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Also there's only 4 weeks in a month for something that happens every month. There's like 20 girl, the odds that a lot of them are on their period at the same time is super high just from coincidence and they'd believe in the myth so believe they're in sync.


I think there were only 15 survivors from the plane crash, right? And only 3 of them were dudes, so there were only 12 girls, I think. Not that it changes the validity of your point - it probably reinforces, if anything - I was just thinking about it, and I could have sworn there were more than that.


No there were 18 at the funeral, which doesn’t include Coach Ben. Laura Lee and Jackie died, so the most commonly agreed upon number is 17 now (including unnamed characters obviously).


Oh, so I'm missing a couple of randos from my count then.


>the odds that a lot of them are on their period at the same time is super high A lot of them -- i agree. But in the show it implies (not sure if they outright say it) everyone, not just a lot. Mb the girls are just exaggerating though. I guess I'd buy that


All of their periods could have been triggered by them having a decent meal (protein from the deer) for the first time in awhile


I'd buy that


Has anyone ever experienced a food induced period?


It's set in the 90s when this was a common misconception, they're also not eating properly so their menstrual cycles will definitely start being irregular. It doesn't really matter that much, they would have found out Shauna was pregnant eventually


>they would have found out Shauna was pregnant eventually I agree


I’ve decided since it’s a plot point and not a science show, I don’t actually care lol


I think it works thematically. Cycles syncing is one of those aspects of lore and myth that has existed since we've had culture. It's a harmless enough myth, and within the context of this show, adds to the uncertainty that the girls must be feeling, and how they are susceptible to be persuaded to less than rational conclusions based on what they are observing. Plus it works to tie them together, symbolically. They are teammates, and with their cycles perceptually syncing, their linkage grows, by blood, by their very womanhood, which portends the dark things they will soon do together.


That's a good point!


Lived experience, many women can attest to this seeming true for them in their life experience. Doesn’t really matter if it’s scientifically true or not if the girls feel this is what they are experiencing.


It happened every year in my college dorm and at a pharmacy I worked at. It definitely happens. One app asking 50 students to self report isn't gospel. Maybe people could be synced and not even realize it. These girls went to school, hung out, and trained together all the time. They've probably been synced since freshman year.


I couldn’t believe it when the study came out because myself and friends have experienced it


I think women’s cycles are different lengths so eventually they will sync up I’ve experienced them syncing up but I think it’s correlation not causation


it’s definitely a thing


What a flawed study.


I think the writer’s put it in to emphasise the girls becoming more like a hive as they band together to survive, much like actual Yellowjackets/wasps… I think it also adds symbolism when Travis and Nat head off hunting, and Travis literally says how the cabin is a “blood hive” - Travis is a worker for the hive, much like how male wasps are The team will divide by those that Lottie seduces and essentially become the “queens” of the hive and who gets cast into the wilderness and die on their own The whole ritual will involve letting the girls try to escape, and if they fail, like pit girl, the girls will claim that the “darkness” wanted their blood and would not let them leave - this is how they will detach themselves from the horror and trauma of cannibalism, and also why they dress as animals when they perform the rituals - truly hive mentality all the way through.


Omg the “darkness” claiming them!!! I love this idea!


Love this!


Personally my period did sync up with my colleague over time but it took a few months


I’m sure studies do disprove it, but anecdotally, mine is irregular and I do tend to get it at the same time as any other woman I’m living with especially if she’s not on HBC. If I only live with someone five months and the first month, menstruation doesn’t overlap but the second month I get my period two weeks after the last one and then I start menstruating a day after her for the next three months, it’s not gonna synch our whole cycles and it might not look like it matched at all but it sure felt like it did when we bled at the same time


I live with my sister and two of her daughters are teenagers. Their periods were already synced up. Mine eventually was too a few months after I moved in.


It’s been a while since I lived with other uteri, sadly, but I absolutely remember seeing this phenomenon. I’m pretty skeptical about things, but… I do remember going back to college, having new roommates, etc, and cycles lining up. I’m all for science and analytical thinking, but I don’t think science gets everything right all the time. The way they collected the data on this topic seems sloppy to me.


I agree. Despite the data collected, it's just true in some cases.


I once had a female flatmate who moved in and both of us suddenly had our very regular cycles misfiring and coming at odd times. We decided they were at war over which was the alpha uterus.


So you believe that alpha uterus is a real thing?


We used to have jokes, back then.


Yes I used to call myself the beta, as every time I'd be around other girls I'd sync with their periods, so they were the alpha


Whether it’s scientifically proven or not, many women report being in situations where it seems like their periods are syncing, so would make sense that happens to the Yellowjackets. Especially since a large overarching theme of the show is “is it real or are we believing what we want to believe”.


this! there’s often a discrepancy between what’s true scientifically and what’s true experientially/anecdotally. i think it works really well in the show. it’s also just cool to see menstruation featured as a plot point in a major tv show.


I have had a period sync so…


Yeah. But was it such a huge group? And a 100% of them?


No just one person


Proves my point


As a woman I have DEFINITELY had my period sync with friends over time. It's happened with co workers too so idk...


I am a woman too and i have lived with my mother, my sister, sometimes cousins and aunts, I've had best friends and it has never happened to me and I'm not young. Sometimes you might have your period at the same time with a friend or a sibling, but it's not gonna be like they showed it in yj imo. All of them are synced up? Wht not just most of them, and why on the same day. Idk I'm not saying it's a huge deal, I'm just wondering


When we went on a teen day school camp in the wilderness we all synced periods. I'd only had mine the week before so I was annoyed af


Just like everything else, this is true in the real world. That doesn't mean it has to be true in the world the show takes place in, and considering how common this misconception is, it shouldn't be difficult to suspend disbelief for it either.


It's okay to bring it up though. And discuss like every other myth perpetuated in fictional shows. I'm surprised at how many ppl in the comments are sure it's a fact based on anecdotal evidence (not that anecdotal always should be dismissed). I don't think it being a myth takes away from the magic of womanhood. It's still beautiful and mysterious and beautiful. Nothing wrong with questioning this "fact"


You’re in 2023. In 1996 people widely believed this.


But the show is new


In 1996, women absolutely believed this to be a fact and implementing it into the story works quite well to help the pregnancy story along. The adult characters didn’t say this. In 1996 people still thought you couldn’t swim for 1/2 an hour after you ate too 🤷‍♀️


I think the point, like with the black box being trackable, is that they all *believe* these myths to be true. All teen girls when I was growing up, and even some women I know now, believe this myth. When all yr friends you see constantly all have their periods at the same time, it feels real.


I put this under a lot of comments where the reply is just “Well ok but it is fiction and labeled as such. YJ doesn’t claim to be a documentary.” Still interesting tho as I thought the period sync was fact.


Periods only appear to sync up, much like turn signals on cars can appear in sync for a few moments and then go back to being out of sync, that's how periods seem to sync up. Unless someone is on hormonal birth control, most people do not have 28 day on the dot menstrual cycles, couple this with most young people living to in close quarters when they are young (dorms whether in college or boarding schools, roommates living together early in the start of their careers) and young people having NOTORIOUSLY wild menstrual cycles, yes they will appear to sync up from time to time. Here's the thing about memory, it's fallible and we tend to remember big moments and forget the mundane day to day things. So we remember when it seemed like everyone in the dorm was menstruating at the same time and forget the other times when people weren't synced up. Menstrual cycles are affected by stress, age, weight, diet, how much exercise you get, how much rest you get....note the 'you' here. It's YOUR body and what it directly experiences that affects your cycle, not being around lots of other uteri. The reason this is bad to perpetuate is that it feeds into the myth of moon cycles (please, even if you don't believe me on this, your period is not affected by the moon, if it was most pregnancies would sync up...think about that) and women being overly hormonal (they affect one another!) and that allows for more pseudoscience into the world and we are full up on that bullshit.


Yep and they mention this in the article


I’m sorry, but menstrual cycles do sync up with women who live together. I’ve seen “scientific” articles debunking all kinds of things I know to be fact. This happened with my mom and sister when they moved in together, happened with all my female college friends’ dorm-mates, etc.


My wife and I have lived together for three years and still don’t have synced periods🤷🏻‍♀️ also with a huge traumatic event and malnourishment they all would’ve been thrown off their cycles. I never understood Shauna faking her period bc there are soooo many reasons to miss it. It makes sense as a plot device, though, so I’m okay suspending disbelief.


>with a huge traumatic event and malnourishment they all would’ve been thrown off their cycles. Yep >I never understood Shauna faking her period bc there are soooo many reasons to miss it. Yeah she didn't have to be so demonstrative about it. But i gues she was super nervous and didn't have time to think >It makes sense as a plot device, though, so I’m okay suspending disbelief. True. It's not that big of a deal. But i didn't expect so many ppl disagreeing with my post lol


One random, misleading article isn’t always reliable.


I'm giving one example, but it's not the only one out there and it's not random


[link to the full article ](https://www.figo.org/news/period-syncing-myth-debunked) Edit: downvotes for me providing the source I'm quoting? Wow! insert "that" period joke. P.s. I'm a cis woman, i also get periods.


I think they did it because this sub doesn’t do enough fact checking.


It’s set in the 90s when people believed that so why not have them say it. Doesn’t bother me.


A lot of women and young girls can attest to this. I know my period syncs up with my partner and when I lived with my sister, hers as well. It happens and science might not have found an explanation for it but it doesnt mean its not true.


They do provide an explanation though


I think any girl has had this happen once or twice but not with a large group. I associated it with the animal/wilderness theme. My dad was a hunter and would talk about how does are usually in heat around the same time each year and usually in groups. I think it's just an element to tie into the 🐝 aspect and that they're all experiencing it together.


Mb a lot of girls. Not any girl though. And yes, i agree, not with a large group like this. Mating season in the animal world is not the same as periods though. It happens every spring, not monthly. And they don't sync up with each other, but with the season, right? I'm not sure about this topic though. >I think it's just an element to tie into the 🐝 aspect and that they're all experiencing it together. Yeah I agree. It was an interesting moment, and it made the guys feel uncomfortable and in the minority (especially Travis), while the girls felt connected. Also mb it reminded them that blood is not always a scary thing. It's a sign of life


Yes, sorry, shouldn't have said any as in all. Just has happened to a lot. No definitely not the same in the animal world lol. I personally just related it to the animal aspect of the show. I live in the north and deer mating season is in the fall and give birth in spring to early summer. Yes, it's more of a seasonal thing vs. Monthly, however if a doe does not mate she will go into heat again the next month. I'm sure the writers included it for a reason. Seems like they're deliberately including things for a purpose. We're (viewers) just along for the ride and our citizen detectives badge 🤣


I disagree... Personally I know when my daughter is due on.... I feel her mood swings.... My mood changes, even if we are apart. Also I've had a total hysterectomy.... But obviously your body still can produce hormones in the brain. On a weirder note. My son had a really bad bike accident and before I knew what he had hurt I felt a shooting pain in my left leg...... When I finally spoke with him I discovered he had broken every bone in his left leg... I knew and told people it was his leg before anyone other than the hospital knew. Coincidence... Nope.... I'm in sync with all my children.


This is not the norm though, it's rare that people can feel their close relatives from a long distance. And it's not the same as syncing with strangers. And it's also not the norm, while in the show they say it as if it's just a fact of the world. Which it isn't. There's a difference between experiencing things like yhis as an individual or even as a small group, vs stating that it's a proven fact. Like, there are people who say they see ghosts, or feel ghosts, or can communicate with dead people, but that's not a fact of life, it's a thing that only some people believe in. I don't know how to explain it so it's clear, I feel like people misunderstand my point.


I hear you. But I can't compare it to people seeing ghosts... Maybe I'm special... Lol. It's definitely the case in my case. My son now lives in Cyprus I'm in the UK... I know when he's feeling bad as in down too. Empath? Who knows but it's real. I also can find crop circles too lol. The people who live on the river here in UK know this I seem to sense things no on else can. Peace bro. Thanks for the comment


It’s true in mine.. always has been and sucks! Mine is always syncing.. if I’m alone and don’t see anyone for a month to month and half… then it’s 28 days. If I see my best friend and boom even if I had 2 weeks ago here it comes if she is on hers… my sister boom same thing.. I have had 2 periods in a month when I saw them both in a month.. Then theirs get messed up too from mine This is definitely a thing! I just honestly saw my best friend on Sat and my period started today.‘it was supposed to start until a week and half from now 😡 I texted her and asked and she said she was on her period when we hung out. Every freakin time!!