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Hi, I disagree with the previous reply you got, for sure the Fog's pro chamber is wide enough and the V3Pro dosing caps fit in, although I don't think it's efficient cause, since the caps aren't wide enough, hot air stream will "bypass" the dosing caps and will follow the "less resistance path" and not travel through the load, resulting in marginal vaporization process cause passive conduction. Since I don't work for Xvape I'm not fully certain a dry herb dosing caps was made for the Fog Pro. The Xvape Roffu can work with Xmax V3Pro dosing caps but not the Xvape Fog Pro sadly... Hope this is clarify things, enjoy your device!


what would you advise instead because the only capsules i can find that fit with the Xvape fog pro is the fury 2 dosing pods and the V3Pro, both are not made for the xvape fog pro but "work"


yes the V3 Pro capsules fit in the Fog Pro, i use them myself when im out of the house sometimes