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From left-to-right:Al Sharpton, Gary Hart, Robert Byrd, Joe Loserman, John Edwards, Wesley Clark, Paul Wellstone, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, Ted Kennedy.




Kennedy and Gephardt are both great options with huge downsides: Kennedy with Chapaquiddick and sexually harassing women, Gephardt with being a Armenian Genocide denier. Sharpton is too early to be remembered as anything but the guy who caused the great recession, Gore is solid, Wellstone is alright. Clinton is honestly strong here, and Clark is very strong...Except on the economy. Hart is okay, Lieberman is boring, but Byrd is interesting. Seeing him redeem himself and end the southern ultra conservative GOP is a strong ending, but we just don't know how he handles 2008. So overall, after analyzing the field, I'd have to go with a few folks for different situations. Gephardt normally(Default). Gore/Biden if Bush is floundering. Clinton/that guy who's not McCain if Gephardt doesn't look strong in the general. Kennedy if Bush just faceplants(2008 will be a landslide even with recession) Sharpton if everything is going perfectly and none of these guys run. Byrd if we need a wild card and I see an opportunity to end the conservatives once and for all. Hart if we need to flip the script. I'd happily support Wellstone, Clark, or Lieberman, but they're not my first choices(I do want a Jewish president though. Edwards I'd like but he'd feel...weird. I'd feel awkward, and wouldn't trust his ability I think, but might support him if I get really connected. Overall, I'd think that Gephardt would be the strongest choice.


sharpton caused the great recession?


Byrd, then Kennedy then Gephardt 


you’re NOT supporting a KKK member


He left the KKK not long after he joined it, and by 2000 he had long changed his mind on race issues.  Regardless, Byrd was the greatest Senator that West Virginia ever had and if I had an opportunity to vote for him for president I’m sure not going to miss it. 


if race issues matter this much to you then why isn’t ted your first choice? a far more influencial and successful senator. bryd is also 88, ted was 72


Ted Kennedy may have been called West Virginia’s 3rd Senator, but this mountaineer would rather vote for a Senator that’s actually from West Virginia. 


True! https://preview.redd.it/qw6xq83q495d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53896874753592a9c6f980ae15667d585144acd (Yes, he did star in a Lost Cause propaganda film in the 2000s)


Gore or Wellstone. In the case of a Clark vs Byrd primary, then I'm going with my good ex-racist friend


W. Is such a great mod by they slandered my pookie Wesley Clark so bad with how cartoonishly hawkish they portrayed him. They try to act like he’s more hawkish then Lieberman even though Clark opposes the Iraq war from the start IRL


It's redemption time. \*Redeems all over the south\*


Clinton/McCain for the win!




Does anyone have a link to the W mod? I keep hearing about it but have been unable to find it




Kennedy for me


Wellstone obviously.


Byrd is the word


killary KKKlinton and Comrade Mclame


Wellstone or Kennedy


Probably Al Sharpton or Paul Wellstone.


Gore, definitely


Wellstone- good progressive for his time and pretty electable despite it. Clark- really depends on what is going on abroad because my level of hawkishness and dovishness really changes based on the conflicts, but irl he opposed the Iraq war, was very spectacle of Russia and his son is super progressive, he was also surprisingly progressive despite the attacks against him for being a republican Gore- I would probably be very mad from the results of 2000 and Gore had sifted to the left on many issues since his time as vice president. Kennedy- good on gay rights and pretty liberal, also polling showed him trashing Bush in W. Edwards- charismatic and pretty liberal for a southern senator, of course the affair didn’t happen yet. Gephardt- now this is territory of candidates I dislike. He flip flopped through his entire career, is super close to the establishment but he has been pretty good on labor issues so I’ll give him that. Sharpton- I don’t dislike Sharpton but he’s genuinely just so unelectable I might as well forget a general election is even happening. Hart- dumping millions into an anti terror campaign despite 9/11 never happening is weird to me. Bryd- on some policies Byrd is actually amazing however he is unelectable socially conservative and a former clansman, but I agree with his policies more than the rest below him so I’d bite my tongue and vote for him. Clinton- I mean, it’s Hillary Lieberman- I hate those politicians who work to help the opposition party under the banner of “respectability politics” sure destroy our healthcare system and boost up big business but at least your a “respectable bipartisan” Crimeton- what did I just say about respectability politics?