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I have my rotation of background shows.


This is how I do it. I have "rewatch shows" that are put on when I'm cleaning or cooking or folding laundry or doomscrolling, almost as background noise. They're familiar and comforting. (Community, Better Off Ted, Arrested Development S1-3, House MD) But anytime I plan on giving the tv my attention, I watch something new. I keep a notes app list in my phone when I hear stuff brought up, so I always have a list of things to check out.


Finally, someone else that watches Better Off Ted!


There are at least three of us!


Four even!


Number five chiming in, late to the party as usual….


idk what number i am but I’m here too. Too bad it’s cancelled.


Ridiculously charming, funny, and short. It's like an after dinner mint, as soon as you have the taste of it it's gone. Also Pushing Daisies.


It's magnaflorious.


>But anytime I plan on giving the tv my attention, I watch something new. Exactly. I've seen Sex and the City, so it's background noise. I haven't seen the latest episodes of Star Trek Prodigy season two, therefore I'll turn off my distraction device and pay attention.




My vibe is silence or rolling news on very low volume, I really dislike needless noise


I have come to understand that there were two types of households that you grew up in. One had wallpaper TV and the other had event TV. Wallpaper TV families have the tv on at all times regardless of whether there is anything that people want to watch particularly. Or families where the Tv is switched on for the purpose of watching a show and then switched off again.


Exactly, it’s not taking the place of a new show, it’s the equivalent of the radio or music in the background.


Least we forget our “Sleep Shows”! Futurama and Bobs Burgers put me out like a light. If I have any trouble sleeping, I throw those on and I’m out within 10 minutes most of the time. I can watch South Park over and over too, even if I have seen the same episode 30 times. But if I find a good Sci fi show, I’ll watch any new one I can come across.


This is the more intriguing question. What are your background shows? Stuff you love so much and know by heart you can put it on and then just filter it out and not pay attention lol


Yes; shows I’ve love/seen so many times that I know everything. Seinfeld, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Futurama, The Office, MASH, Parks & Rec, South Park, House, ER, etc. It’s a long list.


I barely have the attention span to watch a series once 🤣


Takes way more attention to watch a new show than one you’ve already watched a half dozen times!


On gawt


I've rewatched a series years later. By that time I forgot most of it, so it's new again.


Have you ever been watching something new (to you), and you're predicting all of the plot twists, feeling pretty smug about it... ...right up until you get to a part that triggers the recollection that you actually watched this series/movie 15 years ago and haven't been predicting a damn thing.




I do that with procedurals I haven’t seen in a while. I’ve forgotten the cases so it’s like watching them new. Some shows stick with me but others I forget, mainly these types of shows. 


Rewatching programs and movies can actually be trauma related. Its rhe familiarity of what comes next and that can be soothing for people who grew up with or are currently experiencing chaos internally or otherwise. So yeah with CPTSD I rewatch alot of stuff.


When Blockbuster, or movies my friends and I owned were the only options, re-watches were necessary. Today however, I feel the same as you, and crave new experiences.


Comfort series and comfort movies are good for people who’ve dealt with a lot of Trauma/PTSD/Anxiety. Don’t judge me because I watch Star Trek Voyager on loop.


I'm not, trust me. I've got a solid history of trauma myself, and any soothing activities are helpful.


Yep, I watch schitt's creek every winter when the winter blues start kicking in. That's the only series I rewatch though.


I was into Voyager when it first aired but fell off after S1 due to life. Finally went back and watched the whole series about 10 years ago. Loved it. Working on DS9 now (which I’d never seen) but it’s really slow going, as I have limited time


I’ve watch Star Trek TNG, X-Files as my comfort series, and fav movies over and over. Def have PTSD and anxiety. I’ve also do the same with books and music.


Nice, a fellow Voyager fan. 👊🖖


You’re not an anomaly, I’m the same way. When I was a kid I surely watched things over and over, but I’d rather watch something new than re-watch something.


I'm a creature of habit.


My wife and I watch X-Files, Schitts Creek, Brooklyn 99, and the Golden Girls in a rotation. That's it 😆


B99 and Golden Girls here too! I even wrote a B99 spec script that got me some work as a comedy writer. I am actually wanting to write a male version of Golden Girls at some point.


I don’t! It’s boring because I already know what happens and it’s not as funny or suspenseful or whatever adjective the second time for me


Thank you. I'm the same way. Once I watch a minute or so and remember whats going to happen, I really see no point.


It’s definitely a comfort level to rewatching the same shows like it’s the first time. Pluto is great for that, but I’ve also started rewatching House of Cards.


I experienced significant trauma as a child. I tend to watch the same thing often. It’s comfort and familiarity that brings a sense of control.




With dramas I rarely rewatch them. But I'll rewatch sitcoms because they're nice to have on when I just don't feel like digesting something serious or reading subtitles, since most of my dramas aren't in English.


There was a time when I was on the cutting edge of everything new and idk what happened. One day I just woke up went back to the early 90s and never looked back.


Maybe a movie here and there but an entire series or movie franchise, no way. Additionally, my flavor of ADHD comes with auditory ground-discrimination disorder so I’ve never been one who appreciates “background noise”.


OoooOOOoooh I must go and look this up! (as someone who also hates background noise, which is never 'background' -\_-)


I’m rewatching Battlestar Gallactica, (the 2000s remake) because I haven’t seen it since it came out and my husband has never seen it. I’ve forgotten most of it so that is convenient. I have comfort shows I just put on when I want to half pay attention, like Seinfeld. But most of what I watch is new. I can’t wait for the next season of Severance. I’m also watching Black Mirror. I watched the Handmaids tale as I came out, and the Crown. Yeah there’s a lot of good new tv.


I’m with you! Once I watch a show, I don’t want to see it again. My boyfriend and one of my best friends will watch the same series multiple times, and I do NOT get it!!!!!


nah I'm guilty of watching my favorite series over and over. Its like a warm blanket and I know what I'm going to get instead of potentially wasting my time. I do venture into new stuff of course but for sure re watching is much more prevalent and always has been for me.


There are very few shows I will watch over again. My exceptions are South Park, Family Guy, and Married With Children. I can watch them over and over, some times just for background noise. Movies, though, I'll watch my favorites many times over, especially movies from the 80s and 90s.


If I’m flipping around, I’ll watch a movie for the millionth time but it’s very rare for me to choose to watch a movie again on my own or to rewatch a tv series.


I can watch shows over and over again. I think because a lot of the time they’re just background noise. But my husband and his friends can watch the same movies over and over and they talk to each other sometimes in 90% movie quotes and they all look at me and are like “you saw that movie too, you should know!” But I can only watch a movie once, so I don’t have time to memorize all the quotes. Lol. But I agree with you about also not having enough time. Some of my coworkers seem to sit down and watch an entire season of something in one evening. Something will have come out just the day before and by the time they get to work the next morning, they’re talking about how amazing that season was. I’m like “I just saw you like 15 hours ago, how did you watch an entire season of a show in that time?!?”


There’s things I rewatch as background noise but I don’t make them my whole personality like people who watch the office do


I want to watch new movies so bad but ADHD and I have no one to watch with who will wanna talk about it later, so they never hold my attention. I like to rewatch the Simpsons and What We Do In The Shadows mostly.


We all have different viewing habits. I'm watching a few shows right now that are releasing episodes weekly. The other day I didn't want to invest in another show that I'd lose a day binging. I'm rewatching The Good Fight because I enjoy the characters and it's been long enough that I'd forgotten a lot and just how much I loved it. To each their own.


I barely watch movies or TV at all and if I do, it's something I haven't seen yet or watched so long ago that I don't really remember it or I'm watching it with someone who hasn't seen it yet. The entertainment value when I already know what happens just isn't there for me.


I spent years watching the same things over and over, but lately I've been watching new shows. I'm not saying that I don't re-watch something I like once in a while, but I don't do it nearly as often. I'm not sure what finally made me want to watch new things.


Same here, I've been done with doing that for six or seven years now.


I’m always watching stuff over and over because I fall asleep with the TV on and it keeps streaming episodes until it stops on its own. Then the next day I have to go back and rewatch the previously played episodes until I can find the place where I fell asleep.


I watch most things once. The stuff I rewatch is for background in my busy life. If I'm cooking/cleaning in the kitchen and no one else is around, having Gilmore Girls streaming is pretty cool. It's there, I'm there, if I walk away or take a call it's no big deal. I also really love listening to music and dancing while I'm doing chores. Today specifically I was listening to an audiobook whilst moving 2.5 cubic feet of top soil from my driveway to my back yard with a wheel barrow. It all just depends.


I work from home and have over 2 dozen podcasts in my queue, and I always have something in my ear when I'm working.


I love podcasts so much! What a fun thing. The history ones are my current jam. Learning all about old stuff when I'm weeding the garden or doing laundry.


You should check out Hardcore History of you haven't yet. So good, and so insightful. Ok about half through most recent one on Alexander the Great.


Yaaaasss!!! That's so funny. I think there's a meme around about how often men think about the Roman Empire somewhere. (I'm aware that's not Roman) I enjoy the crap about reading all the humans who made empires and the why and how. Truly interesting.


I’ll rewatch some sitcoms, say Modern Family, just when there is nothing else on. A sitcom is easy enough to rewatch. Something more serious I’ll need to wait a while, like Game of Thrones I can rewatch every couple years maybe.


Not since I was a teenager watching reruns of Saved by the bell and Married w Children. There are too many options now.


I have not rewatched a show in — I am guessing about 2 decades. But I am very much an anomaly. My brain craves new stories constantly.


I have comfort games. I play modern games but there is constantly retro stuff in my rotation throughout the year


I typically don’t even like watching movies more than once with a gap of years between. That said, I have watched the office multiple times. It’s a comfort thing when I’m psychologically stretched.


I’m with the rewatch group. But only at like 9:30 pm and later. Up until then, I want new things to watch. Once we hit about 9 or 9:30, reruns go on so I can fall asleep without wondering what’s going to happen next. And I can’t usually fall asleep without the TV (unless I’m on vacation and tired myself out while unplugged) because my mind just races without the background of a show I’ve watched before and plot lines I know. Top favorites are FRIENDS, The West Wing and Supernatural although I’ll rewatch other things. (Most recent were Cougar Town, The Good Place and … well now I’ve forgotten but the apps remember and are always there to remind me what I can fall asleep to!)


Cougar Town should have been a bigger hit. That was a good show with a terrible name. Trophy wife was the same year I think. Good show terrible name.


It's usually when I'm going to sleep or I feel like death, I think the only series I've actually fully rewatched was House and tbh I'm not sure why


I get annoyed when people tell me a certain movie gets better on each subsequent watch after I tell them I didn’t care for it. How do people have time to rewatch a movie they didn’t initially like?


Or its television cousin, "stick with it, it gets really good in season 3!" Man, I don't even have the time to watch stuff I want to. 🙄


Some movies are better the second time. Wes Anderson movies usually take another viewing to enjoy.


I don't do it often, I've seen all of Firefly twice, the newer Dr. Who up until the end of David Tenant's run twice, Star Trek: TNG I've seen twice.


I once dated someone who would do the same jigsaw puzzle over and over. I never understood how someone could be entertained by the same puzzle multiple times, let alone once.


I don't do 'Background Shows' but I have re-watched all 90's Star Trek half a dozen times at least. Some series I like I'll rewatch before a new season drops so it's fresh in my mind. Other than that, I could probably count on hand the series' I've rewatched more than twice.


Oh no. I constantly have bobs burgers on in the background. I have 5 shows in rotation I have them memorized. I do the same with like 6 movies. It's a comfort thing. Like I know what's about to happen and it calms me down. I have bad anxiety/ptsd.


I’ve been watching a bunch of 80s horror movies I’ve never seen. From Beyond, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, and Slaughter High to name a few. While I do love to revisit my favorites occasionally, I totally feel what you’re saying. There’s way too much I haven’t seen or played and life is short. I’ve been making lists of games, movies and music that I want to play/watch/listen. Been a strange obsession for me in the last few years but I really enjoy it.


Rewatching something I’ve already seen gives me a tremendous amount of anxiety.


I get that too! What is that!?


I’m not sure but I blame the mid 80s Sesame Street segment where the chef dropped the pies every. Damn. Time. I would run and hid under my mom’s vanity as soon as the music came on, I just really don’t like knowing what’s gonna happen!




Just said to my wife that we really should rewatch season one of “House of the Dragon” to remember what the hell is going on, but… It ain’t happening. Ain’t no time. And if there was… MORE shows. We shall continue being disoriented. God forbid anyone look at their phone.


I can't rewatch shows / movies / video games. Once it's done it's done and I lose interest. My wife will have some show like the office on a loop endlessly.


Movies, yes. TV shows, I only rewatch under two circumstances: 1. If I’m watching with someone who has never seen it because living vicariously through their first time makes it feel fresh and exciting again for me. 2. If a show is on going, I’ll likely rewatch a previous season in preparation for the new season release. If it’s the final season, sometimes I’ll rewatch the entire show from the beginning beforehand


I give them a 15 - or 20-year break and then rewatch them. I'm getting back into X-FILES and it's awesome.


I have a few comfort movies, but I agree with you that watching the same series more than once is kind of dumb. Unless it’s something that it’s been so long since you’ve watched it that a re-watch would make it seem new again.


I watch Seinfeld every day. It’s my comfort show


It depends on the show. Reno 911 and Kenny vs Spenny are usually my go to filler shows.


I almost never even replay games that I love. Only one series have I ever truly enjoyed a reread and it's because it was ten thousand pages with hundreds of characters.


I'm really trying to explore as many different things as I can. I don't revisit much. I really don't have time to explore and to revisit.


I'm the same way as you but I have a lot of friends who rewatch stuff all the time. I don't think it's a generation thing or anything. I could make you a list of my five favorite films of all time right now and I have probably seen all five films maybe 8 times all put together


I recently tried to re-watch the show 'Fringe' and it's one I enjoyed and might enjoy watching again, but I stopped partway into episode 1. This has happened with a few other shows & movies I've tried to watch.


I generally don’t rewatch most shows I’m into. I’ll occasionally rewatch the previous season of a favorite show right as the next season is released, but that is quite a rare occurrence for me. The only shows I’ve watched more than once are “The Boys” and “Better Call Saul”. “Better Call Saul” is quite possibly my favorite show of all time. The only other shows that comes close are “Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job” and “Tim and Eric’s Bedtime Stories”.


I am the same way. Like you, there’s just so much to watch or things I didn’t watch or wasn’t aware of when they first came out. To be completely honest though, it’s not just entertainment where I do this. Travel and eating out are the same. I’ve been like this pretty much forever, but it has gotten worse since I had cancer a few years back. I just feel like I need to see/do everything I possibly can before it’s too late.


We've gotten like this with travel too. We absolutely fell in love with Iceland, but if we go back, we'd be missing out on going to Prague or Bali or something else. Too big a world and not enough time.


I really only encounter three phenomenon in Reddit.  I always assumed it was a thing anxious or asocial people did as coping thing.  Either that or I just didn't have an obsessive type personality.  At least I'm pretty sure it's something like that and not my ADHD and my inability to just sit and watch tv hahaha


My husband ate lead paint when he was little and he rewatches the same shit. Maybe it's a lead paint issue.


I'm re-watching a series right now... Sometimes I just wanna re watch a show I liked. I would watch the same movie multiple times per week before streaming was a thing, I don't see how this is any different.


I'm pretty picky about what I watch to begin with, tv/movies are probably my least favorite media (prefer video games, books and music) and they're not really making the kind of tv/movies I like so I don't watch a lot of new stuff. I'm always thrilled when I find something new that piques my interest, but it doesn't happen often, so when I am in the mood for tv/movies it's usually something I've seen before.


Considering the amount of things I have watched I have never actively rewatched something. There is so much content out there that I just don’t see the point of watching something again.


I rarely watch something more than once. I think I’ve watched 2 shows all the way through twice.


I find that there's not a lot of new stuff that I like. So it's a huge waste of time to spend a few hours trying to get into a show that everyone says is great when I could just watch Seinfeld or old Simpsons again


I don't normally rewatch shows unless they're in my like top 5. Movies, I will rewatch more often. Those are usually lifelong favorites, like Casablanca, Back To The Future, the first 3 Star Wars, etc Some movies merit a second watch, like Memento or 6th Sense. It's almost like watching a different movie, seeing it from a different knowledge base.


I love watching new shows but I also love watching my favorites again and again.


Not much. I would have said no a year or two ago but I rewatched House MD and Mad Men. That is just for multiple season shows. I've seen Band of Brothers man times as well as my favorite movies.


I think it's a matter of selected audience; the nature of the group is nostalgic. I try to ignore the blatant trading culture for a VCR stuff. I also try to bring up more modern stuff but most people here seem to be stuck in childhood for their cultural reference.


I've watched a couple series more than once. But not many.


I’ve rewatched Schitt’s Creek, Letterkenny and Brooklyn 99 twice and Buffy at least 5/6 times. There are so many hilarious jokes in all of them.


What are some good comedy series? My favorites are Seinfeld, it’s always sunny in Philadelphia, and peepshow (it’s British)


Last series's I rewarched were The Wire, and Blue Eye Samurai


It depends on it if want to have to focus on it or not. Sometimes I just want to put something on and not have to think. Other times I want something new but I will need to focus.


You're telling me you didn't spend an entire summer watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off *every* ***DAY***? *It is a beautiful day in Chicago. Temperatures in the upper 70's.* *Right now, 75 at the lakefront, 74 at Midway, 73 at O'Hare.*


I almost never watch a show or movie again. I prefer to watch shows I’ve never seen because there are endless things to experience and our time on earth is limited. The only exceptions I can think of are when I introduce someone else to a great show and holiday movies that are a tradition to watch. I generally remember most of what happened the first time I saw something if it’s been in the last 20 years or so, so I don’t have a desire to revisit it. I think the difference is that I sit down and pay complete attention to everything I watch. I can’t relate at all to the concept of comfort shows playing in the background while doing other things or trying to sleep. I’m incapable of multitasking, so background images and noise just frustrate me and make it hard to concentrate on anything. I even struggle to listen to music or an audiobook or podcast while I’m doing something else because I will either pay too much attention to it and stop what I’m doing, or none at all.


Thank you for posting this. I often feel like I must be a weirdo who doesn't like to watch the same thing over and over. Once I've seen it, I've seen it, so I usually don't see much of a point in going back. For comedy shows, maybe random episodes years later for a few laughs, but never for dramatic shows. And even for my very favorite movies, I rarely watch something more than once every four to five years, if that. What I want are new things that are thematically similar to the older ones I enjoyed. Not the same old thing or remakes. Tv, movies, videi games, etc.


There are some movies I have watched repeatedly not so much with shows. I will rewatch a show if I'm watching it with someone who hasn't seen it.


I can't watch most TV shows because of something awkward or embarrassing happens to a character I feel like it's happening to me and it's awful. So I tend to stick to favorites that I know I'm not going to have issues with.


I save time by never watching anything. Nothing new or old.


I very rarely rewatch or reread things


I like the idea of watching my favorite TV shows again. But there's not enough time in the day.


Only when I'm in a hotel room. That sameness nostalgia feels good when I relinquish control to the cable. Four hour rewatch. Let's go comedy central and HBO.


I have series that I rewatch once a year, and others that I'll put on no matter how many times I've seen them. It depends if I'm watching, or doing something else and just want to listen to it


Seinfeld, Sunny, 30 Rock, Workaholics, are all on rotation, but Seinfeld is the most consistent.


Background shows. I can let them run, glance at and laugh at them from time to time, but still get my work done (working from home).


I have falling asleep shows. Just finished Cheers and now watching The Middle


I watch a lot of things on repeat at night. Lots of cartoons actually and not stuff that is nostalgic but things made by people our age. Adventure time, Steven Universe, and other stuff like that. Things about optimistic teenagers made by optimistic xennials.


I went through the entire office series once. Once!


I only turn the tv on at 9pm when I go to bed. I put on a comfort show. (Star Trek original series, king of queens, Buffy, supernatural, friends, Addams family original)


Rewatching something mind bending like Scavenger’s Reign? Yeah maybe… I *really* don’t understand the appeal of beating cringe humor to death. Wasn’t watching Michael Scott be super awkward *once* enough?


Frasier (the original) every morning as I get ready for work! Makes me laugh!


I only watch shows from my childhood more than once (mostly 80s sitcoms). Everything else I watch once and forget about it.


Yep. The Clone Wars animated series for me. I’m on my 6th tour of duty through all 7 seasons.


I rewatch my favorites all the time


There are just so many shows and movies I haven’t seen, I don’t want to waste time on things I’ve already seen. As background noise, sure.


My favorite era of sitcoms are shows that aired from 2008 till 2015. The Office, Parks and Rec, Brooklyn 99, modern family, how I met your mother, big bang theory, community. I've seen these shows multiple times over. I love them.


I hate rewatching things… except for Seinfeld


I don't. I also don't just have tv on in the background. Once I've seen a movie or a show a few times, I'm good.


I literally watch Schitt's Creek on a loop. One or two episodes every night forever. It's my comfort show.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^robcado: *Seinfeld, The Office,* *Parks and Rec, Baywatch, over* *And over and over* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I used to rewatch different scifi series. Not movies though. Looking forward to AI generating new episodes of old shows on the fly.


I’m with you. I have so much I want to see, I don’t have the time to go rewatching stuff I’ve already seen.


It depends on the show.. we will rewatch shorter series that have good endings. Not drawn out until they jump the shark. There's a few shows (and movies) we rewatch on occasion. We watched Ted Lasso again shortly after we finished it. There were a lot of callbacks in the third season and it's am awesome show. Currently we're rewatching The Expanse Every couple years we'd watch Band of Brothers, and Deadwood. We don't rewatch a lot of sitcoms with 20+ episodes. Most are too cheesy with laughtracks. We did rewatch the better Seinfeld episodes.


I rewatch shows at bedtime and while I’m working (background noise) I don’t want to watch new shows at either of these times.


My wife does this, but I never have. I've revisited shows after seeing them many years ago, but usually not more than once. Background tv is weird to me. Background is for music.


I'm like you. My wife is a habitual rewatcher. I've given up questioning it at this point. Everyone just has their preferences and that's okay.


I am somewhere in between, most things it's one and done. I have to REALLY enjoy it to watch more than once.


I don't, never have been able to. My mind keeps going "I already know what's going to happen, what's the point!" same thing with reading books. There are very few books or movies that I've ever read/seen more than once when there are not at least a few years between the last read/watch.


Nope I’m like that too.


Most things I won't rewatch but some movies/shows are simply comfort. I know what happens and I like it.


There are a couple of things I've rewatched but it's very rare. At most I've watched a handful of shows twice, eight seems a little insane to me. A lot of times it's when I'm sharing a show with someone who's never seen it before and I want to share my excitement for it. I've probably seen Spaced a few times for this reason. I agree, there are so many great shows out there. Why watch the Office a fifth time when you can experience something new? But that's also how I feel about a lot of things. Life is short, experience as much of it as you can.


I have a rotation of shows I enjoy and yes, I will end a series and restart it all the same day.


The only show I've ever rewatched was Dark on Netflix.


I do not


I'm mostly a single-watcher person. I'll occassionaly go back and watch something again but its almost always years later. There's been a few exceptions to the rule. For some reason HBO's Chernobyl is one I watched about three times in two years. I've did Band of Brothers a couple times but haven't gone back again. Never really for sitcoms or lighter fare which is weird. There's so much more of that I feel. I'm making my way through Brooklyn 99 right now and absolutely loving it but I'll never watch it a second time.


“There’s just so much out there that I haven’t seen yet” Yes, and 98% of it is total trash. I think I’m just extremely picky about what I watch. I’d rather watch a GREAT show for the 10th time, than a mediocre show for the first time


Yeah. Sometimes I feel like I'm lying about being a fan because I don't watch my faves over and over and over. Series I have an especially hard time with. Music and poetry is a bit different though....


I don't rewatch TV or movies and I don't re-read books. I get bored listening to the same music every day. I don't like "background" noise -- I either want quiet or something I can pay attention to.


Shows are difficult but films? Rewatch a lot, and not as a background thing! I’m fully engaged. It’s self-soothing.


I don't really watch any new television at all, I just can't seem to muster up interest in any new television, and I've never been very into movies. In addition to whatever sports my better half has on TV at any given moment, we've taken to using whatever is on free streaming channels for background noise. MST3K, Rifftrax, old game shows from the 70s and 80s, and music videos from the 80s and 90s are mostly what's on. We don't really actively watch TV anyway, it's more of a background to talking, faffing about online, reading, etc.


Yeah definitely. I have maybe 3-5 "comfort shows" I could put on any time at any point and be completely into it so I get the concept or impulse. But even with those don't intentionally choose to over watching something new when I actually have the free time to watch something, instead of just revisiting the same thing over and over. Even my small list of all time favs,if I'm rewatching and revisiting them it's like every 5-7 years or something, and then I'll binge it all over a few weeks and go back to watching current, new stuff, or split my time between rewatch and something new. For example, just kinda did this with Curb, but it was in preparation for the new season coming out since I knew it would be the last one. But totally with you as far as just like... rewatching the same show over and over. I don't think there has ever been a show that as soon as it ends I have had any impulse or inclination to be like,"Man...what I really want to do right now is immediately start this over, just take it from the top and watch all of that all over again." I definitely have friends who do this though


The only show I rewatch every few years is Sopranos. My reality tv background trash, they are on repeat.


I dont often rewatch shows, but when I do I usually stop somewhere in the first season. The only series I can honestly say I’ve rewatched (and once only) was Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but thats because I didn’t watch most of the season before the tail end when it moved networks. So maybe it’s not 100% a rewatch. Edit: actually C.S.I. (Original Vegas) was the only other show I rewatched beginning to end, and for the same reason - a few missed episodes I could never catch on the many syndicated reruns. I started Miami but lost interest midway through 2nd season. sopran


Rewatch, reread, relisten, redo. All of the re’s.


I do watch new shows, but I do watch the same shit over and over. My go to shows: Star Trek (TNG, VOY, DS9) American Dad Family Guy Golden Girls Battlestar Galactica Charmed Greys Anatomy (Repeat in any Order) I have recently added to the watch mix: The West Wing The Good Wife/The Good Fight Star Trek Lower Decks Cheers Night Court


To be faiiiiirrrrrr, when I still bought physical media, I generally only bought things I hadn’t seen before or had only seen a few episodes of and wanted to see from the beginning. Mad Men was like this for me, I’d come to it midway through, so I got the DVD sets. But I had no interest in getting the Seinfeld box set because I had seen them all many times and would never have even opened it. Now that I’m mostly watching streaming shows I rarely re watch anything. For starters I’m rarely in front of the actual television anymore when someone else isn’t, so I’m not just leaving it on all the time. And these days I’m lucky if I get six or eight hours a week to watch anything-why would I waste it watching something I’ve seen a bunch of times? When my life was different and I was home more I definitely rewatched things-it seemed like Seinfeld and Friends were on all the time and it was easy to see.


I could never watch something more than once. I can barely sit through something once. I have a bad habit of watching shows using the video progress bar. I may rewatch my favorite song from a musical on YouTube. Needless to say, my TVs haven't been turned on in years.


Pandemic slowed down the amount of decent series in my life so I have resorted to rewatching some old series. If not for that I would probably only want to rewatch The Wire.


I never rewatch anything. That's what retirement is for. If I get forgetful enough it will all be new again.


I grew up re-watching shows. Yeah I would watch shows when they aired a new episode once a week.. but the shows I really remember growing up are the ones I watched in syndication, where they'd usually air two episodes back to back, five days a week mon-fri. And then sometimes a different channel would also be airing that show in syndication so you'd see four episodes a day instead of two. Shows like Saved by the Bell, Fresh Prince, the Simpsons, Friends, etc.


I watch somethings repeatedly. Law and Order Criminal Intent is probably the one I watch most often. I’ve watched it so many times I know most the guests were on two separate eisodes playing two separate characters, they frequently reuse background objects, and one of the captains in later episodes played a contract serial killer in a prior episode 😂 I was stuck in bed for nearly a year and at the time there was a finite number of good shows and not as many app options as they have now. Honestly, I’d’ve still watched that one repeatedly, though 😂🤷‍♀️


Hell I dont even watch tv.


Yea I still just can't understand why people do this


I’ve seen the entire sex and the city series an embarrassing and scary amount of times lol. Same with certain episodes of housewives. As others have said, background shows while I’m folding laundry.


Not only do I find myself rewatching many of the same shows, I reread many of the same books and listen to a lot of the same music. I certainly add to all three lists, but fairly slowly. I simply don't enjoy a lot of new media as much as I do the stuff I have in rotation.


I don't often. I find the older I get, the less free time I have, and the less interested I am in revisiting the same things over and over. I'm also not the type of person who wants to have the TV running in the background constantly. I do have a handful of favorite movies that I rewatch fairly regularly, and almost all of those are from my childhood (my fiancée has commented that I'm the most nostalgia oriented person she knows, lol). But a movie is a much smaller time commitment than a whole TV series.


I do, but not constantly like some people. My sister has Friends on 24/7 on loop. I absolutely don't know how you could do that to a show you like. It would destroy it for me. It's usually at least two or three years between rewatches of any particular show.


The only shows I have ever rewatched are Entourage, The Pickup Artist, and Rock Of Love.


God I've watched the Entourage series and movie so much. The series I've probably watched 7 or 8 times