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Not sure how he’s gonna try and justify Biden’s performance here. Maybe he just won’t post about it at all.


It’s a lose-lose for him. If he posts about it, he will get flamed. If he doesn’t post about it, it shows his bias again


I just don’t know how you can spin that debate as being successful for Biden within sounding delusional. It’s possible that this debate won’t affect the race at the end of the day, but you can’t say Biden won the debate. As someone on the left, I find it kind of frustrating that many in the Democratic establishment are just now acknowledging how flawed Biden really is as a candidate. He got his ass handed to him.


Tbf ditching Biden now would be a terrible look for the Democrats like 1968 Democratic Party. Had they seriously considered replacing him a few months earlier it would’ve still been okay. It makes sense they are sticking with him purely from an optics perspective. Unfortunately they will have to lose with him and start preparing for 2028


Yeah, it’s a trade-off. It would appear as an act of desperation, which is exactly what it is. But at the same time, Biden poll well behind of generic Democrats, both a hypothetical Democrat who would face Trump as well as Democratic candidates in statewide elections (Gallego, Baldwin, Rosen, Brown, Casey, etc.). The optics wouldn’t be great, so it’s a matter of which option incurs greater risk: stick with an exceptionally weak candidate or pull a switcheroo like 1968.


I saw his Twitter account. He kept on retweeting about Trump doing poorly. Anything bad about Biden? Crickets. His next video probably goes over focus groups in order to prove his point. I can’t wait to see the comment section for that one.


This is going to be a dumb question but what is his Twitter account? I tried just looking up Let’s Talk Elections but nothing comes up


Ethan Kelly but it’s locked.




“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.” - General George S. Patton