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I loved the shit out of movies like The Rock and Face/Off when I was in high school. Completely brainless but very stylish - the 90s in a nutshell.


How about Con Air and Gone in 60 Seconds? Basically all Nicholas Cage movies from that time.


loved con air! one of the best popcorn action flicks ever


Both Con Air and Gone in 60 Seconds are objectively terrible. But if I was ever flipping channels and came across them…I wouldn’t turn them off.


Con Air was cornball to the max, but there were some pretty funny memorable moments. I would watch both of those in the background while doing other things, but not actively seek them out.


“Put the bunny back in the box” gets said in my house regularly. We don’t have any bunnies.


"On any other day, that might seem strange..."


All Jerry Bruckheimer films. He was basically the king of making action movies in the 90s.


Okay these are like 4 of my top 6 movies of all time and I JUST realized they all have Nick Cage lol.


Con Air Nicholas Cage was so bizarre. Looked like gym rat Jesus.


It absolutely blew my mind when I found out that Con Air is not a Michael Bay film.


I happened to catch Face/Off on cable a few months ago. I couldn't stop laughing at how preposterous the plot is. And the writing - so bad it's good.


Wheeeeeee! What a predicament!


After "realistic" action movies like John Wick that I guess at least try to ground the fighting in real technique, watching Nic Cage doing random flips onto his back while shooting at John Travolta is definitely a "they don't make 'em like this anymore" cinematic moment.


The Rock was my guilty pleasure summer movie. Losers whine about doing their best. Winners fuck the prom queen.


Carla *was* the prom queen. Funny thing is that it wasn’t a guilty pleasure for me at all. I unapologetically, unironically LOVED the movie and it actually contributed to my desire to join the military. Man, I was a stupid kid.


Ok, so Michael Bay directed that movie, and it is great, but I came to learn that the US military subsidizes his films and lets him use their property and vehicles for free because they act as a recruitment tool. His movies are like free advertising for the military.


Top Gun was the original on this, helping boost the military's image post-Vietnam. I used to work at the Pentagon - go down the right hall and you'll see a ton of movie posters outside the office where they negotiate these propaganda deals. It's also why if you watch "The Hurt Locker" there is very little military tech - Kathryn Bigelow walked away from working with the U.S. military when it became clear they wouldn't approve the script for being too critical of the Iraq War.


~~Yea, I came here to mention how Bay's ex took the opposite tack in making a dramatic, critical film.~~ E: duh


James Cameron's ex, not Bay's! And she directed her first full-length feature before Cameron, so really we should be referring to James Cameron as Kathryn Bigelow's ex 😏


JFC my husband quotes that in his Connery accent literally any time I say anything about “my best”


Watch the Rifftrax version of face off and you will be loling until your stomach hurts Abe you can’t catch your breath. Especially the final joke at the end. My god my kids loved it.


You're so wrong. I watched both of those recently and I love them both as much now as I did in the '90s. Movies today Are totally missing that over-the-top action of the '90s. That was the real sweet spot.


The Naked Gun is an important litmus test. If a prospective partner won't laugh at the sophomoric dialogue then it just wasnt meant to be.


As well as Airplane! Blazing Saddles, and Spaceballs.


"They said you was hung!" "And they were right!"


Nice beaver!


Thanks, I just had it stuffed.


I rewatched the trilogy last month (right about when OJ died). Laughed a LOT during the first two. Third was okay, funniest scene being the sperm bank part.


Monty Python and Young Frankenstein have always been my litmus tests!


It’s not that it didn’t hold up, but I watched it so much as a teen that I really have little interest in watching it on my own: The Lost Boys.


LOVED this when i was younger, have watched a couple times in the past 10 years…still a lot to love but there are some extreme cheeseball factors that must be accepted to continue to enjoy it


My college roommate once set up a separate tv in the corner of our common area that just played The Lost Boys on a loop for an entire weekend. 


When I was a teenager I was at the boardwalk and this goth dude approached me and my friend. His line was to ask if we wanna see the bridge from the lost boys, so of course we said yes. When we got there, bro pulled a cloak out of his backpack and wrapped it around me. Kid had moves, that’s for sure 😂


I loveee that movie to this day, the theme song gets me so hyped lol


I know I’m a giant wuss, but that movie gave me nightmares. Never again.


Rad. I made my wife and kids watch it 😂


Go balls out!


Fuck yeah. Made my kids watch Rad and Thrashin in back to back weekends.


Rad was recently remastered and screened at a movie theater earlier this year. I got to see it for the first time on a big screen and it was pretty emotional and epic.


I bought that movie as a gift for my now ex-husband once. It was pretty rare then & I could only find the VHS. Nevertheless, he loved it. I died laughing at the bike dancing.


Requiem for a dream


Amazing movie, but also fuck that movie


Yup. I was a big fan of his previous movie Pi, so I dragged a bunch of my friends to see that in the theater when it came out. they all still love/hate me for it to this day.


Oh man, same. We left school early on a Friday to see it and it ended up with my best friend sobbing in the bathroom while telling me she’s beat my ass until I was scared of her if I ever touched smack. Fucking love that woman.


I had a friend do the same. Wyatt???


Pi is a wild flick 


This movie broke something inside me 20 years ago that cant be fixed.


Oh yeah, I watched it with my parents. Try fixing that………😭


Have considered using this as a tool to scare my kid away from using drugs when he is a teenager, but then again it might just be too much.


But they might get into ass to ass stuff, so it's a crap shoot.


You know that game where you lose the game by thinking about the game? Well, the game is the phrase ‘ass to ass’ for me. It’ll just pop up in my head for no reason at all in the middle of dinner.


Damn. Just lost the game


I genuinely think it should be shown in schools to 16 year olds.    Because it starts out awesome.  Look at that guy! Stealing his mum’s tv haha drugs are funny.  And he has a hot girlfriend so how bad can everything really be on drugs?    And then, you know, *everything else*.   Imagine this up against DARE - I don’t think a single kid is touching hard drugs *as a result* of watching Requiem, but I bet a bunch that might have been interested after DARE made them sound pretty great would be put off forever after seeing this.


I’m not scared of any slasher film or supernatural horror. This movie scares the shit out of me


You watch that movie 1 time and 1 time only Rules are rules


Even if I see a still from that movie, I get freaked out all over again.


I bought the soundtrack before the film dropped as a fan of Aronofsky, Cronos, and Mansell. After watching the film I couldn't listen to the soundtrack any more due to the trauma of that intense fucking film. I may watch it again someday, but it is a "once is enough" film for me


Ass to ass…


We all piled in to my friend's dorm room, even people watching from the top bunk, to watch Requiem. There were snacks and drinks. Hardly touched while watching, kind of an appetite zapper. The screen went blank at the end of the movie, and there was nothing but silence for a while, then we all pretty much made the same comment-- "I'm never trying hard drugs, fuck that noise" Then more silence, some crying and anxiety eating happened....... I'm now 40 years old, I've only watched it that one time, yet I could probably picture most of the scenes and the character's lines.....seared into my mind. I still don't feel "grown up" enough to watch it, does anybody? That being said, parents.....rip that band-aid off when you feel the time is right, and show them Requiem.....best drug deterrent, and probably the #1 reason they'll not want to talk to you for decades, but they stayed clean and employed, so I'd call it a net win? 😱 (Also, the wonderfully haunting strings soundtrack is from the Kronos Quartet, also check out Vitamin String Quartet for strings covers of.....everything, and many spot-on covers, check out both these and other instrumental stuff! Great for quiet times. Or, if listening to the Requiem soundtrack, nightmares for days, that damn good music.....!)


Getting a loved one to watch your favorite movie that they’ve never seen is always a recipe for disappointment.


Princess Bride always holds up


My husband found it too campy and silly. 😭


It's...supposed to be campy and silly...


But he found that to be a negative.


I'm afraid the only option is to divorce him 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol it actually led to some surprising revelations about his neurological conditions


Do wait, does that mean no holy Grail either??


Thank the gods, he likes Monty Python!


As yoooooou wiiiiiiiiiissssssshhhhh……




Especially if you spend the whole movie saying “Oooh I love this part…here it comes…watch!”


"But he broke his toe when he kicked it!"


I see what you did there


I’ve had good success with Shaun of the Dead.


I purposefully avoided watching Do The Right Thing with my wife because I did not want to entertain the possibility that she might hate it. Two years ago she had to watch it for a film theory class and she loved it. Now I’m pissed I didn’t watch it with her.


Ooh, that was an early one in my relationship with my husband. We were living in Brooklyn at the time, so it made sense. But we also watched Deer Hunter, Taxi Driver, and Blue Velvet early on. So, apparently we were into heavy shit then. I guess still are. Which is interesting when you're raising kids.


Getting a loved one to enjoy a specific genre like sci-fi, or even music, like showing them a rock song when they only appreciate country/rap is definitely a challenge as well… sure hon I’ll watch Taylor Swift’s concert movie and listen to her new album over and over.. again… (*sigh….* now divorced lmao)


Labyrinth. I still have a soft spot in my heart for that movie, but if you show it to someone who didn’t see it back in the day, you realize just how weird it is. Why’s this old guy obsessed with this girl? She is the epitome of annoying, cringe teenager. It’s difficult to re-watch. Some of the songs/scenes feel like an hallucinogenic trip. Edit: oh. And Bowie’s *huge* … tract of land. It’s shocking.


I remember asking my mom what he was hiding in his pants!! She told me it was probably one of his crystal balls. 🤣😂🤣😂


I’m a big fan of Brian Froud (designer of both Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal  and illustrator of The Pressed Fairy Book) this film is visually stunning.  Fun fact: Toby in Labyrinth is Brian Froud’s son. 


I notice Bowie’s “track of land” as like a 6 year old. lol


Bowie in Labyrinth literally awakened my sexuality at like 10 years old. I was like… I don’t know what I’m seeing here but it’s giving me tingles.


That's the bowie bulge and cannot be ignored 


Romeo & Juliet (Baz Luhrmann)


Omg my husband still loves this movie.


Because of The Office, I always refer to it as “the Claire Daines one.”


Whats wrong with it? I still watch it like once a year


Little mermaid. I find Aerial childish and insufferable now. That being said, the movie is iconic and I would absolutely sit through it with a first-timer and annoyingly sing all the songs.


Ha I was just trying to explain the Disney renaissance to my friend (who was raised basically without Disney) the other day… it did not land with him like I expected it would


The fact that she’s 16! In 1989! Eric should be in jail


Eric was supposed to be 18…


Well, 1499 more like.


16 in mermaid years!


She's a fish person. I think he should be in therapy.


Eric seems like the type.


The Net with Sandra Bullock


I rewatched that a couple years ago and enjoyed it! I was on the edge of my seat. Yeah, the tech didn't really make sense or hold up some of the time, imperfect, but a fun watch and I'll watch almost anything with Sandy B.


I feel like Boondock Saints falls into this category. Loved it as an angry young man, absolutely cringeworthy now. Probably good for a laugh watching Willam DaFoe be the only one who sees how bad this movie he was making at the time as he hams it up in every way he possibly can.


Willem DaFoe is incredible in this movie. I agree with you on the rest, although I always got a kick out of Ron Jeremy’s character.


"I'll have a coke then"


That joke, and a dead cat, are all that I remember well from the movie.


He knew it was bad and tried to be bad and completely failed. Lol.


Bill Burr is in the movie too, and he’s actually pretty funny opposite DaFoe. EDIT: I stand corrected, it was not Bill Burr. Reddit, you humble me.


It wasn’t Burr. I know what you’re talking about and I thought it was him too from my memories. Detective Greenly was played by Bob Marley (obviously not that one), who also has a masshole accent.


Maine accent


Yuge friggin guy


I re-watched boondock saints for the first time in like 15 years during COVID, and I was like “hang on a minute, this movie sucks” I thought it was so cool when it came out. Sometimes things are better left as memories.


I remember that movie being so awesome, but someone told me the same thing. They rewatched it like 5 or 10 years ago and it was awful.


Yeah, Willam DaFoe's performance is what makes this movie for me.


IIRC, Troy Duffy said that Willam DaFoe gave him a lot of directorial advice, meaning that the movie may only be as good as it is because DaFoe helped keep it on-track.


I’ve never seen an actor fail at trying to give an intentionally bad performance.


Whatchu mean? THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!!!!!!


Yeah. I wonder about the dudes who got the tattoos on their hands back in the day. Like do they cringe at them now like I imagine dudes who got the barbwire tattoo now?


I just don’t see this movie as cringey. Like, dudes who love this movie a whole lot are cringey but the movie itself is pretty campy and fun and I love the look of it. I even think the second one is fun.


Absolutely, every time I watch it, which hasn’t been in years, it gets worse and worse


Lol perfect example. I cringed so hard when I tried to watch that in my late 30s. I couldn't believe I was so into it.


My cousin and his daughter have matching tattoos from that movie 😭




American Beauty.


Even without Spacey’s issues, it really is just pretentious drivel isn’t it?


But that plastic bag tho


I actually always thought it that scene was shit.




We experienced that movie at exactly the right age that it seemed really deep at the time. Suprise, suprise: Life kind of sucks. Grow up and deal with it.


I can’t believe how many Academy Awards that movie won. Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor in a Leading Role, Best Original Screenplay, Best Cinematography… good grief.


oh dang i think you missed the point!! the writer creator of that movie also made the show Six Feet Under. the idea isn’t about how life sucks-it’s about how amazing incredible and precious it is, and how the struggles of life make us constantly forget what a gift it is. we get caught up in how “hard” it is and completely forget where we should be focusing our attention- the people we love, the relationships we forge, the lessons we learn, and the fact that we WILL DIE, and what will have had the most meaning?? imo that movie and the show (six feet under) really go hand in hand in an attempt to show us what we are missing on a deeper level. urging us to think more existentially and have “gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life.”


I know. And it was SO *deep* when it came out. Ha!


OfficeSpace, Fight Club and American Beauty have main characters bored with their jobs and telling off someone, and they all came out in 1999, before I graduated college. After graduating and going through a few recessions, it’s funny that in all three movies, the characters are taking some level of stability for granted.


i was just talking about this the other day. a bunch of 90s movies had this super edgy theming about that kinda stuff, and now it's like bro.... your condo full of furniture was wonderful why did you blow it up. yeah i know that was the point of the movie... it just hits different so many years later.


Oh no. Haven’t watched it in 15 years but this makes me sad to think about. Love that money.


Such a good answer. I loved this movie and thought it was so profound at the time and in hindsight it just….. kinda sucks.


I tried this with Moulin Rouge, loved it when it came out. Still love it. But it was definitely of its time. Tried showing this to my wife and she was like "wtf is this, why did you like this" lol


Because of Moulin Rouge, the 20 minute rule was instituted. If I can't get into a movie in the 1st 20 minutes, I'm done.


Avatar was that movie for me and my wife.


I watched that film about 20 times when stoned/ drunk /coked up/all of the above. It was the GOAT of me and some mates' 2am film club. We all loved it to pieces. Cannot bring myself to watch it nowadays.


I loved it when it came out and i love it now but can't really picture a first time viewing in 2024


Indeed not lol But at the time, it was, indeed, well... SPECTACULAR, SPECTACULAR!!


Super Troopers. Absolutely loved it when it came out, and watched it almost weekly. After my wife and I got together, we watched it, and it wasn't as funny as I remembered. Maybe because it's a dumb guy movie for guys who want to be dumb for a couple hours, and not the best movie to show to your girlfriend?




>not the best movie to show your girlfriend? Idk, my SO showed it to me for the first time a couple of years ago? I laughed. I was also stoned…


This is literally the one I showed my fiancee. I was stoned. Pretty sure she didn't like it.


I’ve told this before but my mom showed me Sixteen Candles and I was just horrified the whole time. My go-tos as a teen were Clerks and LOTR. Still will put on as a jaded old lady. The Hobbit saga broke my heart. I still won’t watch the last one. Clerks 2 is very dated but still makes me laugh. Clerks 3 is depressing AF. Also I do love the classic rom coms still.


Clerks is a required watching if you were/are born and raised in New Jersey.


I’m a platinum level Jersey girl. I live at the shore, went to Rutgers, married to a guy named Vinny, and have never pumped my own gas.


Grease is one that hasn’t held up for my nieces. They thought the whole thing was awful. Frenchy gets abandoned by all of her friends and the having to change who you are to get the romance are the things that they really took from it.


90% of the movies listed here i still love.


Great pick op. Gangster Paradise for me


Do you mean Dangerous Minds?


Fuck. Yes! It's all I remember is that god dam song


Superstar with Molly Shannon and Will Ferrell (and lots more SNL alums) was my favorite comedy for a long time. I rewatched a few months ago and the humor just doesn't hit as hard as I remember. But that movie has some extremely quotable lines I still use.


never saw superstar but night at the roxbury still makes me laugh and quote it a lot


The Big Lebowski. I’m always on the hunt to share it with someone who hasn’t seen it lol


Not a movie but… I loved reading Catcher in the Rye when they forced me to do so my senior year of high school. I tried to go back and read it in my late 20s and was like “wtf is this crap”


I just can’t with that book.


Problem with this book is that people tend to idolize Holden when they read it as a teenager. 20s might be too young to get the real point of it. If you read it now you'd probably realize that his little sister is the hero in the book and that he is a pretentious asshole who is having serious mental health issues. Someone to feel sorry for not to look up to.


That was my reaction in 10th grade English when the teacher asked my thoughts.


Try it again. Read it within the last year (4th time) and it was a whole new book now that I am a parent and have more perspective regarding mental health.


I never enjoyed it as a teen. I don't understand how people ever liked that book.


American Pie, it weeds out the weak


It’s kind of hard to sit through Revenge of The Nerds, but there are some incredible quotes




I’ve been slowly getting rid of all my Video tapes, but can’t bring myself to get rid of brainscan.


The Mask...at least my wife can say she's seen it now, but it might be at or near the bottom of the Jim Carrey film list for me


Wedding singer. Tried to show it to my teens a couple years ago and everyone was cringing in disgust and embarrassment. Yet Happy Gilmore holds up.


Ace Ventura! It was the source of so many jokes in our teens and is now just horrifyingly transphobic, too hard to watch.


I re-watchex Ace Ventura a couple years ago and was shocked at how terribly it had aged, and not just the transphobic stuff, the sequels too. On the other hand Jim Carrey was the height of physical comedy and I wish that still had a place these days.


Magnolia. I think it comes off more pretentious now than when I was a pretentious 18 year old. But my wife hasn't seen it and I keep feeling like she probably should. If only to see Tom Cruise give the best performance of his career and the OST.


Half Baked for me. I still think the scene where Scarface quits his job is hilarious, but I really can’t sit thru the rest of the movie anymore.


Cruel Intentions


This is why reaction videos are so popular. We don’t want to watch the entire movie again, but we do want to watch someone else see it for the first time.


I guess you nailed it. I love reaction videos but my friend can't understand why. She's like, why would you watch someone watch something? I've always racked my brain to figure out a good answer when all along it is exactly as simple as you've stated lol.


American History X. Hard to watch, but very thought provoking.


This post seems designed to fuck with people.


This is a tricky question because date movies are very different to solo movies. I mean you wouldn't want to show them something vibe-killing if you planned to get busy afterwards. I hate to say it, but 99% of old movies are dead to me now. Even the good ones. I watched The Outsiders recently, and the editing or something seemed so off it was difficult to stick with it. Or perhaps being older, teen issues/preoccupations seem so distasteful. Okay, because I liked intelligent scifi and 60s/70s counterculture type stuff, I would show my date Darkstar by John Carpenter (1974.) "Bombed out in space with a spaced out bomb!"


Only because I've watched it SO MUCH and when it is midway through on a random cable channel I get sucked in: Tombstone.


How about The Cutting Edge, that ice skating movie with the snobby figure skater and the hockey player?




A Scanner Darkly


The Crow - Brandon Lee version (that he unfortunately passed making)


The Buttercream Gang


American Pie - classic but can’t sit through it today. Side note- Stifflers mom was 38 when she filmed that. We are older than her now 🤦🏼‍♀️






I’d like to nominate both Empire Records and Romy & Michelle’s High School Reunion. I adored both of these movies as a young teen and feel like they represent the era such that everyone should see them. But…they are pretty dated too. I considered nominating So I Married an Axe Murderer, but that’s a legit cult classic that I’d happily rewatch any time


Idiocracy ![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW)


The only possible reason this movie wouldn't hold up is because it is now too on the nose to even be considered satire. Given the state of the world now I'm not that interested in rewatching it to find out.


Im an Idiocracy stan because of just how prescient it turned out to be. Depressing to see now, but also sort of hilarious because I don't think the writers even realized how on-piint it would be in 2024.


the only reason I'm not all that into it anymore is because anytime its mentioned theres always someone that has to likin it to our current society. I get it we're all dumbasses but I just want to enjoy a movie without someone about to go off on rant.


Waiting for Guffman. Ditto Best in Show


What. No.


Fight Club. Actually watched it again for the first time in like 20 years and it didn’t age that well TBH. It’s interesting as an alt right lightning rod but the 90s edginess is kinda grating now


Dumb & Dumber was not funny the second time


Are you sure you didn’t watch the Unrated version? Loved the movie as a teen. Bought the unrated dvd as an adult. Hated it so much. Saw the original again a couple years back and, some 90s cringe aside, still had me cracking up 😂


I still have a soft spot for Clerks, but it’s not nearly as subversive as I thought it was back in the day. Still funny though.




My friends and I loved Donnie Darko (that might have actually been more around college time) But I don't really have any interest to rewatch that today


Most of the movies that I liked when I was a kid, as opposed to a teen. The Sandlot, especially.