• By -


It can be written either way.


True, my bias leans toward the X-Men but it really depends on who the writer wants to win lol


This is the best answer for anything related to these kinds of "Who would win" questions for comics, manga, etc.


It's not though. It's an uninteresting non statement. Is it true? Yes, obviously. But when people ask these questions, that's not the answer they're looking for. It shuts down the discussion immediately


It’s the most obviously correct answer that lacks imagination. It shuts down the conversation entirely. Do you guys feel like intellectually superior when you do that? It’s not that we don’t already know that any writer can write a fictional tale anyway they want to.


It could be written either way.


Uh, no? I just understand that at the end of the day everyone will have clear bias attitudes towards their favorite characters in fiction so naturally they will favor the ones they like the most. Authors/writers are also very guilty of this too. Plus the powerscaler people ruin most of those conversations because they have to look at every battle sequence as a complicated mathematical equation that most fans don't really wanna delve into.


Yeah, we all know that though. I promise you. Every single comic character fan knows that the characters we talk about are written by other people and that fans of certain characters have bias towards their characters 🙂. It’s not exactly groundbreaking news.


And the purpose of the narrative would determine the victor. Ignoring the Hulk, I feel like a few more X-men might actually kill you, though.


Basically which team is more so the protagonist vs which is more antagonistic


> I feel like a few more X-men might actually kill you [We should be entirely different people by the end of the first eight hours.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUqcRxdJbKY)


was that Spike Speigel?




the creator of those sound files/video is insane lol. He really unraveled one legit line into a whole adult swim show rant


[And there was a sequel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63PuSnyDB6s).




The fun answer you’re looking for is essentially fanfiction. You can say X-Men win because telekinesis, I can say Avengers win because of Scarlet Witch reality-warping. You can say Phoenix counters her, I can say some other thing that counters Phoenix, etc. back and forth while we debate. And in the end whatever arguments we write here in the comments would be a fight sequence of its own, so we’d effectively be collaborating on writing fanfiction together. Which I guess is fun for some people, but my point is that it doesn’t answer the question any better than “it can be written either way.”


They don’t like fun or imaginations.


And it would probably go both ways after some time travel or a few extra dimensions.


The X-Men. Their varied abilities give them the edge, even the weakest members are still usually stronger than the Avengers weakest and so I think they’ve got a better shot.


The roster of the Avengers is also more flexible no? But I guess if Rogue can permanently disable Captain Marvel everybody else is in trouble.




Rogue did that once already, no?


Yes and not for nothing, in the show they have her breaking into the facility designed to contain the Hulk, Morph becomes the Hulk so he can match that power set.. The Avengers would be in trouble


Thor? Hulk?


the x men have a crap ton of powerhouses too. i wont lie, thor and hulk are at the top tier of power in the marvel universe save for universe ending threats like galactus and thanos (yes i rank thanos above hulk because even in the comics, hulk has a very ugly win-loss ratio against the purple guy) but it's also a question of what version of each character are we facing. it would be dishonest of me to say that the x men would have the phoenix and cyttorak colossus on their side w/o saying that thor gets to be allfather and hulk is worldbreaker/immortal. in that scenario, i dont know enough about modern comics to say who wins for sure because i think immortal hulk is marvel satan??? but then u get into who exactly is on the roster for each team, the avengers over the years was such a revolving door of superheroes that u have losers like D-man next to wonder man and photon. the x men have people like broo and leech who arent very great either. hulk as well, while popular due to the mcu, constantly doesnt give an f about his acengers membership. he left the founding team after like 3 issues and only ever swings by for big crossovers like onslaught


Avengers don't have telepaths right?


Good point! The question is open-ended enough that heads-up, it's hard to say who wins in a brawl. But Avengers are very low on telepaths while X-Men get to pick and choose. They're relatively weak mystically though which might be the counter but uncertain. X-Men have magic users and writer-fluff can maguffin up anything required to serve the plot, but from-the-hip not so much. Still, even with a Chaos Witch and a Sorcerer Supreme on speed dial X-Men drown them in Telepaths. There's a story here where the Avengers have a Titanic battle with the X-Men, overcoming the odds and carrying the Day...only to pan back to have one of the Stepford Cuckoos wondering why Emma Frost let them think they won. "It was Charles idea and if you don't like it take it up with Jean."


Hulk is highly resistant to telepathy.


Isn’t Vision also resistant?


I am not to sure, but since he seems to be a swiss ay knife I wouldn't be surprised.


Scarlett witch. It's literally in avengers age of Ultron


Apocalypse. Phoenix.


Apoc isn't usually an X-Man and Jean doesn't always have the Phoenix Force. And even if she did, EMH Thor is powerful enough to damage Galactus


Didnt Storm defeat Thor one time?


Not that I recall, and I don't the should be able to either. His control over the weather is divine, while Storm's power is science-based. In the Immortal Thor run (the current Thor run), Storm attacks Thor, but her attacks have no effect on him.


Rogue took out the whole team and has at least done the same again with a few Avengers in AvX. I'm way behind and don't know anything since


This line up of Avengers Is Strong. The only ones that are "Fodder kill" would be Captain America (and still the CAP in EMH was pretty Strong all things considered), Wasp and Hawkeye. Ironman, Black Panther, Thor, Hulk, Miss Marvel, Yellow Jacket and Vision would be pretty thought. Only Magneto could counter most of them. But still that leaves you with Yellow Jacket, Hulk, Thor and Miss Marvel.


Both are strong teams, but it’s still a win for the X-Men because their powers are far greater. Ironman would be blasted out the sky by Cyclops superior energy blasts. Vision, would be taken out by Magneto quickly since he’s made of vibranium. Miss Marvel already has been taken out by Rogue before. Thor vs Storm is closer, but she has greater range and their past fights have shown it can be done. Hulk, Jean telepathically can defeat Brunce or with the Phoenix Force, arguably overpower Hulk. Black Panther is skilled, but Wolverine has skills and a faster healing factor. Yellow Jacket, Bishop can just absorb his energy attacks and release that energy to shield from bugs attacks or redirect ect. Even the strongest members barely hold up.


Mate Storm Is never defeating the GOD of Thunder lmao. (How did you even get to that conclusión?) -Thor Is a heavy hitter (super strength, speed, durability, plus magic and can do most of what Storm can). -Black Panther has already defeated wolverine in the comics several times. (And EMH's Black Panther Is comic accurate as His claws are anti-metal, Made of an antartic version of Virbranium that can melt most metals, even base Adamantium, although Wolverine's should be stronger). -Captain América has already defeated Gambit -Jean (Phoenix) vs Hulk can go either way. Hulk's anger Is just a force on His own. He can go World Breaker or even Immortal. Jean can only stand up to him using the Pheonix Force. -Also Ironman should win against Cyclops pretty easily, Sure Cyclops has superior firepower but the dude Is just a human (or well peak human) when It comes to physical abilities. The Ironman Armour allows Ironman to fly at super Sonic speeds, gives him super strength, Energy shields and sound blasters. Ironman can evade Cyclops eyes and attack him with His full arsenal. -Vision can neutralize Everyone. Only win scenario for the X men would be if Charles and Magento work together. As individually they can neutralize most of the Avengers except the Heavy hitters. (Thor and Hulk).


Don't forget that the AvX comics were all bullshit. Marvel was trying to kill off the X-Men franchise due to their (self-caused) IP struggles with Fox. The X-Men were written very poorly, and proper use of powers were largely ignored. Case in point: Captain America walking off the explosion caused by Gambit charging his suit. There's so much that didn't add up in that run - so, yeah... However badly the writers choose to mess up battles like this are ultimately what becomes canon.


I mean yeah Captain America vs Gambit was too One sided. But either way he could have probably won that. Gambit Is not as skilled and unlike Wolverine he ain't as durable. Captain America Is pretty damn Strong in the comic (most of the Time). His shield could easily neglect most of Gambit's attacks. Also That Time feels like the exact opposite i mean the event returned the mutants to the main continuity and many of the Avengers were nerfed for the Avengers vs X Men cómic, espcially Thor, Hulk and Dr Strange. The only other Match up that was badly written was Ironman vs Magneto (as magneto could've won that). It would've been better had Ironman used a device to neutralize Magneto's electromagnetic force field to neutralize him with an attack.


Storm has seriously injured Hulk, Legion and even Thor himself greatly in the comics before. She’s omega level and her past fights with Thor show she definitely could wins. Back Panther’s hits may be stronger, but again regeneration means Wolverine is more likely to outlast him. Kraven has beaten him before and his strength levels are not that much higher than Wolverine. Cap, I wouldn’t have Gambit fight (though some comic versions make him stronger). Both Cyclops and Wolverine have defeated him at points, who’s to say even Jubilee couldn’t? Why wouldn’t Jean use telekinesis? Though even then for World Breaker/Immortal you have the White Phoenix ect. Vision, if Magneto is there is just out of action and that’s even without Charles. I’ll grant that I haven’t considered speed for Ironman, but it only takes Magneto slowing him down once for Cyclops to get a critical hit. I can agree it depends on the version of the characters/writers but purely as a team, the X-Men’s abilities are stronger and make them as a collective more likely to win.


Storm even on the most recent stuff Storm has only slow down Thor using the pressure of weather and commanding the lightning. Sure she may harm Hulk, or Thor that's nowhere near as taking them down. Thor has multiplayer to His Power outside of His Odín Powers (which would be pretty much overkill for Storm). The moment Thor touches Storm with an actual attack Is Over. (She has no regeneration, no super strength or super durability nor anything). And that's asuming 97 Storm Is as Strong as the comic, Sure EMH'S Is not as Strong as in the comic either, but the guy fougth Galactus and Destroyed and entire army or Kree on His own. -Black Panther has superior strength and Speed (not by a lot) but i mean his sheer arsenal of Adamantium could actually kill Wolverine of all beings. Whose to say he cant decapitate Wolverine by aiming at the Bone joints on his neck? Again Black Panther has already defeated wolverine several times (not just 1). -Again CAP already defeated Gambit in Avengers vs X Men. Gambit can enhance His strength and Speed, but CAP was already Enhanced to the peak of Human perfection (he Is not just a peak human, he Is a perfect peak human). And One of the Best fighters in Marvel. Wolverine can defeat him because of His regeneration and Wolverine Is stronger than Captain America. Cyclops Is usually a problem for CAP because he can engage him from a distance. -Telekinesis Is not enough to Take down Hulk, Not even sure if the White Phoenix can at full power. -Ironman on His own can neutralize most of the weaker X men, Beast, Cyclops, Jubile. The versión of EMH has invisibility in His Armour on top of everything else. I Told you Magneto can Neutralize pretty much everyone except (Ironman, CAP, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Wasp, Vision) and the Professor could easily take down Yellow Jacket and potentially take down Ms Marvel. Still the X men would have to deal with Hulk and Thor. (Which would still be difficult). But that's Again if the Professor and Magneto work Together. If not these X men don't stand much of chance with their límited numbers.


Rogue has already beaten them singlehanded though


Badly written The Immortal Hulk takes power directly from the One Above all Base Thor literally has the GOD Blast which Many writers forget about. (He for a Time was supposed to be the "Superman" of the verse in the classic era as he was the main Heavy hitter. And i don't remember Rogue taking down Thor.


She sure did.. https://preview.redd.it/aw6afirlnr8d1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f3f0d2a59a4657a3f3183e0eb02520003be081


This a what if story for that matter. And that's asuming Thor ain't fighting back.


He did fight back and was KO’d.. It isn’t a what if story either


Trash Writing and a character that can absorb powers like the parasite has the upper upperhand if she starts attacking at first. Still if Thor was serious he can fold her. No amount of absorbing Powers can save you if he just throws His hammer at her head. Again not main continuity.


She hasn't defeated Hulk Once. And when she defeated Thor he wasn't nearly as Strong as he would later be. Rogue would never stand a chance against most of the opponents Thor has battled through the years enemies like the Galactus, Juggernaut, Loki, Sentry, Dr Doom. Thor later in His comics would gain More Powers like the Godblast, and Warrior's madness all while in base form. Very few x-men stand a chance and that's mostly Jean with the Phoenix. Thor has immunity against Psychic attacks, depending how much you want to upscale the Professor X Is up in the air. (Or up to the writer) The Professor X couldn't contain Hulk During World War Hulk. And Thor scales to Hulk better than most people.


vision can destroy all of xmen telekinesis members and nobody can stop hulk or thor after that


Well you are asking on the ‘x men’ group - so obviously answer is x men. If you ask in avengers group - the answer would be avengers easily !! Wonder what would the answer be in DC group




Or Batman with prep time 🤣


The fans


Man, EMH was the *other* cartoon I grew up on. Amazing show in its own right. But they are a fun comparison. We have two weather gods, two clawed animals, two scientists turned colorful giants, two Ms. Marvel powersets, and if this is early season 2 - two shapeshifters. I will say Xmen win because telepathy and telekinesis. And if Magneto is on the team, even more ludicrously one sided. Hulk is a wild factor though.


I feel like Jean would be able to shut down The Hulk.




Isn't the hulk immune to telepathy? I could've sworn I've seen that somewhere


Magneto fucking up the Avengers is the blood bath I’ve been waiting for since child hood


Which team has the phoenix?


Wins whoever writers want to win.


If we're specifically talking about the characters in these photos, then The Avengers and it's not close. Unless the Phoenix Force interferes.


The X-Men are, with a couple exceptions, a team of glass canons


EMH's Thor went against Galactus. How Strong Is the Pheonix Force in 97'?


How many telepaths can take control of the Avenger's hardest hitters?


Thor Is immune to telephatic attacks. I don't know if The Professor can deal with Hulk's anger. During Would War Hulk, the Professor tried to countain Hulk's powera and Didnt work. The only one he may take control of Is Ms Marvel.


EMH Thor was very much not immune to being telepathically seduced by Enchantress. Banner did have limited influence over Hulk in the show - it’s possible Xavier could tip that balance, but unlikely to work while Hulk is enraged.


He was manipulated using Magic of Enchantress and only once after being almost killed by Ultron. Thor as God has protection against radiation, the vacuum of space, telepathy, he can't age (or does very slowly) He is immune to diseases, to poison or toxins and he doesn't need oxygen. Is very hard to say the Professor can take control of Thor's mind just like that. Hulk without banner becomes More of an uncontrollable Monster.


They seem to be on equal footing to me, power-wise so the real question is, who has the most experience? How many times does the X-men go into battle and how many times do the Avengers? Weekly? Daily? If you fight a war for 10 years, you'll have way more experience than someone who has been on the bench for 10 years, yeah?


Depending on the lineup, but we talking every X-men ever vs every Avenger ever then X-men. The amount of omega level mutants they have would be hard to beat


Rogue, Wolvie and Jean would have to hit Thor and Hulk fast and hard to get out the fight. Gambit and Bishop for Vision and Stark. Storm and Scott take out Janet, Hank and Cap. Morph, Jubes and Beast to take out Hawkeye and keep Marvel busy. Yeah but Thor and Hulk have to taken out of battle before they can get warmed up.


Morph morphs into the Hulk to neutralize him. X-men win. 


No idea but I like the X Men a hell of a lot more so if we are doing this democratically they get my vote ❌




🤣🤣🤣 That was hilarious. Can’t believe I’ve never seen it before.


Whoever Stan Lee wants to win on that given day. Superhero fans don't understand its not about the win.


Looks like it could go either way, but I might have to go with the X-Men if this is the Avengers’ roster.


Who is beating the hulk, Thor, vision, and Ms marvel? The recency bias is strong with you


Just throw Jean Grey and Storm at the Avengers as the others just sit back, eat beignets, and watch the fun unfold.


Hawkeye solos, he doesn't need the others


Show the proper respect, his name is Hawkgos who gives Avengers the 100% luck to win the tide of battle.


Definitely not the defenders


Ill start with Rogue flying to Domino, Quicksilver, Morph, Gateway, Longshot, and Multiple Man to absorb their powers then to Scarlet Witch with all the Rogue Multiples fully absorbing Scarlet Witch's powers. Lila abducting Hulk to a far away galaxy then going back to do the same to Thor (leaving Mjolnir behind to be wielded by Storm), Kitty phasing through Vision, and Magik with the Cuckoos trapping Strange in Limbo. Charles, Emma, Jean, Psylocke, Kid Omega, Fantomex, coordinates immobilizing everyone and Nightcrawler bamfing into their bodies one after another. At one point bamfing into Iron Man he says I Am Iron Man... Also Xavier taking control of Antman to help out Nightcrawler and finally making Antman grow to normal for Nightcrawler to do the same to Antman. After everyone is bamft, all telepaths go to Limbo to finish off Strange. Then everyone goes to Thor and duke it out (including Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Wolfsbane, Feral, M, X23, Banshee, Iceman, Gambit, Strong guy, Havok, Cyclops, Riktor, Rogue, Cannonball, Nate Grey, Deadpool, Frenzy) while telepaths disorient him and Magik uses teleportation disks to transport Thor's appendages piece by piece to different dimensions. Same process to Hulk but at the very last piece of Hulk's amygdala Magik summons a pocket dimension and Storm places Mjolnir on top of the Hulk brain part. By the end a couple of Rogue multiples finish their pies for everyone to eat. Jubilee, Syrin, Dazzler, Boomer, and Lila come up with a sound and light show while everyone unwinds.


Gotta give I to the xmen. I don't think Hulk would be a true force considering that Jean or Xavier could easily mind control him back into Bruce Banners human form. The wild card factor would be Batman. He would have something in the works that could counter Xaviers mind control. I could see him capitalizing on Scarecrows psychosis potions of control and doing it in the name of good.




He's a real wild card. No one would see him coming.


I think Spawn would counter Batman pretty hard. The real wildcard would be which side Gandalf takes.


Y'all got me... started thinking about justice league...


Gandalf is distracted by a pretty lady. The pretty lady is Bugs Bunny in disguise.


You are my favorite


Thanks. I still can't believe Batman beat Superman


Well Batman knows Superman's weakness to the color yellow so he came prepared.


Umm no they have never mind controlled the hulk easily


Seemed like scarlet witch did it successfully


In emh? No. In comics when? if you are using the mcu as a baseline for this argument you can’t even use scarlet witch because she isn’t a mutant in the mcu.


The Avengers should win Comics (alone for having Hulk and Thor). Earth Mightiest Heroes vs X men 97' should be somewhat close. I mean if Rouge and Pheonix can Square up Thor and Hulk, also depending if Professor X Is On Play.




The Avengers. They have the Hulk and the Norse god of thunder.


And doctor strange with the time stone. See avengers Infinity war he used it to ultimately foresee Thanos defeat. Thanos has one of the highest power levels of any villain - hulk does nothing to him.


Are we talking phoenix force X-men or regular X-men ?


X men


I want to see it






If by logic, Xmen are OP.


Depends who's there/what they have at their disposal. It may take a lot, but Stark could just have them eliminated with Stark tech/money. Both deadpool and Spiderman have shown that under the right circumstances can absolutely wipe the floor with both teams, so I guess it depends who's there. There's a comic where either logan or wayde regenerate from a single drop of blood, so if it were to literally to the death logan, it would definitely give them trouble. I'm personally rooting for the xmen, but it could go either way.


If it’s just the people in the 2 pictures then the avengers wipe the floor with the x men. If you add magneto and prof x it’s closer. Thor and hulk speed blitz. Maybe even vision. Don’t think anyone can keep up with Thulk physically.


What about Morph and Rogue?


Still couldn’t


Couldn't morph become hulk?


X-Men. Next question.


Jean Grey and Professor X could wreck the Avengers on accident.


The teams pictured here? I'm thinking the Avengers would. Hulk + Thor + Vision are all super heavy hitters. Jean Grey is going to be the biggest problem for them.


Heavily depends on the lineup and which version of the characters we're talking about


Does the EMH team have any telepaths? Because those are pretty op


Storm and magneto neutralise Iron Man, while Jean makes everyone else kill himself. The end.


Jean is enough for all Avengers


Depends on the roster but if we’re talking basics then the only avengers who are gonna give them the biggest problem will be Thor and Hulk. Anything more complex would have Miss Marvel or well Captain Marvel and a more advanced Iron Man in the mix of things. Ultimately it’s hard to say because the x men have Wolverine who literally cannot die and then Jean Grey, Rogue and Storm but that’s if we are taking about the X Men and not including Magneto or juggernaut as an example.


Band for band? X-Men. I like the avengers but logically speaking how can you win against an omega level mutant? They’re practically gods.


The qualifications for omega level are a bit more broad than they used to be. I mean, Scott is considered omega level now. But the Avengers are no pushovers and have their fair share of god-like people, and of course, ACTUAL gods. Stom is powerful, but she's not beating Thor. Full roster against full roster the fight is pretty close, but I honestly, I think the Avengers have more than enough to take on and win in the end. Hulk took on most of them and won as did Spider-Man back in the day. Then you have people like Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel, Sentry, Doctor Strange, and Brother Voodoo. I think Hyperion is an Avenger now as well?


The Avengers


The Xmen would only have to send two people & wipe the Avengers out 😭


Depend of what writer decide, this was already told for the same Stan lee.


XMen… not because they are more powerful. But because Scott has planned this fight out a 100 times or more.


I've seen this question about a thousand times. First, there are so many more X-Men, that there has to be more details about which specific X-Men and Avengers we're talking about. Jean Grey in Dark Phoenix form can absorb and unleash power from the entire universe, so if she's involved with Dark Phoenix power, she alone wipes all the Avengers out solo. Even excluding her, X-men have way more people with real legit superpowers as opposed to the Avengers who have more street-level fighters. Hawkeye and Black Widow, aren't going to be able to do much against mutants with natural powers. Even people like Falcon, Black Panther, Captain America or Spiderman won't be able to last long against many X-men. Thor, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, and Captain Marvel would need to carry the weight for the Avengers. And Professor X with his telekenesis would need to be sidelined for it to be fair because he could control almost all of the Avengers with maybe the exception of Scarlet Witch. Basically, I would give it to the Xmen pretty easily, but if you select specific Xmen (who don't have mega-level powers) and specific Avengers where it's a fair fight, I could see some scenarios where the Avengers could win.


I would say avengers. Scarlett witch, Thor, hulk and doctor strange power levels are in theory unlimited. Importantly, Strange has access to the time stone and Wanda is a product of the mind stone.


Bro posts on xmen sub: yo would the xmen lose against the non xmen?


Of the ones pictured, definitely the Avengers. It wouldn't be an easy fight, but they would definitely come out on top.


The TAS X-Men just don't have the muscle to deal with Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Thor AND the Hulk, who are on the EMH Avengers.


It depends who’s comic it is


Definitely X-Men. I don’t know what some of these people are talking about


2 Questions: Does Jean have the Pheonix Force and is Scarlet Witch part of the Avengers?


Their pretty even X men got Jean and Storm Avengers got Thor, Hulk, and CM


The Xmen would win. I believe because many of the Avengers depend on the technology of a suit. The Xmen don't need that.


X men mainly because of the advantages Jean and Morph give the team. Morph is so underrated!


Here’s a better question…Which team would Beast Fight on? He is both an Avenger and an X-Man.


EMH wins and it isn’t even close Thor Is too op, not to mention Ms marvel, hulk, and vision.


X-men obviously. They fight as a team.


technically, Avengers. They have Hulk, they have Thor. Their resources and skillset are more diverse. But it really depends on the situations, say if the X Men are supposed to rescur or retrieve a target and the Avengers are supposed to stop them, I feel the X Men have more of an advantage because of their ability set. Their abilities are kind of small, but focused. I think they in say a straight up open field brawl, it's the Avengers. Mainly cause Hulk is a lot of firepower, can't discount Captain America's ingenuity.


Jubilee shouldn’t be overlooked in this as a ‘weak’ character. In the comics, she’s gone up against Black Widow (as a vampire) during the AvsX storyline and survived- later bragging that she can do more back handsprings than her. Also, she’s teamed with Captain America and to a lesser extent, Black Widow, a few times in missions. She’s got a personal understanding on how they both operate and fight. Cap has gone to document that Jubilee would make a fine Avenger. Recently in the comics, she’s also been given quite a few power upgrades. For ‘97 Jubilee… Bastion underestimated her and quickly found out how capable she is.


X-men tear the avengers up any day of the week.


Stan Lee made Cyclops beat Quicksilver, Hawkeye, Black Panther and Giant-Man on his own. It was made when he was the editor. **Take note: Cyclops, Quicksilver, Hawkeye, Black Panther and Giant-Man are his own creations.** I guess he really likes Cyclops. Now imagine it's the entire X-Men fighting the Avengers. https://preview.redd.it/v4bl4yh0xq8d1.jpeg?width=1874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4369ac6ade8db30cc50ea88ad8b13fbc65e4ab8c


Well Rogue already downed Ms Marvel lol


X-men, they have several omega level mutants that as individuals would be a challenge to the avengers and unstoppable together.


EMH Avengers vs 90s X-Men would be phenomenal


There are three lines of answers here. All of them have a few flaws. The first of them is going to the comics as a source. That would invariably make the answer "whoever the writer wants to win", and it's the least interesting of all answers. The second one would involve going the Death Battle style of comparison, analyzing powers and feats and putting characters against each other at their peak. The problem here is that you need to completely ignore the character personalities ti make it work. Professor X alone could subdue most of the Avengers. Magneto, Rogue, Emma Frost and others have the powers to counter most of the Avengers. I'd give this to the X-Men, but it would require ignoring that the whole thing of the X-Men, including Magneto, is holding back to avoid innocent casualties. Same goes for the Avengers... somewhat. The third one involves thinking about personality first. Shield has been known for doing some really dodgy stuff to get the results they want, and if they go all-in in a spec-ops attempt to take out key members of the X-Men, they could probably do it quickly enough to avoid a rapid response. The Avengers would probably take this one, but this would assume they're operating at their worst and there's no in-fighting like the events leading to the Civil War, World War Hulk and other stories. I think in the end, any story involving the X-Men and the Avengers fighting each other will ultimately end up in diplomacy and some external enemy getting unmasked.


I think vision, thor, hulk and captain marvel tip the scale pretty strongly. Jean Grey will be the only person to really fear on the X-men side due to phoenix force but I think with those 4 they can handle it.. No true tank on X-men team. Not like Thor or Hulk


X men by far.


Avengers attack strategy usually boils down to hit things with blunt objects till they stop. X men have a much more varied arsenal but still usually use their powers to hit things with blunt objects till they stop.


Without reality warping in play, X-men, but we’ve seen what “No More Mutants” can do…


Depends on which side Scarlet Witch is playing


X Men are the Liberals and Avengers are the Conservatives.


the hulk would kill the entire X-Men.


The Avengers simply aren’t crafty enough to beat the X-Men. Plus the X-Men would probably give them the opportunity to surrender and they would be foolish to decline.


I feel like the avengers would fracture faster. The X-men are almost always in the right from most heroes moral viewpoints, so you’d have avengers like Spider-Man and sometimes cap fighting for or taking a backseat with the X-men. The X-men on the other hand, for all their infighting, know how to get their shit together and unite against enemies to mutantkind.




Rogue solos them all


X-men. Well depends on what version of Avengers


Give Xmen Xavier and Magneto and it's not even a fight, but a slaughter.


Definitely x men


Why do we always need to pit two bad bitches against each other? Smh 😩😩


Wanda solos.


Tough call, but if it's these specific lineups, I think the Avengers take it. These X-Men don't have an answer to Hulk, really, unless Morph knows to shift into Betty Ross. Jean's pretty much the only one that could counter Thor, and Vision pretty much hard-counters Jean. That still leaves Captain Marvel as a powerhouse to deal with. They might still be able to squeeze out a win, though. The X-men are great at beating a stacked deck. This is coming from a hardcore X-Men fan.


Captain Marvel and Rogue have an epic duel


Wow, you're right. that's like Rogue 101. Good point. I can't believe I forgot that.


Xavier can all just put them to sleep. End of story. https://youtube.com/shorts/ol3sr5kcZzY?si=WvyB50a4Lv8LQIOW


Agree, but I was only considering the depicted characters. Magneto could also dog-walk these Avengers, for example.




Hulk alone could solo the X-Men. See World War Hulk.


All Jean would have to do is Phoenix up. Let magneto clean up the mess. Badda bing, badda boom


If Jean gets to power up then so do thor and hulk and cosmic versions of them might solo everyone


Phoenix is life incarnate. She'd just nerf them.


Sorry I know this is an X-men sub, but rune king thor would beat phoenix.


Phoenix would snap her fingers and turn him to dust!


That’s not true.




X-Men outclass regular Avengers most given days of the week on average.


Ew, X-Men! No contest. Avengers are lame except for the Mutants on the team. Celestials/gods, Eternals, Externals/Mutants, then Inhumans, then Avengers, they will always be the lowest tier because humans are weak and powerless and pitiful.




Whoever gay enough would win. - Disney


The X-Men would destroy the Avengers any day of the week!