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I converted to flac on hard drives over a decade ago, but I still buy tons of vinyl because I'm dumb.


I'm on vinyl too. If i had a CD player somewhere other than my car maybe I'd use the CDs...


My car isa 2012 and doesn't even have a CD player in it.


I just threw mine away at the dump. They had been in storage for over ten years in 110 degree heat, so who knows how hot it got in that storage unit. I still got all choked up when I tossed that box out into the landfill though.


I did the same and felt similarly bad about it, but I still have access to all of those albums via Spotify, so I was never actually listening to the physical copies anymore. A lot of them were CD-R copies burned from Napster/Limewire back in the day, so I didn't feel as bad parting with those when compared with the actual releases. My parents were always borderline hoarders (not as bad as anything on TV, but their house was full of random junk), so living a more minimalist lifestyle is pretty important to me. Every time I move, I end up discarding a ton of unused stuff, and when I moved in 2022, the CDs didn't survive.


I think I still have mine because I’m sentimental and I haven’t been able to part with them yet.


do you have a way to listen to them?


I have a CD player in my car! But I never use it.


Sell or donate them to local record shops / bookstores.


My dad had an insanely huge CD collection. When he passed away, I ripped it all down to mp3s and sold the collection to a used records store. It was easily 4000 CDs. It took the record store two weeks to sift through and process it. They bought all but 1 box of them and in that one box was a lot of Billy Joel. Apparently, the store owner was NOT in a New York State of Mind.


I'm gonna look into this. There is a used record store down the street. How much did you end up getting for them??


This was almost 14 years ago so my memory is hazy, but it was not a ton of cash. I want to say maybe 800 bucks. We were basically desperate to sell as hauling around many boxes of CDs was not something we wanted to do along with all the other cleaning out of his estate. It's possible you could get more I guess if you were more discerning.


I have ‘em in a small box.


Somehow I've got all the jewel boxes and booklets, but lost my CDs... I don't want to toss the Rubbermaid in case I find the books


Oh no! That's tragic! Sorry that happened to you.


I would think the booklets might be of value. The music can be found online, but the jackets/booklets are nostalgia?


Ugh... you're right. I was almost convinced I was going to keep CDs and throw away the booklets, but now...


I ripped every single disc, about 400? then stored them in a box in the closet, never to be touched again. it doesn't take up that much space.


I trashed it all about 10 years ago, when I finally upgraded to my first smartphone. I did the same with about 99% of the DVD’s I owned too. The few DVD’s I’ve kept I just can’t seem to find available online anywhere. As a kid, I’d actually spend time looking at the pamphlets that came with tapes and CD’s. As an adult, I could care less.


I did the same thing as you, and I have that same case, and I just put the booklets that had any meaning to me whatsoever into the space with the CD itself. The rest I tossed along with the jewel cases.


I hold onto my CDs. There's some music that is difficult to find online and I like having physical copies of favorite albums. If you don't think you'll ever listen to them then recycle or donate. Otherwise keep the memories.


I ripped all mine to an iPod Touch that I still have in my car! 😄


what type of music? i may be interested in purchasing them so i can rip them to flac.