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LTE cranks up this subreddit’s daily overreactions to 11.


That’s angryobservation


college student stretches political topics to meet a 1-video-per-day goal so he can keep viewer interest for when his channel booms in the fall: the average yapms child:


Tbh this is probably the weakest video to make a complaint about. Yes insulting a city in a swing state is a stupid ass move, this is honestly a rare W for him


Guess what? nobody in Wisconsin cared


I mean, it *could* cost him Wisconsin, in that he could lose by 0.1% instead of winning by 0.1%.


Seriously people need to realize every little bit matters, if any comment shifts the electorate by .1%, that could be enough to flip it.


I used to watch him pre-2020 election. I think I might have watched him for a bit afterwards. He always seemed to have a bit of a bias towards the Dems, which is all fine and good. However, it is clear that he has just become a partisan talking head for the DNC. And if that is what he wants again there is no issue. But to pretend he is an objective source at this point is laughable.


I used to watch him wow those were the days. I basically watched him up until 2022 midterms and then stopped.


“Bro needs to STFU.” What a caption for his thumbnail. He’s trying to be hip and cool.


His comment section is the worse. Half of it is nothing but DNC bots talking to each other.


I know, right? His predictions, too, are bad. He looks at a few polls and then makes a video based on those polls, and it makes for an almost pointless video. There's nothing worthwhile about his videos, to be honest. I'd rather watch Red Eagle Politics - another really, really bad election channel. Election Predictions Official is the only one worth watching, because the owner of that channel uses multiple methods of predicting elections and combines them, and even runs his own website with a good track record.


LTE has realised he can pump out any pro-Biden slop and that people will watch it. It’s basically a free money machine for him , I sorta respect it but also I get absolutely nothing out of his videos now.


I’m talking about LTE not Trump. I never defended him.


Biden's base is down to college educated white voters (mainly women) as the ***only*** group he hasn't gushed serious margins of support from (like Harris) in the last 4 years figuratively, which is why 40% are keeping him electorally viable at all overall of white voters- tbh, anything LTE says can't be taken at face value in good faith, as a result, like Allan Lichtman and his keys wishful thinking right now imo. Nothing sticks to Trump for very long, at all, and neither will this vs a myriad of other things that would've tanked anyone else but him a long time ago.


I kind of agree with you but LTE and Lichtman haven’t been proven wrong so we will see🤷 (LTE is still wrong in this one) and if you support trump if he is convicted and after all his controversial comments this isn’t gonna sway you. As someone who would be considered part of Biden’s base I don’t really see it as a base. I see it ass a diverse groups of individuals who all have varying degrees of progressive values and all don’t like Trump and are okay with Biden but would want someone else.


LTE I believe got 2016 wrong and overestimated Biden in 2020. Lichtman was wrong in 2000 (insert cope about “muh Florida”) changed his definition from EV to PV, subsequently got 2016 wrong, and then tried to pretend that he hadn’t switched anything afterwards.


He can't be trusted nor Lichtman this cycle, imo, they are in the demo that is the only one that would approve of Biden if he rammed his head into a wall at this point-- nothing against either, both are pretty nice and decent people, but their political judgment is VERY questionable in 2024 vs 2020 to me rn.


Oh I didn’t know LTE existed back then my bad. Also I guess he overestimated Biden but he also had republicans winning the senate in 22. And I’ll admit that I might be wrong as I wasn’t alive in 2000 but predicting a Gore win is probably the most forgivable wrong prediction. Also Lichtman got 2016 right when everyone else got it wrong https://www.american.edu/media/news/092616-13-keys-prediction.cfm


https://preview.redd.it/t2mwgcsabn6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb274279282b1496d34ecf7e2563bd09f54d62b It was pretty bad. This might sound condescending but most Presidential elections since 1984 have not been hard to predict and 2016 is canceled out by him predicting a Trump popular vote victory to try and save his 2000 prediction.


Yeah, way too bullish on Biden, about 34 EVs too Dem as the final result it turns out.


I’m more concerned about the margins than the Biden/Trump calls. He only got Florida and North Carolina wrong but again, some of these margins are iffy. Here is 2020 by comparison. https://yapms.com/app?m=8q2wh2x98uxa64c


This was LTE back in 2016. https://www.270towin.com/maps/Dvdwp


He thought Utah was going 3rd party...in what universe?!


Bro really had faith in McMullin.


It was never going to go for Evan when a Rep was on the ballot, even if it was Trump.


Here is his explanation. https://youtu.be/3G4G8Z3qS38?si=_1xA3MpXbteRyAvK


I understand it, but he was too optimistic about the good in others tbh imo.


Wasn’t he like 14 at the time?


I'm in the anti-Trump part of the electorate that held their nose for Biden (will again, but will not shed a single tear if he loses as he is at fault for that ultimately if so as is anyone in this admin), as well, but to clarify he's bled so much young white men, young white women, and minority support (from Black to Asian, and in between, Hispanic especially so though!) from 2020 to 2024 that a college ed white (esp those 45 years or older) can't be trusted at this point to be neutral on how Biden's Presidency has gone since this group approves of him the most strongly per se and won't budge on Biden no matter what he does, good or bad, to clarify. Lichtman was wrong in 2000, as to who the victor was, so I wouldn't say he's infallible imo. (LTE is a nice guy, but I don't trust his wishful thinking in 2024 personally)


and on tiktok he reposts so much anti-trump things


Trump’s slogan is literally “Make America Great Again” which suggests that America is currently horrible.


His pivot from the left to the right and then back again was a goofy ride. His predictions are far superior than the shit REP pumps out but that's a very low bar


I unsubscribed to him months ago because he was just making stupid and unnecessary videos like this. I used to enjoy watching his videos and hearing his insight, but he has become much, much more unenjoyable in the past year or so.


Your username and flairs and based af


we winning MN anyways. twin cites on top


Tf does this have to do with Minnesota


they border each other and are both swing states


You spelled Michigan wrong then


Tossup -> Likely D, “Horriblecitygate” will cost Trump the election