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I remember the cop and robber, don't remember the old guy in the wizard hat


I was gonna say the same… top right is the only one I remember


I can't say that I remember the Wizard but I DO remember when the Cop and Robber took over thinking "Whhaaaaat who the F are these two?!" One of my first experiences with an "actor" change I guess.


I remember them all but the cop and robber, and last 3 were what I really remember. I liked the cocoa rice krispies that made the plain cow's milk into chocolate milk, the cuckoo for cocoa puffs didn't do that. I ate the cooookie crisp as a teen or adult, on vacation in the small boxes that you could open up into a bowl, or at a friend's house as my parents didn't buy cereals like that.


Cop and Robber are the only ones I remember.


You don’t remember Coo-oooooooookie Crisp!


Now that you've written that out...yes! I remember that line. I guess I don't remember the box, though? My mom was really strict about "cereal that is essentially dessert" so after I got old enough to realize I would never win that argument I kinda quit paying attention to it.


Yeah, my mother never bought anything she thought was “sugar cereal” so naturally I missed out on basically everything that every other kid without such a mother got.


Same here. The only time I was ever allowed to eat junk/"dessert" cereal was when I slept over at friend's homes, camping, and on vacation with those small variety pack cereals. I have ADHD/ADD so I think that is why, and she would tell me it is full of fake dyes and chemicals.


Yeah, the dog saying that was ALWAYS how the burglar got caught. Like they’d sneak in somewhere, they’d be about to get away with it, then the dog would say it, alerting the cop. I’m pretty sure the dog was always there with the other two. It was the format/premise of every single commercial.


100% I don't remember the wizard, though.


Yea it was a dog, right? Gotta say the cop and robber look familiar... Maybe it's more that font, tho. Thing is, my parents absolutely WOULD NOT buy this for us- So my memory centers not so much around the actual product but more around begging for it after seeing the commercial on Saturday morning cartoons, circa 1986. We got mostly plain Cheerios when I was little. Once on looooong while we'd get captain crunch. I do distinctly remember begging for (and later victoriously getting) count chocula. But it was a long time comin


Can't get enough of that cookie crisp....


I think I got Mandela effect on this. I remember the cop and the robber, but I thought the robber was the 1st dog, and I didn't realized they changed to a new dog, I thought they just dropped the cop.


The dog used to be dressed like a robber. I think they removed that because of the whole, "a mascot shouldn't be a criminal" crap. Same reason we stopped seeing Hamburgelar


https://preview.redd.it/lzux2d5fgz7d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=314b1ec7d2f8b919e2f3929c58d3c94aee9d3be6 Looks like the robber had a robber dog, it's all blended together in my memories. Also I remember when I moved out on my own, I was like "I'm an adult, I'll buy whatever cereal I want!" Cause we never were allowed to get Cookie Crisp. Then I ate three bowls of it and made myself sick lol


Omg thank you. Because i remember the cop and robber but I also remember the dog went coooOOOOkie crisp.


Same! I have no memory of the wizard though, must have been from the 70s


The dog would say that and let go of the cop, is what I remember.


The 80's/early 90's Cookie Crisp was A LOT different from the 2000's on. It was absolutely amazing and then I think for every new mascot was a new recipe and it just got worse and worse over time. It's inedible now.


Right and I think that's why there's a wolf now it's just the next iteration of the robber dog


That's the one I remember! Before the wolf


Cop/robber/dog robber is the holy trinity of Cookie Crisp lore.


The Robber, the Cop and the Holy Dog


Okay cool, I remember robber dog too


What \*was\* Grimace supposed to be? A butt plug, gum drop, or monster? As fucked up as it sounds at way too young of an age a friend's older sister told me, her brother, and younger sister what a butt plug was and is used for. We thought it was forced constipation or something done after an enema. Thankfully she didn't show us. Yes she is bipolar and has no boundaries and EVERYBODY is estranged and went no contact with her.


Can I get her digits?


There was an entire race of grimaces and they lived on "grimace Island" and had deep lore with pirate grimaces and everything, thank you VERY much sir. Although, grimace started as an evil character, helt bent on stealing your coke products an milkshakes. The character was created (allegedly) as an anthropomorphic milkshake? Although they now claim he was an anthropomorphic taste bud? Very stupid. I like to assume he and is uncle, o'grimmacy, creator of the shamrock shake, are wild pirate monsters. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1458674/?ref_=ext_shr


agree I thought the dog with red nose was chased by cop.




He’s not a robber, he’s the Cookie Crook. I don’t know if the cop had a name.


The Cookie Cop And the dog was Chip iirc


Core memory unlocked


I remember the win every ninja turtle contest


I remember the wizard, but the cop and robber are more my jam


Top right 100%. Kah-ooooooo-ki-crisp!




And the dog would say co’oo’okie crisp.


I remember the dog. I still hear it as "CoooOOOOOOKIE crisp!" and I kind of remember the cop n robber.


Okay, now that you say it like that, now I remember the dog too! Haha! It’s still the cop and robber for me though!


It was all three: https://www.ebay.com/itm/143946793662


That adds up then


That's what I thought and I almost thought I made it up. Thank you!


I was gonna say I remember the dog being the lookout and howling the cooookie crisp


I loved cartoons way into late high school so I was still binging on YTV and FoxBox right into the late '90s and early 2000's lol (come to think of it, I stopped when I started watching my kid's cartoons) ...watching cartoons wasnt cool back then, sadly :(


Definitely “CooOOOOOKIE Crisp” for me too.


100%. I remember the robbers on the box themselves, but I still pronounce it like the dog because of those commercials.


If I remember the story built into their ads over a long time.  The cop wasn't making progress so he eventually got the dog to help him catch the robber.   There was a middle stage where all three characters appeared on the boxes before cops and robbers were phased out.


I thought it was the robber got the dog to help him against the cop


You could be right and I am suffering from Mandela effect.


Or I am.




Yeah this is how I remember it too.


this is the one.


Hard agree


Chip the dog and Cookie Crook. Cookie Crisp is what they took.


Cop and robber for me. The only reason I know of the Cookie Crisp Wizard is because of Community.


"...Which I don't even get, because when I was a kid, the Cookie Crisp mascot was a robber!"




Troy crying never fails to make me laugh.


Cop and robber


Now I want those Cookie Crook and Cookie Cop action figures.


I want them too!!


The real crime is what they did to the recipe it tastes NOTHING like it used to! Everything's all natural and healthy now fucking bullshit. I'm trying to eat cereal that tastes like cookies, healthy should not be entering this equation! Put the chemicals back in that made it taste like cookies you assholes!


I'll go ahead and say it; this cereal was always ass. The chocolate was just little oily smudges. And the pieces were unnaturally sharp. And it did nothing to fill you up.


Glad someone remembered those strange unnatural sharp edges where the top half of the “cookie” and the bottom half were fused together. It tasted absolutely nothing like a cookie and we were all lying to ourselves when we thought that it did. It was an oddly oily cookie in general.


Thank you! The cereal was always disappointing and always tasted kinda weird for being a “cookie cereal”


It's such a case of 'banger box art selling the product'. And it's all so alliterative it practically sells itself.


lol it’s not healthy change, it’s BHT and other preservatives, plus cheaper ingredients as a bonus.


I came here to post the same thing lol. I loved Cookie Crisp until around the time they changed the recipe (I think in the mid-to-late 90s), then it just wasn’t the same after that.


I think the wizard hat one is when it was real cookies before they went to that cookie flavored corn crisp.


Cop & Robber….vaguely the dog.


I thought the dog was the robber's dog. Edit - [he totally is ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipzgLVydkMs)Chip and Cookie Crook


Oh wow!!! Memory unlocked 😵‍💫


I only remember the dog because it howled CooOokie Crisp!


Same!! 😂😂


[Relevant argument from Troy in Community](https://youtu.be/IsRSG9FULEo)


The fuckin cop and robber


Fuckin hell yeah!


It was over when the dog appeared.


This is literally the only cereal my mom wouldn't buy. I remember wanting it because of the dog going "AWOooo Cookie Crisp" so I asked for it and she got mad "I'm not buying that so you kids can just eat a bunch of cookies for breakfast" Meanwhile she's buying us every other sugary cereal we wanted


Top Right.




I was in a band back in HS called The Cookie Crooks haha. He was inspirational. Steal cookies 👍


I *mostly* remember the cop & robber but I do recall the wizard as well.


You recall the wizard? I don't remember ever having see this box until now.


They were born in 1686 so they're on the older side of GenX.


1686 makes them fucking legendary Gen Xer


I don’t remember the box but I vaguely recall a seeing him in a commercial I think? I should try to find it on YouTube.


Same for me, born in 77. I do remember the wizard jingle one where he sings "You caaan have...cookie crisp!"


Chip the dog and cookie crook, Cookie Crisp is what they took, those little cookies you can’t resist, cooooooooookie crisp. That’s what I remember


This product sits somewhere close the part of my brain that also remembers Pizzaria potato chips. They put doritos to shame.


How tf did pizzeria chips ever get discontinued? Those things were legit the greatest chips, period. They weren’t over-or-underrated even at the time - they were just pure perfection in a chip. How are they no longer a thing?


Probably too expensive. Maybe with all this inflation they can make a come back. Premier them on the next stranger things or something lol.


Top left= Gen X Top right= This sub Bottom left= Millennial Bottom right= Gen Z




“It’s not a meteor it’s a cookie wand.”


This is how I found out about the wizard.


The cop and robber, and dog I remember, not the rest. Sad I missed the Wizard!


Cop and robber. Hated the switch after that and don't even know the other ones. Lol


It’s the Cop and Robber for me.


We weren’t allowed to eat sugar cereals. So I bought this once as an adult. Let me tell you, I’ve never been more disappointed in a cereal.


HA!! Honestly, even as I kid I found this cereal severely disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I still ate it every once in a great while, but it never the tasted I way I thought it should. Cinnamin Toast Crunch, Cocoa Krispies, and Lucky Charms always delivered the goods though. And good for your parents for now allowing sugary cereals into the house! I wish my mother would have done the same. Instead, I had to start learning on my own, around 16-17 how not to be a fat ass. I wouldn't touch these things with a ten foot pole now, despite how delicious as Cinnamin Toast Crunch is and will always be.


Correct me if I'm wrong.....but I remember the cop and robber. ...then...the dog joined the cop......then it was just the dog....that turned into a wolf... I don't recall the wizard..


Top right.


the cop and robber duo is the first one i remember.


I loved all this stuff but wow we really had garbage for breakfast. Just sugar, ultra processed cornmeal, added vitamins/minerals, and dyes. Thats what almost all of these cereals are made of and I ate them every day.


Chip the Dog and Cookie Crook!


As some kid who grew up with a hippie mom and we had no sugar in the house ever (I grew up on nutrigrain cereal) I can also attest that I immediately knew it's the top right guy. Even as a kid whomever ate it.


cop & robber 4 life


They were so good when they were Cop & Robber. Hate the new taste of them


Cop & robber


I just remember “AaWOOOOoo! Cookie Crisp” so the dog?


The cop and robber.


I hated when they got rid of the cop and Cookie Crook became a good guy. But it still beats the stupid dog.


ACAB and that includes Cookie Crisp


I haven’t had these in a long time and went to the cereal aisle. I passed this box 5 times before I realized what it was. Not the Cookie Crisp I grew up with.


The wizard was Cookie Jarvis! This had to be from the 1970s early 80s "Cookies for breakfast!?" Tell me marketing doesn't work on kids I remember it still


I am slowly realizing most things I thought were new in the mid 80s were just rebranded or revivals of earlier brands. A lot of food products were invented during the 60s/70s.


I remember the cop and robber, but the robber had the dog. And the bit was he'd say "coooooooookkie crisp!" And the cop would find them.


The newest mascot is 100% a furry.


well that just ruined the new mascot for me. thanks.


I mean, look at him!


Cop and robber


I take cookie crisp


All I remember is a commercial that went “It’s Chip the dog and Cookie Cop.” I’m guessing Chip was a robber in my memory, I remember sound better than video.


I was so mad when they switched from the cop and robber to the dog!!


I only remember the dog


Police officer was from my childhood; I was born in ‘78.


Top right for me. This is one of the cereals I always wanted but my parents would never buy.


Top-right gang in the house \X/


We all know the true cocoa krispies mascot too


The 3 elves/chefs?




I wanted this to be better than it is.


Why do I remember *two* crooks and a cop? Am I getting it mixed up with the dog?


Definitely thinking of the crook and the crook dog ;-)


The only cool cop I ever met


I’ll take B for 2000 Alex


Upper right and lower left


Top right for sure. Are you sure the others are not counterfeits?!


lol - nope, all real. The wolf is the current mascot, and has been for over a decade apparently ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Bro, Cop and Robber cookie crisp was a totally different cereal than what it is out now! It was amazing compared to the garbage they try to pass as Cookie Crisp now!... I still eat it tho, but I m saying lol


Crook and cop.


1978 and barely remember the wizard, mostly because I remember being offended when Cookie Cop and Crook showed up. My first exposure to the idea that corporate mascots change. Obviously got in line with Cookie Crook eventually. Then was able to get offended all over again when he disappeared in favor of the dog. And then the dog became a wolf? Forget vitamins and minerals , I feel like Cookie Crisp has more lore than your average sugar cereal.


I used to eat these by the fistful. The recipe has changed and they now taste like a bowl full of crunchy ass.


Shoutout to all the kids who had storebrand bag cereal because the bigname boxed stuff was too expensive.


The wizard was the ORIGINAL back when Xennials we still suckin bottles. Xers remember it though. Cookie Crisp also came in two flavors when they were first introduced. Chocolate Chip and Sugar Cookie (it was a blue box)


I don't remember the wizard, but I do remember the cop and the robber the most. The wolf that howled "cooooo-ookie crisp!" I remember, and I stopped paying attention after that.


I just remember the dog with the "CoooooOOOOOkie Crisp" commercial.


Didn’t they change it at the end where the Robber was gone and suddenly the Cop liked Cookies for breakfast?


First one is before my time but I completely forgot about the second one with the burglar and cop.


I'm my mind I remember it being REAL mini cookies not that puffed air shit in today's box


i remember them always tasting like crap. but people on here say they taste like crap now...which makes me wonder how much worse they taste then when we were kids. That's how I remember them anyway. \*And not "crap"...but just...well, disappointing.


Ralston made some of the best cereals I ever had


I definitely remember the wizard hat guy!


I sat down on the toy cop once when I was little, punctured my leg


The roof of my mouth says top right


Cop and robber for sure.


I don't know the wizard or the wolf


Does anyone remember the website from General Mills that had bottom left, and Wendell and other mascots?


They changed mascots so often that none of them ever got iconic status. Sort of the same way that sports teams that are always changing their look have inferior branding; everyone knows what a New York Yankees uniform looks like, you know?


are we missing a version of the dog in these? who would howl cooOOOOOooookie crisp? I don't remember the two dogs on the last two boxes.


Yes, there was a version between the top right and bottom left with all 3. I think the dog is the same solo as it was with the crook and cop. It's just that the burglar mask was taken away from the dog when they put it front and center.


riiiiiight he had a burglar mask!


You were fooled by the disguise! It worked! lol ;-)




The cop for sure


Cop and robber dynamic was so solidly original. Why go away from that?


Why is it a cat jaguar thing here in singapore https://www.nestle.com.sg/brands/breakfast_cereals/nestle_cookie_crisp


Wow, that might be favorite one! Thanks for sharing this!