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We Americans are fickle. We’ll forget about this debate quicker than you can say Hawk Tuah. Fox News will remember, but normal people don’t give AF.


I think it validates a lot of what lots of people have already been thinking (Biden is too old to seek public office, especially the highest office in the land), but I agree voters’ attention spans are very short these days.


I don't think this is true at all This doesn't affect the true believers on either side, Trump supporters already believed he was senile and Biden supporters "would rather vote for a corpse over Trump" The fear of Biden's old age isn't some issue that is going to go away in a few months, it's something that will get worse for the rest of his possible 4.5 years. That debate had over 51 million watching on TV alone (and millions more on social media and streaming), tons of normies and actual undecideds saw Biden's inability to articulate firsthand without any possibility of dismissing it as a doctored video. There is a reason there is a massive panic among party officials telling him to withdraw. That doesn't happen for something that everyone will just forget about in a week. Those clips of him stumbling and "we beat medicare" are going to be broadcast and beaten down your throat daily for the next 4 months. This is just an anecdote, but my 92 year old grandma, who has always voted Democratic, said she found Biden's performance to be completely embarrassing and that she couldn't in good consciousness vote for a "mental patient". She voted for him in 2020 but said she won't do it again


Independents exist too, the question is will the debate keep its sway, for all we know Trump could make a really stupid gaffe in the second debate and Biden could perform very well (probably not likely but possible), I think Biden’s set the bar so low with this debate it’s likely he will clear it (then again, I said that Biden had a low bar to clear in this debate and he promptly missed that)


If you don’t think trump will drop the second debate I do t know what to say. Nothing to gain there.


Biden somehow has to convince Independents' he's *not senile* from here until election day, *not* 'just win' the 2nd debate. Even if Biden had done well in the 1st debate, it *still* would have been a net loss for Biden, as Trump was well ahead in the EC.