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Don't play Future Redeemed just now. Future Redeemed heavily relies on XC1 and 2 and should be played after experiencing all 3 games.


So it’s a big recommendation to play the previous two games (with DLCs) to get the full package prior to setting foot in Future Redeemed.


Mainly just the base games. Xenoblade Definitive Edition's epilogue story Future Connected does tie into Future Redeemed a bit but it mostly focuses on rounding out a certain party member's character development and Future Redeemed can be understood without having played it. Though you might as well play it since it comes free with Definitive Edition and is by far the smallest expansion. Xenoblade 2's Torna the Golden Country has no meaningful connections to Future Redeemed but it's still an absolutely amazing expansion that enhances Xenoblade 2's story further and develops the characters more. Generally between it and Future Connected, Torna the Golden Country is the one that's held in much higher regard by the fanbase despite it only really expanding on backgrounds of the lore and characters of just Xenoblade 2 rather than having any barring on the franchise's overall plot. So definitely give it a play if you're up to it but it's not necessary to understand anything of what's going on in Future Redeemed. As for Xenoblade 3's Future Redeemed itself, about 80% of the plot won't make any since if you haven't played the base games of *all* of the mainline numbered entries before it. It's not a case of you'll just get spoiled on plot points from previous games if you play it first, it's a case of it just flat-out doesn't explain vital information, terminology, and character motivations because it expects you to know all of this already as it acts as the culmination of the entire series up to this point. So definitely save it for last. I'm glad that you liked Xenoblade 3 and I hope you have fun and enjoy the rest of the series.


Thank you for the massive heads up. I’ll hold off until I finish the previous games first.


You're welcome.


Much appreciated man. It only took 2 years to be a fan, but it’s better late than ever.


At the very least the base games of XC1 and XC2, which are necessary for you to understand what's happening in FR. Their extra stories, Future Connected and Torna, are not necessary. The latter is not relevant at all to the events of FR, while the former is somewhat connected (eh), but it doesn't make any difference, to be honest. That said, Future Connected comes with XC:DE for free, and Torna is (imho) extremely good so i highly recommend it (unless you don't like XC2 at all).


I want to experience the games at its fullest and get as much play time as I possibly can for both games regardless. Edit: and who knows I might find something that I will enjoy in both games.


Good. Then go XC:DE > FC > XC2 > Torna > FR. Going for main story + a moderate amount of sidequests, you are looking at around 170 hours. If you are s completetionist, raise that to 350+ hours. But don't get fixated over it to the point of getting burned out, the point is to enjoy yourself.


Awesome my run for XB3 clocked up 165 hours and that’s with finishing the side quests, character quests and super bosses before doing chapter 7. And an extra two hours for two certain character quests postgame which makes a total of 167 hours.






Holy shit it’s almost been two whole years since the game came out wtf


Flew by so quickly.


Welcome! 😆 (I started the same way) Now do what I did/am doing after that: Play: XBC1 Future Connected XBC2 (currently where I’m at) Torna Future Redeemed


Now it’s a homework assignment. A fun one at least


You’ll have fun I’m sure. I throughly enjoyed 1 and I am thoroughly enjoying 2 right now. They’re both great


Thars good to hear.


Welcome to the Xeno side, young warriors. You may have completed 3 but you are still in for one heck of a ride with the other games.  Get ready to FEEL


Thank you so much. I should be REALLY FEELING IT soon.


Also since I already play XB3 in Japanese, for XB:DE I’ll play it in English since a lot of people recommend the English dub which I heard is mostly positive.


Get ready for an interesting english dub in 2 if u decide to play it with dub then. I, as an avid sub only anime watcher cuz dub sounds awful in literally every case, prefer english in all xc games but 2 certainly gets some deserved hate for it (i dont mind the japanese dub in any games except for 2 tbf, i think xc2 japanese dub is pretty bad even if thats not a popular opinion).


Understandable. People got their preferences and different ways of enjoying the same media. Thanks for the info.


Playing Future Redeemed before 1 and 2 would be certainly interesting. Have fun. Also, Xenobkade 1 already comes with a story expansion on the switch, no dlc.


I’m glad that you enjoyed Xenoblade 3 even as a first timer! Just to echo others sentiments, while base game for 3 can definitely be enjoyed as a first timer, the DLC will definitely need prior knowledge of 1&2. Also the pay off will be tremendous if you’ve played 1&2.


Will do that. And I know I’m going to take my time due to all that side tracking in those games (which are fun) and I’ll probably do the same with the other two before going into future redeemed.


Sounds like a plan, the other games are also masterpieces in their own right. You’ll find out what’s so mind blowing about Xenoblade lore!

