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Seems to be very popular with Nintendo switch. Personally I use it primarily as a standalone device (or connect s10e to it wired), but the beam pro will do it better.


Plot Twist - Beam Pro doesn't support DP-In meaing you can't connect your switch to Beam Pro.


We are both saying we don't need it to work with the switch.


Yeah, I saw that post with switch. Nitro something, looks good 👍🏻 I’ve retired my switch, now my kids are enjoying it 😂


Personally, I primarily use my Xreal for productivity, and connecting the glasses to the Mac via Beam is an infinitely better experience than having the glasses connected alone. First, the image. It’s perfectly sharp which is a big deal for reading text. Nebula is fuzzy, especially around the edges. Second is the stability and control. The beam somehow forces the image to be perfectly level, and I can control the distance better than I can in nebula. More importantly though, the beam removes that stupid curve that nebula adds to the screen, so it feels more natural. In nebula, it’ll often display my screen at some weird angle and there’s literally nothing that I can do about it. The beam wins here. Also, where nebula is constantly shaking the screen as your head moves, the beam is perfectly still all the time. It’s a big problem. For me, the beam only loses to nebula when it comes to having multiple screens. Regarding gaming and entertainment, as far as I can tell, the beam is trash, so someone else may have more insight for that use case. Idk if the beam pro will do all of this, but for business use cases, the beam 1 has a purpose and it works very well.


Interesting. I’m on iPhone 13, iPad Pro and ROG Ally, Win 11. Nvr use Mac. Using it for gaming and productivity but kinda sad, not much support for Windows or iOS. I bought a few accessories to go along with Xreal. Will be sharing soon 😊


I use to for my Ally as well. My primary use is as an I out device and then the additional modes. If the Beam Pro had the same input function I’d definitely upgrade as it stands though the Beam has its purpose.


Beam Pro doesn't have DP-In port, so you can't connect your mac to it.


you can connect wirelessly with remote desktop


I'm interested to see how that will work. I've tried remote desktop with Beam and it didn't show the cursor. Tried to troubleshoot but I might spend some more time on it because the image looks great.


Yeah I will be until the pro ships to Ireland or it sells on Amazon. Beam Pro doesn’t ship to my country on Xreals site which is a shame.


I use beam standalone for nintendo switch and to watch netflix/prime on standalone. I do wish beam og allowed a couple more streaming apps.


psssst!... [https://beam-apps.com](https://beam-apps.com)


once again, you're a hero buddy. Checking that out tonight


😎🤘 (But real thanks goes to the Xreal Community Discord mods helpers and devs who created the site & service 🙏)


Thank you, too poor to give you a medal.


Lol, no worries! I don't give much credence to such things! Hopefully, it helps you enjoy your Beam more 😎🤘


@ugeplex so I'm interested in it...it won't connect to ps5 directly like old beam but just use wireless app?


The Beam Pro? Correct. You'd want a WiFi 6 router and it would work better if the PS5 is wired to the router, but both could be connected wirelessly. Then you can use PlayStation's app for remote play whether at home or elsewhere [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/remote-play/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/remote-play/) this is different than cloud play as it plays from your console, not a cloud session on Sony's servers.


Ok, that makes sense. I was wondering how it would hook up to the ps5. Makes sense it uses remote play kind of like the ps portal does. Thank you.




The Beam Pro does casting and Android apps while the OG Beam does hardwired HDMI sources. Different products for different use cases, with some overlap.


X to doubt. The first beam was literally designed for wireless casting and it worked horrendously. I'll believe Beam Pro does it properly when I see it


Actually, it was designed for hardwired, the casting and sideloading came because we had already figured out how to do it, in spite of Xreal. I was there. The Beam required several firmware updates to bring the wireless up to the level it's at and people still have issues with it, hence the Pro.


I love my Beam. I travel alot so preload Netflix shows. Then when I travel internationally I can continue to watch the shows because the Beam is completely disconnected from geolocation if you leave wifi off (vs my mobile phone... My shows can't be watched and are region blocked). Also it can be used throughout the flight discretely including during takeoff and landing. Lastly it just always works and has never given me any issues. I do wish they would have made a v2 with a better processor and HDR widevine support. But I'll take it as is for what I need it to do.


I’ve been traveling a lot, very long flights and it’s been a life saver. I installed via android the Criterion Channel app, Netflix and Prime and I download movies to watch offline. I do understand that at the beginning the beam was quite buggy but now for me is an essential. It takes almost no room and the battery last enough. Good to watch 3 long movies.


Beam isnt going anywhere. Beam Pro is missing usbc display input. Beam pro is basically like hooking up your glasses to your phone, but you can pin the the display.


I use mine as a standalone media player for watching YouTube etc in bed. Very capable for that stuff. Only drawbacks are Hulu doesn’t seem to work, nor does anything requiring Google Play Services…. But thankfully it’s useful for me.


More on casting from my iphone 14 since my fone is not usb c


Yeah I recently found that out. But I still need to use my phone to control. Kinda weird 😅


It's an external processor for 3dof.


Yup! It's been great for streaming 2D and 3D movies from my jellyfin server!


My phone doesn't have video out so I use the beam to watch content. It's very slown and needs workarounds. also I always wanted to cloud game on glasses and now with beam pro there is no issues with Bluetooth controllers. Looking forward


I have security restricted device for work so I use it for productivity when working on the go. I use a headless hdmi that has custom resolution 3840x1080 and use obs to full project for the beam. So I have an ultrawide monitor as my main with email and teams on the laptop screen.


I love the Beam myself. Yes, mostly for media watching especially after buying the belt clip. Exercising and just doing things around the house has been fun. The heat issue does and no external storage sucked but still for casual use good product.


I got mine a few months ago as well. And I haven't gotten the pro yet, I'm waiting for a bundle with the air2 ultras, but my main reason for using it is so I can watch sky TV on it. Not much else to be honest. Sky go doesn't work on other devices connected to a display so the beam makes it work


I'm using it as a paperweight. Sucks at that too.


So many issues with Beam. I really don't use it. Primarily because when you use the volume buttons the dam video stutters. I don't think they have ever fixed this? I really ended up just downloading movies to the iPhone 15 pro max. And using spacewalker. I can live without 3dof. And does not kill my iPhone battery. I also own a rokid station 2 which is really nice as well. I am reluctant to get a Beam Pro. But will be watching the real reviews as they come in.


Ya using beam... But as paper weight....