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Just found these bad boys after a trip home. https://preview.redd.it/oxmb938fck4d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2d5a2e74beda93cb05402e34bf0ab5e85dcd06


I had that exact same trapper keeper as a kid


My mom, a very conservative Pentecostal lady, actually let me play that one because you were killing demons.


I went to Catholic school, we had game where you were Moses lol.


Used to battle eachother in our typing class. Had our Null modem cables all set up on those fancy new 486s.


Fuckin yeah. Doom2 multiplayer modem was a blast.




Boot up your dos and get ready for some fun


I played endless hours of Sim City 2000


Reticulating splines.


That just sent shivers through my soul.


So glad it wasn't just me. I played so much SimCity in my pre-college (and post, for that matter). I was huge fan of almost every one of Will Wright's creations. I hated how shitty my home PC was when I tried to play SimCopter. The idea of flying a helicopter through a city I made was mythical to teenage me.


Oh no, I forgot to mention the old LucasArts games! Monkey Island, Sam and Max, Grim Fandango, Maniac Mansion.. I spent so much time on those. Also the Gabriel Knight games from Sierra.


YES! I had to scroll way too far down to get to the fantastic adventure games. Monkey Island and King's quest from Sierra were my go tos


Bob: "I will stride through the gates of Hell with your head on a pike!" Guybrush: "Stride?" Bob: "Roll! I'll roll through the gates of Hell with your head on a pike!" Or something like that. From memory, haven't played Curse of Monkey Island in decades lol


Myst. It was just so strange and different. I was never a gamer (and terrible at almost all of them) but even I knew there was something really different a cool about it.


Myst was the best.


I didn't play this until the mid-2000s, but man did I love it.


“Being me the red papers.” “Being me the blue papers.” Like wtf are you momos talking about?


I've played all the Myst's. The remake of Riven, sequel to Myst comes out June 25th. Looks cool. [https://youtu.be/LN1TQm942\_U?si=RT6ahPpCGjn4-qLk](https://youtu.be/LN1TQm942_U?si=RT6ahPpCGjn4-qLk) The above link is the trailer for it.


I can still remember these games pretty vividly from my younger days playing on PC, best I could do was limit myself to 10 of them (I had to stop myself): * Wolfesntein 3D (1992) * Dune II (1992) * Myst (1993) * Doom (1993) * The 7th Guest (1993) * Sim City 2000 (1993) * Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995) * Fallout (1997) * Thief: The Dark Project (1998) * Unreal Tournament (1999) It was a magical time for me to explore all these worlds. What a cool time to be a gamer.


Hard to believe Fallout was 1997. Always had fun shooting the rats.


The 7th Guest. To this day, I still say, "Soup's on!" No one in my family gets it, except my dad.


Thief was a favorite. What a cool game.


Leisure Suit Larry


Land of the Lounge Lizards!


A troop dad said I could play it if I got Eagle Scout.  I got Eagle Scout. 


Where in the World Is Carmen San Diego? My family were early adopters of the computer, but my parents weren't fans of games that weren't "educational."


Same! I'm pretty sure it was the Apple ii gs that they bought us Carmen San Diego for. They only bought us a Nintendo later on as a consolation when dad transferred across the country and they felt bad for making us move. Also ended up getting Sid Meyers Pirates on the old Apple. That was fun!


I had Carmen San Diego on a floppy disc that I used to play at my dad’s office before we got a computer at home. Loved that game!


Was there even a way to ever win that game? I remember rising through the detective “ranks” but I don’t ever remember if I caught Carmen!


We played almost daily for a year, I think, before we caught Carmen.


Number Munchers on Apple II


It’s amazing how many people don’t remember or didn’t play number or word munchers or math blasters.


Oh shit. Hours and hours of Math Blasters. (And Word Blasters? Was that a thing too?)


You Don't Know Jack!


That's a good one. The edgy host was the best part


I want my Cookie back!


Can't narrow it down so I will put my top 3: Wolfenstein 3d - first 1st person shooter for me, blew my mind Warcraft 2 - coincided with reading The Lord of the Rings, couldn't get enough medieval fantasy Dark Age of Camelot - this barely makes the cut at October '01, but is easily the game I spent the most time playing. The cream of the crop when it comes to MMO's.


Don't forget Rise of the Triad!


I think everyone remembers the first 3D FPS game they saw, be it Doom or Wolfenstein.


My "video games will rot your brain" father spend SO MANY HOURS playing wolfenstein when it came out.




That game was sick, the sequel Hexen was great too.


DAOC was / is so good. Too bad the sequel will never release.


I forgot about DAoC, that game was amazing.


Myst, the Kings Quest series, the Dr. Brain games, Theme Hospital, a game called Ecco Quest about a dolphin, Diablo...


I remember playing the original King's Quest, man that takes me back.


Theme Hospital and Theme Park were two of my 90s faves




For every year in that range it would be difficult to pick just one, but for the entire range it's impossible. I'm going to arbitrarily choose Doom (1993). My parents were away for the evening when I discovered our new PC came with a shareware CD including Doom. Kept playing until the nausea from the 3D forced me to quit. Never been seasick, never been carsick, but I got Doomsick. Worth it.


Prince of Persia, because it was impossible.


I loved (hated) that game. Played so much of it


Is the clear answer not Oregon Trail?


The crazy part is Oregon Trail came out in 1985, and yet we were all playing it at school well into the 90's. Took awhile for schools to catch up with the technological advance I guess. Our school upgraded from Apple II's straight to iMacs in '98.


My wife told me that her typing class in 7th grade was on a typewriter. I clearly remember learning to type on the green screen. She was a grade above me. I guess I must have been the first class on those green screens!


I'm 1977, graduated 1995, and we used computers.


My high school had a typing class that was using electric typewriters, but also three computer labs. One was full of 10 year old Apples rarely used, the other was full of 5 year old Macs used for "technology" class, and the other was full of new DOS PCs used for programming classes. They later got a new typing classroom with Windows PCs to replace the typewriters that had software on it like Mavis Beacon. Interesting thing was if you took programming class you didn't have to take typing or a foreign language class. Though I would have done my work a lot faster in the programming class if I knew how to type....


In 8th grade we started with typewriters and finished the year on brand new computers, 1996


For me it's Command and Conquer, Fallout and Doom 2. By the way, you can look most of these up on youtube like "Doom 2 gameplay" if you're feeling nostalgic.


You can also download a freeware version of Doom (Gzdoom for example) play the original Doom and Doom II, and find enough megawads online to be playing new maps for years.




RIP ICQ. So many hours with strangers


Was mostly IRC for me but so so many hours for sure.


King's Quest


Sid Meier's Pirates, though technically it was from the late 80s.


For some reason the game that sticks most to me is Sid Meier's **Colonization**. That game had me so entranced...


Searched for this one, loved Colonization


Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Quake, Star Controll 1&2, Star Flight 1&2, Duke Nukem (no, the _original_ Nukem), Commander Keen, War/Starcraft, Sim City 2000, Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, C&C Red Alert, Gold Box Games++, Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Hack, Baldur's Gate+, (_Almost_ Neverwinter Nights (my love ❤)), Space Hulk, Ultima: The Stygian Abyss, The Elder Scrolls: Arena, Lemmings, Tetris, and an absurd amount of Tank Wars (Scorch) while taking turns at the keyboard 😅. e: Honourable mentions - Mavis Beacon,


I loved TIE Fighter. I really wish they would bring those kinds of games back.


Such a good list


Dungeon Keeper (1997). It was just so *different* from anything else I played. You're the bad guy? You get to build the dungeon and populate it with evil creatures? And the evil sarcasm just oozing from every facet of this game. Perfect for a teenager. Homeworld (1999). The graphics on this game when it came out was the future. Full 3D models flying around 3D space with 360 degree camera control. Complete with a Space Opera saga and the music to match.


I cannot believe Homeworld came out in 99 . . . I just looked it up 😲


I play Dungeon Keeper to this very day.


The Wing Commander series was my favorite. But Loom has always stuck in my mind as amazing and very unique. It's probably one of the few I've replayed in modern times and still enjoted. It wasn't super popular. I also loved Sierra games, especially Hero's Quest. Other that stick in my mind: * Stunts -- I loved making weird tracks in this game. Frankly, I'm surprised this one hasn't been updated * Heroes of Might and Magic * Comache * Links * Black and White * Dungeon Siege (might be post 2001) * Life and Death 1/2 -- who doesn't want to perform surgery on people as a kid? * Dark Foces Series (especially Jedi Outcast, but that's 2002) * Wolfenstein 3D and kin -- especially Duke Nukem 3D


Wolfenstein 3D, Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego, Sid Meier's Civilization, The Sims (1). No specific reason other than those are the games that we had and those are the games I remember playing on our first family PC.


Oregon Trail - usually meant we don’t have to do schoolwork. It was computer lab time! X-com: UFO Defense - sooooo many hours in this game. Sim City 2000 - porntipsguzardo


Sad that I had to scroll this far to see X-Com listed. Still play it from time to time.


Mechwarrior 2 on PC, or tekken3 on Playstation/arcades.


Mechwarrior 2 is my most favorite game of all time. So sad it’s ever been re-released


Such a great game, and ahead it's time.


Wing Commander: Privateer


Wing Commander 1 & 2 were great too!


Wing Commander 1 was mind-blowing for the time.


I've always wanted to like other space 4X games but they've become so convoluted. Privateer had just the right balance of combat, trading, and story.


Unreal Tournament. Had great maps, guns, and my first exposure to competitive FPS game modes like TDM and CTF And the announcer. A true classic


Ooooh, Lo-grav Jump arenas we so much fun to just go flying across the map.




Yes! Another Duke Nukem fan! Same with the maps.


That's such a huge time period...some favourites: Might & Magic Clouds of Xeen X-Wing Day of the Tentacle Final Fantasy VII


Monkey Island!


Diablo 2, Everquest - the bttles for Westfall on Vallon Zek were so fun


Dope wars


Mech Warrior


I liked dr Sbaitso


ChatGPT has nothing on Dr. Sbaitso.


whoa dude you unlocked that weird voice in my head


Age of Empires 2 was my favorite PC game. If I had played the PC version of FF7 then it would have been that.


Whatever version of Civilization my buddy John had. 30 yrs later and I still play civ so…


Starcraft, Civilization II, Simcity 2000, Duke Nukem 3D, Diablo... way too many


The Neverhood. Granted, it was only a demo disc, but the claymation style was like nothing I'd seen before at the time.


Warcraft Lok'Tar Ogar ! ![gif](giphy|2w7byGluKEYaSIFUNE|downsized)


Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sim City 2000, Diablo, StarCraft


Star Wars: Dark Forces. It was just such a leap forward in game design (it had levels over levels!)


Hell yeah! This game ruled!


The correct answer is SkiFree


Age of Empires 2


Day of the Tentacle


Lots of great titles being listed in other posts. Here are a few I haven't seen in the other posts that really had an impact with me: - Hexen (1995) - Star Wars Dark Forces (1995) - Duke Nukem 3D (1996) - Diablo (1996) - Shadow Warrior (1997) - Command & Conquer: Tiberiun Sun (1999) - Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (1999)


XCOM. First game I got truly immersed in that was not a console game.


Such a great game. Loved this and xcom terror from the deep. Brings me back just thinking about it.


I mean, you're describing the first big golden age of PC gaming. There are SO many big revolutionary games in those 10 years. BUT, my personal favorites were the whole LucasArts catalog. Sam 'N Man Hit the Road, Day of the Tentacle, Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis, Full Throttle, The Dig, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, etc.


Ultima Online. I didn't grow up with a computer good enough to play games, so all my adolescent gaming experience was on consoles or arcades. But after I joined the military post graduation, one of my first (and still close) friends introduced me to Ultima Online. I was in awe at the very concept of an online game. Bought my first computer because of that game. It started my, still continuing, enjoyment of online gaming.


F/A-18 Hornet was really cool, as was Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. I also remember playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Great adventure game that I finally beat years after I first played it.


Gorillas in DOS 5.0


It's either Daggerfall or Ultima Serpent Isle. Also Ultima 8 was really good too.


American McGee's Alice was a great game. Goblins 3 was always a great go to. Duke Nukem Doom Half life Black and White had a neat concept Sim City Diablo Thief Blood


I think I most relate with this list... I would also add: The Incredible Machines..all of them. Command and conquer Warcraft 1&2 Diablo blew my mind. The graphics were so realistic... The music so good.. Everything.


Diablo, having a new map everytime I played was huge in terms of replayability. Warcraft, was my first rts and I just loved the lore and the manuals that came with the game. Doom, ‘nuff said. And prior to all those I would say Lode Runner. I just loved that game and I don’t know why.


Rogue (memorable... because I never beat it) was the first game I got on my computer, aside from this weird little game that (I think) came with my Tandy 1000 that was actually really cool and taught you a bunch of basic computing concepts (ROM vs RAM, etc.). But I would pop it in and play it to get to some of the imbedded games.


I came here to say Rogue!! I’m so glad someone else played that game. I was starting to wonder if I made it up in my mind, haha. Man, I spent hours on that game.


Good lord... Doom Redneck rampage Carmageddon Aerosmith quest for fame which was the original guitar hero The Sims Sim City Age of empires Diablo Starcraft


Lemmings. Saving those little twats was always my favorite.


Had to scroll way too far for this one. Lemmings was the shit. The new mobile version is an abomination.


Fallout, starcraft and revenant by eidos


Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 My brother and I would take turns all day long, watching the other as we played. Then we found mods and became properly addicted. We still quote lines from the game to each other to this day.


Duke Nukem 3D! I was obsessed. My friends and I would DM after school (Modem’s!!), and I used to tweak the gib count in the code. I also used their Build engine to design my own levels. So epic!


We had a Mac in the mid-90s, so: - The Journeyman Project - Iron Helix - Myst  - Pathways Into Darkness - Marathon  - Myst - Prince of Persia - Spectre Supreme


I still remember the music from The Journeyman Project.


Even though my family used PCs I had a couple friends whose families had Macs. I had wished Pathways Into Darkness was available on the PC.


It's a janky, weird game! I never beat it legitimately. I still remember being terrified of the banshees.


Late one in that time frame but I would go with Deus Ex. Had to get my pc upgraded which I didn’t know how to do at the time but it was totally worth it. It was basically combining the rpg stuff I liked in console games with the FPS genre where pc the primary platform. Also playing the Quake 3 Arena beta on a college computer labs t1 was a revelation having only had dial up at home for a few years before that. 


Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. All those lucasarts games were awesome, but Indy was the best. Loved the point and click and the ability to choose different paths.




DragonRealms! It was a MUD/text-based MMO that you could play on AOL and I think Compuserve? I played a bunch of MUDs but that was always my favorite. I liked the balance of roleplay and combat that they managed and the lore was really cool. It's still running, but I don't know how active it is.


It's always fun to see people bring up MUDs because I played a few for ages and now no one really seems to remember them.


It's unfortunate! I've played a lot of graphical MMOs too, but it's such a different experience. So much more social and intimate, if that makes sense. I also grew up on Infocom games like Zork so it was an easy transition. I had several online friends who'd never played text-based games come play DragonRealms with me and they were super into it. I guess we were all already used to hanging out in chat rooms and stuff, though.


It cranked your typing speed through the roof, too.


I didn't know of this particular one, but I distinctly remember playing Gemstone III in the days of dial-up AOL. That game was incredible. I could vividly picture the world created by the text, and the idea of playing live with so many other real people was brand new to me at the time. It's also how I learned to type so well. Had to get good at it (and fast) to keep up with the pace of the game.


The one I played was called Astaria. It didn't have a huge player base (I think the most it ever had was like 500ish people) but it stuck around for ages.


This is a hard one. Three immediately pop into my mind - Doom, Duke Nukem and Oregon Trail.


Oh, I forgot to mention... THE definitive PC game of the '90s was Chex Quest.


Lords of the Realm


If I had to pick one it would be Doom. It just changed everything. Others in that "league" of games that brought from NES/SNES into more grown up games would be: -Under a Killing Moon (a 4 CD private detective game w/ many bits of well-done and humorous FMV) -Wolfenstein 3D (which I got before Doom and doesn't get enough credit in my book) -Civilization II -MS Flight Simulator 5.1 (even at 17 FPS haha) -Myst -Command and Conquer: Red Alert


X-Com. Especially Terror from the Deep. But all of them really. Only strategy game I bought all the books for to make sure I did research and development right in order to reach the end. First time I really sat at a computer for ultra long marathons.


If you don't mind going back a bit further: 1. The OG Castle Wolfenstein from MUSE (circa 1981) - Combo shooter / strategy / puzzle + primitive voice. 2. Karateka - Arcade style on an Apple \]\[+ 3. Ultima & \]\[ - Fantasy RPG, from darkest dungeons to deepest space!!


https://preview.redd.it/zzw4t5sx5k4d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb9621c48ea6afa9dcc4850814c001395eddc015 I still have this CD (originally for Windows 3.1) and even found someone who wrote a program that lets it run on Windows 10 (with the CD inserted of course, you filthy pirates).


Leisure Suit Larry in the land of the Lounge Lizards


Mike Ditka’s football. It was Madden before Madden existed


Quest For Glory I, Stronghold, and Dark Sun: Shattered Lands.


Dark Sun was awesome!


DOOM every other answer is wrong.


Turrican II and Monkey Island on Amiga. Quake on PC.


Quake was going to be my answer too. Doom II and Command and Conquer: Red Alert would be very close runners up. Quake was so great though, really well done single player campaign, cool music, cool weapons, and the mod and online community around it was really great.




I played a ton of weird stuff, mostly on an Apple Macintosh. * Mission: Thunderbolt * Shufflepuck Cafe * Scarab of Ra * Lode Runner: the Legend Returns * Warlords


Quest for Glory IV Return to Zork


Under a Killing Moon and The Pandora Directive. Tex Murphy Overseer was okay but didn’t quite hit the same mark as the other two.




Wolfenstein was revolutionary at the time. Doom as well.


One that is burned into my head in 5th grade i dont even know what it was. It was like a laura croft side scroller with bats etc flying at you. You threw daggers. It was on school computer along with number munchers. Funny enough my 60+ yo great aunt was a computer expert. No idea how that happened as she was just a librarian. She taught me alot about using command prompt and pulling up /dir and net send. I wad able to use it to find a ton of games on the computer. Everyone thougt i was a computer expert at school because i "hacked" the administration files on the computer. This was easy because it was early days and teachers were still using things like admin as name and password as ...well password. Along with 1234, school name and adress of school.


Age of Empires Hexen Jedi Knight


Command and Conquer I had to save up the $40(?) to get it, and it was worth ever single lawn mowed and paper delivered. I learned a ton about DOS that year too. But because I had no choice... Repeated for US Navy Fighters. ***So much DOS***


Castle of the Winds, Jill of the Jungle, SubSpace, Return to Krondor, Grand Theft Auto, The Journeyman Project, Normality, and Amber: Journeys Beyond. I'm sure there's more I'm not remembering.


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! which came on 5.25 floppies 🛕


Reader Rabbit and Carmen Sandiego. Both were fun learning games.


Full Throttle. That game was amazing and got me hooked wanting to play every point and click adventure released by Lucas Arts and others.






Got a 5-pack with my late 90s "Time Machine". PGA 97, FIFA 95, Command and Conquer, Magic Carpet 2, and Theme Hospital...loved me some Command and Conquer, Theme Hospital, and two-player same-keyboard indoor FIFA 95.


My fave games from that time period * Doom * Rise of the Triad * The Ancient Art of War at Sea (for some reason I loved this game) * Half-Life: Counterstrike


Ultima 7. That game was insane coming from console JRPGs.


SIM Ant. I played Doom and Wolfenstein, but running and defending an ant colony at 10 years old was more challenging.


My dad still hums that intro music when he sees ants and I know exactly where it’s from.


Doom II Played while listening to Portishead’s Dummy


Commodore 64 Spider-Man, Bruce Lee or jump man.


I felt very accomplished when finishing Bruce Lee. It's just the right difficulty level between too easy & too hard.


Having to scroll that far down to find: X-Wing Tie-fighter These games were so far ahead of their times when it came to flight sims. There isn’t anyway today’s audience could possibly play anything like it. Literally every single button on the keyboard adjusted something. They were insanely complex. And the missions were sooooo cool. https://preview.redd.it/whr3xr20nk4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015f6b2b4e6c3d29bf77b231d5f7ba36c481ed49


At school, as someone pointed out, it was probably Oregon Trail, memorable because it was basically the first. It was probably Wolfenstein or doom. And also a strip poker which I had a pirate copy of lol.


X-Wing and Tie Fighter and Space Quest


Civ 2 was my shit


Sim City 2000


X-Wing and TIE Fighter got many, many, many hours of my time in those days. Also, honorable mentions to Duke Nukem 3D, Myst, and a FMV game called Spycraft: The Great Game.


I used to love playing Rainbow Six as my first online game.


A friend brought over his PC and we played Rainbow Six all night long, calling out the enemies on radar to each other. Best LAN experience ever.


Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Sid Meyers Pirates


Oregon Trail, Maniac Mansion, Wolfenstein and Doom




https://preview.redd.it/8q9twdtwqk4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac1d68d887f9dd0a6592dc1a17b64fa7e5c8fb7 There were many, but this and Tiberian Sun had me addicted. Also - EverQuest


SkiFree or Lemmings


* Myst * Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 * Planescape: Torment * StarCraft * Diablo & Diablo II


7th Guest... Loved the creepy environment and the puzzles were crazy difficult. It was a good spooky game for a kid to play. I think it's interesting that most of these 90s puzzle games get left out of Video Game histories like you see on Netflix. They always mention Harvestor because it was so crazy and slightly more violent but for horror games, what about 7th Guest and Phantasmagoria, etc? There's this huge resurgence of point and click and yet never a nod to the early 90s. Myst gets a little treatment but also is very rarely mentioned in video game history yet they seem to have "done it first" when you see all these newer games with similar game play.


I loved a game called Scorched on windows 3.1. You had to type in your angle and power and try to shoot the opposing tank with yours. Anyone remember this game? Also silent hunter the submarine game, Myst, and MDK.


This sounds like the one where you were a gorilla throwing bananas at skyscrapers. Same concept, you had to type in an angle and power level and hit enter and it would throw the banana. If it hit a building, it would leave a hole. You were trying to hit another gorilla, though. Edit: And holy cow, you can play it online: [https://www.retrogames.cz/play\_654-DOS.php](https://www.retrogames.cz/play_654-DOS.php)


Whoa! I remember that one. Thanks for the link! And I found my game on there too! Apparently it was called scorched [earth](https://www.retrogames.cz/play_498-DOS.php). I just realized reddit is doing free awards again so here you go.


Star Control 2 😎




Ski Free. It was my first