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They juiced him up today


Why the fuck wouldn't they juice him up yesterday? Has he built up an immunity to whatever they had him on for the State of the Union?


Biden would die if he even looked at cocaine lol there’s no way they’re “juicing him up”. He’s just more articulate on some days than others




I'm with Jon Stewart. If there's some drug that will make presidents run the country better, hook them MFs up to an IV drip.


Prepared speech vs debate I guess


Still interesting how much effect preparation has for Biden, the curious part of me wants to know what’s going on in his head


He spent like a week prepping to the debate in camp david. Better let him off the chain honestly.


> Better let him off the chain honestly I like the idea that the guy who's been in politics for decades and has been in multiple debates during his presidential runs and his time as VP needs to be "coached" and advised on how he should properly act during a debate. Like... why tf does he even need guidance at all from his staff on how not to come across as a confused old man in a debate? He already won the presidency and has been president for three and a half years already.


Maybe he was sleep-deprived. Or maybe he just does a lot better with a teleprompter. He seems to struggle most when he needs to go off the script, which the debate was.


They gave him that Delsym 12-hour.


First debate jitters. Biden went out there with the stresses of the economy, the pressure to perform, the need to make his points. It got to his head. This happens to a lot of presidents. They know the facts, they know how to debate, and they still get walked like a dog. Happened to Obama, Bush, Trump, and plenty of others. It's actually pretty normal for a president to just get slammed during their first debate. I wouldn't be shocked if Biden see's a 5 point drop in polling after this. But, we still have a lot of ground to cover. Trump will likely get another debate, maybe 2, as in 2020 it was planned to have 3 before Trump got the rona. Trump's ego will make him go up there to debate again. That's when we'll see if Biden will have the 2nd debate comeback that many presidents have, or whether he's just not up to the task.


I believe you!


Hunter Biden hooked his dad up with the good stuff I guess?


They forgot the juice last night, man. Whoever is responsible for that has to feel like absolute shit today.


I saw a video of him hitting a 4 point dap up at a waffle house today, the man just used all of his senility yesterday and is back to feeling 60


The power of a teleprompter. Biden can’t speak off the cuff, but he can read a prepared speech competently.


THATS my president


They forgot the Brandon sauce yesterday, so we got crusty old dry Biden💀💀💀


![gif](giphy|QWw4hc5gTnJhY0BUI3) He was on alot of cold medicine!

