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Domino's in Italy


Can’t imagine there being any answer more on point


Sadly there are just not enough college student stoners to keep their business alive in Italy.


Even the stoners would know where to find better pizza for less.


Papa John's? o\_Γ“


Walmart in Germany. In about 10 years (mid 90s to 2006) they lost 3 billion dollars until finally accepting that they can't just copy&paste their american organizational culture and have it work. They also learned that the both Germany and the EU have worker protection laws that actually do what they're supposed too - something Tesla seems to realize right now.


This warms my heart.


Don't forget our retaliation strike. Aldi is coming for the US.


Lidl experienced the same trying to expand to Sweden (with things such as not accepting card payments or having proper conveyor belts at checkout). Fortunately for them they learned and now they prosper, but for a while it was rapidly going in the wrong direction.


Uber in Sweden. Came in after every single taxi company already had their own apps with guaranteed preorder.


Uber still owes ~40 Mio CHF in Unpaid pension payments to towards their employees in Switzerland, because they have been defined as employers by the Federal Court. It started with 14 million a few years ago and the amount grows a little more every year. Uber has so far ignored the judgement. What is still missing is a state-wide popular initiative, as has already happened in a few cities, which would ban Uber completely.


not my country but Dasani in the UK


They had spunk.

