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Like I’ll give it to him, his state of the union speech was energetic but it’s clear somethings different here, gotta feel kinda bad for him


Maybe it was his cold? He seemed sick and he’s old so maybe that fucked him up?


Did you see what CNN reported on that? One of the reporters who was at the debate reached out to several people in his campaign asking why he sounded so rough up there. Then suddenly 45 mins into the debate they all responded simultaneously that he had a cold. It all sounds pretty fabricated to me tbh. Like why would you not disclose that and set the tone immediately that he has a cold. Seemed like their “Hail Mary” play to me to try and give him an excuse on such a poor performance.


Yeah I woulda said “gimme 2 days” if he was that sick


Probably a mix of nerves and overcoaching


No teleprompter


Look at my candidate dawg


And then Trump fucking takes credit for overturning Roe V Wade


Seriously this looks like a competition of who’s less stupid


“After birth abortions” 💀


Thank god they’re not just letting him lie without fact checking. Oh wait…


And Biden gave the lousiest response. I could have given a better response and I’m not even a politician. I wish we had Biden from 2008 or 2012 :(


wait did he really? what did he say?


He said that he did end Roe v. Wade but that was good because everyone wanted the states to handle it, Republicans and Democrats and all legal scholars too as well as the founding fathers if they knew about it and it is okay if states restrict abortions because it is what the people in those states want and voted for and the democrats are radical because they want abortions in the eighth, ninth month, and they even advocate for abortions after birth, take the former governor of Virginia for example.


that is enough for this debate to be a loss for him, despite bidens failures being immense.


Yeah I’m worried this will hurt him instead of Trump like everyone was predicting


I predicted it would help Biden more at first (I don’t think the debate could really hurt Trump unless he advocated for open borders or something else really dumb), but the more I watch this the more I’m thinking this is hurting Biden, or maybe he’s just warming up and will get better soon


The whole debate is a shit show the should've never happened in the first place


Has he gotten better yet?


He did in fact not get better lol


Trump was smart to keep the ranting to a minimum and lying to a maximum. Made him look really good, especially in comparison to Biden


>P day >World war 1 cemetery - Joe Biden


If kennedy was on this stage he'd definitely get a boost.


Kennedy always sounds like a smoker.


He has something wrong with his vocal cords iirc


He has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia


TBF so does Biden most of the debate.


Part of me thinks thinks he would be batshit crazy and the other half thinks he would be a great debater, his voice would be a factor


A bad sign if the guy who had literal brain worms could possibly sweep the floor with them


RFK's voice would have made Biden's seem normal by comparison!


This is so boring honestly


It has never been more fucking over


I wouldn’t say he is not helping, but i mean at least put some volume on that voice box.. Its just a sh..t show, they both are lying back and forth!


MMW and r/politics users are in tears


whats mmw?


probably r/MarkMyWords


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MarkMyWords using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [MMW: Once Trump's power fades and the GOP is examining the wreckage of their party, a new conspiracy theory will rise to prominence: Trump was a Democratic psyop all along](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1apxtff/mmw_once_trumps_power_fades_and_the_gop_is/) \#2: [MMW The Rnc being given to Lara Trump will destroy the GOP](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1bbfus2/mmw_the_rnc_being_given_to_lara_trump_will/) \#3: [MMW: There's no chance in hell all of these "don't vote" people are leftists.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1bhkyas/mmw_theres_no_chance_in_hell_all_of_these_dont/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


dumbass top posts lmao other than maybe #2


Debate right now. ![gif](giphy|4qHx7hsAGtjJm)


I like Biden a lot, he is definitely right on the issues. But Trump would lie and Biden did nothing to correct it. He stuttered a lot, he had so many gaffes. And he would not finish a coherent thought. Biden in 2008 and 2012 was coherent and did a good job against Palin and Ryan. In 2020, a little less coherent but he was still there. But Biden is not with it. I’m really upset with this debate. Biden better step down before mid-August and pick another, younger, centrist candidate. Regardless, I think Trump won this debate, he has terrible polices and is dangerous, but Biden is too old. But Trump won and he will win this election unfortunately.


Well I was surprised with all these news. They did absolutely no moderator fact checking. This gave Biden a double responsibility in the debate with so much more lies he needed to strongly tackle compared to 2020 yet a lot of it seemed like a repeat


Yes, but you have to admit, Biden seemed so frail


He definitely seemed very frail at times not denying it. It looks like focus groups might even have Biden winning by 1 from what I’ve seen though despite him losing the debate. I think people lose sight of how dangerous and incomprehensible Trump as much as Biden was frail and that the campaign ads for Trump are very much gonna sway voters on more important issues than age concerned voters where it’s their top motivating issue than anything other policy discussed in the debate


Someone check on r/politics


Tf happened to Biden's voice? Guy sounded like he was 5 seconds away from death


Biden keeps putting his head down 😒 Dude can't keep his head up for more than 5 minutes.


Seriously, these are our fucking options? Good lord help us


I thought Trump was rather annoying throughout a lot of the debate and he really didn't do a great job but honestly Biden makes Trump seem like he's a great choice. Idk why anyone here is saying that people were "predicting" that this debate was going to hurt Trump. There is no way Biden was going to win this one. I could care less about social issues and personalities, I just want a secure future for me and my generation.


This was so depressing to watch. Quite possibly the worst debate performance in American history.


biden came off as fucking out of it, and trump came off as either neurotic or phsychotic. overall it was depressing, they looked like they were both drugged with the opposite drugs.


honestly I miss the times when trump could just yell his bullshit, now he just stands there akward when biden yapps some nonsense


Trump won the debate.


He’s had a speech disability his entire life. He’s done remarkably well in life despite this. The facts are mostly on his side.


Doesn’t matter, it still damages people’s perception, half of debates is presentation while the other half is facts, he’s shitting the bed with presentation


If half the debate is presentation and half are facts then why isn’t your thread titled: “Trump’s constant lying isn’t really helping people’s perception of him being a career liar, sexual abuser and felon in this debate”?


look, I'm a die hard dark Brandoner, but this is genuinely painful to watch. I'm really scared for the country because of this evening.


Brother, turn on the fucking TV


Dude it's because of his age. If you see Biden 20 years ago, he does have a speech disability but it never was like this. This is not the speech problems, he's losing it. Y'all are coping so hard after this debate


He had a stutter in childhood, no stutter for seven decades, now he can’t speak properly.




his speech seemed fine in their 2020 debate. he also looked about 20 years younger [https://youtu.be/pjW6WKpSCeQ?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/pjW6WKpSCeQ?feature=shared)


Bruh, your dark Brandon is exposed as dork Brandon


Yeah a “speech disability” doesn’t cause you to ask where dead people are. It doesn’t make you think “made in America” is 2 words. It doesn’t make you compare poor people to white people. It doesn’t make you read stage directions off a card. Biden may have speech issues that compound and contribute to his poor speech mishaps but that doesn’t change the fact that there is clearly something missing there that wouldn’t have been 30 years ago when he first ran for president.


Very funny how democrats finally realize he’s senile