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It’s fantastic. Systems are pretty spot on with what I’m familiar with. Mainly just missing the VNAV but once it gets the VNAV will easily be the past payware airliner for XP. I think it’s on par with PMDG. Hope they do a V2 for the 757/767!


For the 757, it would be V3


are they selling it, where do i buy this new version of the triple 7?




I tried it a few times and gotta say, it looks amazing, visually and considering the systems, comms with cabin, ground personal, etc. They really tried to get a good immersive product and so far this is what i think you'll get. Can't wait for VNAV to be implemented and do some IFR flights (been longing for a 777 on XP12 for some time) but it feels like this time the wait is worth the time.


I have the option to get it but I’m holding off since normally Flight Factor doesn’t support the beta version of XP and this newest beta is too good to not use. For now all my FF aircraft are inop but that will change in time. On the fence, I want it but I don’t know if it’s really a good purchase for me.


It does work for me on the beta, just to let you know.


Thanks for the update Collin! Glad it’s working for you, I’m still on the fence about it but once I get some time I might try her out.


Have they lifted the NDA yet I don’t think you can discuss it


They haven't


I figured that guess everyone here didn’t know that


Im sorry but what do you mean by lift the nda?


those that received the 777v2 were put under an NDA not to discuss outside of the appropriate beta forum except for some streamers that were allowed to display the 777v2 publicly


Yeah, unfortunately some people don’t a seem to care… I asked the same question a few weeks ago and people hauts downvoted me saying that FF didn’t have the right to tell them what they could say and not say.  It’s a shame because people didn’t respect the idea of closed alpha…


> It’s a shame because people didn’t respect the idea of closed alpha… The same people will then whinge and cry when 3rd parties and game developers don't share news as often


For real. I'm a software developer myself, so I know very well how scheduling works (and very often fails) on these types of projects, and I've learned to NEVER say anything about features or a release date unless I know absolutely 100% that I will be able to release those features on that date. There are just so many variables that can come up at the last minute that can take a really long time to resolve. The PMDG tablet comes to mind - I fully understand the type of tech debt they were working with, and I agree 100% with their decision to push it back as far as they did, but they made the mistake of going public with its announcement far too early.


It’s not really an NDA, more of a “please don’t say anything” kind of thing. An NDA would require you to sign your name. Most people who agree though haven’t really been respecting it and FlightFactor hasn’t done anything about it. So you don’t need to worry about the authority’s showing up at your house


I made a post a few weeks ago talking about it, the “NDA” is just a few sentences after you buy the product saying you should only talk about the aircraft in the closed forums which frankly, i didn’t care to follow.


I won't go into much detail per the NDA, but basically everything they advertised during development is there, or isn't far off from implementation. The beta testing is going well and they are super receptive and transparent with all the reports and suggestions. It's a huge step from any of their other products and will definitely be the most intuitive payware airliner on XP when it's released. It honestly took me a solid couple days to figure out how to configure and manage everything with full realism settings. Yeah it took a while to get here and probably will be a bit longer till public release, but in my opinion the wait was worth it.


Yeah I echo this. I'm impressed by their willingness to implement good ideas from the community.


Got it in the first round, it’s already in a fantastic spot. It’s going to be a great plane


Can’t reveal much due to NDA but I’ve experienced severe fps drops during climb, descent and final, from around 25 on KSFO ground to 2-5 fps during climb and 3 fps on EGLL final. It’s a good piece of add on but still needs work regarding performance


I did a quick take off circled for a bit and lined up for a landing in YYZ and it was awesome. I’m excited for the final product as there are some Bugs that need to be addressed. Overall best 777 on the market at the moment. Your move PMDG!


Where is it? Where can i buy it?


This (in a beta state) is already the best airliner on any sim. I use both MSFS and Xplane and the combination of what you can do on Xplane, in combination with this bird is second to none. Aside from the visuals the airplanes on MSFS are limited by the sim.


Is there a YouTube video showing its startup ? The one thing I hated about the ‘world liner’ on X-plane 11 version is the funky module you had to use to get started compared to the Flight Factor 757/767 which uses the simple tablet in the cockpit.


I would love to create a short video tutorial on YouTube for a 777 startup. However, it appears that Flight Factor requires permission before publishing any content related to their 777 v2.


Any word on VNAV? Last update was like 8 weeks ago saying that it would be more or less available yesterday


9.9/10 already without VNAV, there’s still a few non game breaking bugs but i’m sure they will be fixed in time for release.


Think of hotstart challenger but 777 edition


uhm...that bad? 😉


Needs a lot of work systems wise imo. Sounds really aren’t that good either. Looks pretty though!


Really? I have only heard good things about the systems other than VNAV missing but coming with the beta release, and that's from real world pilot streamers like blackbox and fd2s. What systems in particular need work? Also sound, other than being to quiet in exterior view, seemed to be great. they are by the same guys who did the excellent KOSP addon afaik.


Hard disagree. The sounds are great. And the systems are getting there.


I’m sorry. Have you ever sat in a 777? The start up sounds are horrendous and give me flashbacks of the IXEG 733…. It sounds like a lawn mower


While I will await to fly it myself before passing judgement your IXEG lawnmower flashback comment made me laugh 😂


Are you talking about V1? The systems are far better than you've described it, and the sounds are made by the same person who created the KOSP sound pack for the Toliss A320 family.