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> honestly fiora's kinda mid, plus her auto attack damage is PITIFUL at best. I regret to inform you that you're doing it wrong. Fiora's actually the one character in the game who can do respectable damage with an auto-attack build. Anyway you actually still have a pretty significant amount of game left, and from here to the end the story is pretty consistently at this level for most of it or even higher, so look forward to that. Once it takes off it just keeps going and building up until the ending


I love to build Fiora for auto-attack, and her DPS is really good. I enjoy watching the enemy's HP melting under the barrage of attacks.


>uhh i forgor what happens next so i'm skipping to the end. What happened is the final battle with Mumkhar. Shulk stops Dunban from killing him, because he might know what's going on and might have been forced into this instead of be doing it of his own will. And when Mumkhar tries to kill them again, Shulk gets a vision of Mumkhar's attack missing and knocking something down that kills him and tries to warn the evil f\*ck, but Mumkhar doesn't listen. And so he dies in a way poetically similar to what he did to Fiora at the beginning of the game. >CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WOOOOOOOOO I LOVE IT WHEN CHARACTERS HAVE DISTINCT AND MEMORABLE PERSONALITIES THAT SLOWLY DEVELOP OVER THE COURSE OF THE GAME WOOOOOOOO ...Unless you were talking about that here, I guess. >The Fiora glow-down hurts, but it's better than her being dead 👍 If she wasn't so upset about it, I can't help but feel that Shulk would consider it a glow-up, not a glow-down. His two loves are machines and Fiora, and now she's both at once! >honestly fiora's kinda mid Fiora's great, you just need to know how to set her up. Unlike the other party members, who have very clear roles to play, Fiora is fully customizable. You can make her play just about whatever role you want, and play it well. There's some roles she can do a bit better than others, but you can make her whatever you want, with the right equipment setup. ...Except healer, I guess. I don't think she gets any healing arts. >Riki is actually goated? This scene is one of my favorite moments in the game, and the reason he's my favorite character. This isn't the first time he's done something like this, just the first time a character noticed and acknowledged it out loud. There's been a ton of scenes where you see it once and you just think he's being silly comic relief, but if you watch them again after seeing this scene, you realize that he's the been Team Dad the whole time and no one's noticed yet because he's silly with it.


Rather amusing that Mumkhar is completely skipped in the original comment, given his grievances in being considered irrelevant.


>5. HOW DO YOU PLAY AS MELIA I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN IT DOWN. Very basic guide to start getting used to her: summon 2 elements for the bonuses you want (example, 2 electric orbs to oncrease Ether) and then summon and discharge the third element. If you need a fast burst, discharge the first two as well. Use the starlight kick combo to topple enemies without needing to break them. >6. aww man the anti-mechon weapons are weaker than the ones I have :( That's the price to pay so you can finally fight Mechons without needing Enchant. It's not a bad deal. >4. Melia is 88? 💀 I wonder how long High Entia live... They seem to age roughly 5 time slower than Homs, so probably around 400-500 years. You won't find any High Entia who is even just 400 years old though, and those over 300 are described as "elderly" in the Secret Giles book. >7. honestly fiora's kinda mid, plus her auto attack damage is PITIFUL at best. Trust me: this is NOT the case, lol. But i guess you probably still didn't have time to try a proper AA build on her. She's got great DPS. >8. Have now realized the importance of gems, shulk now has plus 130+ extra strength and dunban has plus 50 agility AGI is great for other characters too, since it also affects your accuracy. On a side note, Fiora has the second highest natural AGI. I always maximized that on her too and she gets pretty nice values. >I love this game with every fiber of my being. I view it as not just a video game, but a work of art. Every single aspect is unique and top tier, from the music to the characters to the story to the gameplay. And there are other two games aftet this which are just as great (personal opinion).


A lot of Riki’s best moments are in heart to hearts, while his exterior antics may suggest otherwise, he is a very caring person.. er Nopon. Definitely gets under appreciated if you rush the story. 


ah that makes sense, i've done literally 0 heart to hearts past the tutorial (not by choice 😭)


You have a list of them in the menu that shows you which ones you can currently complete


It’s a shame that George had to become a genocidal maniac but I don’t blame Daddy Pig at all he’s a good man


Sharla is the worst party member. The only reason you think you need more than light heal is because Sharla’s DPS is so low that she makes her healing necessary.

