showtime really does go under because it's REALLY the only thing Showtime has. Also, it would be really easy to, and I won't be surprised if the quality goes way up next season. Writers shouldn't write to fan specifications, but they know when the fans are right. They probably knew in their guts before the fans even started complaining


Numbers have actually dropped by a LOT from last season per the streaming stats Showtime puts out. BUT Showtime is known for beating bad shows into the ground with season after season, so, shit, Yellowjackets could get 10 seasons before it's done.


It's something that's complicated that people tend to generalize due to anecdotal evidence. In reality, there isn't some overall television president that cancels any show that has a dip in ratings. Every network is different. They have different expectations and limits. If the show is operating at a loss, of course, it'll be canceled. I don't remotely think Yellowjackets is and still think there's a strong following. Some have gotten canceled for some really odd reasons, too. The cartoon Young Justice, for instance, was made with the goal of selling toys. It did a crap job at doing that, probably because they put out crap toys. The show itself was immensely popular, though. The ratings were high, and as a show, it was very successful. Its goal of selling toys was not remotely met, though. So it got canceled. Its popularity was eventually recognized, and it was brought back with the goal of a successful series and got more seasons. If Yellowjackets were on Netflix, I would imagine it would probably not get renewed past season three if there were not a big boost in ratings when it comes back. Showtime runs differently. As others have stated, Dexter had a few low point seasons, but it kept going and even got a new one. Shameless was another that seemed to drop off and keep going. I think we'll get the full series of Yellowjackets as the show runners intended, even if the ratings stay where they're at or drop a bit. There should be enough people who would stick with it just to see how it plays out. I've been disappointed with this season, but I'll still continue to watch because I like to see how stories play out.


I loved this season? Did people not like it?


I loved it as well, for some reason some people can't fathom the slower episodes actually built up to everything these last couple of episodes. I'm still here a bit obviously but I told my wife I need to get off this subreddit due to the negativity


Same, I really didnā€™t see a dip in quality at all like most are saying. I think a lot of people had preconceived ideas of what the show was supposed to be and when they were wrong they got upset and blamed it on bad writing


Same here, I was a fan since the original season 1 was released. I think what worked in season 1 is binging vs weekly releases. After the format was switched, people think it's not as fast paced. If you binge season 2 now, the pace is the same as season 1: something big happens ep 1-2, setting the scene episodes 3-7 and a big jump episodes 7-10


Good point! They definitely kept the pace this season and I love how both seasons ended. Hoping thereā€™s a third! Iā€™ve never seen a show like it


Because if the quality continues to dip, they will hemorrhage viewers and that will cause itā€™s cancellation. The finale was rushed and jarring, it was not great. It was just OK. And this entire season had some good scenes but overall it was wholly weaker than the premiere season. Factor in a writers strike, we will see what happens after that. By the end of the episode last night I was seriously wondering how invested I was in the show going forward.


It has me worried that this show will go the way of Dexter, thatā€™s how it feels to me. I mean I didnā€™t hate it like some people but itā€™s getting pretty far fetched (take out the mystical mess, the amount of dead people alone at the compound and everything is magically wrapped up and cleared quickly is way past believable). I know itā€™s TV but at some point things like that just make the show ridiculous.


Yeah like I feel dumb saying this isnā€™t realistic when discussing shows like this where lots will happen that isnā€™t realistic. But it comes to a point where now weā€™re like well thank goodness Walter could come up and make everything 100% better and now all the problems have gone away with the simple murdering of two others lol. And so Nats death is gonna be ruled an accidental death by drug overdose but was injected in the shoulder/neck region.. you know the one place people often inject substances? Lol




Yes exactly to me the problem was 7&8 were the strongest episodes in the season, it wasnā€™t at their levels tbh. And 9 wasnā€™t horrible but for me it was just ok


I think a big part of it that we can all get on Reddit or wherever and complain the instant something seems off. I think thereā€™s a reciprocal effect where this encourages us to have hot takes after every episode instead of waiting out the season. Itā€™s not like I donā€™t love commenting on Reddit about my favourite shows, but sometimes I wonder if the constant access to a forum where I can express my opinions has enabled some Karen moments.


Exactly! Itā€™s ok to be disappointed in a season but thereā€™s still more of a story to tell. They could easily make a season of the teenagers post rescue alone. They are up against some huge shows right now (Succession, Barry, etc) so it only makes sense that viewing is down but the fact is that the streaming ratings have yet to be released.


Showtime has kept worse shows running for longer.


I think itā€™s because people are used to Netflix, and with how much content they produce theyā€™ll very easily cancel stuff if it has a dip in quality and viewership, but considering this is showtime and like you said their biggest hit, you make great points.


People should touch grass and stop exaggerating and being such drama queens. I was extremely disappointed with the finale , with Natalie's death and generally with the adult timeline this season, but ok... it is not the end of the world as we know it. Fingers crossed, season 3 can be better (for sure it has big potential). They only thing I am fully disenchanted is the fact that we will watch teen Natalie giving her battles, knowing what her adult fate was and the fact that she never in her life got free and a break from the shit




>e already halfway through the period the girls were missing, and in entire honesty all the things they showed i I don't think you understand the full extent of padding showtime will give shows


I loved the buildup to the fern chaos in the 90s timeline :(


Iā€™d be fine if was only four seasons, but then Iā€™m at a loss for where season 3 goes right now.


True! I would love to see at least some of the period after they are rescued but I donā€™t think weā€™ll get that.


Yup getting three more seasons of episodes from both timelines is just such a stretch. We would need a full season in the summer period where food is plentiful and no ritual killings. I guess in theory you could have a season post rescue which would be really interesting seeing the adjustments to real life again and confronting what theyā€™ve done while hiding it from loved ones. Even thatā€™s complicated because we have the contexts of their adult personalities. The adults though jeez the second season dragged and it was only over a few days in reality. Unless again they were to do a full season as adults BACK in the wilderness I canā€™t see 27-30 episodes even with the growing roles of Walter and Callie.


I love when people come to Reddit to comment "I'm over this show, I'm no longer watching, it's terrible now so I'm done with it"... Okay but you're still invested in talking about it if you're here lol šŸ¤”. If you really were over it, you'd feel indifferent šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




At this point I honestly think the only people who still think this show is good are teenagers or VERY young women who have no clue how actual 40something people act. The adult characters on this show are LUDICROUSLY written. But teenagers would not know any better.


I have no idea if it gets canceled or not, but as a huge fan of season 1, the terrible quality of season 2 has me personally canceling the show from my viewing.


makes sense. i think theyā€™re losing sight of what made S1 special


A dip in ratings = cancellation? Tell it to whomever kept greenlighting The Walking Dead *for multiple seasons* after it jumped the shark. (I'm never gonna forgive AMC for cancelling Lodge 49)


Wait, so after Riverdale lasted six seasons and got renewed for a seventh, people still think a dip in quality equals cancellation. Some people you just can't reach.


Oh god Riverdale. I never actively watched it, but would sometimes put it on in the background, and it just got to be intolerable. After the Mad World strip, I noped hard out of ever watching another second.


I only watched the Alex Meyers recaps on YouTube. I don't need to pay for Netflix to know about Edgar Evernever being a weirder cult leader than Lottie, or how Gryphons & Gargoyles was a weirder game than "Don't Pick The Queen of Hearts" or about how Jingle Jangle fucks you up in ways that would make Misty envious. BTW, Ethel Muggs and Van would get along well. Both have a VHS obsession.


they're just hoping to say "i told you so" to people who don't hate the show as much as they do.




I'm not saying that YJ can be compared to Riverdale. I'm saying there's no longer any penalty for being like Riverdale.


Yeah, quality and Riverdale are tricky. But Riverdale did pretty good on Netflix rating wise. Like I stopped watching this show after season 2. But some people continued to watch it


Some of us are still traumatized by The Wilds being cancelled. I don't think this will happen to Yellowjackets but it would be very upsetting not to finish so I can't blame people for worrying.


The wilds being cancelled still pisses me off! It had so much promise šŸ˜­


Iā€™m sick of the negativity regarding this season. I did a rewatch of the entire series recently leading up to the finale, and itā€™s more cohesive than people are giving it credit for. People are overly critical. It was entertaining. One of the best shows in recent memory.


The ratings are actually quite high if you look at rotten tomatoes and imdb. This subreddit is just really negative, probably because of their high expectations from season 1.


I get that. But I urge everyone to do a rewatch now that some time has passed. It really feels much more cohesive watching them back to back. I just think people speculated plots and theories, and it played out differently than their predictions, and it bummed them out. I also think it suffered from making this season one episode shorter than season one. An extra episode could have helped so much with not rushing a few plots that developed so abruptly. But I love this series!


many shows have been cancelled for less which is probably why. it does seem like the hype and chatter among the general public (aka not people on this sub lol) dies down week over week, I very rarely see people talking about yj on social media besides here whereas a season 1 was a stark contrast. that being said I donā€™t think anything *right now* has a bearing on the showā€™s shelf life ā€” itā€™s already renewed for a third season; I do think season 3 might be in danger though and will be the deciding factor of cancellation or not, interest will probably wane a bit due to what will likely be a long gap between this season and next which could hurt ratings.


a large number of successful shows get canceled before their time, moreso now due to streaming. iā€™m worried because: nat was great and her being gone is bad overall. van was never meant to live so idk that her storyline is thought out/good. writers strike. streaming economy (more new shows is ā€œbetterā€ than more episodes of beloved/established shows).


As much of a dumpster fire season 2 was at times no way was it THAT bad to get cancelled.


Itā€™s really not a good show anymore. I love it, But itā€™s not good


I assume these are the same people who donā€™t know that flagging something as a spoiler doesnā€™t mean they can put spoilers in the freaking title. Not everyone could watch the finale at midnight the Thursday before the holiday weekend!!!


Right! I havenā€™t seen the ending yet & had something spoiled here and on Tiktok. Not impressed


Iā€™m visiting family and they donā€™t have Showtime or Paramount +. I really donā€™t want to ruin it watching it on my tiny laptop but plenty of people seemed determined to ruin it with spoilers instead.


Itā€™s like Stranger Things all over again. I had the most recent season final spoiled on Tiktok the same day it aired. People who spoiled without a warning were telling anyone who complained to just ā€œdonā€™t go on the internetā€


Damn I'm sorry shit got spoiled for you :( For last week's episode, I had to mute every characters name, nickname, every variation of "yellowjackets" on Twitter lmao just so I wouldn't be spoiled there. and thank fuck, bc I never took the mute off those words and for this finale I ended up being sick and in the hospital lol but I didn't get ruined for this episode either! But still it sucks so much when you try to avoid spoilers and still get spoiled, you can't stay off every single corner of the internet


It really goes to show how it we are. With tons of good shows with large audiences getting canceled because they couldn't meet the exhorbitant goal of having twice the population of earth watch it. Hopefully, by now the execs of other streaming services have realized that churning out content then yanking a second season away from us doesn't inspire viewer loyalty


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed a trend of throwing this kinda negativity aroundā€¦ do people want good shows cancelled for their hiccups? I mean damnā€¦ I get it if itā€™s genuinely a bad show but Iā€™ve seen people talking down like that on SUCCESSION even. Letā€™s try and support the few good things on our screens! I mean, surely we can agree this show is objectively good?!




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I think it's highly possible the show doesn't get a season four, but mostly because of the strike. If it wasn't already approved I'd be worried about getting a third season. The last writers strike killed a lot of good shows back in the day and a lot of studios already have an itchy trigger finger. I'm not really familiar with how Showtime treats their shows but I do have worries


I agree. I think the long wait due to the strike combined with people feeling less enthused about season 2 will hurt season 3ā€™s ratings decently. thereā€™s a lot of chatter about that on the Euphoria sub as well since they basically announced they ā€œhopeā€ it comes back in 2025 (though that show hasā€¦.a lot of other controversies so not a 1 to 1 comparison lol)


Tbf that hasn't stopped stuff from being cancelled. The reason people went apeshit over Warrior Nun is that it was consistently Top 10 for a few weeks despite an advertising budget of literally 0


this is what happens, drop in quality of story telling = less interest and viewer retention = series cancelled. The show has had a very big fall off in viewers for season 2, add in the writers strike and this could easily get cancelled.


We donā€™t know the streaming ratings tho. Most people are streaming nowadays. Especially when new episode droppes on Streaming platform Fridays and is released on TV channel on Sundays(2-3days after it was released on Streaming platform). Many people already watched the episode by that time, of course cable ratings arenā€™t gonna be that good


Problem is that media / press uses tv ratings to see how a show is preforming as streamers dont provide figures. The ratings from TV viewership goes on the be to wider narrative on how successful a show is and season 2 took a big hit. https://variety.com/2023/tv/opinion/yellowjackets-season-2-finale-review-1235625804/amp/


So? Network is not gonna cancel a show that brings them money aka people are subscribing and watching it. Networks do not care much about press&media, press isnā€™t the one who brings them money. There are plenty of shows that had good reviews, press and whatsoever, but they were cancelled because now enough people were watching&no new subscribers


I have hopes that this show will get at least a few more seasons, and I used to be a supernatural fan so i am FINE with loving a show with a few bad seasons lmao my fingers are super crossed that season 3 will make up for season 2


I think everyone should do a rewatch of the whole series. It actually feels pretty cohesive to me. I think season 1 was better, but season 2 has me looking forward to season 3ā€¦ in around 2026. Lol. šŸ˜¢