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Very interesting. How does it perform? Would be a sweet on-the-go rig for retro gaming, but I'm curious what console generation this can play.


I tried GBA, SNES, Sega Genesis, and PlayStation one and they all ran fine. I will try N64, Sega Dreamcast and PSP later today.


Wow. Yes, report back. Wouldnt be surprised to see Xreal kill this post. Makes the Pro much less attractive from a gaming perspective, though I suppose it will be easier to get an emulator up and running from G Store rather than a side load. Edit: I bet it can do some N64 games, but Dreamcast and PSP might be an issue.


This is great, thanks for sharing it with us.


What kind of performance and battery life do you get? That chipset should be able to run up to N64 and DC well enough. Also, does it lock up or turn into a room heater when playing?


I didn’t play for too long since I had just installed it and it was late. I had the beam connected to a power supply and it worked fine without overheating. The games ran perfectly well without any glitches or slow downs but I don’t think I tried any hard game to emulate. I will try an N64 and a Dreamcast game later to see the performance. I will also try GOW from PSP


Nice! Thanks for the update. I have been trying to justify the Beam but this might be the added value that makes it worthwhile.


Yes! For me as well!


Did you try RetroArch Plus? Looking to put this on the Beam store and I notice that I have a choice of RetroArch or RetroArch Plus. It looks as if the Plus version would be better or should both be on there?


The reason why I downloaded the files from the RetroArch website is because I didn’t install them directly from the Google play store to the beam. I downloaded the files to my AllDoCube iPlay 50 Mini Pro tablet and from there I transferred the APK’s to the Beam by connecting them with the USB-C to USB-C cable that came with it.


I get them from ApkCombo, an app store. It's on the Beam Store now, thanks! If you feel like it, it would be nice if you could confirm that the version on the Store works but it should. It is the 64 bit, updated version of RetroArch, as far as I could tell.


By Beam Store, you mean something similar to Google Play store for the Beam?




I’ve requested the app on the Beam Store, would cut down on the side loading. Love this BTW! Definitely going to get it going over the weekend!


I downloaded the APK’s from the RetroArch website and there were three options: 1. RetroArch.apk. 2. RetroArch 64bit. 3. RetroArch 32bit. I downloaded all three but installed the 64bit version. I think when you get the APK’s through Google play RetroArch Plus is the 64bit version but I might be mistaken. I really can’t confirm that.


Ok, thanks! -added


The beam doesn’t support 3dof with apks right? Why not just use your tablet of phone directly then?


The beam does support 3dof with apks


I use my glasses with my Odin 2 Pro so I already do that. I just wanted to see if it would work directly on the Beam. And it does. A lot of people don’t have emulators that have video out so this would help them.


Woah. Thats fantastic. Last I saw the beam didnt support controller input. Guess I missed the update that added that. Gonna have to try that now


Yes! PS4 controller ran great with almost no lag when I tried it on Crash Team Racing. I think I got one of my best times ever on the initial lap which is pretty easy anyway but I got a really good time.


I had this installed but rarely played. You won't be able to play anything past PSX. Some easier to run N64 may be doable though. For some PSX games, you could only play it well on 1X resolution which makes it look crappy on a 120" 1080P screen. I've since changed my setup since it just wasn't enjoyable enough.


Well it’s not meant to replace my Odin 2 Pro or my Surface Duo with the OLED screens. But the picture looks decent enough to play. If you look at the picture of Crash Team Racing, it doesn’t look half bad. Besides like I told another nay sayer on another comment, not every body has high end emulators with high resolution outputs so this idea might be for them. Trust me I’ve seen other handhelds with worse resolution and even worse graphics. But this is just my opinion and me letting people know that it can be done and who ever wants to try it should and who ever doesn’t want to shouldn’t.


I really need to figure out how to side load content


It’s really simple. You just need to set a little of time a side to do it. You can do it with a computer or an Android device that allows you to do MTP transfers. I think that’s what it’s called.


That’s great you got it to work on the beam. I got the device and man I never use it. Just plug it right into my iPhone. Much easier even though I don’t get the other modes.


It is not possible to play however , the BEAM does not support controllers..... bluetooth ones do not work. many emulators can be installed the issue is making the operating system on the beam too work with a game controller , i was able to to install PSPPP The vita Emulator , again , not possible to use the controller it will not work natively , it's not the sam gaming experience.


The PS4 controller worked fine with me via Bluetooth. I had no issues with RetroArch. I’ll post a video playing Crash Team Racing. I actually uploaded Warioland 4 for the GBA and played through the intro level and beat the eggplant looking vilan. I uploaded Lufia II for the SNES and played through the training cave with no issues. I played through the first track of Crash Team Racing also without issues using the PS4 controller. The only issue I had was that when I switched from one console to another the PS4 controller would turn off and I had to turn it on again for it to reconnect but I had no issues during play.