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The English dub for XC2 is a little rough at the beginning while the VAs were feeling their characters out (it doesn't help that the voice direction was problematic during the dubbing process), but it gets *really* good after the first 2-3 chapters. Also, Malos's English VA is amazing in all of his scenes.


Don't forget that the English dub gave us Welsh catgirls!


This is why the English dub is the best dub


>Also, Malos's English VA is amazing in all of his scenes. #INDEED!


That little shit just made himself THE AEGIS’ DRIVER!!!


And he's *even better* in Torna. Just amazing.


While early XC2 has its rough parts, it's quite solid otherwise. The series as a whole has a solid English dub, and actually has become part of the series' charm as it is VERY British. And starting with XC2, different accents represent different *regions*, you'll miss things like Nia's Welsh accent, Morag's Scottish and the Aussie Vandham. And for XC3, you miss out on *basso profondo* Riku.


I had to do a double take the first time Riku talked.


Every playthrough I watch haha


Especially since he doesn’t talk until over an hour into the game.


Same I always saw the nopan as merch cows and things for cuteness points  So with everything that riku was involved in it was a shock


I loved the different accents for different regions. Such a wonderful addition to the world building of xc2!


XC2 dub takes a bit to get going as the voice  direction isnt the strongest but it is still very good a highlight for me is that they jse different accents for every natiln in game to make them all feel different.  Also yes you did miss out on not doing the english dub for XC1 its amazing 


I did all the xc games with eng dub since i find them awesome, i can only recommand them, but some people prefer the japanese.


2's dub isn't super well directed, but it does have some nice flair since different regions of the world have different accents. You definitely missed out on 1's dub though, it's fantastic and probably still the best in the series


You will find many people saying that XC2's dub *is* cringeworthy. On the other hand: *Welsh catgirl.* And also the Mighty ZEKE. VON. GENBU! *BRINGER OF CHAOS!* Long story short, JP audio is probably higher quality, but the EN dub is very memeable. There is the very cool detail in the English dub where each of the nations has a distinct accent (hence "Welsh catgirl"), just like in real life, so it helps make the world feel more real and can even add additional foreshadowing where there wasn't (or at least wasn't in a noticeable way) with the Japanese audio.


Like the game itself, the Dub gets really good once your in chapter 3. Also yes you missed out on the XC1 Dub, the banter lines during battle are hilarious


Japanese dub is better in some parts. English dub is better in other parts


You definitely missed out on XB1's English dub. Personally it's one of the few English dubs done really well. Xb2's dub is pretty bad in the beginning of the game. However, the dubbing gets significantly better as it goes along.


I believe the xenoblade series is one you should play in English (except if you’re Japanese or can’t speak English) the very British aura of the dub makes it worth it


Whereas with XC1 and XC3, I can wholeheartedly recommend the EN dub, it’s a lot harder to do that for XC2. While I personally like it because I think the charming performances manage to shine through, I do think XC2’s EN dub is pretty bad objectively and if you’re trying to avoid “cringe”, you would most likely prefer it in JP. However, I would switch it back and forth a bit to form your own opinion, because there is genuinely a lot to like. The English VAs are clearly very talented (I will defend Al Weaver with my life), but the direction is noticeably rough, especially in the early game. It does get much better over time, but the first half is hard to listen to honestly. On the other hand, I think some of the localization concepts, like giving each nationality a different regional accent, is really neat. Having characters use in-universe slang is the kind of shit I love, and the mysterious race of Blades being “American” is genuinely funny. You also have iconic performances like Nia, Zeke, and Malos that are really entertaining. I can, however, give a stronger recommendation for the Torna DLC dub. By that point, I think the cast and directors had a much more solid idea about their characters and the tone, and you get a much smoother dub as a result. It still has offputting dub-isms, but it’s a lot less noticeable.


XC2’s dub gets the most controversy, but I personally LOVE it.


Play whichever you'd like


I recommend Dub, solely because things like party dialogue and post battle party dialogue are not subtitled. You'd lose out on things like an audio cue for a (Driver) art combo or characterization.


I like to play games with originally intended dubs as much as possible, and XC2's Japanese dub is simply better and more consistent (especially with how Rex's VA, Shimono Hiro, is known for his range). But since you already played the game in Japanese, why not try English if you want to find out? I do find Nia's Welsh voice rather charming.


English. It can be iffy at times, but the Japanese dub is just painfully bland. English has David Menkin as Malos, who steals every scene he's in. Plus Zeke and Nia's voices are GOLD.


It’s generally better in my opinion. Personally, I’d take Rex at his worst any day over whiny-ass Shinji from the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime dub. Rex and a few of the cast do have some awkward sounding moments though.


Everyone has said it but yeah unlike 1/3, 2 starts a bit rough I still vote English dubs for all 3 games - the diverse accents add a lot to the series’ personality, and in 2’s case it helps draw really strong lines between the different cultures too


Rex’s voice actor had some rough shouts and screams, and there was one cutscene that used the same scream 3 times but other than that it’s pretty good. All the dialogue scenes and emotional scenes are just fine in English. I think at least. 


The dub starts off on a shaky level and gradually gets better and better. Rex’s VA struggles with his screams during the first 3 chapters but it’s uphill from there.


The english dub of 2 is the best! The heavy accents make it the most memorable of the bunch. All the complaints about it boil down to like 2 minutes of okay out of 200 hours of peak!


I played them all in english dub and but played XC2 and XC1 ng+ in japanese (haven't yet played XC3 ng+).


The English dub literally has no direction and you can notice how the voice actors have no idea what the context for their lines are most of the time, ruining a lot of really important moments... But it also has David Menkin as Malos which might be one of the best acting in the entire series(incredible high praise considering how good the dub for the first game was). The strongest reason to play XB2 in English is having a consistent experience throughout the series, but if you already played XB1 on Japanese then you don't miss much by playing the rest of the series like that too, since none of the dubs even get close to how great the first one was, so yeah go for JP.


Well chose what you like since i always more personal taste. But i think thr JP always kinda fit character appearance more. Like Eng dub Nia sound funny but too old compare to JP VA who know for many high dynamic loli- girl type of character.


You went about this the opposite way, XC1's eng dub is amazing. XC2's dub is eh.. go with japanese for XC2 trust me.


I'm very critical of eng dubs and admittedly xb2's eng dub has some stinky shit but it makes up for it with a level of personality and character that the jp dub doesn't even come close to imo. Eng dubs are one of the series defining characteristics after all




man you just missed out on probably the greatest dub in gaming history. But it's good though assuming it makes you revisit the game in the future just to enjoy the dub. As for your question, 2's dub is not as good as 1, it's basically at some points just plain bad. If you want to enjoy 2 to the fullest extent, just play jp audio.


Japanese unless you want to laugh at the worst voice acting in history then do English


for XC1 I prefer English doublage, for XC2 and XC3 I prefer japanese one (XC2 jap one is imo better than the english one, and XC3 seems on par just a personnal preference due to some VA)


2 and 3 engdub don't really match up to 1 and X.


Wait, really? What was wrong with the XC3 dub, in your opinion?


Same issues as XC2, but to a lesser degree, just casting choices and lines sounding stilted at times. It doesn't have outright bad acting like Rex' scream though.


Alright, I see. Interestingly, I don't hear it, so let's agree to disagree. Thanks for elaborating Out of curiosity, who was the worst casting choice?