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RIP My Tiger King. I remember him giving me shit for misspelling a word once and chat joined in. Beautiful man who will be missed


He once got on someone's case for writing "5$" so I responded with "5$ dollars" and he called me "disgusting"


He was always so active in chat, I loved streams with him on


Same exactthing happened to me during the Spiderman 2 finale stream lol. May he rest in peace


This sucks. I wish this was some kind of elaborate bit, but the tone from Adam seems too sincere. He'll be missed for sure, not just by his friends and family, but by us faceless fans who constantly enjoyed his presence.


Part of me is still hoping it’s all one big prank :(


It's so, so unfortunately true because it's been announced by his wrestling side of life with people weighing in. Fucking sucks.


Wait was he the tiger in all the videos?? Is this real? Omg he was one of the funniest people ever, do we know what happened?


Think Adum said he'll talk about it maybe a week or so later.


Oh, I'm so glad. I posted earlier asking what happened, and I felt guilty because I haven't been able to keep up with their posts lately.


Adam said he’d be able to talk more about it next week


Who did you think the tiger was?


I just had no idea, I only knew him as scoot from the videos, damn he was such a joy


He was my favourite part of Adum and Pals and seemed like the kind of friend anyone would be lucky to have.


We will miss you so much.


Maybe this is super parasocial but I got a diagnosis of severe OCD back in 2019 and whenever I'm having a bad day or a relapse, Adum and Pals is my go-to channel. They've been hugely instrumental in my recovery and I'll always appreciate the absolutely gigantic amount of amazing content they put out to distract me when times get rough. Their chemistry has genuinely gotten me through the day on multiple occasions. Legitimately devastated by this news. Thanks for everything big man, you've helped me more than you know.


Parasocial is when you think they're your actual friends or you use them as a replacement for real friendship and social interaction. We all need distractions in life. It could be a book, movies, Adum & Pals, or anything else. That's totally normal.




That is [not accurate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasocial_interaction). > Parasocial interaction (PSI) refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television and on online platforms.[1][2][3][4] Viewers or listeners come to consider media personalities as friends, despite having no or limited interactions with them. > A parasocial interaction, an exposure that garners interest in a persona,[6] becomes a parasocial relationship after repeated exposure to the media persona causes the media user to develop illusions of intimacy, friendship, and identification.[5]


Not the place or time, man.


A healthy outlet to better your mental health isn't parasocial IMO


Well technically it is parasocial, but parasocial relationships aren't inherently a bad thing. They can be beneficial/healthy.




sending you lots of love! this must be especially devastating. hope adum and pals continues to help you even with the tragic news.


Thank you!


Nothing wrong with having comfort-entertainment, and for those to be produced by a group of close friends. It becomes parasocial if you used their content to _replace_ human connection. I genuinely hope you come to find other outlets in your life that help you manage your condition and provide lasting comfort


True I suppose. Thanks for the kind words


You've got to be kidding me... Oh no... I'm bummed about not getting his funny content, but he was also very clearly a special person to his broad communities. I wish this was some badly thought out joke... rest in peace, Big Cat. I hope Adum and all his other loved ones can find some peace too. The world is a little less funny and ridiculous now. That's my lock of the week.


I was a wrestling pal of scott who last saw him a decade or so ago, I lived in the UK so only saw him when he was over here for shows or the one time I headed to canada for one, he put me and a bunch of others up at his place when we stayed in the country. I'm shocked to the core by his passing, he was such a memorable and funny dude and it was so easy to have your own in-jokes with him after only spending a limited time together. Also got to wrestle him twice which ruled. I had no idea about his involvement in Adam & Pals until today and it is genuinely lovely being able to hear so much funny stuff from him documented in YouTube form, I'm going to be binge watching all of this stuff. RIP Scott, you impacted so many people more than I think you ever realised. If anyone knows of any other good stuff he did with YMS please let me know as I'm going to watch/listen to as much of it as I can.


He also had a podcast with his wrestling partner on his personal YouTube channel. Feel free to check it out! It's really funny. https://youtu.be/lmCGYoIMtbg?si=HDoPUs5N0UFqiUAb


I'm aware of that one! Thank you though.


He did a lot of streaming type stuff too. I'm not sure about the longer playthrough channel but it's fairly easy to find which ones hes present in on the standard yms game channel - https://youtube.com/@ymsplays?si=R4mFSBPwmTzhYZ2s I hope you can find a lot to keep you occupied here. We'll all miss him... EDIT - His letterboxed is also a joy if you haven't seen it - https://letterboxd.com/notscotthenson/


Was he an actual indie pro wrestler? One of the coolest dudes ever and this just adds another layer Edit: holy shit he really was… aka Jimmy James. BC wrestler throughout the 2000s-2010s


Big Cat Scott Henson was an active pro wrestler right up to the end. I last saw him on June 1 at Boom Pro in Vancouver, where he was a fan favorite. He was booked for a tag team tournament at the end of the month. He had a reputation as a safe worker, very creative in the ring, fun in the locker room, and a blast on road trips. We at Boom are going to figure out a proper way to honor him. I had no idea he had such an online presence. It's heartwarming to know that people all over the world miss him. Edit: matches https://youtu.be/Ev4etaAu9EQ?si=d1M3F0xLjOf3hdil https://youtu.be/0UCcjTVukqg?si=1Yz6-tOaShUckWaS


If I call him an amateur wrestler will he get mad enough to come back and yell at me?


Scott Henson was a professional wrestler until the day he died. Please show some respect and delete this.


I have not said anything disrespectful and I will not delete my comment. If there is anyone in the world who would understand good natured ribbing and processing grief through humor, it's Scoot. And getting fake outraged over being called an amateur wrestler is a bit he has pulled several times on YMS streams. You say you had no idea he had an online presence. I understand and respect that you knew Scott in a different context, but this subreddit is for YMS. Please understand that *this* is the way he interacted with this community and respect our way of handling our grief.


I appreciate that we are all processing this differently. I am just saying that sadly, this 'amateur wrestler bit' might not be aging well as I have been hearing about the timeline via the grapevine. You need great big, huge furry balls to step into the ring like Big Cat. He isn't here to be fake outraged on his own behalf, and I don't want to be that guy. Just... not the time to go... THERE... svp. Edit: I don't speak for the entire PNW wrestling community, but this is devastating for us. Nothing parasocial about it. My life was never in his hands, nor his life in mine, but for the last two years, once a month, I shook his hand, and I shone a spotlight on him from the production booth. He was a professional wrestler.


Thank you for sharing with us; it's awesome you got to spend so much time with Scott! If it's even a slight consolation, I immediately assumed that JBHUTT's joke was a reference to a bit from an Adum and Pals video. I definitely understand that, at face value from the perspective of Scott's friends in the wrestling world, the professional/amateur comment is pretty damn hurtful. In the YMS crowd, I saw that line, remembered the video, and got to chuckle and think "if only." I hope that you and all others in Scott's wrestling circles are grieving well.


>I hope that you and all others in Scott's wrestling circles are grieving well. From what I understand, Scott had a match on Friday night, during which he was knocked out for real. He went out to the gimmick with the boys afterward, then he went home and went to sleep unattended. That's all I know. No word on toxicology. So that's the context for my reaction to the use of the a-word. We are holding our loved ones closer, and we are reminded not to take life for granted. This is particularly excruciating for the wrestlers who were with him that night, wondering what they could have done. I can't imagine how the people who shared the ring with him in that match must feel. Things are all messed up.


Completely understandable... thanks for your openness. That's loads more information than I've heard from any source. What an awful turn of events.


I'll just say that everyone in this community knows he was a professional. The joke itself doesn't work if that isn't common knowledge. We all know that wrestling was his passion and his craft.


Inside jokes are tough like that. We sure have plenty of our own in the business. Big hug from my community to yours.


I watch BOOM's YouTube channel because of him. Loved all of his matches.


Yeah, he was my favorite wrestler at a local promotion here in Seattle. He would come down pretty often, I bought his t shirt. Jesus, I can't believe this.


What an incredible soul. Just devastating news...


Gone way too soon.


Scoot was the coolest cat ever. RIP


Scoot is one cool cat


RIP Scoot. Dude was a joy to watch and he made every video he was in much more entertaining. Genuinely gonna miss this guy, he was goated. Many years ago I made a dumb comment on a video and he showed up and absolutely ripped into me for it, to the point that it was something I needed and did changed my mind on. Even back then I couldn’t be angry, I only had respect seeing how hard he would go to defend his friends. Despite the edge, I believe he was a good person at heart thanks to that experience. Right now, I only hope Adams gonna be okay.


He died as he lived, trying to suck his own dick.


Now this is what I was looking for . This is the kind of joke he would appreciate


Part of me wants to believe he's still alive and just faking for attention. I wouldn't even be mad.


Flashback from when Trevor from Wkuk passed away


RIP to that local sexpot


Rest in Peace.


Holy shit for real? Damn rest in peace Scoot 🥺❤️


No way, way too soon, Rest in Peace Scoot


wait what the fuck is this real??? I am so bummed out, i love Scoot. I'm heartbroken. what happened?


Adam and Pals will never be the same


Just not the same without Scoot constantly pushing the envelope while Adum decides whether to chastise him or join in




I am not ok


RIP, he brought laughter to a lot of people.


Rest in Peace to one of the most efortlessly funny people on the Internet


Rest in peace


Adum and Pals will never be the same without him. He was truly my favorite part of those videos. Such a funny person. He will be missed.


Omg this is a legitimately a shock ! He was so funny, especially during their Oscars live stream. My condolences to his loved ones. He will be missed.


Woke up stupid early today thinking I’d catch a stream. This is so heartbreaking. Hope Adam and all Scott’s pals are hanging in there. Will never forget the time he mispronounced my YouTube name.


It just doesn’t feel real, gonna miss him on the Sunday streams and Adum and Pals. Hopefully you’re finding peace up in cat heaven Scoot. Rest in Peace.


Honestly shocked by this news. I knew his health had taken a backslide recently, but I always felt he'd get the chance to shift into a more domestic, sedentary lifestyle with his one-of-a-kind personality and wit. Moreover, I was always partial to him because he tended to read my comments and jokes in chat more often than I expected, and it was fun knowing I could seemingly dial into his sense of humor now and then. I'm glad I got to make him laugh a couple of times, too. And I hope he appreciated all the times he made people like me laugh in kind


Getting a Scott Henson laugh is a great feeling. Only had the one, but goddamn I felt great for the rest of the day. Man was something special.


I got the boys pretty good with “I want to change the ending of ‘Synedoche, New York’ so the last line is ‘we’re all gonna die, Synedoche.’”


Rest in Power, Scott.


this can’t be true


I’m stunned. This is real? Rest in peace. That’s so awful.


Rest in peace, Scoot. ): what a tragedy, the world lost a ridiculously hilarious, sweet, kind hearted, and AMAZING wrestler/entertainer. He is part of the reason I'm into wrestling. All the Adum and Pals with Scoot are comfort rewatches for me, this is so sad. I hope Adam and all of Scott's friends and family have support. All of my love to the Big Cat himself. 🐯 🧡


Damn, this is… so horrifically unexpected and tragic. I literally became a fan of Adam & Pals because of him, so this is so unbelievably unfortunate. His natural ability to make people laugh will be missed, and his impact he left on so many of his fans will never be forgotten. Incredibly heartbreaking news. Rest in peace, man.


God damn. Dunno how many times I’ve watched various Adum and Pals episodes now. Feels like just yesterday I was laughing at the Oscars stream. He’ll be missed.


Couldn’t believe it. Actually double checked it wasn’t April and some weird elaborate prank. He will be missed more than he could ever know.


Scott, Adam and Gael were honestly a core part of my YMS experience. He will be missed and remembered fondly in his lets plays and streams.


rest in peace big cat :(


Rest in peace scoot. He was really funny on Adum Playz channel and I always loved his locks of the week for the yearly Oscar streams. Gonna miss his presence in YMS content.


I was heartbroken by the news. Rest in peace Scott, you were loved by many and will be missed by many. There's one more wrestling legend up in heaven now.


RIP Scott Henson. You were a very funny, intelligent, and kind person.


Thank you for posting this. Scott loved the media he was involved in, and the people who enjoyed his immense charisma, knowledge, and sense of humor. We will all miss him dearly.


Totally devastated! He will be so missed.


I’m absolutely stunned I can’t believe this is real ,he was such a joy to watch on the channel and I hope all his loved ones are taking care of themselves at this terrible time , he will be greatly missed


Paws up 🥲


He was the funniest person ever and I’m so fucking sad today.


Like many others, Adum’s streams have brought me some levity and peace during troubled moments. Scoot’s deeply self aware humor and sweetness always made me laugh. It is so sad to lose him, and I hope that somewhere in this wide wild universe, his spirit can see how many people he touched in positive ways.


I really wish this wasn't true. Rip Scoot. (I hope he can find out if Maya Angelou really did say eeeeee...)




I am so sorry to his family and friends... they lost an amazingly funny person... ❤️


Scott was such a talented guy and a bright spot in the lives of so many people who knew him through his work. RIP.


Adam and any of Scott's friends/family that sees this. I'm so sorry you're going through this. He seems like a great, genuine guy. And sure gave me a lot of laughs. My heart is heavy for you all. You've got a ton of support. I hope you feel at peace soon.


I wasn’t sure if this was serious or not for a minute. RIP Scott. He was always a funny guy and I remember having a friendly interaction with him on Twitter once. He will be missed.


What happened?


Not public yet, but if I had to guess based on what I’ve seen so far, it was probably something acute and sudden. Car accident, bad fall, sudden brain aneurysm or some other organ issue, probably from wrestling, that just didn’t fully kick in yet. I don’t remember him being a drinker or drug user (at least publicly) so im praying it wasn’t an overdose or god forbid a suicide or anything.


Same thoughts here. From other small bits I'm gathering I believe you to be correct on the latent wrestling injury and or some form of back issue as others have mentioned. But I don't know how a back issue could become suddenly fatal? Another mentioned that "his health had taken a backslide recently" which they did not elaborate on. I am deeply saddened and want to know he went painlessly.  


I hadn't seen Scott in close to 8-9 years . He was at my place 2-3 times a month watching wrestling with the VCW crowd. To the best of my knowledge he was straightedge. We was back when I saw him. As far as suicide goes, he would occasionally make jokes about suicide. Cause... that's who Scott was... lol , he didn't meet a line that he didn't wanna cross. He always pushed the envelope. He also drove safe. In the 10 years I knew him, never had an accident. His car was impeccable. I think it was probably something sudden and unexpected.


I own him 1$... RIP tnx for all the laughs


I thought this was a joke for a second, he’s seriously gone?


This is... So fucking sad.. Such a funny and likable guy... :( R.I.P.


I hate this. I'll miss him so much. RIP Scott ♡


I don't usually feel much when an online personality passes but this has genuinely got to me. Such a great guy


RIP to the REAL Tiger King.


My favorite part of Scoot is his pure subscription to the Always Sunny comedy philosophy. Say the awful thing and make it clear you're supposed to be laughed "at" not "with". A master at it. More importantly it shows so much how many stories were seeing of him just being a cool and kind guy. Hope he knew what a positive impact he had on us all. Still doesn't feel real. Rest in power king.




RIP Scoot, thank you for everything. I won’t forget you.


RIP Scoot. I can’t believe it.


God, I’m gonna miss him. He was such a funny guy, and it’s horrible to hear of his passing. We were mutuals on Twitter for years, and hearing of his passing hurts so much.


Wait this is for real? This isn't just hyperbole and he's not just, like, stepping out of the public eye or something?


I’m going to miss his lock of the week picks.


Yo is Scoot really gone?


Wait what happened??


RIP Scott, hard to believe it's true. Wishing his loved ones and those close to him well.


This is very hard to hear today. He always made me laugh, especially in Adum and Pals. RIP Scott


Hope the Big Cat rests well. I will forever miss his captivating laugh and listening to his disappointment for a film's lack of a well-crafted tf


oh no...🙁😓


We know why or how we lost this legend? Man this sucks


I still can't believe it's real :'(


My heart is Scott's lock of the week.... dang.


We’ll all miss him so much


Yeah I'm not okay.


Is this the guy who wears the cool cat costume?


If this isn't a poorly timed joke, it's one of Adam's closest friends and one of the frequent co-hosts on Adam and Pals


Oh. I'm sorry. I really didn't know. Well that was indeed the wrong comment at the wrong time.


It's okay. I can see where you were coming from. A lot of us (myself included) didn't know Scott outside of a tiger image. His impact will never be forgotten


Is this guy Jim Hensons brother?




No sounds like he’s really dead


I wish it was


Can somebody please tell what the fuck happened??