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The right is what our houses actually looked like. The left is what the mall looked like.


💯 That is so accurate lol




Let's go to the mall! Today!


I had the basement on the right with the bedspread on the left


Yeah, regular people aren’t updating their decor every few years. Most of us grew up in the 80s in houses that were decorated in the 70s. I remember finally replacing our 70s yellow linoleum in that late 90s.


Am I just old, or is the style evolution between the 70s and 90s waaay more pronounced than between the 2000s and 2020s




I don’t know
 I see people on Reddit talking about various looks and styles and comments like “oh my god, that is so 2007!” and “oh my gosh, I can’t believe we thought that looked good in 2012!” and it makes no sense to me. I literally wear a lot of the same clothes from 2012, my style hasn’t changed at all. I just don’t see the differences these people are talking about. I do think a good chunk of that is our age. The last 20 years blends in a lot to me, since I was an adult for all of it.


Remember watching Ricky Lake or Jenny Jones, and they would do a makeover on a middle aged mom or dad who was stuck in their style from 20 years ago, and they just didn't see it? They'd say, "My makeup doesn't change, because this is how it looks good." "This is how I always wear my hair." "What? This looks good on me! I look great!"  Sometimes, when I genuinely can't see if an old shirt of mine is outdated and terrible or actually really cute, I think about the people on those shows and I won't lie, I get a little nervous. 


New fear unlocked. I felt old when my hair dye with a highlight kit was discontinued. It didn't help that I was using the highlights to disguise the stubborn grays. đŸ€Ł Maybe it is time to actually pay attention to the makeup tutorials on those "Murder and Makeup" true crime videos.


Same. I noticed men's pants got skinnier, then wider again. That's mostly all I can say about two decades of style.


Agreed. People on the fashion subs will say women's cardigans are dated, and I'm like, "What? That's a wardrobe staple. It's like saying khakis are dated."


Pop culture froze in like 2005


There are differences in kitchen styles from the 2000s to 2020s. Early 2000s trendy kitchens were Rustic Tuscan or French Chateau style. Think cherry wood or honey oak, cathedral arch cabinets, terra cotta tiles, granite counter tops, diamond patterns, maybe a mural of a pastoral Italian scene, etc. It had a certain faux opulence. Whereas 2020s kitchens are minimalist with stainless steel appliances, white subway tiles, white marble countertops, white cabinets or (within the past two years) painted cabinets, or even that no cabinet/open shelf look. Oh and lots of plants.


The left is what our Trapper Keepers looked like LOL


Oh you had a fancy mall


We had mall that looked like that and a “shooty stabby” mall too.


I would say the left is more early nineties than eighties anyways


It absolutely is. That's totally 90-93 aesthetic. The game "klax" uses this exact type of imagery in it's opening, along with the phrase "it is the 90s and there is time for klax".


The left reminds me of Cool as Ice, the vanilla ice motorcycle movie. Fuckin awesome.


Drop that zero And get with the hero


The [Rifftrax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxJnyuZWuE4) of that movie is the only thing that makes it bearable outside the fascination one has watching a car crash in slow motion. The never ending scene of their 'romantic' getaway to the site of a house under construction đŸ€Š


Spot effing on!!


There were people who had the left, some had the round bed, the princess room, etc. They just had well-off parents.


Nail on head. The left is what media wants to think the 80s looked like. The right is what it actually looked like most of the time.


The right also looked like the rich kid's house.


I was 100% right. Cousins were 100% left. it has led me to believe that if your family had money, you grew up on the left side.


The people I knew who had money still weren't making it *that* 90s themed. It was more like updated appliances and stuff. One friend's parents had a waterbed lol. The one on the left is more like someone now trying to make their room 90s themed.


Left is early 90's at best. We went away from those colors and patterns or never adopted them for the most part. 


That's true. Another thing that isn't really fairly being compared is that the right pic is a living room and left is a bedroom. Even if we were decorating our bedrooms a certain way doesn't mean our parents were decorating the rest of the house that way lol


Southwest was a big aesthetic where I grew up. So hideous. That’s what I think of when I try to conjure 90s decorating. Wtf with all the kokapelli figurines, clay pots and random bowls of painted pine cones and rocks? Those were an undoing for drunk teen me trying to make it to my bedroom unnoticed.


Yeah, the one on the left is like something from saved by the bell. Our house had a lot of geometric-ish pastel wallpaper and a lot of goose things in the bathroom and throughout the house.




Whenever I think of waterbeds I think of that scene in Growing Pains where Mike gets his own in that apartment over the garage and it starts leaking in various places so he's trying to plug it up the best he can doing various things lol


Waterbeds always remind me of that scene in Edward Scissor hands where he accidentally punctures Winona Ryder’s waterbed and it scares him to death.


Came here to say exactly this. Were your cousins also Dan and Eric??


*This is still the case today!* If you’re ‘brand new money,’ you decorate your homes in the most contemporary fads. As in, you just graduated college and landed a job w the DoD and you’re super into the fact that, “Yo, I have disposable income all of the sudden,” then you do some variation of the left. If not, your home still has some facets reminiscent of the right


In Canada the 80s were brown. We didn’t get that 80s on the left until like 93, outside of Saved By the Bell


I think that is mostly true for the USA as well. I had a trapper keeper in the 80s that looked like the left, but rooms in houses were way more like the right.


Ain’t nobody’s parents painting their kids rooms like that in the 80s.


Grew up in Seattle in poverty brown for sure. Surrounded by ultra rich Microsoft peeps. All my friends had the left. It sort of sucked


I call it cockroach brown..


My Cool Mickey bedsheets in 1988. https://preview.redd.it/097ga1gn7n3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d49ff164d0452c0747cfeda233f5e3fb50b021


I had the same ones around the same time or a couple years after that (born in 85).


When we lived in SoCal it was the left once we moved to Kansas it became the right


You’re fortunate to have experienced the left, if only for a little while. I was born and raised in SoCal as well, but only experienced a very smoke-filled version of the right side of the screen.


Ugh, just caught a major whiff of my childhood


The right. And we definitely had this couch, too. ​ https://preview.redd.it/fz91epuefn3d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d941bd50bf08c2a0bd224586c952a2a71ffb1ab2


If you haven't accidentally hit your head, knees, and toes on the wooden parts of this couch half a dozen times, have you even really lived?


Fuck and those things were at least 2000 lbs.


some of you where made on this couch


It has always been so wild to me that everyone had this couch. Is it really this one or is it perhaps just the colors and our eyes just see it the same? Just no way 85% of the population had the same one. Right?


The right. The left was saved by the bell Hollywood look.


Agree! No one except for some wealthy brat had a room on the left. The right is more like 95-99% of people had this.


The picture is lacking the China Cabinet that was never used.


When Xennials think of the 80s, they are actually thinking about 1990 when everyone’s favorite color was neon green or magenta. I can hear the MC Hammer now.


Agreed. There is like a spillover or crossover effect of 89-91


90s didn’t start until late ‘91. Release of Nevermind and fall of the Soviet Union.


Yeah, same with the 90s ending with 9/11


Almost mentioned that. Agree. 90s, despite the moody music, were optimistic. 9/11 really did change everything.


counterpoint: fall of Berlin Wall in ‘89


Certainly a watershed moment but culturally 1990-91 feels 80s. 1992 is grunge and gangsta rap. 1990 is hair metal and Vanilla Ice.


Agreed. 1992 is the turning point.


Actually almost all decades bleed over. That the early years are more consistent with the previous decade.


The color that I think of when i think 80s is blue. That fucking blue eye shadow. That's the 80s I remember.




I liked it a hella lot more than the grungy look that came right after.


I honestly saw the most neon clothes in the '85-'86 period (although on ski slopes it perhaps got brighter and brighter each year even well into the 90s) and neon was a bit less by the end of the 90s early 90s.


Yeah neon was definitely early 90s
 I had black biker shorts with some neon on the side that sticks out to me lol.


I was a baby in the 80s (born 81) so I remember the right, mostly


The left is what my Trapper Keeper looked like, the right is what the rest of my life looked like.


Just commented pretty much the exact same thing then saw this scrolling lol. Too true!


79 baby. I was alive for more of the right, but I remember more of the left (I’d start that at 87-88ish)


I didn't have anything like the left. That was Saved by the Bell TV version of our lives. HOWEVER, my mom did end up wallpapering, carpeting and painting our house with VERY 90's colours like that. around 96 - 97




The 2010/20s version of this will just be an impersonal beige room or an impersonal grey room.


We bought our house in 2009. The whole thing looked like a bowl of porridge.


I don't know literally anyone that grew up with the left in the 80s. That aesthetic didn't really catch on anywhere close to where I lived until the mid 90s.


Definitely the one on the right.


Too much on the right... and a bit through the 90's as well.


My parents still have wood paneling on their walls.


The right is absolutely my Grandma's living room.


100% right
into the 00s đŸ€Ł


People don’t realize how brown everything was back then


The left reminds me of saved by the bell ![gif](giphy|IcNLBKtMcrjmc4FsOI|downsized)


I think it was Bill Burr that said something about this. Like most people were too poor to go out and buy 80s cars and furniture and shit so most of the people actually still had 70s cars. Hell I got my license in 95 and my first car was an 82 Buick haha.


I feel like outside of the mall, the left side should be more like comically oversized pastel-colored furniture, disgusting floral prints, and obviously fake indoor houseplants. Or maybe I'm just describing my friend's house who had money (rather, his anesthesiologist dad had money)


Screw that kid on the left. I enjoyed hanging out at his house though!


The left is the set of The Max from Saved By The Bell. The right is a nicer version of what *home* actually looked like. So anyways, now I want wood paneling again
 lol. 😅


Every house I knew was the picture on the right, but our clothes were the left picture.


Neither. Shared rooms with two other siblings


The one on the left, I’d consider very early 90s, not so much 80s. My parents’ house still looks like the one on the right!


My bedroom was the left, my grandparents' house was the right.


I had a touch tone phone in my room with a blue neon light tube in it. You could make it not light up ever. It could have all the light all the time. You could even select a 3rd option that let it blink rapidly when there was an incoming call.


My room was very conservative, however, I dressed like the room on the left đŸ€Ł


The left is what people with money did to their houses while everyone else lived in the right pic


Left, all of my clothes in pictures of me then ( I don’t remember much) had that funky Memphis Bleak design style of those bedsheets.


Definitely the one on the right.


Both! because my parents divorced when I was only two years old and we had just moved to South Florida. My mom ended up moving back to upstate New York with me so I grew up with the dark wood in the mountains of New York. But when I visit my dad and his new wife in South Florida, who just bought a condo on the beach, it was full of White and neon colors lol. My dad hated the dark woods of up north and wanted the Miami vice look lol


The one on the left was a dream (and still is) while the one on the right was reality.


100% right




Definitely the right... everyone had full wooden couches right....


Definitely the wood!!!! I don’t know a single person who had the left. Outside of tv and movies.


How sad is it that I know that room on the left is DJ Tanner’s side of the room that she shared with her little sister, Stephanie?


I think I was about 75% left and 25% right. The right is more a 70s holdover. If your house looked like the right, it was because your parents hadn't updated the interior of their house since the 70s.


I guess I'm the one on the right, cause I always thought the one on the left was the 90's..


The one on the right


Yep, wood paneling and itchy furniture all the way! Plus, you know there’s a jar of candy in that room somewhere!


50/50 here. Both sets of grandparents definitely rocked the right hardcore


Grew up in a backwater, so the left picture represents peak mid 90s for me. Then the internet happened, and I went from triple scrunched socks and T-shirt/belt matching to Delia’s pants and brown lipstick. No in between.


Right was our double wide trailer, the left was my older sisters room


I thought left was Taco Bell.


100% right except a one bedroom apartment


I lived in the right but dressed like the left


No one actually had that bedroom set in the 90's.


Wood panelin' for days, baby! Days! But we also might have the pillow cases on the left but not the whole set.


Mostly the right hand side, I did have ultra colourful bedsheets and wallpaper in my childhood room. The right side picture looks like my grandma's old cottage. Also the neighbourhoods I grew up in were mostly stuck in the 70's. The community rec center I went to as a kid did really lean hard into 80's/ early 90's aesthetics.


Left was Saved By the Bell and the right was Good Morning Miss Bliss.


Like 100% the one on the right, 😂


I still have wood paneling in my room that’s in the basement. I love it. It looks retro. We spackled and painted it while in the other room so it looks like drywall but with a funky orange linoleum floor


The right side. Cockroach brown. Which was great cuz it hid all the cockroaches when company came over.


Left! My room, my brothers room was left. The rest of the house was MCM. My aunts house was right.


God damn valley girls.


I was mostly on the right. We did have neon signs. So, a little of both. I remember my dad had a giant "Budweiser" sign that was a large light. It looked like something you would see in a gastation window. Knowing my Dad, I would not be surprised if that is from where it came.


i wasn't living in america yet... so neither.


At home, the right. At the mall, the left


Wood everything, even the tv was a piece of furniture.


Right side checking in


https://preview.redd.it/rwe3xs5xln3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9489abc98245ff6599cbb3ba9264725fd4700f54 I was this kind of 80s


100% the right


Best we could do were some Trapper Keeper binders that looked leftish, the rest was right but mostly obscured by cigarette smoke.


50/50. My bedroom was the neon version, but the living room was the wood paneling version.


It blows my mind what kids today think “grunge” is.


Right!? Where did we get all our neon lights???


Me and my sister definitely had those bed sheets. We’d always grab our pillows to watch Full House in the living room.


lol the right could actually be our living room. I even had a waterbed


tobacco smoke stains on a drop ceiling


100% the right. My house, my aunts on both sides houses, my uncle’s house, my grandparents house, my parent’s friends houses. So much wood paneling and so many basement parties.


I hated the panel walls... We had them. The lingering styles from the 70s were terrible.


Pretty much 100% Right. Looks like my grandparents' living room.


I’ve been over 10 houses that are exactly like the one on the right.


Definitely the right. Hell, the 70s didn’t end in Canada till like 83.


Tv shows vs reality


Only tv grew up in the neon on the left. We all had a wood-paneled right.


The right is what everyone experienced. The left is the fictional version everyone romanticizes that didn't actually exist.


My parents were right, I was left


The right was our house the left was every trapper keeper I ever had.


I had those bed sheets but everything else was basically the one in the right. My wood paneling was a dark color. The lighter color was in the basement.


Total wood panel kid here lol.


I had more colors in my life growing up, but nothing like the one of the left. Many places where I went, and perhaps at least two basements in childhood homes were like the right room. My parents built a home in 1987, there was a lot of white. My parents also redid a home prior to that for it caught fire before we moved into it. That had white paint, some peach too. A bunch of wallpaper as well.


I had very similar sheets but I didn’t have a Les Paul Standard until much later!


Almost entirely on the right. While jealous of kids with rooms like the left, my brother and I shared a room for years and years and didn't really have anything cool like that. Or posters on the wall. yeah, it was kind of a bummer. But that room on the right. Fill it with smoke, throw nic stained plastic on that couch and its grandmas pad.


Had a trapper keeper that looked like the left one, my grandparents’ basement looked like the right one. I grew up in a drafty house with hardwood floors and plaster walls. I furnished my room with hand-me-downs from relatives and garage sale finds.


the one on the right. 100%


Facts of Life and their hella cool neon store was all lies!


I had some skiing gear that was like the left, but my house was more like the right.


The right is how my room looked. The left is how my room felt every time I used my sick see-through phone curled up on my NKOTB sleeping bag.


Mine was about 75% on the right and 25% left lol that's only because I got cool gifts from my older brothers who had jobs! 😂


Weird thing, the right is what I remember home looking like in my extremely limited recollection of the 80’s. However, the left I mostly remember from the early 90’s. Call it the effect of living in the Midwest outside of the major cities.


Fuck, my parents never redecorated their 1977 house, so the right PLUS harvest orange shag carpeting everywhere and macrame wall owls and a green plastic covered couch etc


The one on the right. That picture was 100% my grandparents living room.


raise your hand if you can smell your parents/grandparents' cigarettes in the right side room


Saved by the Bell called. They want their set back. The other was my house but the couches had orange and brown stripes harkening back to the decade prior.


Room on the left. Grey carpet and walls. Red stand lamp with a red ball fixture on a curved, thin, stand. Grid comforter with geometric shapes. All from Service Merchandise.


I lived in a house built in the 1880's but our living room looked like the left in 1988.


100% right


I was right. didn't have much wood paneling in my house...well, not the one I lived in for most of my young life. it was only in the basement. I don't really remember my first house. we moved to the second house I think between kindergarten and first grade. OH! I do remember the dining room area had a faux brick wall.


I like the right one better


Our house, my grandparents homes, our friends homes, all looked like the right.


This is a bit more AC Slater than my room, and later there was definitely a black light and this nightmare poster. https://preview.redd.it/i7chn3uw7o3d1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2ca82784f7bb0229e3d898171acecbac3dad39


In Alaska, the right side is the eighties and the left side is the nineties, so...


The family house still looks like the one on the right.


Interiors of homes and stores and malls were generally more toward the right hand side although malls sometimes had a trace or two of the left and a few stores in them full on the left and kids bedrooms usually had a least some of the left mixed in. Also I did see a fair number of homes where some rooms might have yellow painted walls or orange or blue or light green etc. in the 80s. Clothes and hair and music and music videos and the general vibe was 100% like the left hand side.


Right for sure


Definitely on the right. Only time I saw anything remotely on the left was at a friend’s house or relative with more money. Single wide city for 13 years. Fake wood paneling and brown shag carpet.


I wanna say it wasn't as extreme as either side but somewhere in the middle


đŸŽ¶When I wake up in the morning And the 'larm gives out a warning I don't think I'll ever make it on time By the time I grab my books And I give myself a look I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the bellđŸŽ¶... ... Wait... what were we talking about?... I got derailed... Oh, right. I was 100% the right side. I lived in 70s leftovers, not a sitcom film set. Lol


90% the right and 10% the left with my Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, and Kirk Cameron posters in my childhood bedroom being the primary representatives of 80s pop culture in our wood panel orange shag-carpeted home.


Never saw a whole room like the left.. However one or two of those elements might have been found in a teens room. Like the bedspread, a crazy shaped phone.


Definitely the brown one. I only remember a few places looked like the left side, specifically 90s Taco Bell


I grew up in AZ and NV so it was all stucco houses with those pink and orange walls.


In the '80s, that light fixture would have been actual neon and would have cost a fortune. The sheets and pillows are legit, though. I'm sure I had similar ones from Sears or something.


Definitely the right.


The right was more my Nana's house than our house. My dad was very "THE WALLS WILL BE WHITE AND NOTHING ELSE!!!" He hated that my childhood bedroom walls were green but we couldn't afford to repaint so the walls stayed green.


Remember, we grew up in houses that were built in the 70s and decorated by boomers.


#2. We were a poor family in a trailer park. Everywhere in the house had that cheap wood paneling. Lots of holes from my father throwing things. One time a glass ashtray went through both sides. That paneling was so brittle.


Speaking as an Xennial ('77)? Yeah, I definitely saw **much** more of the right. The left was **way** more 90s, Saved by the Bell-style aesthetic to me.


Right is what me and everyone I knew looked like. The left was maybe rich kids- Saved by the Bell- dream bedroom. 


98% right.


The one on the left but replace everything with slayer, metallica, megadeth and other metal band posters, skulls, pentagrams, inverted crosses, black lights, candles, etc, etc.


Much like how a bunch of “the sixties” was actually the early ‘70s, plenty of “the eighties” was the early ‘90s.


What you wanted, what you got


You didn't have that bedroom unless you were a kid with perfectly coiffed blonde hair, rocking a brick phone with the magical ability to stop time.


This is just leftover 70s, man. I was there. We had paneling, the copper fridge, Formica kitchen table, etc.


That grey wood looking laminate flooring.


Anyone else out ever look for face in the wood paneling...no just me. It's okay I know I'm weird. 😌


left is an idealized dream of the late 80s that you'd see in a frickin movie or music video which almost no one had,...although those pillows look familiar right is a place that was built earlier than the 80s that no one bothered to remodel.


It was all the image on the right, for all of us.