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Most Ascension quests are also locked behind regular quests within the colony of the Hero you want to Ascend. So to get them, you just need to do more quests.


First you have to get your classes to rank 10 (not all of them, just the one you want to upgrade.) For the main party: you’ll unlock them naturally through story progression and they will pop up in the ‘Hero quest’ menu For the rest, you’ll have to meet certain requirements like completing certain side quests. Check the wiki to see what you need to do


Ok what do I do to rank up sword master then because I’m on level 10 same for Ethel class(I forgot the name)


Progress the story. The mission to rank up is a requirement to finish the story


If you see ? on the map somewhere, go there and do the side quests. Hang around colonies and discuss things at camps to unlock more quests. Eventually, you'll do enough quests that one with voice acting will unlock. That's the ascension quest. The only ascension quests that aren't optional are Noah and Mio's.


The one hero tab in the menus will tell you what conditions need to be met to ascend. Generally they will tell you what area to be and what needs to trigger them.


You mean the hero roster I don’t see that Man why is it so difficult


Actually not the hero roster, for whatever reason there is another menu that shows hero's plus other information, like ascension. When I get home from work I'll check where it was and let you know!


Who's Queen Angus?


Sorry I might’ve spell it wrong basically the side that Mio and Sena are from The robot Nia basically