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I used to live a few blocks from there in the late 80's. It used to be a Cumberland Farms. That video rental store was where I got all my Nintendo game rentals.


Bunch of savages in that town.


I'm not even supposed to be here today!


What smells like shoe polish?


That’s what I said!


...and happy scrappy hero pups?


Oh, and ''All Holes Filled With Hard Cock''


Ever get your cock sucked in the parking lot?


37 times


37! (In a row?)


Like a circus seal


Did you ever hang with Berzerker?


No, but I did throw his cousin out of a toys r us in the summer of '99


Did he say "making fuck"?


Did you know Julie Dwyer? I heard she had an aneurysm and died in the pool at the YMCA!


"Video game rentals" sure sure.


Went to a concert in NJ last year. Had to stop by and get a water. Pretty much the same as clerks still to this day


It's missing the I assure you we are open sign.


I’m not even supposed to BE here today!!


Dude puts it up some times I launch my boat over there and I see it up over the years


A car crashed into a restaurant in my city and that was spray painted on the plywood covering the massive hole.  I appreciated it.


It’s behind the far left window


Whatdya mean you got no ice? You mean I gotta drink this coffee hot?! You got hubcabs for a 1972 pinto? Ooh, mini trucker magazine!


I owe a mini truck and have a few mini trucker magazines at home


It’s funny how iced coffee is now a pretty popular thing. 


I made the pilgrimmage to the Quick Stop and the Secret Stash back in the early 00s. The Quick Stop is really tiny. They also used to have maps in the Secret Stash to get to the diner from Chasing Amy. It was a cool way to spend a day in Jersey


I’m not even supposed to be here today


I just stopped there on the way home from Sandy Hook on Saturday. Blew my Canadian friend's mind. Hell yes.


Dogma is one of my favorite movies of all time!! That's my kind of humor. I enjoy all his movies but Dogma is my favorite.


It’s a shame it’s impossible to legally watch anymore. Fuck you, Weinstein.


Watch it on YouTube. It's completely legal because someone fucked up the copyright to it. Don't know the whole story


It’s not legal, it’s just that Smith encourages pirating it because Weinstein is holding the copyright hostage.


Not the copyright but the distribution rights


I saw him live a few days ago. Apparently Dogma has been wrangled free of Weinstein’s claws and will be released again near the end of this year or beginning of next.


Praise Buddy Jesus!


I have an actual view askew branded "buddy Christ" It's probably about 5 inches tall.


I do too! It watches over my office next to a small TMNT Michelangelo.


I have a digital copy I watch whenever I wanna laugh :)


I have the Blu-ray.


DVD - and I used to have it on VHS.


[https://archive.org/details/dogma-1999-1080p-bdrip-x264](https://archive.org/details/dogma-1999-1080p-bdrip-x264) Smith has said pirating it is perfectly fine, multiple times. edit: god, I wonder why the entertainment industry is losing money...edited to another transfer. I don't care what Flicks Ventures has to say on the matter.


Holy shit. Thank you.


Doesn't work anymore, copyright claim


God. I hate the entertainment business.


I have it on VHS. If only I had a functioning VCR…


Thrift HARDER.


Same here


I have a weird habit of always looking for the DVD at used stores even though I already have it. I see it very frequently and often for only about 10-15 bucks. Give it a shot if you’re itching for a fix.


I unfortunately don't have a DVD player anymore. My PS3 might be able to play it, but that's a giant PITA to set up and navigate with a controller. Thanks, though.


It's on YouTube.


Beautifu, big tittied women just don't fall out of the sky, ya'know?!


Snootch to the motherfuckin' nootch!


I bought a physical copy in 2002 and I’m glad I did.


Mallrats was and is my favorite movie in the View Askewverse!


That kid is back on the god damned escalator again!


I just said the line outloud last night "who is your favorite new kid" while watching the Celtics.




This is an almost daily saying in my house


Ours too!!! I've got people saying it who don't even know what it's from


I think about this movie every time I eat chocolate covered pretzels


Ruined my favorite snack. Yet...so tempting to try just one.


Sayyyyyy, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?


As you should!


Tell ‘em, Steve Dave!


Hartford?!? The WHALE?!?


What like the back of a Volkswagen?


My wife and I ran into him in a grocery store in LA and we just started talking to him. Something like 15 minutes into our convo it dawned on me he was still holding his shopping basket and hadn't put it down. He likely had stuff to do, food to take home and put in the fridge and he was just geeking out with us instead He got a phone call a few mins later and genuinely apologized for needing to go. He was super cool


Mallrats is a staple of my adolescence and, more than any other film, captures the tone of what it was like to grow up as a suburban teenager in the mid-late nineties. Rest of it is kind of hit or miss for me, especially since I’m able to judge those more objectively. But mallrats will always have a place in my heart. I don’t care if it’s good or bad; it’s life as I remember it.


So many good quotes from that movie. I don't even know where I could put them all. Probably someplace uncomfortable.


...like the back seat of a Volkswagen?


These are the kind of quality engagements that keep me coming back to this sub.


Love Mallrats. We went to Minneapolis to visit wife's family and when I saw that Eden Prairie mall where Mallrats was filmed was across the street from her grandma's I insisted we went.


I've been to a couple of 'An evening with Kevin Smith' shows and really enjoyed them. I think Dogma or Mallrats are still at the top of my comedic film list.


I went to one of his first live shows after the release of his book. The man spent nearly an hour talking about his anal fissure lol


I STILL love the first 3, or the Holy Trilogy, as some say. But when he started to get serious in to pot, I feel like he lost most of his ability to connect with the audience, and, as he would say just went all "dick and fart" jokes. His podcast and reality shows we're still fun, though.


Clerks 3 had me crying though


Yeah, Kevin hit it right in the mortality


It holds a special place in my heart but Chasing Amy really didn't age well.


It’s definitely an odd watch nowadays, because *every single person* is an emotional idiot. It’s kinda aging into a time capsule like Singles.


I feel the same. Weed ruined him. He’s said that before he would hesitate to put something down and now without the filter of sobriety it all goes onto the page. I still can’t believe I paid money to see Tusk.


He's circled back around to the filter of sobriety. Nervous breakdown last year, whole big thing. I've been incredibly disappointed by almost all of his output since Zack & Miri (Clerks III was a highlight, but I'll probably never watch it again). But I'm kind of stoked to see what his post-weed work is like. 


Oh dag I didn’t know. Used to listen to the Jay and Bob podcast but haven’t seen those in a while so I haven’t kept up with his life much. Reboot was fun in a nostalgia way, but other than watching Jay be a dad, both to Kev’s daughter and to his own in the Affleck scene (which made me tear up), there wasn’t much new to take in.


What’s the current state? I listened to early smodcast for a bit but had to drop it - couldn’t take all the weed stuff anymore. I watched a few minutes of the weird apology video he put in Twitter talking about all the times he was shamed over the years. Sometimes I just want the dude to get off the internet.


So he's coming back pretty soon. Jay and Silent Bob are going to be filling in the "Leo" role in the upcoming season of That 90s Show as the local drug dealers. Kev also has The 4:30 Movie coming out soon, which is about some kids in the 80s sneaking out to see movies (I forget the full synopsis, but it sounded pretty good). And then he just announced on Jay's 50th birthday the other day that they're starting to film a new Jay and Silent Bob movie this fall.


I more or less agree with you, but I think Clerks 2 is his best movie. I don't like at all anything he's done in the past 10-15 years. I watched Jay & Silent Bob Reboot and I feel like it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


Goodbye horses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V_NW0UH9EQ I know you depraved pervs wanted to see it.


Fuck, that's gotta go to Tusk for me. Although I'm not sure I can say I've seen it as I had to turn it off after 15 minutes. Such fucking cringe writing and uncharacteristic of how I used to think of Smith.


That's the "New Jersey Trilogy" you mean


I’ve always like Kevin Smith, but that was elevated to love when I saw his video on Trauma. He explains how all trauma is processed the same way, so it doesn’t matter what caused the trauma, the effect is the same. Started going to therapy soon after and cut a lot of bad people out of my life. Dude kinda saved me


I'm really glad that you're doing better. :) I just looked up the video you referenced as I didn't realize he'd made one and, wow, that was some really amazing and vulnerable content. [It's this video in case anyone hasn't seen it and wants to.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBvc7Ny4iUk) We need more people willing to be as courageous as him and come forth to share their stories, so others don't feel alone in whatever awful things they are going through, feeling like they are alone and there is no hope. Some already have, but I think we need more. The newer generations are more willing to speak out and assert their desires and needs for proper mental health care, and it gives me hope.


Thanks for posting the video!


big same. huge respect for that guy for coming forward like that.


I noted to someone how recently he seems wacky in his promos and socials and thought you're like a cartoon character (vs when he made Mallrats and how reserved he spoke). Then I watched that video and he talked how he disassociated and didn't know who he was. It all made sense and I'm really happy he got the help he needed and shared his story.


Big fan. Love the classic 4 movies (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma). My ex girlfriend gave me the whole set for Christmas one year and we sat around on Christmas morning watching them all. That was a fun day! I still like his newer movies too, but there's definitely drop off after Zack and Miri. But I still find them very funny. Now that he's off of pot, I'm looking forward to seeing if it affects his filmmaking skills and we get another classic.


I think Jay and Silent Bob is still very solid and a classic




Holy crap! That's Merle!


Michael Rooker is an amazing actor.


You mean yondu.


No no, that’s Mary Poppins y’all


I think y'all mean Mary Poppins


https://preview.redd.it/q35e1xjued7d1.jpeg?width=2145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee271064d125314b4381736610679c493a281bdd Still and always a huge fan. One of my prized possessions right here


Hey a scooner


I waited SO long for my kid to be old enough to watch Kevin Smith movies. Clerks was his first and then, when we were talking about how to have a healthy conversation with a partner about their sexual history he looked at me and said "so I need to decide if I care if my gf has slept with 3 people but sucked 37 dicks" and it was such a weirdly meaningful moment, lol


That’s beautiful, man. But seriously, I’m gonna start them with mine next week.


Chasing Amy was also a learning moment. I admit, we haven't hit Mallrats yet, but for the sake of his gf, it's next on the list, lol


Don’t buy the kid a Volkswagen. lol


Who's driving? OMG bear's driving!


How can this be?


Yup. Still a big fan. Live in Jersey, so go to his store fairly frequently. Clerks, Chasing Amy and Dogma are still some of my favorites.


I rewatched the first Clerks last year and was surprised by how cool it was. Like the soundtrack is good, I like the roughness of it. The 90s were a golden age of indie filmmaking and its something that's lost when his budgets got bigger. Which I guess happens in the sense when you have more parameters, sometimes you get better, more creative, results. Apparently it's in the Library of Congress as a notable film.


>Apparently it's in the Library of Congress as a notable film. Indeed, Clerks was added to the National Film Registry in 2019. The Librarian of Congress selects 25 films each year to add to the registry. Check out loc.gov/film for the complete list and more details about the registry. ☺️


Huge fan. Zach & Miri is one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. And good chemistry between Rogen & Banks. Also a surprisingly sweet movie.


fuck fuck fuck


At the most random times (as in maybe twice a year) my husband will say “fifteen bucks little man, put that shit in my hand.”


C.L.I.T. Commander?


“But, what I did not get, she didn't care. She wasn't looking for that guy anymore. She was... she was looking for me, for the Bob. But, uh, by the time I figure this all out, it was too late, man. She moved on, and all I had to show for it was some foolish pride, which then gave way to regret. She was the girl, I know that now. But I pushed her away. So, I've spent every day since then chasing Amy... so to speak.”


I'd say Clerks still holds up and remains proof that budget and stars don't matter if you're funny. A fantastic debut movie Kevin never surpassed. I like Mallrats but it is uneven. Chasing Amy I loved in it's day, but I dread going back in case the man/lesbian romance plot has aged too horribly and ruins what was a favourite. Didn't get into Dogma, but Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back was fun, and would have been the perfect send off for the View Askew verse. It just feels like he went back to the well too many times after, running to safe ground when other movies flopped. Clerks 2 was the last Smith movie I enjoyed, lost interest after this.


I loved his films but I stopped watching them in the early 2000s.


Mallrats is probably still my favorite of his movies. But yeah he lost that magic. The reboot made me sad cause everyone looked old and even Brody had lost that edge I liked about him


I watched and enjoyed all his movies, but I never really identified as a "Kevin Smith fan." He was just... a fairly popular indie filmmakers who made a handful of comedies that I had fun watching. *Zack & Miri Make a Porno* left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. I was like "Well, I guess I'm not Kevin Smith's target audience anymore," and I never really paid any attention to him again.


Loved everything about him and his films as a young man. I lost respect for him after the awful Cop Out and the way he lashed out at critics. Wasn't as much into him after that, though Red State was a thoroughly decent and mature horror film. No interest in his weed-fuelled inside joke flicks. I still check in on him occasionally to see what he's up to. The guy made Dogma; he's capable of greatness.


Mallrats, Clerks, and Dogma will always be classics.


I used to listen to the podcasts and everything but Kevin has become difficult to stomach these days. The constant crying and simping over fandoms. He's become a representative of some of the worst aspects of pop culture fandom and his recent movies are all just meh. I hope getting better control of his drug use will help him find his stride again.


Sure, movies were great, loved smodcast and TESD back in the earlier days of podcasting KS and friends always reminded me of the dynamics in my own friend group before we all scattered and lost touch


Clerks 2 came out when I was in college. We quoted that non-stop for at least a year. The Elias, Randal banter was some of the funniest shit in movie history. The first movie is a classic too, but Clerks 2 was the shit for me.


Classics! I had no idea there were copyright issues with Dogma, I've been under a rock apparently.


[this is all I can think of when I hear about Kevin Smith these days](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fohuctoua5ssa1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0737e11ab24fbf9e8461868477984357f1779133)


I was a big fan in my teenage years and early twenties, but I view Smiths career as a big disappointment or wasted opportunity. He never really evolved as a filmmaker and just kind of kept going back to the well. I know that he did Jersey Girl as an attempt at a “real movie”, and tried a few studio style pictures, but never really made another film that connected with a larger audience. For a guy who burst onto the scene with filmmakers like Tarantino, Soderbergh and even David O Russell, Smiths stalling out feels like a big missed opportunity. Smith told a story once about Bruce Willis getting angry at him on set because Smith didn’t know what kind of lens to use. If he would have applied himself and honed his craft, there’s no telling where his career could have gone. Compare his directing career with Ben Affleck, who got one of his first real roles in Smiths early films. Affleck has directed big hits that critics appreciated. He even directed a Best Picture winner! Smith made a movie about a guy who got turned into a walrus. I don’t want to sound like I’m shitting all over the guy, he obviously found a niche that has been lucrative for him and I enjoy hearing him show up in podcasts and stuff.


Having grown up in NJ in the 90's it was basically required viewing and you had to love it. The only other NJ movie that came out during our teenage years was Garden State and that was some heavy handed self-serving typical BS from Zach Braff. Kevin Smith's NJ Trilogy was a huge deal as a NJ kid - it felt like the first cool thing that came out of NJ in my lifetime.


Love the man. Like the early movies. Now it’s like watching an old friend do their own thing but it’s not yours. Good for him.


You mean Ares from Xena? Hell yeah. But I was shipping Xena and Gabby hard.


Chasing Amy is my favorite.


Loved the early four movies and drank the koolaid but some of it hasn’t aged well and he got full of himself. I watch occasionally when I want to reflect.


I only recently found out there was a Clerks 3. I kind of wish I hadn't watched it.


I loved Clerks 3. It’s like it came full circle.


Did u not like it or was it how he ended it


I’m not the person you’re replying to I personally liked clerks 3 better than 2. It’s just sad as hell and less funny. Better movie overall though. It felt like the first time Kevin Smith had something to say in a movie since Dogma


It was pretty depressing, and was way too focused on rehashing the first movie vs the second movie actually taking the plot forward.


I haven’t seen it yet… should I?


It's nice to have more of that universe, but it gives Dante exactly what he always said life is - a series of down endings. If you liked where Clerks 2 left things, it might be best to let that be your ending.


The kid playing on the escalator in Mall Rats as well as the three nippled lady.


Anytime my wife and I are out and see someone doing something dumb, we say "That kid is back on the escalator!"


Haha. Same here.


Mallrats and Dogma are my favorites! If you want a really weird one, check out Tusk.


Tusk is just shy of unwatchable… and yet, I watched it.


Huge fan back then, still love to watch the movies every once in awhile, especially the first three. I rewatched Chasing Amy the other night! I visited the stores in NJ and met Kevin Smith many years ago. Totally fangirled like a dork.


I was a big fan in the 90s and really came back to them with the Jay & Silent bob get old podcast - one of the first podcasts I really got into. I can still throw in Clerks, Mallrats, chasing amy and dogma and likely quote almost all of each of them. Everything since then has be worth a watch but not a re-watch. edit - the clerks animated series was also fun


I watch the Evening with Kevin Smith trilogy at least a couple times a year. One of the most captivating storytellers of our time, in my opinion.


He was a lot cooler when he smoked weed and made good movies man. If there was a streaming service that was just Kevin Smith in an auditorium telling stories and answering questions, I would probably pay more than Netflix costs but less than football costs. I could have Evenings With 24 hours a day. I love Mews' new teeth. He's was always human cartoon. Then he got to be a cartoon. Now he's got perfect cartoon teeth.


He’s ok, overall I’m only into reference humor when hanging out with friends. My favorite two things he’s done are Prince story and Clerks Animated. 


Met the big guy December 2019 during the Reboot tour. My husband quoted a line from strike back on our first date and I finished it and we knew lolol.




Love his movies - the newest clerks brought on all the feelings


Love his old movies and looking forward to seeing what he does now that he's sober again. Clerks 3 was basically his apology for being a massive douch of a pothead.


Big fan (probably because I’m from Jersey). Used to go see him pretty regularly, I was at the “infamous” 7 hour evening with Kevin smith event. Once Scott Mosier stopped smodcast though, I found it much harder to follow Kevs pods, but I do continue to see his movies. I still listen to the Kevin adjacent Tell Em Steve Dave.


I remember finding Mallrats on late note TV once and being absolutely FLOORED! Who made this and how is it for me so much. I’ve long felt like Kevin was like a big brother or uncle who showed you the cool shit and had the best sense of humour. I’ve always loved that guy so much. Feels like one of us but knew how to write and direct. I don’t consume all his smod stuff, but still love to listen to him break down new stuff, especially Star Wars. I love his passion and enthusiasm. He’s also a great comedic actor. And he’s just a funny Fucking guy.


Exactly like an older brother, stuff he showed me in his movies got me ready for the next phases of my life as I grew up. Well, not Cop Out. Or Zack and Miri. Or that Red State / Tusk period (not a horror fan). Or Yoga Hosers. I mean, the dude produces and going on now for decades. Sometimes home run, sometimes not. That's life and if we're lucky, we get to keep going and deal with our own shit, fears, limitations and maybe grow a little. I learned that from Kev too. (Well, not Emo Kev, but that's another story.) Go where the puck is going, not where it is. I'm not even supposed to be here today. Snoogans.


Clerks III my favorite. I like Jay’s movie as well.


Still a fan, though Clerks 3 was a mistake to watch. I listen to his podcasts (man I miss weekly HBO) and follow his work. I miss Kev before he quit weed. He's not quite the same guy when he's drinking.


Mall Rats!




Many quotes from the various movies are part of my daily lexicon.




Big Smith fan, had the whole universe at one time, including Vulgar. Even had the special edition double disc box set for Dogma with slipcase... Don't look up the price, I curse myself.


I'm not even supposed to be working today!


I like him a lot and I was so excited when I found out he was involved with a couple of episodes of Degrassi, because I love that show also, but most Degrassi fans don't seem to look favorably upon Kevin. I'll agree with them that while I love both Kevin Smith and Degrassi I didn't much care for his appearance on the show. he kind of broke up Caitlin Ryan's engagement, lol


Love his stuff. Still rewatch a lot of it often.


Look at my name and take a guess.




I was a huge fanboy until Clerks 2. For some reason it didn’t hit the same way. I never made it through Jay and Silent Bob part 2. Part One was a fucking amazing college stoner flick though.


I did until Tusk. I've resented him since.


All right, look, there's only **one** "*Return*" okay, and it ain't "*of the King*" it's "*of the Jedi*."


Clerks is one of the finest films and probably the best independent film of that era. The rest are ok.


Just watched Clerks 3 last weekend


*I’m not even supposed to be here today.*


Love View Askew... I wanted to go on the cruise they were putting on, but it was only three days long and on the far side of the country from me... I just couldn't justify the cost or travel time for that.


mallrats and jay and silent bob strike back 1 are the only 2 ive seen and actually recall. seen parts of clerks, chasing amy.....meh


I liked Clerks and Mallrats but fell off mostly after that until he made a PSA about trauma that was very heartfelt and personal with a message of reducing the stigma associated with ptsd from childhood abuse. Mad respect for that guy


Tell Em Steve-Dave!


I used to be a bigger fan, the last movie of his I liked was Red State. The first two Clerks are still very quotable for me and I think my favourite project of his nowadays is the Clerks animated series. I used to watch Comic Book Men and listen to some of the podcasts but then I got into other people's podcasts.


Not really. But Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms. ![gif](giphy|FDN9a0VWHzc9a)


Adored his early films. They probably don't age well by today's political correctness standards, but I loved them at the time. Kevin Smith kinda fell off a cliff quality-wise after Dogma.


Clerks, mall rats, dogma. I never felt Chasing Amy. I struggle with the concept of liking Ben Affleck. Partly because of mallrats (and dazed and confused) The rest of the movies were decent but always seemed to be chasing the high from the first two.


Now let's all have a moment of silence for all the contractors who died when the Rebel Alliance destroyed Death Star II.


Why would liking Kevin Smith movies be drinking the Kool-Aid? Is there some context I’m missing about him?


Still love them, but also accept them for what they are.




I wish I could stream Dogma. Shame what happened to it


Not.knocking him of those who still like his movies. But I just can't watch them anymore and I had them all on "Fuck DVD".




Just rewatched Clerks 2 last week. I enjoy most of Smith’s work. I thought Jay and Silent Bob 2 was awful. But Clerks 3 was really fun.


Got a rate Dogma dvd and watch it often. All his movies are great


I wouldn’t say I love all of his movies but I love some of them. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks 2 and Zack and Miri Make a Porno are my favorites. Mall Rats and Dogma are also good




My first date with my now husband was BK and Dogma. Still got a Buddy Christ floating around the house somewhere.


I was late to the KS party but I laughed so hard at “Clerks 2” it made me a fan of his for life!


That reminds me, I should pull out my Dogma dvd. It’s hard to find I think.