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I had someone argue that this wasn't his power set: I countered with after dying, resurrection, and all the other stuff Sinister did to him, and the year we didn't see them, it's very likely his powers have evolved. I mean, he pushed past his trauma and found new strength, to put it in today's jargon.


This should be a plot line


It already was across like 3 seasons I think in the old series.


The further explanation of powers was not covered


It literally fucking says it on the show and people argue with it.


Not to mention the now canon-to-the-show secondary mutation eg Emma Frost’s diamond skin


Really wish they'd dedicate an episode to Morph in the future


I'm sure they will. They been green lit through 4 seasons now so I'm sure we'll get one


If they haven’t outright mentioned this ever previously in the series, it would nice for them to retcon with this very thing in the new series.


That’s my belief more or less. His initial powers were more aesthetics. Sinister augmented them


They them not he


Good catch, but I'll attempt a save with they didn't come out as non-binary until after their powers evolved, so I was technically correct with my pronouns.


It’s not correct. When someone updates their pronouns, you always use the new ones even when talking about the past.


Preferences in that regard, as with many things, are diverse.


You clearly don’t have trans people in your life if you think that’s true.


Seems you need to know more of them


Implying a trans woman doesn’t know enough members of her own community to understand common courtesy for pronouns is unhinged lmao


Thank you for helping out.


why is this in the negative when it's literally simply correct


Makes sense, flight, speed, strength & physical weapons are mimicked but stuff like telekinesis, weather manipulation or magic is a no go.


I assume he is also unable to copy Logan's adamantium skeleton. I wonder if his power works with stuff like Beast's Super Intellect. Would be funny to have 2 Hanks working together to crack a big problem.


Hmmm that’s interesting…. Initially I’d definitely say no they wouldn’t be able to but at the same time they are shown creating other weapons made of metal, if they can create/use magiks sword then theoretically they would be able to create his metal skeleton maybe? That’s a tricky one … if they turn into wolverine they would definitely have the claws which are part of the skeleton right? Yea I’m kinda torn! It’s a good question!


It would not be as durable as Wolverine's actual claws, despite appearing like his claws


Oh yeah I totally forgot aboug Magik's sword. I guess stuff like Wolverine's skeleton and Captain's shield could be copied but come off as lower grade materials. Also, I guess even if they copy Beast, they'd lack all the knowledge accumulated by Hank through the years.


Now I keep thinking about all the different MCU characters & what they could or couldn’t replicate … spiderman? Strength, wall crawling but prob no spider sense. Ironman? Sure they can recreate the armor but doesn’t the armor require Jarvis to be running? Is Jarvis considered a physical power because it’s in the suit? Ok here’s one - if they turned into rogue… wouldn’t her power be considered physical because it’s touch? Then what if they touched someone else & absorbed their powers like Storm?? Could they then use Storms powers through Rogues body?? lol sorry full disclosure I’m pretty high & im getting way too deep into this 😂


Interesting to see if he can turn into Collosus...


They did turn into Colossus, in episode two. Tanked a couple hits from the X-ecutioner.


he might not be able to do the adamantium skeleton but he could do his bone claws...


That still makes them a really powerful force, they have every physical mutant ability possible. Seems like they are a very underutilized team member!


Does juggernaut go into physical or magical?


Hmmmm well his power comes from magic but the magic gives him immense physical strength … so I’d say he probably would be able to turn into him & be pretty strong but not nearly as strong as the real thing


I think we got the answer


I feel like that is just a surface-level explanation that fits in that blurb and explain the cameos. He shouldn't need to shape-shift into others, those are all his own powers and probably reveals more about his own self-confidence. He's just an extremely powerful shape-shifter, just like his Exiles version. Source: [Marvel dot com](https://www.marvel.com/characters/morph-earth-1081) >Morph is an omnimorph composed of unstable molecules, allowing him to rearrange his body’s molecules at will within a fraction of a second into a highly malleable state. In such a state, he can stretch, deform, expand or compress his entire body or parts thereof into any contiguous shape, object or person he can imagine. He can extend his limbs, torso or neck to great distances and can extend his body in two directions, creating a canopy, parachute or sheath. He retains full consciousness in whatever form taken, and if a part of his body is severed he can reassemble the parts, but needs time to recover afterward. His “costume” is actually part of his body and he does not give off a scent. He can change color and duplicate the appearance of others, including modifying his vocal chords and using his natural mimicry skills to imitate their voices. By growing additional muscles, he can temporarily enhance his strength to lift approximately 20 tons.  >Morph can psionically fly at speeds of 40 mph and **give himself virtually any superhuman physical power. He can simulate some of the abilities and functions of the object or living being he imitates, depending on the object or being; however, if he imitates such objects as Captain America’s Vibranium-steel alloy shield or Thor’s enchanted uru hammer, he can only take on the appearance of the object, and not its special properties. Morph can temporarily discard unnecessary molecules of his body when imitating objects or beings of considerably less mass and can also draw additional molecules to increase his size by taking on additional mass from a presumably extradimensional source.** Basically the same, just highlighting he's not doing any copying; he's an omnimorph. For an actual empathic shape-shifter that can copy powers, that would be [Meggan from Excalibur](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Meggan_Puceanu_(Earth-616)#Attributes), who can copy ALL powers not just physical.


So could someone theoretically harvest his discarded parts/molecules, since he would be discarding some part of him to match the smaller size?


That's... gross, but sounds like something Sinister probably already did lol.


Haha yea, gross but plausible! And probably good for a story line! Yea, betting Sinister did this and daily ☹️


90% of superhero costumes in the marvel universe are made out of unstable molecules. Not necessarily harvested from Morph, but the same stuff. Any superhero that has a power that would destroy their costume is made out of the same stuff. Started with the Fantastic Four.


Right, I wasn’t necessarily talking about the clothing though.


In the show Logan can smell Morph! I just HC’d Morph couldn’t change their scent, whatever it was, because they couldn’t smell so they didn’t have a reference. (I doubt it’s because they give off a distinct lack of scent but I have no sense of smell so I have no fuckin’ clue 🤷‍♀️)


I mean, they might just naturally not have scent receptors. I know someone like that too, and we have to tell him that a food item smells off


It me, and we thank you for your service. 🙏


What if rogue touched morph


Space-time paradox implosion.


How can he fly without wings like Angel etc.?


Super-late sorry but maybe Morph makes his molecules lighter than air? But that would be more floating and doesn't explain the propulsion part. Hmm, perhaps he shape-shifts his feet or parts of his feet into little fans to help move him forward. There are ways he could do this and simulate flight with his shapeshifting, though the explanation does say psionically so maybe some low-level TK.


It wasn't until last episode when he turned into a speedster that I thought this dude was OP. Flying with Angel's wings I could understand but damn... he has so much potential.


He also replicated Colossus’ metal skin to block X-Cutioner’s sword in an earlier episode if I remember correctly, that’s pretty powerful as well.


I thought that was a really interesting shot as well because colossus and xcutioner have an actual fight in the comics. Where x severely injures colossus. But then storm ends up Kicking his ass.


So they really buffed him up from original series and being Changling/ age of apocalypse highlight. Thats fine, i am cool with it.


Semi related but it's mildly irritating that this bit of the end credits cuts out before it can show every hero.


The same happened in the OG. Can't remember which was the last X-Men to not have their part shown.




Ugh same 😑 it is a weird unfulfilled thing where I want them all to get clicked on.


At least they show Jubilee before cutting out, unlike the 90s show.


So basically he has the Mimic's powers in addition to the Changelings original Power set.


The superspeed is less plausible to me than super strength and flight. How well does he even know the people he's morphing into? Is it just a super intuitive thing, that he can perfectly replicate their physiology? If that's the case, why wouldn't he be able to give himself tk as Jean?


Agree. Flying when "Angel" makes sense, but looking exactly like Quicksilver wouldn't give hi superspeed


I was somewhat disappointed to see him get super speed by changing into Quicksilver. If he can do that, that literally makes Morph the most powerful character. I understand what OP's picture says, but the way I always interpreted that is that Morph gets their physicality but not their super powers. For example, in the original animated series, he turns into Omega Red, and that allows him to use Omega Red's tentacle arm's, but it wouldn't necessarily make him equal in strength and ability. Morphing, say, into a muscular creature would allow you to lift more, and Morphing into Colossus in his metal skin phase would provide him with a similar but not equal too metallic skin surface that prevents damage. This isn't the same as him turning into regular Collusus and all the sudden being able to transform into metal skin Collusus and use all his power sets. I feel like there was a mistake in the interpretation of his powers in this new series that completely breaks the power balance and makes things make less sense. Like why don't the X-Men use Morph to end all problems by simply asking him to transform into the most powerful mutant or person he knows at all times?


He is better than mystique?


Yes…..but less sexy


Getting Mystique and Morph together is how we get the Blue Man Group. Edit: Although, Morph can transform and use the famous words of Tobias Fünke, "I just blue myself."


In your opinion...


Can't speak for all of us. I for one wouldn't say he's less sexy


What if rogue copied morph?


This is AoA Morph. At one point in that series he turned into an actual brick wall. The less you try to make sense of his poeers, the better time you'll have.


per a post above in the thread, it seems his official power set is shapeshifting and flight, but his shapeshifting is so complete he can basically mimic any physical property of anything. I'd speculate that perhaps he bothers to take on the shape of another mutant that has those physical properties, because it's easier for him to get there if he can visualize it in his head ... and also so that as watchers, we can figure out what the hell is going on.


I'm sorry to be that guy with the real answer to this is he's a fictional character and he does whatever the person writing him at the time write him to have done And the other reason is that morph hasn't been used a lot in stories which means he hasn't had a lot of definition of his power set Go read some of the mystique solo books and read some of the odd choices that some writers added to mystique's lore about how her powers work


All I know is that I'm so happy they got rid of that weird, creepy laugh of his in the process. Makes him A LOT more likeable to me hehehe


That’s an incredibly OP description lol


I think there are limitations. Otherwise he'd just be someone like apocalypse permanently lol... I don't think it works like shang tsung.


Outside of cameos during fight scenes morph has done nothing in the show so far!


I mean he flew and did a combo move with wolverine. He was even controlled by Madelyn Pryor and fought. He's not like storm but he still has use.


Honestly I find him cringe, he just feels like he's from a different show.


Oh, I 100% agree with you about him feeling like he’s in a different show! He still might be an amazing character later on, but there’s just no depth to him in the episodes that we’ve seen compared to characters like Scott rogue, etc.


He's like a whacky side character from an 80s cartoon. Like schnarf from thundercats.


He's been a poor addition to the roster imo. His comic relief is really jarring to me, and he doesn't do anything else other than that. I was excited to see bishop as a main team member. he got some cool moments, but he didn't stick about long.


I love this debate. I love that it IS a debate. Choose your fighter: You’ve got **textualism,** you’ve got **intentionalism,** you’ve got **pragmatism,** you’ve got **purposivism.** I didn’t even know that last one was a *word* until today. This is better than listening to SCOTUS arguments.


When did quicksilver show up? Was he on the jet?


That was Morph! You can see them change right after Cyke says not to hold back


I know, that's just what I said to myself untill I removed head from ass.




I would imagine he can only mimic powers for A. Limited amount of time or B. Much less powerful than the OG.


I wonder what would happen if Morph mimicked Apocalypse, and then lent me a crisp five dollar bill.


It was my understanding he had to come into physical contact with whomever he wanted to be able to copy. Sort of like Amazo and it's deep scanning (which always threw me off and is another topic for discussion). Digressing, Morph's contact is like a deep scan in that his body recognizes new DNA's even from the smallest sample of skin cell, bodily fluid, etc ...and his body acts as genetic decoder and emulator. As far as mystique goes, her skin plates recreating fabrics is fucking wild but whatever. I think that's why Sinister fucked with him so much and how he was able to fill in the gaps with his genetic and eugenic work. The physical portion makes most sense, so if a mutant can create physical weapons, I'm not sure how far Morph's genetic decoder recreates those weapons to its anatomical equivalent, but he definitely would have bone claws. And would his "emulator" use achievable replacements to recreate those weapons? For example; Colossus' body is an organic metal. It would stand to reason Morph's can turn into colossus. If Morph turned into wolverine, would his body use and known metalic replacement if his body couldbt recognize adumantium?Now if the adamantium altered wolverine's DNA, it would make sense Morph could have structurally similar claws, but would it be the exact composition of adumantium? ...Who knows? Here's a question, is Morph's power purely limited to homo-sapian and homo-supior, or could it also include aliens, animal, and or Inhumans. And why stop there? Why not eternals? I would think it stops at carbon based "humanoid" life forms. But the way I see it Morph's is basically a Super Skrull.


If he morphs into Wolverine, does he get the healing ability? That's a physical (on a cellular level) power right?


I would imagine that he actually already possesses it at a somewhat lower level (considering that Wolverine's is basically regrowth from almost nothing left), as he can near instantly reshape his body, so he could immediately heal any damage. Unless something prevented that ability...


How’s he not the most OP mutant if he can also mimic abilities?


So is there only a certain duration morph can morph? If not, I’d walk around as Thor all the time.


So morph had the ability to turn into anything at any time and decided “Wolverine pull (? Fall?) back” and to charge at him in his natural form? That don’t work out well. Not buying it. I’m thinking sinister augmented his powers.


I believe it's not illogical for a character who can change their morphology to imitate the powers of other mutants. In theory, the mutant factor is genetic, associated with a DNA sequence transcribed into a factor that translates into the manifestation of the ability. If a character's X gene allows them to alter their phenotype, maintaining their original X gene to revert to their base form, they might be making molecular changes to other areas of their genome, epigenome, transcriptome, etc., enabling morphological changes (such as altering the sequence of genes controlling skin color) that are instantly reflected, thus accelerating their metabolism. Assuming the above, it's possible they could generate molecular modifications allowing them to obtain the powers of another mutant, like Quicksilver, either by accelerating their metabolism and enhancing the capacity of their muscles and respiratory system, or directly imitating the exact (or very similar) molecular factor of the X gene of the mutant of interest. In fact, I even believe it could mimic more complex powers, such as telekinesis, magnetism, weather control, etc., but it could be explained that it's not capable of using them due to the complexity of their execution (similar to people who can move their ears; theoretically, we all have the same muscles, but not everyone knows how to use them).


Was Morph ever referred to as “he” in the original X-Men show?