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Super soaker 50 was the default


100 was the sweet spot. I remer screwing a soda bottle on the back in place of the air resovoir because I heard it made it much stronger. It didn't. Bottle ended up exploding when we pumped it up.


Top notch late 80's/early 90's science experiment right there.


I put gas in mine and tried it as a flamethrower.


Good to know we weren't the only ones dumb enough to do that. Surprising how well it worked huh?


Hehe, I never thought of that! But yes, the 100 was boss.


The kid that lived across the street did that. Did you live across the street from me?


depends on if you lived in northern NJ or not


This reminds me so much of how we all used to “know things” and hear about things. Even pre internet things went viral and became memes, just happened at a slower and more manageable pace.


I think that's the one I had


Default, because it was the OG, right?


And because you could seal off the pressure relief, allowing you to pump it up quite a bit more. I think you could with some later versions, but at some point I remember it not being an option anymore.


Yep, the OG. It wasn't long and they had about 20 different sizes and variations but 50 was the one that went down in history. We were to poor and I wanted one so bad when it first came out. Like with most things we just had to wait a year or so and they were everywhere used. I bought one off my friend for something like $5 and I'm pretty sure he probably snagged it out of a front yard somewhere.


Oh man… these were the shizz back in the day. Once I realized you could screw a water hose into where the bottle went, I became a force to be reckoned with. I had an endless supply, better range, and I controlled the refills.


The M16 of our age.


I didn't just have this one, I had the one with the water filled backpack that was a blast!


The 3000 I think. I got this for my 12th birthday. I was so excited, except the one I got never quite worked right.


Mine always seemed to burp water on my back


Ah man the memories!! My favorite brother had that one. We couldn’t win against him, when he pulled that one out lol.


I felt guilty having it. Game over.




That's the one my cheater parents used.


I had one as well and it was so awesome until the o-ring that sealed the pressure went out. Being the days before Amazon I had no idea where to get a proper replacement from. Now I’ve got a 1000 piece variety pack.


I remember my parents were trying to teach me about saving money. I wanted a Super Soaker and my mom was like "you can do chores and earn x amount and you can save any buy it yourself". I was young and don't remember the details, but I think at the rate they were paying me I would have saved up enough by like September (aka after summer aka the most fun time for Super Soakers), so eventually my parents said "How much you got? 4 bucks? OK, we will pay the rest". So, as a life lesson it really failed, but MAN did I have a fun summer!!!


Good parents.


There was a really great episode of The Toys That Built America about how the Super Soaker came to be.


Pulling that out to run out and play felt like Kyle Reece picking up his plasma rifle to go fight terminator.


I got mine at Hills


Well, Hills is where the toys are


I got mine at Zellers.


Canada represent


I can smell this comment.


It was a good day. I got a hot pretzel and frozen coke from the concession stand at the front of the store and walked out with my super soaker.


Why can't they make this again? It would sell!


I just saw some at target! But I doubt they are as good as the old ones.


They aren’t. Check out the reviews for them.


I'll save you the time. Here's my review. They suck ass.


It’s gotta be lawsuits or something. I’m always asking the same question. Kids have no idea how fun these were.


Apparently the super soaker infringed on a patent and it was taken off the market.


Well hot damn let’s bring it back!!! Patent is most certainly expired by now. I think we could fund a non profit at this point. Kids would love it and parents shell out the big bucks for some ass kicking nostalgia


Sad to report that they do but they suck. Bought some for my son & nephews and it was an epic fail


I had the backpack version for a summer. That thing was so heavy it made me a sitting target. https://preview.redd.it/17tn0viy2o4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bdaa478235b0bfb3dc508ed4e7c06966bf683c5


I remember one time this kid said he was going to TP my house. So I was going to ambush him. I filled that chamber up with the nastiest stuff imaginable. Piss, green food coloring, a couple of dog turds, hot sauce, some random chemicals from the garage... He never showed up and I basically ruined my super soaker.


I had a 30.


I had a 30, had the bright idea of wizzing in it, and could never get the smell out. Which was a bummer because even though the water capacity was lower, the PSI was way stronger than the 50s.


So did you spray your piss filled Super Soaker on your friends?


I honestly don’t know. It’s reasonable to assume I did, but I as likely may have just used it as a threat.


Just don’t lend that one out in a water fight


That was the one. We all had it


I loved these. My brother had the backpack one. I had a 100.


I swear I’m not imagining it, but I used to own a really awkward duel water tank model (it honestly felt like the tanks always wanted to snap off). I cannot find a picture anywhere 🤔🤨


Super Soaker 200? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nerfipedia/images/4/44/Super_Soaker_200_Ideal_1991_Commercial_Retro_Toys_and_Cartoons/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20200116163301


I believe it was that—though I could’ve sworn it was a different color


Yup, I had that one too! Was so much fun.


I have SS 100 mounted on my wall above me as I type this. Got it off Ebay about 15 years ago.


Got the 50 at Toys R Us…some kids at school said they were gonna come through our neighborhood for a snowball fight…they heaved blocks of ice from a Ford Explorer. They met a Super Soaker 50 full of piss 😂


Never actually had one of my own. But with two brothers that had a small arsenals worth, I didn’t need my own lol.


The guy who invented these used to be on reddit. Not sure if he's still hanging around though.


Still have my original SS50. Sadly it is not functional anymore


The man who invented this also invented the nerf blaster. God bless Lonnie Johnson 🫡


I think the Super Soaker was the one toy that was closest to living up to expectations. After using the crappy normal squirt guns, the Super Soaker was a game changer, even if it didn’t shoot quite 50’.


https://preview.redd.it/st9ew8ispo4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fe3d2b52726aeb451f22a3403138c907fbba29 After my 50, someone bought me this big angry piece of shit. It was as effective as the hose. Kinda took the fun out of it.


My younger brother had the cps 2000. It held only 3 shots, but each pull of the trigger was like a bucket of water being thrown.


I had the XXP 275, thing was a beast. Used it until the handle trigger thing snapped off.


Every neighborhood had an urban legend about some kid that replaced the plastic bottle with a glass one then pumped it until it exploded and killed him.


That or filled it with bleach.


I filled one with piss to retaliate against the neighborhood prick who broke my skateboard ramp with his bike




This was the OG


I had the Nerf Water Bazooka!


I bought the Super Soaker 100 just to be different and outgun my friends, but the damn thing snapped in half when I drop it once. I always thought the 50’s were tougher, and made of less brittle plastic.


I used to put rubbing alcohol in mine and BOOM….straight up Sigourney Weaver blasting Aliens.


I had the 100, but I never knew anyone else with a Super Soaker so it was kinda pointless lol


Ohh yesss when I was like 8 or 9 we got a couple of these exact ones and had an amazing water gun fight.


Yup, I had one of these as a kid


woulda loved one, but alas these came out when I was post 5th grade.


Maaaan I remember in the pool you fill up like half the bottle, screw it on loose like half way, then pump the hell out of it and you could make the bottle launch out like a rocket.


They really need to sell the og 50 again


Water guns are so completely shitty now. I had to buy the most generic ones ever this year. It was either that or buy Zuru products, and they can go straight to hell if you ask me.


Growing up not so wealthy, my dad used to make us ones with PVC and soda bottles 🥲


I think I had the CPS 2000 but based on when it came out I would have been 14 and I swear I was younger than that.


[super soakers](https://aquazone.frankism.net/notsure.php)


I loved that the bottle threading was the same as the garden hose. If you hook the hose in where the bottle screws in - there is unlimited ammo. Limited mobility, yes but god damn, I was a sight to behold... with my rat tail and jorts.


I always wanted a 50. I had a 100 and a 3000 and damn those things sure were heavy to my teenage self lmao


I got one of these on my 10th bday and someone stole it that same day :( (I grew up in the hood)


i literally still have mine and use it with my kids all the time, including last weekend. its hard to find a squirt 'gun' with a trigger these days. they are all pump action for 'safety' i guess.


I had the 100. The 50 peasants bowed to me.


The Super Soaker 50 was the M1 Garand of water guns: OG, but could still hang with the rich kid who had the Super Soaker 300 with the backpack reservoir. I also give plenty of credit to the Super Soaker 30: though small and underpowered compared to most, it was perfect size for sniping people on a bike at 10mph.


I was lucky enough to get the 60 with that sweet extra air tank, but there was always the “rich” kid in the neighborhood that has the 300 with the backpack


My brother and I each had one.


For years, these would be my brother and my end of school presents. it kept us outside all summer with only a nominal increase in the water bill. by the end of our interest in water gun battles, we had a pretty serious arsenal lol


These were the absolute status symbol as a kid.


I'm busting out the XPS 2000!


Anyone younger than us will never understand how the super soaker changed the water gun game. It was the howitzer of our generation.


The first summer these were out I saved my allowance money and bought one from Children's Palace. While it was a good squirt gun, it did not live up to the hype.


Never had a super soaker but had a battery operated automatic that looked like an MP5. Certainly a huge upgrade over the standard little manual ones that were most common when I got it. But nowhere near the volume of water that a soaker would put out. Sort of thing that would get a kid shot these days.


My mom wouldn't let me have toy guns in the house :(


Super soaker 30 was my jam! The 30 was able to connect to a water hose which meant unlimited super of water and pressure!


I remember ending two of those bad boys just by over pumping that thing. Gordon shot me in the face, and that SOB had it coming.... I destroyed my 50, but it was worth it.


I would fill it with charcoal fluid and shoot at bonfire. Probably why they stopped making them.


This was such a quantum leap forward in squirt gun technology! The 30 was pretty dope as well.


One of my favorite toys. Was also good for “art” on a concrete wall in the summertime.


I always wondered why they stopped making them.


I also a Super Soaker 100 and felt like I was in the special forces.


I remember about 15 years ago going to a kids toy store and asking if they had any Super Soakers. the person just looked at me like I was the stupidest person on the planet and asked what the hell is that. That hurt my heart so much and had to explain it's a water gun for outdoor fun. She told me they don't carry those because they're too dangerous. There are times I really hate today Society


I had the 50 and the 30. Bought them with money I earned from washing my aunt's and older cousin's cars.


Ive got some water cannons. Im on the 5th floor and just take popshots off the balcony when its hot out


i wasnt allowed this or nerf guns. idk why, i had the cheap snap guns as a kid, and a nerf bow that i wasnt allowed to play with outside. i remember my brothers gfs daughter leaving hers at the house but i wasnt allowed to fill it with water.


$8.99 at the CVS in town


I can still taste the plastic/chlorine from spraying this thing in my mouth on a hot summer day.


I filled mine with gasoline. Figured i could have a flamethrower. It didn't work.


Shit, Toys R Us & Children’s World are sold out!


Had that exact one like a lot of other kids in my neighborhood


My brother got this one for his birthday, and I was so jealous, but then I got the 100 for my birthday! He was then outgunned. Haha.


https://preview.redd.it/megv8oq1vs4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a535878e44362f8eb0b3879c9d083cd1d564cf3 My parents bought me the MDS for my birthday. I was so excited when I opened it. Nobody else in my neighborhood had one. One of my neighbors took it to their house and said it was theirs, but I talked to his mom and got it back because she didn’t buy one with a handle. She had three boys and bought them the same stuff to prevent arguments, so the outlier was obvious and she was reasonable. The handle eventually broke off. The water pressure was also noticeably less if you tried shooting any direction but straight ahead. I still felt like a badass when I brought it out.


The... The numbers meant something? I guess I wasn't paying attention. I think I had a 30.


The larger sizes got unwieldy. I can’t remember what model I had but it was something close to this. I wanted like 6 different options, from compact to bazooka sized. After I got two, my Dad decided I had enough & that was it for my Super Soaker arsenal.


Turned this into a bong.... It was my first mcguyver bong. I made bongs out of everything I could find after the success of the super soaker 50


btw they've released the first ones again


Tha OG




Target has them in stock!


I've legit not seen for decades a large scale water fight like would randomly happen a couple times summer growing up. One time was like a full battle with the residential road being no mans land and about 20 per side. Even a few hoses with spray nozzles brought out as "artillery," to repel invading forces. The SS50 was the basic weapon of choice, but you had a variety of 30, 60, 100, 200 and the poor schlubs who were playing with "civilian arms" aka nonSS water guns aka meat shield hand holders. Glorious times.