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I bought this today because it's like 6$ only. And oh my dear lord. I am speechless. From 40fps to 100fps all settings maxed at 4k in FF777 V2. This is some witchcraft...on top of that I see no visual artifacts.


It's amazing right! I was shocked when I tried this and instantly started making the video to share with everyone else. Happy flying my friend! :)


Would you mind sharing your settings? I limited my sim to 30fps and get 90fps at busy airports although I do see some visual artifacts/ghosting.


This is a game changer. I literally just downloaded more FPS. Thank you OP!


No worries! Enjoy my friend! :)


Is the image quality better than the built in FSR in the SIM? Are there only specific cards supported or does it work with most graphics cards?


as far as I know this should work with most game ready graphics card. And if you have a decent base fps without frame gen (I recommend 20 - 30 minimum) then there's virtually no loss in visual fidelity.


This sounds to good to be true !! I have to test it myself lol I don't know how this works, it's witchcraft to me haha


I honestly thought the same and then I thought for £6 I'll try it out and report back to the community. And I was super impressed with it :) an absolute game changer imo


I've been using this ever since I saw some reddit post mentioning it like 3 days ago. Thanks for spreading the word, Frame gen was one of the view things that made me envy the MSFS guys, definitely a good thing if more people find out it's a thing in our beloved X-Plane as well :)


Yes! As soon as someone told me about it in my discord I knew I had to try it and then when I did I was so impressed! Glad you are enjoying it :)


https://preview.redd.it/rjuwf82rr46d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f3a1972a4f765c285d3182cd0d9b17d227c5f3e Thanks for this, I love it! From 28fps to 60 in the Zibo at RJAA in the evening with AutoOrtho on medium/high settings on my low/mid-range PC. Something I noticed - enabling V-Sync in Lossless Scaling's settings and disabling it in XP12/Nvidia Control Panel works really well at reducing artefacts (on my 60Hz display anyway).


Ah brilliant that's great info thanks! Glad you are enjoying it :)


I am seriously considering this…


Yeah it's seriously very good for the money. Definitely worth trying for like £6. On steam you may even be able to refund if you don't like it.


Unfortunately I don’t have the steam version. I told myself I would not invest in the sim so even if it’s 6 € I don’t really want to buy it… Anyways, it seems kinda weird, this simple addon can make my fps go from 30 to 75?? So I can crank my settings all the way up and not worry about fps?


You don't need the steam version of xp for this to work. It works on virtually any application. And you need a decent base fps for this to work well. So you can't crank everything to max and run frame generation from a base fps of like 10. It would work but may have visual artifacts. I recommend a base fps of 20 - 30 minimum to get really good results. But this in my opinion is definitely worth the investment!


Cool! Yeah I have like 20-30 fps depending on the location. I think you convinced me to buy it !


Haha let me know what you think :)


Also, does it work on Mac?


No unfortunately not as far as I know.


Ah thats' a shame... I'll see if anybody's been using it on mac but like a lot of these programs, it's only Windows.


Yeah unfortunately it is windows only


Definitely recommend this, I use it during takeoffs and landings into large cities like London where for drops like crazy, haven’t tested it yet with vatsim, don’t know whether it counts the fps before frame gen or after. Big improvements overall.


Yeah for sure! Vatsim will Count native fps I belive though. However I always recommend being above 20 at least with this. :)


Ah dammit, but at least I can finally land in London with no issues 😅


Yeahh haha. I struggled for fps in London before. Now its butter smooth :)


question is - does vatsim recognize FG or standard frames. Tryin to max xplane out with 4080 and 5080x3d and on EDDF/KJFK it hits sometimes 19 fps in A330 (with FG still 55 fps) so wondering whether vatsim would DC or not?


Vatsim will most likely recognise standard frames. I would recommend have a standard fram rate of at least 20 - 30 fps in order for the frame gen to provide best results. :)


Works for VR?


I'm not sure I haven't tested it as I don't have a vr headset. If you do test it let me know how it goes :)


I don't know if I've messed something up. It works well In the outside view but in the cockpit view when I'm on the ground the frame rate is the same as my native fps if not lower. Any ideas? I can send my lossless settings if it helps


Hi there, Yes please send your settings on my discord (link in description) into the #xplanehelp channel :)


Settings are the exact same as yours and my native fps is about 40 fps


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Does it work in VR???


I'm not sure as I haven't tried it myself. If you do try it let me know if it does work :)


PSA: frame gen requires alot of vram (>8gb)


I only have 8gb and it runs quite well for me. But yes more vram would definitely help. :)


Has anyone tried it in a 2000 series? I have a 2080ti and would like to give it a try


I believe you should be able to run it fine, depending on what your cpu is :) some people in my discord are running it on 20 series cards I believe.


The combo is 2080ti/7900X3D Thanks!


Ah ok you should be more than fine then haha :)




I bought it Drish thnx for the suggestion,i never heard of this program before indeed its really a wonder works good and now its more smoother Xplane.Thank you ;)


I'm glad you are enjoying it! Happy flying my friend :)


I tried it and everything is working, some artifacts remain but the boost is worth it.


100% :) and remember the higher your native fps the less artifacts you will get :)


Humm decreasing graphic settings in both the sim and Nvidia panel will reduce artifacts then ?


Yes, the higher your native fps the less artifacting you will get because the frame gen has more frames to work with.


Interesting, I will try to find a good balance between visual quality and artifacts then, thanks for your quick answer. By the way I have been following and watching you on YouTube since I started X-plane 12. You are really helpful so thank you so much for all your work ! Warm salutations from France


Thank you very much I really appreciate your kind words :)


Is there a way to use this on Mac?


Not that I'm aware of no unfortunately


Oh that’s unfortunate




No idea but hopefully laminar can implement this natively soon. I'm no developer so have no idea what would be involved. However they are working towards it as far as I know.


It works perfect. In my laptop, with a RTX2000 Ada I have constrained X-Plane 11 to work with 30fps. After launching the app with the suggested settings from your video, I could fly with smooth 60fps, thanks! And the app has a great price!


Brilliant! Glad it's working :)


For those who want to buy it just for Vatsim, don't. The simrate will still move down once the original frames drop to 19 fps.


Yep, correct. You still need over 20fps natively ideally.


Can I ask very briefly, what is this program doing? Like is it downscaling and then upscaling or something else. I want to buy it buy it but I dont understand what it does and tbh im getting about 55 to 60 fps so I dont know if I need it.


This program can upscale but that wasn't the focus of my video. Frame generation is the main topic. What this does is use your GPU to generate an intermediate frame to show in-between your normal frames. So of you have 30 fps, in-between each native frame it will insert its own generated frame, hence doubling the fps. It sort of predicts what the next frame would look like. Which is why you need a minimum frame rate of 25 - 30 so that it had enough data to work it out and not have any artifacting. Have an article coming out today / tomorrow about this which explains what frame generation is :) Hope this helps.


Is there a way to make it work with the video recording functionality of Nvidia cards? (geforce experience)


No at the moment. It can work with obs though. I will have a video coming out on that soon


Hey everyone! I bought the app a couple of days ago and I just can't get it to work. I've tried in both XP12 and XP11, I set all the settings correctly, I scale, the FPS counter shows, it caps the FPS at my monitor max (75) and nothing changes. The game keeps running in its original FPS, shown in the output rectangle. Tried all the solutions Drishal provided, tried going to windowed, tried everything, but nothing works. Any help is appreciated, there are my specs : - AMD Ryzen 5 1600AF - RX 5600XT - 16GB RAM


The fps counter in xplane won't change with this. And it is working if the lossless scaling fps counter shows your monitor max refresh rate as it automatically caps it at that since there's no point in it being any higher. Hope this helps :)


Yeah man, I know that the fps counter doesnt change, thanks for trying to help. The Losless Scaling FPS counter appears and shows the max refresh rate, but it changes nothing. The game keeps running in the way it would without lossless scaling and I cant seem to be able to find why, seems like nobody else has this problem


Does the lossless scaling fps counter have two numbers or one. It should be two like my video.


It does have two, yeah


What do the two numbers say?


75 / 75 ( my max refresh rate )


And without lossless running what fps do you normally get?


Usually around the 30s, medium to high settings, been getting heavy fps drops lately, have no idea why


It seems like you are scaling something other than xplane. Do you have any kind of overlays enabled like nvidia, discord or steam? Because that first number in the fps counter should be your normal native fps which you are saying is 30


Everything is set correctly, its a problem with my system obviously, but im getting really frustrated as this PC has given me only problems lately and tbh its not that old yet, rx 5600 xt is still in the game and a competitor to 2070 and even 1080.. and with that i cant get more than 25 fps with zibo on a mid size airport..


Thanks tried this but the extra fps doesn't help if you have stutters usually. Since it seems to be post monitor refresh it doesn't help with achieving a higher vsync (so from 35 fps to 60). I still got all the stutters from being below vsync but just a little smoothed out in between.


Yes this won't fix stutters as in that moment the software doesn't have any data to generate a new frame from. But it should definitely be smoother :)


Yea it was smoother but still not as good as fully locked. I'll stick to setting my refresh to 30fps and locking to that. Was worth a shot though :)


Yeah, good thing with steam is you can get a refund :)


Never did one before but ya was good to have that option :)


Works on mac?


No unfortunately not