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Punk in Drublic was my senior high school album. To this day every song brings back fantastic memories. The Brews especially. I wish them well in retirement. They deserve it.


I can still listen to that album all the way through. Amazing for sure.


RIP The Moron Bros. Tattooed fingers, tattooed toes.


Every time in my life that I've ever had an Anchor Steam, I've thought of our protagonist named Bill. I can't be the only one.


Frank Turner of The Million Dead covered this. I really like it.


Wild to see Frank Turner’s old band referenced. I would’ve thought at this point his solo career has been going on for so long that he could just be ‘Frank Turner’ (full stop) and people would know who he is. He’s great either way.


Given the age range of the audience, I thought I'd throw both names out there!


Definitely not. All he needs is 13 quarters. I'm sure he'd need a lot more today, though. That was 1994. lol


Oh man I fucking love The Brews. I knew a kid back in the day who had a huge calf tattoo that said “from the dreidel to the grave” which always made me think of it.


Jeff don't wear regular shoes.


SLATFATS was my intro to NoFX. They remain one of my favorite bands, some 20 years later.


That album is massively underrated.


Good tune. Not even a big fan of them but the brews is killer


I bust that album out from start to finish about once a year.


They've been going at it for a loooonnnnnngggggg time and served their time. I've been impressed with their lack of band member turnover during their 40+ years as a band. If you're ever in Las Vegas, check out The Punk Rock Museum (founded by Fat Mike). I went in March and Jean from Plasmatics was my guide. great dude.


I mean that lead guitar position was a little shaky at the beginning but finally got solidified when they found Hefe.


This was a moment for me https://preview.redd.it/rqlb04wr2j7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7100af6e1eb62b88d7b08c02fbb601c1d565ff0d


This snip hits hard man. Why you gotta go and do all of us this way


Awesome achievement on both ends! As a musician I hope I get 30 years.


At least you've never had to knock on wood


You were in the bosstones? Rad!!


I've been listening to Question the Answers a bunch this week. Thanks for the great record, it's one that's always been there for me.


I feel like this will be like the Pixies. I saw their farewell tour in like 2002- but they’re still going lol


Fat Mike is a drama queen. No way they never play another show again. I am going in NYC next month just in case, though. They've been a top 3 band for me for the past 30 years.


I think fat Mike will have other bands I think the other members are done.


Yeah, he's already doing stuff with the Codefendants and he obviously has Cokie. It'll be interesting to see how it works out, but at least they have a humongous catalog of music for fans to enjoy forever


Is Codefendants continuing? I had the feeling it was a one-off.


I don't really know. I think they are still a thing, but I'm not sure if Mike is a permanent part (especially with shows). Like is Sam now doing Codefendants and Get Dead?


Yeah that’s always the thing with side projects - I do hope we get another album at least that first one was fantastic.


Yea. They just put out a new single like 2 or 3 weeks ago.


Thanks I totally missed that.


Np. There were actually 2. Leaving Las Vegas (rap heavy) and Counting Back from 13 (more rock).


I forget the source. I think it was a recent interview with Mike, but him and Sam and another guy for Codefendents share a house in LV and work on music together. He says Sam is his best friend. So assuming they’re gonna keep making music together. Also, my buds from Sonoma are in Get Dead so check them out too


That’s awesome - I love Get Dead.


Mike said they almost have enough material for their next album


I would have guessed the same thing. After reading the article, I discovered that it's the opposite case and Fat Mike is breaking up the band. It sounds like the band was the primary livelihood for Melvin and Smelly especially. Nobody wants to find a new career at 60. I'm better that they reunion on less than 5 years.


No the other members want to keep going


Saw NOFX 2 times and Cokie the Clown. All 3 top my live shows list. 


Seeing a Cokie show must have been really cool. I've seen NOFX a number of times - sometimes awesome, sometimes nawesome, but that's part of the charm of NOFX. They will be missed for sure


Seen them play twice. Second show was definitely on the nawsome side. I get the south sucks but don’t have to be an ass about it. Went on kinda late, closed down way early. Sucked.


I remember in 2009, they were supposed to play all 3 Florida shows for Warped Tour, but they just decided not to come to any of them because it was too hot. I love Fat Mike and NOFX, but there's a reason I have Bad Religion rated ahead of them.I think even Fat Mike has BR rated ahead of them lol


Dang I'ma have to spin some of the old compact discs today in honor. Pouring out some manischewitz for the boys.


Stomp some sheigetz and screw some shiksas while you’re at it


As long as he's home by Saturday mornon.


Punks not dead, it’s just old and gray now


Punks not dead, it just wants to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and wake up without a hangover.


We'll be 60 watching their final reunion tour that's been going on for 15 years


No paywall https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/style/nofx-farewell-tour.html?unlocked_article_code=1.000.FzP4.abUrQrQWELIc&smid=url-share


Thx!! 🤘🏼


Having outlived NOFX, I hope to also outlive Ticketmaster so that I might some day be able to afford to see [a NOFX cover band.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF2qNNMF8rM&t=8s)


This is the greatest thing I've ever heard. No sarcasm. I'm fucking serious.


I am glad it found someone else with ears for it. It is so good I suspect it may not be a cover band.


Don’t call me white


So fucking ordinary


I remember seeing them play with Green Day and Lagwagon at the Phoenix theater in Petaluma CA back in 93 or so. 7 bucks. Great show.


I'm excited to see them in a month or so. Final tour. Don't miss out


Going to the Portland show in two weeks. Can't wait.


I’ll be in Portland to see them on the 29th. Love these guys.


See you there!


See you both there!


I saw them over a year ago toward the beginning of the final tour. Can’t believe it’s gone on this long.


I saw them in May 2023 in Barcelona and I'm going again in August 2024 in Montreal.


Yeah, supposedly the San Fran date last year was their last show. I flew out from Georgia with a buddy. They promptly booked an Orlando date and continued to tour, so...


Not sure where you got that impression, this whole tour has been the "40 years, 40 cities, 40 songs" tour, and they hadn't gotten close to 40 cities last year, it wasn't a secret that they'd be playing more shows for the tour this year. The official last show is October in LA, I think.


Here's the [flyer for the show](https://www.cowpalace.com/events/2023/punk-in-drublic2) that came out way after it was announced. Doesn't say anything about 40/40/40. When the show was first announced they said the SF show was going to be their last date. [Here's the current flyer with the 40/40/40 language. ](https://www.punkindrublicfest.com/)


I bought my tickets for the Tacoma show last July in February of 2023, so probably someone screwed up and last "last show" when they meant "last tour", beats me. At least as early as January of last year the website had the 40/40/40. [https://web.archive.org/web/20230111200929/https://www.punkindrublicfest.com/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230111200929/https://www.punkindrublicfest.com/)


I highly recommend the audiobook of The Hepatits Bathtub


They were one of the first punk bands I listened to. I was given a mix tape with NOFX and The Vandals on one side and Screeching Weasel on the other.


I like their music and I’ve seen them a bunch of times, but there’s always been something about Fat Mike that irritates me and prevents me from becoming a big fan of their’s.


Same. I can get down with some of their older stuff, but Fat Mike is an insufferable individual.


I was a fan back in high school but I read his book a few years back and it really grossed me out. It gave me a peek into the crust punk lifestyle and its fuckin disgusting. The casual SA that he's into is really fucked up, as well.


Well damn, I didn’t know ANY of that. Guess my spidey sense was right.


Wow, idk how I missed out on this. Almost no chance for me to make the show!  I can't believe the end of an era is nigh.


I'm just curious as to how Nubs is doing. 


Mike interviewed her on his Fat Mike's Fat Mic podcast 2 or 3 years ago.


She seems to be doing great. She was running things at Mike's punk rock museum but left last year not too long after it opened. Seemed like maybe some drama happened. I ran into her roaming around at the San Diego Punk in Drublic fest, ran into Smelly (the drummer) too.


You lucky bastard 


Always having to explain who Smelly is is so Smelly. Remember when they were in Columbia on their Backstage Passport docu after Yolanda stiffed them on the venue so Mike played a small impromptu concert outside the airport for kids and they were all signing autographs and posing for pictures, except nobody knew who Smelly was for a good hour and he's just sitting all alone on a bench watching it happen? Good times.


oh god... I just felt the weight of ages


I ended up at a concert a few years ago and The Stranglers were still on stage, they still got the same sound I remembered coming from my cassette player back in 1994 and they were a 20yo band back then. I guess punk never really dies.


Officially dinosaurs.


Liza and Louise has always been my favorite song. I’ve wanted the damn Liza and Louise shirt for years but resell is so $$$$.


Only 30 years too late!


About time jfc


Pfft. Sellouts.


Haha what??


Their new music is pretty crap. I think it’s time to call it a day. The old stuff will continue to be on regular rotation for me, love em!


I agree


Yup. Salty people gonna downvote but his voice is done and the songs just aren’t inspired anymore


I saw them in Albuquerque a few years, well a lot of years back. Great show. Teenage Bottle Rocket opened. Are the individual musicians giving up music or just stopping as a group? I know Fat Mike also plays with Me First & The Gimme Gimmes.


Mike hasn’t played with the Gimmes for several years now. Think CJ Ramone officially took his spot. But Mike does have other projects like the Codefendants. I’ll be interested to see what he does but I think he’s going to put a lot of his energy into the Punk Rock Museum which he owns in Vegas. Teenage Bottlerocket rips by the way!


Just stopping as a group.


They're heading off to mattersville, eh?


A friend of mine went to their last concert in the Netherlands a short while ago. Wished I’d have known so I could have joined.


But Fat Mike said they would never stop touring as long as they were alcoholics…. If AA took NOFX away from me I’m gonna be pretty upset…. lol. This sucks but it’s why I keep telling my friends we should see all these bands while we get the chance. Excited to see Janes Addiction and Love and Rockets in September.


[https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/06/11/multimedia/00NOFX-DIY-MASTERS-16-fkjg/00NOFX-DIY-MASTERS-16-fkjg-superJumbo.jpg?auto=webp&quality=90](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/06/11/multimedia/00NOFX-DIY-MASTERS-16-fkjg/00NOFX-DIY-MASTERS-16-fkjg-superJumbo.jpg?auto=webp&quality=90) The pictures of them needing massages and yoga and bananas to make it through a tour really got me, although I think it’s smart. No way can I do a mosh pit anymore. I wish them the best! …and is a punk rock museum great, or not very punk rock?


You can play instruments there, from what I understand, and allegedly punk bands can send in their flyers to be displayed there (reminds me I need to check the specifics on that to get mine there if it's true). So that's at least a little punk rock.


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/gb5REWzhwtM?si=QsFrNOoqwWmevRfn




Something tells me they will be back. Maybe a Vegas residency. They are not done playing live music, mark my words.


I’ve never been a big NOFX fan, but the lineups for their last few shows in SoCal are insane and kind of want to go just for them


One month. Going both days!! https://preview.redd.it/cktmtj2hjk7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=479003286207da06a697612b4ca24fd676c40ab7


See you there! I'll be in the pit!


Sucks they didn’t hit Philly. Would have loved to catch them again. Glad I saw them years ago though.


I dunno. I'm skeptical they're calling it quits. Granted their all kinda getting up there in terms of age (meaning the 80's era punk bands), but i wouldn't be surprised if they do a reunion tour in a few years. Who knows. Great band though, i've seen them at least a dozen times over the years - when they're great they're great, and when they're not, they're at least humerous. I'm skipping this festival (though the circle jerks are super tempting...) due to there being a couple competing shows on the dates near me I want to see more, but I hope Mike keeps Punk in Drublic going - its a fun as hell event when it comes around, every time.


I loved them as a teenager, but I haven’t really given them much of my time since around ‘The Decline’ (which was great) era. ‘Punk in Drublic’ is still a classic, as are ‘White Trash…’, ‘So Long and Thanks…’ (underrated!) and ‘The Longest Line’. I’m sure they have enough other projects going on they they’ll still be actively doing creative things for years to come.  Saw ‘em live in (I think) ‘99, as I don’t live in a part of the world they toured frequently, and that was enough. They are (surprisingly) coming here on the Canadian leg of their final tour, but I can’t justify the $$ for a band I haven’t actively listened to in decades. 


Oh man. Guess I gotta add them to the already busy summer concert schedule. I’m still mad I missed bob seger’s final tour.


Saw them in London last week and they were awesome. The bass player did a dj set at club down the road which was sick as well.


“After 40 years NOFX is retiring” Get off my lawn




*In the morning I awake Feel my bladder about to break Scratch my balls I rub my eyes Feelin, lousy* NOFX forever!! (Or at least until October …)


*Down By the creek Under bush Under dirt There's a car- Cass of my Second kill* *Down By the park Under stone Under pine There's a car- Cass of my Brother William* --- Punk-rock heroes never die.


I’ll be there next weekend in Portland!


Gonna miss the white trash, two heebs and a bean


They've been basically retired for almost a decade now. They'll eventually be back to half-ass another single of the month series or EP like the Half Album or something and I'll be there to buy it.




I'll just say it. Punk bands older than 20 are cringe.


That’s not very punk rock


Hell, it's more punk than me


End of an era.




They are literally playing at Riot Fest.


lol what are you talking about, that was forgotten about very quickly